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Book online «Moon by Matthew R. Davis (ebook offline .TXT) 📖». Author Matthew R. Davis

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here with you until morning but if your not able to at least walk by then, you own your own.”
“You, wouldn’t happen to have any food would you?” he asked the mysterious woman. She smiled at him and said “You will have to wait until morning. I don’t have the strength myself to summon enough energy to force a plant to bear fruit of any kind. Healing you was harder than you could ever imagine. Now, sleep. We will get something in the morning.”
“Whats your name?”

Pen’s soul slipped from its body and began to float away from the shredded remains of it. He looked down to see Mathias turn and walk away from him. Horror gripped Pen. He was dead. He had lost to Mathias in their battle. A voice filled his head. “Do not quit. You are not meant to die here. You are destined to do greatness. You will be the peoples liberator. Save us from to torrent that the dark lord has embellished us with. Fight, Pen. You must fight to survive.” The voice was hard and unforgiving. It was obviously coming from a being much stronger than himself. He wielded his soul downward towards his body. But the pull of death was overwhelming. “I can’t! I need help!” Pen yelled out.
“I can offer you little aid Pen. All i can do is heal your body once you return to it.” Pen grabbed at his body with his mind. He pulled as hard as his soul would allow.It wasn’t easy but he managed to reenter it. “Hurry! Heal me!” With That a force rushed over Pen, sealing all his open wounds and refilling his body with blood and strength. He had a second chance to kill Methais.

When morning finally came Pen had his strength back and was able to walk as if nothing had every happened. “Do you use magic?” Elva asked him. He shook his head and knelt down beside her. “Magic is a dark art, and i’ll have nothing to do with it.” he said. She looked at him. “It’s only dark if you use it in a dark manor. I could teach you. Its easy enough and could save your life some day.” He didn’t respond then Elva cupped her hands around a plant and said “Greath.” As if commanded, the plant sprang up and grew into a small tree. On the tree, apples blossomed and grew. Then once they were full size they fell off onto the ground.
Amazed, Pen walked over to the tree and felt it, as if it were possibly fake. “How did you do that?” he asked Elva. “Like i said. Magic is only dark if you use it in a dark manor. It can also give life. It doesn’t have to take it away...Would you like to try Pen?” A smile swept across his face as he nodded. He knelt next to her again and she told him to cup his hands around the plant. “Great, now say Greath.” He did as instructed, but the plant laid motionless. “Oh, i forgot to explain something. You need to find a host. Or you can use your own strength to cast a spell. But if you choose to do a spell with you own strength, you’d better know what your doing. If it sucks to much strength, your heart will stop and you will die.”
“How do i pick a host?” Pen asked
“Try to feel all the plants around you. Expand your mind so that you can feel their consciousness. “
Again Pen did as instructed and surprisingly found it to be easy. He felt Insects, plants and animals. Everything down to the tiniest molecules. It amazed him at how much life their clearing contained. He found a small burrow where a family of rabbits lived. He found a colony of ants living in one of the many scorched trees. He found a den that a snake had dug for itself and even a nest of birds just outside the clearing. He could hear their thoughts. The oldest rabbit in the burrow was wondering how he was going to get the female to mate with him. And the snake was becoming impatient, waiting for a rabbit to come out of the burrow. A spider on the tree behind him was terrified at the sight of the massive beings in strange colored skin. The level of information he could obtain from the tree consciousness was immense. They were old and very wise. He found how ever that their minds moved much slower than that of the others. Then he came across a bird with a broken wing that wanted nothing more than death. “What happens to the host?” He asked Elva suddenly. “Well...depending on how massive the spell is, it could drain their life and kill them. That why you always want to go for either something that has no chance of living or something with unlimited energy.”
“What has unlimited energy?”
“Well, for one running rivers are an endless energy supply. Fires also have a large amount of energy. But the best of all the wind. It is un-living and has no consciousness. But it produces energy. However. it is unpredictable and can sever the flow of magic before your spell is completed. You may also store energy in gems, swords, and just about anything you carry with you. So if you ever find something laying around, check for energy within it.”
That solved his problem of selecting a host. He sought out the crippled bird and without hesitation said “Greath” The plant began to grow slowly. Pen felt the the birds consciousness fading until there was nothing left. The growing tree in front of him continued to sprout for a few more seconds until halting. It was half the size of Elva’s and didn’t look as green, but Pen was proud that he managed to grow it as easy as he did. “Your a natural!” Elva stated. Now let us grab some apples from my tree. Not to offend you, but yours looks rather sickly. But it’s much better than my first one.” She laughed.
Pen sank his teeth into the apple and realized that his last meal had been two days ago. Hung exploded from his stomach at the sudden realization. Elva giggled and said “You must be hungry!” Pen didn’t answer, instead he nodded and threw his fourth apple core into the woods. They ate in silence. Pen was scanning the areas around them for consciousness. He enjoyed listening to other creatures thoughts. Then he accidentally pushed his way into Elva’s mind. It was much different from the other ones. It was warm, and familiar. He felt a tingle run down his spine as Elva looked up at him.
“Are you talking to me with your mind?” Pen asked aloud
“I can hear your thoughts and you can hear mine. Just think about something you would say and i will hear it.” she said
“You can hear my thoughts?”
She nodded and said “I’m not sure how you got into my mind. No one has ever been able to do that before.”
“Is that a good thing?”
“I’m not sure...anyways lets get going. It’s dangerous to stay in one spot for to long.”
With that the two of the got up and left their clearing


