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Book online «Illusions and Lies by InL (read 50 shades of grey txt) 📖». Author InL

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then are you worried about?” her father asked again with concern.

“What I am worried about is… that the visions I see might be warnings that something really bad is going to happen to Princess Arwenn” .

Her parents looked at each other and smiled relief “Dear, what could possibly happen to her? Hundreds of warriors are protecting Halafiel palace” her father said. She sighed while shaking her head.

“I don’t know. I have this feeling” and she reminisced what she last saw in her vision.

“The situation is getting worse. If we don’t find a cure, there would be more deaths!” a bearded man who looked in his forties said rather angrily.

“A lot of us have been trying to find a cure for quite sometime now” an elderly woman with thick eyeglasses spoke.

Phinstam, Jasmine thought. It was a council made to discuss issues around the world and to maintain friendly connections. It seemed to Jasmine that whoever leads the council can always be the one called to be the center of power. While it was consisted of the current rulers of the land all throughout, the decision is always made by the head. And the current head was King Herald, Arwenns father. However, the King has fallen ill and now the responsibility is passed the second head, King Ganther. Jasmine looked at Arwenn from her memory. She was cool, composed and silent. She didn’t know what was going on in her mind but she sympathized with her.

“Well, if the light vessel could only use her powers there wouldn’t be any problem” one man who had a big pointed nose and deformed mouth said. Arwenn remained still as the other council members where whispering among themselves.

Other discussion passed in a blur, she saw a lot of noise, people standing, arguments then finally the solution to the problem. King Ganther looked at Queen Minerva, then told her what Phinstam had decided. It was a good idea, but somehow Jasmine can’t shake off the ominous feeling.

The council

Arwenn sat at the chair located at the inner arc where she was expected to be seated.

Everything, she thought, seems to be the usual way they were. Even though the seat beside her was empty, she half expected it, knowing that the person who should be sitting there shall discuss a report in front of the council later.


, she sighed just by remembering her. The person she could live without. Two months have passed since she was sent to Qaurkur, Van’s reigning region, to resolve a problem and in those short lived months, she could say her life became a little more pleasant. But now, she had to come back, undoubtedly recognized for her accomplishments again.

But she was used to it, in fact, the only thing amiss, was the center chair which held all the power in the world, which also bestows authority on whoever sits on it. It was her father’s, or she should say, previously owned by her father but now a different man owns.

Nonetheless, still, a good man, Van’s father. She scanned the room and it did not take much time before she saw him. Van was sitting at the same arc, five chairs from the edge. The council room was made up of 7 arcs and 20 circles with the King’s chair at the middle. As your authority increases, so does your position in the council, from the outer circle up into the inner arcs, although the innermost arc is reserved only for the gem vessels. Being a gem vessel and the King’s daughter, she was entitled to the seat on the rightmost of the inner arc. From the position she holds, the rest of the of the gem vessels were seated according to importance or contribution.

When all was seated, a stern looking lady who was well known as Tashella presided the meeting. Whenever Phinstam holds meetings such as this one, Tashella was the most able lady to facilitate the proceedings.

She started “Today, we are to discuss only two issues. But grave issues nonetheless. However, before tackling any of those I understand there is an expected report coming from our water gem vessel.”

She stopped and turned around briefly, summoning the water gem vessel. And there she was, Acryl, with all smiles, confidence and all kinds of properness. How deceiving, Arwenn thought.

“I am greatly gratified again, as I always have whenever I get a chance to help. A pleasure indeed, whenever I am asked. Please let me begin by saying that the prosperity blessing for Insha, a region of Quarkur, is finished. Two months ago, Insha asked the council’s help for the sudden loss of sea treasures such as foods and minerals and we all know that this place supplies other countries as well. Without its usual catches, other nations shall be gravely affected not only Insha itself. I am glad to say now, that Insha no longer suffers. The prosperity blessing has taken effect.” She ended while there was a loud applause from the members of the council including the King Ganther himself, Van’s father and ruler of Quarkur.

Reluctantly, Arwenn applauded too although her heart felt heavy.

