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Book online «Breakers by Breanna Danielle Gillard (ebook reader wifi txt) 📖». Author Breanna Danielle Gillard

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His hair is black and it’s in long big curls. He keeps it in a ponytail. They look a lot alike other than the hair and the height. Their personalities couldn’t be more different. It’s like Yin and Yang. Kris is quiet, keeps to himself, level-headed, and pretty nice. Maddy is loud, always in your way, annoying, and a total brat. She just makes me wanna… UGH!
“Ow! You bitch!” Zane yelled rubbing his head.
Oh shit, it’s Uncle. Darn-it. I swore.
“Old Man! I mean Will! I mean Uncle! She-“ Zane stumbled.
“I don’t care! I don’t wanna hear it! Training hall! First thing in the morning! Before the sun even rises! I want you running! 20 laps!” Uncle shouted coming into our bedroom.
“But!” Zane started.
“No buts! I don’t care what she did! You never call a lady that! Ever! In fact you don’t use such language in the presence of ladies in the first place! 5 more for even saying it!” Uncle interjected.
Zane shut his mouth. “Yes sir.”
Maddy smiled.
William isn’t actually our uncle. He’s our teacher in every sense of the word. He’s a Vampire rebel. He and his wife were the ones who started the Breakers Project. She died in an invasion years ago, along with Isaac’s parents, and Group 1. He’s 92 in Vampire years, but he was changed by his wife when he was 20. He was a folk lore professor before he was changed
. He has the look of an adult Peter Pan to me: short blond curls, bright lively green eyes, comical smile. He and Isaac take care of us. He takes care of the Family. (that’s our parents)
Wait, I haven’t described myself yet, have I? Well, my mom is a Vampire. My dad is a Human. I have long wavy blond hair that comes to my shoulders; I push it out of my face a lot. I have dark stormy blue eyes, and I’m shorter than Zane but with more muscle tone. (Ok, there I go being arrogant again. I apologize.)
“When are we leaving Will?” Zach asked with Stelle still in his lap. Zach had stopped calling William Uncle a long time ago. They had this understood respect between them. Something about responsibility.
“Right after y’all feed.” Uncle replied.
“Your grammar is atrocious.” Maddy said sitting up with a sigh.
She always gets like this before a feeding. She won’t say anything, but it scares her. I know because I feel the fear coming from her at this very moment. Her heart almost shot out of her chest when Uncle said feed.
“My apologies, Miss Madeline.” Uncle said with a smile.
“Whatever.” Maddy said as she rolled her eyes. “Let’s get it over with.”
Zane snickered. “Don’t act like you don’t enjoy it.”
“Don’t be crude Zane.” Pan said putting his hand on Maddy’s shoulder. For some reason, Pan and Madeline just sorta clicked. They were very close and very protective of each other.
“Zane make that 10 more laps.” Uncle said leaving the room. I had a feeling Uncle Will knew about Maddy’s fears, too.
“Damn-it.” Zane muttered.
“15 more!” Uncle yelled from the hallway.
“Ugh!!!” Zane said as he walked towards Madeline.
Just as he got close, Kris jumped from his bunk. “You better not hurt my sister.” He said grabbing Zane’s arms.
Zane jerked away.
Nevaeh spoke up, “Ok everyone chill. It’s too tense in here. Calm down. Take deep breaths.” Miss Walking Contradiction.
“Yeah,” I said backing her up. “Let’s hurry up. People are dying waiting for us right now.”
That got everyone in gear. No matter how much we fought, we knew our duty. To protect the innocent, to restore the world, to end the war.
I’m not sure how to describe feeding to you. It’s…. a rush, especially since we all started feeding at once. I’m always on her neck, Isaac and I. Zane is on her right wrist. Zach is on her left. We all try to bite at the same time and take it slow. I don’t know how to put it so…. I’ll write it like a poem.

I change my features, my fangs come out.
I bend down, and they sink it.
I close my eyes, and hear her moan.
I feel the heat, the blood, and drink.
My energy rises, I feel so alive.
I feel her feel me, and she tries to hide.
It gets harder to stop, and she tries harder to resist.
The feeling intensifies, and I want more.
She gives in, and her moans become screams.
She starts to fade, I don’t want to stop.
I feel I can’t, and I feel her again.
She’s in pain, she feels me.
I stop, and draw back.
I look at her, she is passed out.
I feel corrupt.
I feel her again, she feels content.
I feel content, and it’s over.

That’s it. I looked at Madeline. She was laying sound asleep on her bed. I looked up and around. Zane was wiping his mouth, Zach was standing up, and Isaac was already gone. Kris was also asleep. Zach picked up Madeline.
“Let’s get to the car.” He said walking out of the room carrying her.
Estelle and Aza followed. Nevaeh went over to Kris and helped him up.
“Come on, bro.” She said quietly.
I got on his other side, “I’ll help.”
Zane walked past us without a word.