Chapter 4:
The Daydream Dragon

Apophis flapped his massive wings to gain altitude. He lead his head forward to reduce the wind resistance and pick up speed. He was being hunted for the worst crime of all. He was being blames for the death of the Egyptians sun god. He of course had nothing to do with it.The god was not a god. He was mortal and vulnerable to the arms of death. He died of age. Not from the claws and fangs that belonged to Apophis. Try as he might, Apophis could not convince them that he was not responsible. “This is an outrage! I am a dragon! And i run from the filthy two-legs for what? To uphold the treaty that my race foolishly wrote with them? Bah! I could kill them all easily!” He flapped his wings again to further himself from the earth again. He not only was a dragon, but he was the most powerful type of dragon that existed. He was a Daydream.
Daydreams were the rarest of dragons, and the only ones completely capable with magic. The where also the fastest. And it hurt his pride that he had to run from the humans. His eyes narrowed as he neared a large forested area. He would be safe in the thickness of the wood. He folded his wings and broke into a dive. The wind rushed around him and the ground below blurred as the pressure in the air changed rapidly. Less than five hundred feet above the tree tops, Apophis opened his wings. The strain on them cause him little discomfort. He had pulled this maneuver many times before. About one hundred feet above the tree, he started flapping to slow himself to a slight decline. He landed in a clearing just big enough to fit him. He was completely concealed from the outside world.
Satisfied that his hunters would not find him, he allowed himself to get comfortable. Using his fire, he heated the ground around him to keep him warm through the night. He folded his front legs and rested is head on them. He yawned exposing the massive white fangs in his mouth. Then with a hum deep in his throat, fell off into the void of sleep.

Pen struggled to keep up with Elva. It became clear to him that she was far stronger than him and was able to run much further than him. She glanced back at him and with her mind said “Do you need a rest Pen? Your face is red and you look like your going to pass out.” He nodded and the two of them stopped long enough for him to catch his breath. “ you...manage to keep...this pace up?” Pen asked through gasps. “I draw energy from the plants around me. It keeps my body from using hardly no energy and permits me to run for several miles on end.” She replied with a slight smile. “You could have mentioned this earlier” He said. Elva walked over to him and placed her hands on his shoulder. Then said “Resoria striamthia.” His body was rushed by a surge of energy and all fatigue vanished. “Better?” She asked. “Better.”
They continued onward for a few hours. Pen had quickly figured out how to absorb energy like Elva had said. It was easy and didn’t hurt the plant like he thought it would. “If your moving fast enough, you won’t even take enough energy from them to alert them of danger.” She reassured him. “Where are we going?” She didn’t answer right away and he could feel her uncertainty though the mental connection they had built, but eventually she said “To the resistance hide out.” It didn’t surprise him that she was part of the resistance. She was smart, strong, could use magic, and was obviously not evil. He didn’t dwell on it for long. He was having an increasingly hard time concentrating on anything.
Elva sensed this. “Whats wrong? Your distracted.”
Pen wasn’t sure how to explain what his mind kept saying to him. “This might sound crazy...but we need to stop.” She slowed and strode next to him. Giving him a puzzled look she said “Your sensing something, aren’t you.” He nodded and stopped. Then aloud he said. “There’s a huge consciousness in that direction. Its has so much power that i have been sapping it for the

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