As Acryl has taken her seat beside her, she became tense. Most of their lives, the two of them knew each other, they should have been close friends, that was everyone was expecting. However, she couldn’t understand it herself, but there was always a spark of animosity between them.

“Welcome back” she told her almost nonchalantly and not surprisingly she answered in the same cool manner.

“Thank you” Acryl said without even bothering to look at her.

She was disappointed and hurt. Although the council had proceeded to discuss the first issue at hand, she could not help but admire the petite girl beside her. Goodness, she thought, how such a small creature like her do great things? Bitter, yes that’s what Arwenn felt. She wanted to become the person her nation needed, what the world needed as the light vessel but she can’t. She’d gladly trade places with Acryl, she thought.

“Moving on to the next issue, the last one…” Tashella’s voice brought Arwenn to the present. She went still, somehow, she knew that the next issue would get linked to her. Her heart started to pound but told herself to remain calm.

“The plague, has yet again, entered the country of Gilmore. Seven of its villages are now struck and the death toll has increased by more than a two hundred” Tashella reported.

“The situation is getting worse. If we don’t find a cure, there would be more deaths!” Lord Byron from the second arc commented.

And two seats from him Lady Minn also stated “A lot of us have been trying to find a cure for quite some time now”. The council sounded their agreement.

Arwenn understood this, knew that a couple more opinions are going to be voiced then the moment she dreaded shall come. She didn’t wait long though as she saw one of her least favorite council members stood up.

“Well, if the light vessel could only use her powers there wouldn’t be any problem” Lord Clerson said. Funny she thought, he wasn’t even a noble. He was only someone who represented the king of the Mist nation. The king whose physical attendance to meetings can be counted within Arwenn’s fingers, have no idea how his representative can make her mad, just by saying only one sentence like now.

Finally, the center of power, King Ganther had chosen to glare at the man.

“Which she could not, Lord Sid” he admonished and then continued “We have called this meeting to discuss issues and present solutions. We are running out of time and it is highly suggested that we refrain from voicing out opinions and commentaries that does not help the situation we are in right now”. And with that, the council fell silent again.

“The question at hand is how we can stop the Plague and in our previous meetings we have already discussed that several methods have been tried but has failed. Is there any other way that the council can think of?” Tashella reminded the council.

After a few silent moments when Arwenn thought that no one can present a solution passed. She remained still, and felt sardonic, so there was no solution and all of you came here so you could mock me, was her thought. But then someone stood up and spoke.

“How about instead of focusing on the light vessel’s problem itself , we try to solve what’s keeping us from doing the only solution we can sought”.

All eyes went to him including Arwenn’s. She expected a few people to stand and present but not him, Van.

Although aware of the scrutinizing glares of the members, he stood there confidently as if he carefully planned what he was going to say.

King Ganther eyed him with rather proud eyes “Please do tell us more about it”.

He looked at Arwenn as if trying to convince her to trust him. Their eyes met, passing a silent message which she understood and made her nod. With that, as if relieved, Van faced the council.

“We do know already that the light vessel can cure any disease or heal fatal wounds. Among all gems, it’s the only one who has the powers for healing and purification of all. That is the reason that we keep on relying on Blight clan because they are the only bloodline that seems to be chosen by the light gem. However, Princess Arwenn, our current light vessel cannot use it. The light gem has refused to display its power to her” He stopped then glanced at Arwenn then to King Ganther. He continued “I suggest that we make her study on how to bend the light gem’s power”.

The room erupted with noise again as members talked amongst themselves.

One woman with a bun on her head stood up “But that is ridiculous!” . Another stood up “That cannot be done!” then another “Why not?”
“Making the light gem a slave to any person’s will is an abomination”
“Haven’t we been using the other gems the same way?”
“Yes, but the light gem’s a separate entity!” The talk goes on and on.

It seemed endless and downright frustrating. Arwenn was gaping at Van. He might as well said that humans should torture their divine creator to grant them their wishes.

King Ganther looked as if he was deep in thought amidst the turmoil. Finally, he placed a hand in front of

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