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Book online Ā«Vampire's Love by hima (books to get back into reading .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author hima

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waist saying, ā€œGood for meā€¦ā€

ā€œDonā€™t touch meā€¦ā€I slapped him. He made a funny face, I chuckled.

ā€œIt would be a nice alibi for me to stalk youā€¦ā€ he added. My friends are not going to believe this, especially Janet.

Janet saw us approaching and looked quizzically at us.
ā€œWhere were you, you left school without a word?ā€ I cut her off before she went on ranting.

ā€œI had to go somewhere importantā€¦ā€ My curt reply must have invoked more questions but strangely she kept quiet. I introduced Janet to Evanā€¦ Evan grabbed the next chair beside us.

I was thankful to Mr. White for entering the class at the right time, Janet didnā€™t get a chance to start on me but Iā€™m sure she would have all the lunch hour to pry more information from me. What am I going to say?

ā€œYou seem so thoughtful?ā€Evan asked by the end of third hour. I shrugged.

Iā€™m so worried about lunch, I had to face so many questions that I could never answer. ā€œIs everything okay?ā€ Janet asked noticing my awful face. I nodded.

I know she is waiting for my answer but I was dead quiet. Finally, she did ask the same question.

ā€œI was out with Evanā€¦ā€I lied but it had part truth in it.

ā€œYou barely met himā€¦ā€ I shrugged. I couldnā€™t meet her gaze, she would surely find out that I was holding something if she saw my eyes, She always said that my eyes always give me away.

She sighed and munched on her lunchā€¦ I couldnā€™t feel tears welling up; I never lied to her. Taylor made screeching noise as he rested his chair beside mine. I felt his boring eyes on me. How much I wanted to cry and tell them everything but that will lead them into trouble and I canā€™t do that to them.

ā€œSelenaā€¦Can I have a word with you?ā€ Evanā€™s voice sounded closer to me. He was standing by our group, Taylor glared at him.

I gathered my jacked and made an apology to my friends and quickly scurried after him.
ā€œWhat is it?ā€ I asked.

ā€œNothingā€¦ā€ he shrugged. He must have guessed what situation I was in so he came to rescue me but if it wasnā€™t for him, I wouldnā€™t be in this situation at all.

I headed to our next class as he trailed after meā€¦ ā€œDonā€™t you want to go hunting?ā€ I asked as he sat there staring at me awkwardly.

ā€œIā€™m not going to make that mistake againā€¦ā€He doesnā€™t have to fear, none would be dumb enough to follow him like me.

ā€œWhy did you come really?ā€I asked after a while.

<Evanā€™s pov>
I have learned from the townies that Selena has a stubborn heart and she doesnā€™t care for anyone. I know these are web of lies that surrounded her, deep down her there is a gentle girl trapped in. I doubt that there is something about her past that made her what she is nowā€¦

I could see her tears welling up as she tried hard to lie to her friend, I know she in a weak moment and that Taylor guy worries her, Morning when I pulled her close, her eyes darted to Taylor, she felt his pain. Though she wouldnā€™t admit, I know she cares for them deeply.

I couldnā€™t watch and enjoy when she is hurting. I walked over to their small group, they had no idea that I was there until I spoke.

ā€œSelenaā€¦Can I have a word with youā€¦ā€Her eyes met mine and they were brimming with tearsā€¦She quickly made an apology and scurried along with me.

ā€œWhat is it?ā€ her voice was croaked.

ā€œNothingā€¦ā€I shrugged.

ā€œDonā€™t you want to go hunting?ā€ She asked after a while, her voice was composed now, I donā€™t know how she does that, it amazes me really. She gains composure so easily.

ā€œIā€™m not going to make that mistake againā€¦ā€ even if I did, Iā€™m not sure whether Iā€™ll have the same luck as I did with her. Selenaā€¦ took it really well and Iā€™m damn sure that she would keep my secret but if someone else was in her place, Iā€™ll be left with no choice but to kill her which I definitely couldnā€™t do.

ā€œWhy did you come really?ā€ she tried to make a conversation for which I was thankful, I didnā€™t like her when she was gloomy.

ā€œFamily businessā€¦ā€ I replied curtly.

She frowned but let it that wayā€¦ ā€œDid you ever lie to a friend?ā€ she asked.

ā€œI donā€™t remember being a human so I donā€™t remember any human emotionsā€¦ but Iā€™m pretty sure that it hurts you like hell to lie to herā€¦ā€

She nodded. ā€œYou did the right thing. There are some things that better be not known.ā€ I added.

ā€œI wish I never saw youā€¦ā€she mumbled.

Something pricked my heart when she said thatā€¦ I shrugged off the feeling, what do I care about what she thought, Iā€™m here to get my brother out and Iā€™m going to do that at any cost.

I dropped her home and waited by the tree to see her climbing up into the bedā€¦ She walked to the window and checked her surroundings; I know that she is searching for me. She crawled into her bed shaking her head. She left the window open not that a window would stop me from going in, but her opening the window meant something to me.

