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Book online «This Is My Kingdom Come by Megan Rees (best novels for beginners .txt) 📖». Author Megan Rees

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back down and disappearing out.




“Woah there, boy. We’re here now.”


As Oscar dismounted his dark brown horse in the pouring rain, Matilda stood at the café doorway with a lamp in her ancient hand. “What brings you here?” she yelled over the rain.


“Rosalind has given birth to a son!” Oscar shouted back.


Matilda look horrified. “Come in, my Prince! I see there is a tale behind this!”


Oscar gladly accepted the generous offer and stepped inside, slipping his coat off and allowing the elderly lady to hang it up. “I’ll get one of the girls to make you a coffee.”


“Thank you very much, Matilda,” Oscar responded. “I am very grateful for your generosity at this hour.”


“Nonsense child. It’s only just six in the evening.” Matilda assured him.


As the brown haired boy took a seat, he heard steady footsteps on the top of the staircase. “Who’s here, Matilda?”


“Who do you think it is, Evie?” Matilda sighed. “Come and look for yourself.”


A bright face appeared on the turn of the stairs seconds later. “Hey Oscar! What brings you here?”


“It’s not good news, child,” the elderly woman grumbled. “Rosalind did give birth while you were both out hunting. The child is a son.”


Evelyn’s blue eyes became deep pools of terror as she swallowed. “Has Stefan made a decision yet?”


“He’s going to hold a feast tonight and announce it then,” Oscar informed her. “He was hoping you’d help prepare some food, Matilda.”


“Course I can,” Matilda replied. “Are we invited formerly as guests, my Prince?”


Oscar nodded. “The entire of the High Kingdom is invited – that does apply to you too.”


“But what if Stefan decides to let his son take the crown?” Evelyn asked, her voice wavering. “We’ll have to watch him sentence you to death, Oscar!”


“Stefan is a fair man. He knows what the people want and the royal traditions. I’m supposed to take the throne on Valentine’s Day because that’s when I turn seventeen.” Oscar pointed out.


“You take it back to it’s rightful family then,” Matilda added. “Your mother’s ancestors have ruled over the High Kingdom for generations. Stefan may be Anna’s brother, but he was the youngest and last to be married. Anna married Jacob when she was eighteen.”


The brown haired boy frowned. “So technically I can’t take the throne unless I find a Queen?”


“That tradition has only applied to Princesses. You can go straight ahead when you turn seventeen, but I think you’ll be more respected if you had a wife which would maybe serve as a role model to younger female Purebloods.” Matilda explained, beckoning a young woman over who handed Oscar a cup of strong-smelling black coffee. The waitress winked at him cheekily as she went off, which Matilda scowled at. “You watch it, Natalie. This is your future King you’re trying to flirt with, not some commoner from down the road.”


Evelyn’s cheeks gained a bit of colour and she ducked her head in an attempt to hide a shy smile on her face. Oscar knew well that she was admired by Edward Pullet – one of the stablehands at the palace who was a relatively friendly young man. He knew he and Evelyn got along well and he presumed she was going to marry him soon, which was why the Prince was confused to why his best friend was so embarrassed.


Shrugging it off, Oscar sipped his coffee and just thought of the feast.

Chapter 4 - The Feast

“Welcome to the palace, where today we are celebrating the birth of Prince Louis Herring!”


Oscar watched as a small family came down the stairs into the great hall dressed in their finest clothes. The Prince himself hadn’t tried too hard – he just wore a white shirt and black trousers. This place was his home and he didn’t feel that he had to dress up especially for such an occasion.


One of the children from the family ran up to Oscar, his pale blue eyes bright. “You’re gonna be an awesome King, your Majesty!”


The Prince chuckled, crouching down to be at the young boy’s height. “Why thank you very much.”


“I’ll be a better King!” the child’s little sister insisted. She didn’t look much more than about four.


The boy spluttered with laughter. “You can’t be a King Lucelle; you’re a girl!”


“It sounds better than King Callum!” the girl retorted fiercely.


“Maybe little Louis will take you on as Queen,” Oscar assured her kindly. “Now, have you seen a ginger haired girl with blue eyes who’s roughly my age but a bit shorter?”


“You mean Evelyn Birch?” Lucelle questioned. “The nice lady from the café?”


“Yes. Have you seen her?” Oscar went on.


Callum vaguely pointed in the direction of the kitchens. “I saw her down there with the scary old lady!”


“That’s her grandmother,” Oscar pointed out in amusement. “Anyway, thanks for your help. If you come and find me later, I’ll give you both a giant slice of cake.”


The two siblings squealed gleefully and skipped off, making the Prince smile warmly at them both. It’s great to see youngsters like them filled with such energy.