The beginning of the car ride was pretty quiet. Everyone was just silently thinking to themselves. I began searching everyone’s emotions. Zane was feeling anxious. Zach was feeling determined. Maddy was sad. Pan was concerned. Nevaeh was, of course, hungry. Only she would think of eating on the way to a battle… I got to Aza’s and paused. She was feeling deep pain.
I sighed, Zane of course.
I crawled in the back seat next to her, “Hey, Az.” I said with a smile.
“Oh hi, Drew.” She said half-heartedly.
“What’s up?” I asked sympathetically.
She paused for a moment before answering. I admired her beautiful facial features. She was truly perfect…
“Is there something wrong with me?” She mumbled looking down.
I was shocked. I stared at her for a moment.
“Well is there?” She asked again finally looking at me.
“What?!?!?!? No! Of course not! You’re perfect Az!” I replied still in disbelief that she would even ask that.
She paused again, “… Then why doesn’t he love me?”
“Cause he’s an idiot.” I said plainly.
“I dunno… I knew from the start we were just screwing around, but now… I love him.” She whispered with a tear running down her cheek.
I stared at the back of Zane’s head for a moment. I wanted him to feel the pain she was feeling. I wanted him to hurt, for hurting her.
I jerked myself back. I could feel my Gift leaking out; I had to stop it. I took some deep breaths trying to hold it in. I panicked for a moment. Zane’s emotions wavered and he looked at me. I stared at him coldly. He turned away.
“Stop fucking with my head, pretty boy.” He said after he was looking forward.
Aza looked at me.
I shook my head.
She pulled away. She’d felt my emotions through the bond. I sighed before looking at her. She was staring into space, no doubt reading my mind.
“I hate it when you do that.” I mumbled as I blocked her out.
She smiled and laughed. “Whatever! Let’s be happy!”
I looked at her for a moment before smiling with her. “Yeah! We’re about to kick Vampire ass! Death to the “President”!”, I yelled putting my fist in the air.
Pan sighed loudly, “Andrew dear, we simply must work on that social awkwardness of yours.”
Everyone erupted in laughter, and I smiled. I had done my job. The tension was broken. Family ok.  


Chapter 2
Have you ever loved someone so desperately and hopelessly that just thinking of a single moment without them seems like complete torcher? Ever felt like a part of your soul is sitting right beside you. Been so hopelessly obsessed without someone that when you close your eyes they’re all you see. They’re all you’ll ever see?
Then had to pretend you didn’t give a damn, because they don’t? Welcome to my life. I’d say it wasn’t fair, but I did it to myself. I have no one to blame.
Haha love is a bitch with the cruelest sense of humor. She throws you a guy that you KNOW is completely in love with you and would do just about anything to make you smile, and then dangles a hot bad boy right in your face. And all you can think is: that bitch.
Hi, I’m Aza, Aza Dembe, nice to meet you. Yeah, I know I have a really weird name. My dad liked Ava; mom liked Zamaria, Aza. Dembe is my grandmother’s name, or so I’m told. I don’t know her. She died a long time ago. Anyway, Dembe means . My mom thought it was pretty.
By the way, I’m half Vampire/ half human. Just thought I’d throw that out there and let you know.
Speaking of, we’re on our way to a Blood Farm right now. Gonna bust it up, free some humans, the usual.  I’m a Breaker. The eldest girl actually. Zach is the eldest guy.  Then there’s Estelle, then Zane, then Drew, then Pan, and Nevaeh. Isaac is the eldest Breaker but not in our Clan.  Kris is our eldest feeder by like 2 seconds, then Maddy (a.k.a. The Skitch).
So, anyway, we’re supposed to be Group 2, but I don’t like the term “Group”. So we’re the Lovelock Clan. (In my mind ) I call us the Lovelock Clan because of our Bond. I assume you know what a Bond is. We’ve been together since we were born. We know everything about each other, more than we’d like most of the time. Zach, Stelle, and me were separated from the rest of the Clan for 3 days when we were 6; so, our bond is a little stronger, ever so slightly.
I remember how it felt when we were separated from them. It was torcher, like a part of my being was missing, like my soul was missing half of itself. I felt naked, alone, vulnerable, trapped. It was so scary. When we’re away from each other it takes something from us. That’s why, even though it’s dangerous and crazy, we take Kris and Skitch with us everywhere. We’re Bonded with them also, because we’ve had a firsthand taste of their blood. It’s weird I know, but hey, it’s life. Plus, we never feel truly alone. We’ve always got someone. We feel each other yu know? We know when something is wrong.
That really helps when we battle.  The slightest notion of fear or distress, and we’re on it. WE HAVE TO BE. We don’t have a choice. It’s a part of the Bond. We HAVE to respond. I mean, I don’t even THINK. I completely

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