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Book online «Princess Prince by Elizabeth A. Freeman (read book .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth A. Freeman

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cut apart the steak that was set before him. Vladimir grinned in response to Ambrosius' words, though his green eyes were still locked on the Princess.

"Princess, I was thinking that once we are wed I shall take you to see your new kingdom in Theron." Vladimir purred, one hand settling on Ophelia's thigh and squeezing. Ophelia felt his stomach churn violently and turned to look Vladimir in the eye, his smile more of a grimace as the Princess regarded his betrothed.

"Perhaps, though I would much prefer to remain here in Shioria. After all, this is my homeland." Ophelia's words were pleasant as he picked at what remained of his dinner.

"Well, if that is what my Queen to be wants then that is what she shall have." Vladimir responded with saccharine sweet words though Ophelia knew that they were nothing but insincere lies. The foreign king's smile turned to a smirk as his hand slid upwards slightly.

"Father... I think I need a bit of fresh air. May I be excused to take a walk in the garden?" Ophelia requested softly, using every ounce of will he had to keep from leaping from his chair to escape the foul man's roaming hand.

"Of course, dear." Ambrosius' eyes regarded Ophelia with sympathy, knowing that this was not the Princess' choice but that there was no way out of Vladimir's demands. Ophelia got to his feet, giving a polite curtsy to his father and then freezing as Vladimir rose from his chair.

"Would you mind if I join you, Princess?" Vladimir smirked down at Ophelia, offering his arm to the Princess. Ophelia held his ground, looking at the King's extended arm as though the man had just offered him a poisonous snake.

"That's quite all right, I just need to take a brief step outside. It really is not necessary for you to accompany me." Ophelia kept his arms at his sides, looking up into the green eyes of his betrothed challengingly.

"Oh but I must insist. Besides, it will be a chance for us to get to know each other a bit better before our marriage." Vladimir crooned, not so easily dissuaded by the Princess' dismissal. Ophelia was about to open his mouth in protest but a warning look from his father kept further arguments in check.

"Very well. Then you may join me." Ophelia's reply was clipped, refusing to take Vladimir's hand the Princess turned his back on him and strode briskly from the room. Vladimir gave a proper bow to the King and followed after the Princess with haste so that soon he was striding alongside the blond.

"I was wondering, Princess... What sort of things do you like?" Vladimir asked, reaching out and grasping Ophelia's arm despite the Princess' refusal to do so. Ophelia ground his teeth together at the wretched man's persistence.

"I enjoy the peace and quiet of sitting in the garden alone." Ophelia answered coldly, his lips forming a hard line. Crimson eyes were kept focused straight ahead so that at least he did not have to look at his repulsive suitor.

"Well, I have a very large garden in my own palace. You really should see it." Vladimir continued in a thick silky voice as he looked the Princess over. His initial desire to marry the Princess had been solely with the purpose of attaining dominance over Shioria, for he had no interest in women what so ever and instead kept a harem of young men at his disposal. However, when his informants found out that Ophelia was actually a male that sweetened the deal even more.

"Perhaps." Princess Ophelia responded flatly, his eyes half closing in annoyance. As they stepped into the garden Vladimir took the liberty of dragging them over to one of the marble benches and seating them there. Silence stretched between them for several minutes as Vladimir gazed at Ophelia and the Princess did his best not to look at the foreign king.

"Come now, you shouldn't be so cold with your husband to be. Look at me, Ophelia." Vladimir coaxed, his thick fingers squeezing the Princess' hand as he spoke. In a fury Ophelia turned and glared up at the tall king, wanting nothing more than to slap the smug grin right off of his thick face.

"Just so you know, I'm not marrying you by choice." Ophelia whispered, his voice edged with hatred for his betrothed. The grin on the man's ruddy lips grew broad at Ophelia's words as he looked down on the delicate Princess.

"Did you know your eyes are even more beautiful when your angry?" Vladimir purred and raised his other hand to the Princess' cheek, stroking the smooth skin. Ophelia jerked her head away at the touch.

"How rude..." Ophelia hissed, still glaring up at Vladimir. The king's eyes roamed lower over the young man's body and then back up to the face that regarded him with an indignant expression.

"When you look at me like that it makes me want you even more. Now, why don't we get to know each other a little better..." Vladimir's voice was a low whisper, his hands moving to grasp Ophelia's shoulders as he leaned over the slender male to attempt to kiss him. Ophelia's eyes widened in rage and he twisted his head to one side and tried to push the larger man off of him.