“You’re looking happy despite the fact your future is looking pretty bleak.”


Oscar turned his head to see a rather lanky man in his late thirties with very little hair and a light brown glare. The Prince recognised the man as Thomas Jordan – the commander of the army in the High Kingdom. He was Stefan’s right-hand man and his closest ally: this man could order Oscar’s execution if Louis was chosen as the next heir.


“Commander Jordan,” Oscar addressed him with a slither of remorse in his voice. “What an unexpected surprise. I thought you were training up your troops this evening.”


“I simply can’t miss a feast to celebrate this new heir.” Thomas exclaimed, emphasising on the word ‘heir’.


“Of course, but I know how devoted you are to building up the army. We can’t afford any threats now, can we?” Oscar responded airily.


Thomas sniffed. “It seems all quiet on the front. My second-in-command is watching over the posts tonight along with a few other soldiers. I will be informed if something starts up.”


The brown haired teenager was about to reply when a group of café workers came up from the kitchens with bright smiles on their faces. Oscar scanned the crowd for Evelyn, but the ginger haired girl was no where in sight. Matilda said she’d be here. Where is she?


“Looking for Matilda’s granddaughter, are you?” Thomas chuckled in mild amusement. “I’d expect her to be fawning around Edward. He’s taken quite a shine to her, young Herring. I can’t see your friendship being so close for much longer.”


“Address me by my name or my title rather than my last name. If you want to be treated by me respectfully, show me the same amount you would like to receive,” Oscar spat. “You of all people should know simple manners, Commander. And for the record, you shouldn’t be nosing into my affairs – I will respect Evelyn’s choices no matter what they may be.”


“Oh, but you won’t,” the skinny man went on with a sneer. “You’re a Prince, Oscar. You shouldn’t be out of the running now, should you? You should be top of any girl’s dream list.”


“Remember that I’m your future King.” Oscar snapped back, stalking off fiercely.


When he eventually became King, he’d definitely get a new commander.


Before he could go over to talk to one of the young soldiers, he eyed Evelyn coming down the magnificent golden staircase. He nearly let out a gasp as he stared at his best friend.


She looked stunning.


Rather than having her curly ginger hair loose over her shoulders, she had it up high in a bun with a white flower keeping it up. Her bright blue eyes were sharper thanks to thick black eyeliner and mascara which exposed her long eyelashes. Although some called it a dangerous colour to wear, Evelyn wore a long sleeveless white dress with matching gloves that came just over her bony elbows. She also had a silver necklace around her neck with a silver ring attached to the end – a good luck charm given to her by her mother on her deathbed. Her usual clothes and soapy skin were no where to be seen for the first time in ages.


Some of the young men whistled cheekily at her, but the café worker just ignored them and crossed the hall over to Oscar with a bright smile on her face. “Hello.”


“Hello indeed; you look amazing!” Oscar exclaimed.


Evelyn blushed slightly. “Thanks. I made the dress myself with some help from Matilda and a couple of the other employees.”


“It looks lovely on you,” the Prince remarked kindly. “Anyway, would you-”


The honey brown haired boy was cut off when King Stefan appeared at his throne at the head of the great table, his golden crown resting on the top of his blonde curls. “I have important news to share with you all. Come and sit, should you wish to hear.”


As the Prince, Oscar had a fancy seat in the middle on the left side of the table. He usually sat with Evelyn and one of the soldiers, but today it was Rosalind who sat with her nephew as well as Evelyn. She wore a pastel pink dress and little Louis was asleep in her arms, his tiny body wrapped up like a present in satin. Only his pale face poked out.


Once everyone had assembled, Stefan sat down himself. “As you may know, young Oscar Herring here is the next heir to the High Kingdom throne. Today’s arrival of Louis has threatened this, but after much discussion we have come to a decision on the fate of the crown.”


Oscar felt Evelyn’s gloved hand grasp his tightly under the table, her head raised to the ceiling. She looked as if she was muttering a prayer of some sort, which confused him slightly. Nice to know she has so much faith in me. I just know that Stefan will be fair about this and allow me the crown. The Kingdom will frown upon it otherwise.


“With the support of my friends and advisors, we have decided that it will not be Oscar that will take the crown when he turns seventeen. Louis is the rightful heir as he is my son, so the execution of Oscar Jamie Herring will take place within seven days.” Stefan announced, a devilish smile playing on his cruel face.

Chapter 5 - Gifts

Luna gave Cody a final hug. “Goodnight, Cody. Sleep well.”


“Bye Luna!” Cody replied, heading off into his new cabin after one of the older boys.

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