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Book online «Robin Hood by J. Walker McSpadden (big screen ebook reader TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author J. Walker McSpadden

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with the Kings’s own seal, for the capture (hic!)—and arrest—and overcoming of a notorious rascal, one Robin Hood of Barnesdale. Item, one crust of bread. Item, one lump (hic!) of solder. Item, three pieces of twine. Item, six single keys (hic!), useful withal. Item, twelve silver pennies, the which I earned this week (hic!) in fair labor. Item—”

“Have done with your items!” said the host. “And I marvel greatly to hear you speak in such fashion of your friend, Robin Hood of Barnesdale. For was he not with you in all good-fellowship?”

“Wh-a-at? That Robin Hood?” gasped Middle with staring eyes. “Why did you not tell me?”

“Faith, I saw no need o’ telling you! Did you not tell me the first time you were here to-day, that I need not be surprised if you came back with no less person than Robin Hood himself?”

“Jesu give me pardon!” moaned the tinker. “I see it all now. He got me to drinking, and then took my warrant, and my pennies, and my crust—”

“Yes, yes,” interrupted the host. “I know all about that. But pay me the score for both of you.”

“But I have no money, gossip. Let me go after that vile bag-o’-bones, and I’ll soon get it out of him.”

“Not so,” replied the other. “If I waited for you to collect from Robin Hood, I would soon close up shop.”

“What is the account?” asked Middle.

“Ten shillings, just.”

“Then take here my working-bag and my good hammer too; and if I light upon that knave I will soon come back after them.”

“Give me your leathern coat as well,” said mine host; “the hammer and bag of tools are as naught to me.”

“Gramercy!” cried Master Middle, losing what was left of his temper. “It seems that I have escaped one thief only to fall into the hands of another. If you will but walk with me out into the middle of the road, I’ll give you such a crack as shall drive some honesty into your thick skull.”

“You are wasting your breath and my time,” retorted the landlord.

“Give me your things, and get you gone after your man, speedily.”

Middle thought this to be good advice; so he strode forth from the “Seven Does” in a black mood.

Ere he had gone half a mile, he saw Robin Hood walking demurely among the trees a little in front of him.

“Ho there, you villain!” roared the tinker. “Stay your steps! I am desperately in need of you this day!”

Robin turned about with a surprised face.

“What knave is this?” he asked gently, “who comes shouting after me?”

“No knave! no knave at all!” panted the other, rushing up. “But an honest—man—who would have—that warrant—and the money for drink!”

“Why, as I live, it is our honest tinker who was seeking Robin Hood! Did you find him, gossip?”

“Marry, that did I! and I’m now going to pay him my respects!”

And he plunged at him, making a sweeping stroke with his crab-tree-cudgel.

Robin tried to draw his sword, but could not do it for a moment through dodging the other’s furious blows. When he did get it in hand, the tinker had reached him thrice with resounding thwacks. Then the tables were turned, for he dashed in right manfully with his shining blade and made the tinker give back again.

The greenwood rang with the noise of the fray. ‘Twas steel against wood, and they made a terrible clattering when they came together. Robin thought at first that he could hack the cudgel to pieces, for his blade was one of Toledo—finely tempered steel which the Queen had given him. But the crab-tree-staff had been fired and hardened and seasoned by the tinker’s arts until it was like a bar of iron—no pleasant neighbor for one’s ribs.

Robin presently found this out to his sorrow. The long reach and long stick got to him when ‘twas impossible for him to touch his antagonist. So his sides began to ache sorely.

“Hold your hand, tinker,” he said at length. “I cry a boon of you.”

“Before I do it,” said the tinker, “I’d hang you on this tree.”

But even as he spoke, Robin found the moment’s grace for which he longed; and immediately grasped his horn and blew the three well-known blasts of the greenwood.

“A murrain seize you!” roared the tinker commencing afresh. “Up to your old tricks again, are you? Well, I’ll have time to finish my job, if I hurry.”

But Robin was quite able to hold his own at a pinch, and they had not exchanged many lunges and passes when up came Little John and Will Scarlet and a score of yeomen at their heels. Middle was seized without ceremony, while Robin sat himself down to breathe. “What is the matter?” quoth Little John, “that you should sit so weariedly upon the highway side?”

“Faith, that rascally tinker yonder has paid his score well upon my hide,” answered Robin ruefully.

“That tinker, then,” said Little John, “must be itching for more work. Fain would I try if he can do as much for me.”

“Or me,” said Will Scarlet, who like Little John was always willing to swing a cudgel.

“Nay,” laughed Robin. “Belike I could have done better, an he had given me time to pull a young tree up by the roots. But I hated to spoil the Queen’s blade upon his tough stick or no less tough hide. He had a warrant for my arrest which I stole from him.”

“Also, item, twelve silver pennies,” interposed the tinker, unsubdued; “item, one crust of bread, ‘gainst my supper. Item, one lump of solder. Item, three pieces of twine. Item, six single keys. Item—”

“Yes, I know,” quoth the merry Robin; “I stood outside the landlord’s window and heard you count over your losses. Here they are again; and the silver pennies are turned by magic into gold. Here also, if you will, is my hand.”

“I take it heartily, with the pence!” cried Middle. “By my leathern coat and tools, which I shall presently have out of that sly host, I swear that I never yet met a man I liked as well as you! An you and your men here will take me, I swear I’ll serve you honestly. Do you want a tinker? Nay, but verily you must! Who else can mend and grind your swords and patch your pannikins—and fight, too, when occasion serve? Mend your pots! mend your pa-a-ans!”

And he ended his speech with the sonorous cry of his craft.

By this time the whole band was laughing uproariously at the tinker’s talk.

“What say you, fellows?”

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