"Stop it, King Vladimir! Get off of me!" Ophelia protested, using every ounce of strength he had to try to shove Vladimir away. The king was stronger though and he held Ophelia in place, instead pressing his lips to Ophelia's throat since he would not relinquish his lips. Ophelia tensed as clammy lips roamed over his neck and a wet tongue left a slimy trail wherever it touched. Panic started to well up within the Princess and he began to beat against Vladimir's chest with greater urgency.

"Shhh... Quiet now, otherwise people might hear you.." Vladimir growled against Ophelia's neck and then bit down on the unblemished skin. Ophelia cried out in shock at the sudden pain and then shuddered as Vladimir sucked at the spot he had just bitten.

"I said no!" Ophelia yelped and twisted free from Vladimir's embrace, getting to his feet and taking several steps back. Vladimir only smirked at the challenge, rising in order to advance on the princess.

"It's very rude for a man to make such advances on his betrothed before their wedding night." Ophelia scolded, his heart throbbing against his ribcage like a trapped bird as he retreated from the taller man.

"Likewise it is just as impolite for a princess not to satisfy her husband." Vladimir returned the remark swiftly and then took several quick strides in order to catch Ophelia in his muscular arms once more.

"Let me go!" Ophelia yelled and beat his fists against Vladimir's chest again, earning a derisive laugh from the foreign king.

"You can't fight me." Vladimir chuckled and leaned down again in an attempt to capture Ophelia's mouth. The princess turned his head away and continued to struggle in the steel vice of Vladimir's grip, desperate for an escape. Though it was fun to toy with his bride to be, Vladimir was growing tired of Ophelia's futile struggling and brought one knee up hard between Ophelia's legs. Pain like none he'd ever felt before seared up Ophelia's spine and he crumpled to the ground, gasping for breath as his vision blurred. Vladimir fell upon the collapsed figure like a ravening wolf, pinning Ophelia to the ground with his body and grasping the Princess' jaw to force Ophelia to kiss him. Through the haze of agony Ophelia felt the weight of Vladimir's body forcing his own against the ground and then a mouth covering his own. His screams of protest were silenced by the other man's mouth as Vladimir's tongue was forced past delicate lips to roughly violate the Princess' mouth. Ophelia continued to struggle despite the hopelessness of his situation, unwilling to give into the King's savage brutality. Finally after several sickening minutes Vladimir broke the unwanted kiss and smirked down at Ophelia.

"Oh yes.. I'll have fun breaking you." He growled, biting Ophelia's lower lip and earning a soft shriek of protest.

"You'll do nothing of the sort! Now get off of me before I have the guards come and take you away for defiling me!" Ophelia threatened, his chin quivering in fear even as he did his best to face the larger man with bravery.

"The guards will do nothing of the sort, the King has assured me of that. Because I know your secret.." Vladimir smirked triumphantly and lowered one hand to hike up Ophelia's skirts and adeptly grasp the Princess' genitals. Ophelia froze in shock and horror as Vladimir's thick fingers squeezed his manhood hard enough to cause pain, tears welling at the edges of his crimson eyes.

"You see? I know what you really are. To hide that secret your dearest daddy has basically given me the free reign to do whatever I want." Vladimir chuckled darkly as he continued to grope Ophelia, and as the Princess opened his mouth to scream the King forcibly kissed him once more. Ophelia shook from the fear and shame, his body slumping in defeat at the realization that no one would save him from this man.

"Of course, I wouldn't want to spoil our wedding night so we'll leave it there for now. Oh, and don't even think it will help if you tell anyone about this. I have your father in my palm and if he does anything to stop me I'll reveal your secret to the public and you both will be killed." Vladimir finally spoke and then pulled himself to his feet and smirking down at Ophelia where the young man lay. In response to the words Ophelia curled into a ball, clutching his knees to his chest and sobbing as he gazed fearfully up at the red headed king.

"Good, then we have an understanding. By your leave, dear Princess." Vladimir smiled and bowed before turning to stride out of the garden. The princess watched until Vladimir had departed from the garden and then pulled himself to his feet shakily, the pain from the strike to his genitals leaving him weak and barely able to stand. It felt like an eternity before he reached the safety of his chamber, collapsing once he had closed the door behind him and beginning to sob harder. Immediately nanny Abigail was at his side, kneeling down and gathering the Princess into her arms.

"Ophelia, what's wrong darling? Please, tell nanny.." Abigail's eyes filling with maternal fury as she clutched the crying Princess to her and attempted to
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