I waited until she was deep in sleep and crawled into her room. The cold wind caresses her cheeks and her soft, velvet hair fell in a mess over the pillow, she tossed to the side, I had the strange urge to touch her, I gently fingered her smooth skin, it felt like bliss, her warmth spread into my whole system. She stirred in her sleep mumbling ā€˜Jasonā€™

She clutched my hand in hers and placed it under his cheeks as a cushion, my whole system burned into fireā€¦ I felt as light as a feather, every regret, guilt, hatred washed away, the world seemed so bright and colorful, even the night sky held no gloom, My love, hatred, sorrow, anguish everything became centered on her. I was blind to everything around me, itā€™s only herā€¦

I realized what just happened, I wiggled my hands away from her and ran into darkness after 400 years of soul searching, I finally mated with the one girl that I thought I never would. Itā€™s making everything complicated. I punched in frustration at everything that was on my way.

<Janetā€™s POV>
I watched Selena as she held her down, Iā€™m certain that she is lying and from the corner of my eyes moisty, She is crying that means she is hurt about something and what would it be?

ā€œSelena, can I have a word with youā€¦ā€ I noticed that something flicker in his eyes as he sent Selena a silent message, she scurried after him murmuring apologies to us in a croaked voice. Whatā€™s going on? Who is he and how dare he budge into our group? Does he have something to do with Lenaā€™s odd behavior? Is he hurting her? I felt like kicking the hell out of him in front of everyone.

My phone rang stopping me from going after himā€¦ I grabbed my jacket and made a mad dash into the corridors, ignoring the yells from my friends. My heart was pounding hard in my chest, whatā€™s going on? Is he okay? Did he hit someone again? I should have locked him in instead of letting him out, to get drunk and hit random people. AS if mom passing away last year wasnā€™t enough, I should know take care of my drunken father. When will he realize that mom is not going to come back?

I pulled into the drive way hoping that everything is going to be okayā€¦I didnā€™t see people swarming around my house or chiefā€™s car, everything was calm which unnerved me even more. There was a black SUV standing outside in our lawn. I could hear voices from inside, they werenā€™t shouting like I imagined, they were talking.

ā€œJaneā€¦ā€ That was my dad, his voice was steady and sober, and he is not drunk that relaxed me a bit. He was even tidy, his usual ruffled hair was neatly combed and his face had no trace of dirt, he wore clean clothes. His silver blue eyes glinted with happinessā€¦

An extremely polished gentleman stood up, everything about him screamed money and then he held his hands towards a blonde head who wore her hair in bunā€¦ She looked exquisite.

ā€œHelloā€¦dear.ā€ Her voice was as sweet as honey. She is familiar but where did I see her? I racked my brain to find any connection between her and my memories. An image flickered in my mind, her rich presence in our old and weathered living room long ago, she is momā€™s friend. What was her name?

ā€œDo you remember me darling, Aunt Eva?ā€ She flashed a smile, yes, Eva. I remember herā€¦ with that realization truth hit me, time has come for me to part my family, tears welled up in my eyes but I blinked them back.

Years agoā€¦ when I was four, Mom as seriously ill when we didnā€™t have a penny for her medication. Eva stepped in to help save mom, Last year mom told me the agreement she made with Eva for helping her. I was furious when mom said what the agreement was but I couldnā€™t blame her for what she did. I would do the same if I was herā€¦

ā€œIs it time?ā€ I asked. She smiled gently. I didnā€™t say one more word, I marched into my room and gathered all my stuff, I slumped into my bed, I didnā€™t expect it to happen this soon, What if I say I donā€™t want to go? It would mean that Iā€™m breaking a promise that mom made but mom isnā€™t hereā€¦ I was still confused of what do, I clutched my head in frustration.

I didnā€™t notice Eva until she walked into my room and cleared her throat, my eyes were brimmed with tears, and she sat beside me gently squeezing my handsā€¦

ā€œCan I ask you a favor?ā€ I asked tentatively. She nodded.

ā€œI want to finish my schooling here and I promise that Iā€™ll do whatever you asked me to do after thatā€¦ā€ I know that is a big promise, but I donā€™t want to ruin my career.

ā€œI think youā€™ll understandā€¦ā€She cut me off. ā€œ In fact, I was going to say the same thing, we are going to stay here for a while, and we wanted to make sure that you get comfortable with usā€¦ā€

ā€œI see youā€™re packed, letā€™s make a move thenā€¦ā€she said. I carried the packed briefcase downstairs taking my time to look at everything; this place holds many memories of my mother.

Eva introduced her husband Tom to meā€¦ We drove past Selenaā€™s home, I thought of asking for a quick stop there but I was in no mood to talk to her after she was obviously keeping secrets from meā€¦

ā€œWhatā€¦? You brought this place?ā€ I asked as I stared at the haunted house-2 of our small town, this sits right in front of the creepy Lockhart mansion, not that this one is any less creepy, these two houses were marked as northern boundaries for our small town.

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