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red, as if she'd been crying.

“Where have you been?” he interrupted Jed and Emi's conversation.

“Umm, just training,” Brooke mumbled, turning her face away as she moved past them as quickly as possible.

“Wonder what’s got into her,” said Jed.

Evan was worried, it looked like something serious had happened. Emillia's expression reflected his thoughts.

“She couldn’t have been training this late, could she?” He asked.

“Dunno’ mate, we’re cleaning this late, aren’t we?”

“Her eyes were wet. Do you think she was crying?

“Dunno’ mate, maybe.”

“Thanks for your insight, really helpful.”

“Dunno’ mate, I think I’m pretty helpful when I wanna’ be.” Jed grinned.

“Yeah, sure you are.”


“Do you reckon Sintian could’ve upset her?” Emillia said, “and don’t say, you dunno’.”

“Dun… Maybe. It seems he’s more than the pompous prat we first thought, he’s a raving lunatic instead.”

“I’ll make sure to ask in the morning,” Evan vowed.

“Yeah, even if it wasn’t him, that kid deserves another beating.”

“Er- I think he beat you up,” Emillia pointed out.

“I wasn’t ready,” came Jed’s poor excuse.


Evan hadn’t had a night of peaceful dreams in days, demons flitted into his mind even in sleep. Last night he'd dreamt of Cera kissing Jed and Brooke being chased by Sintian, then himself being chased by Mr Sangel. The shadow with purple eyes had appeared too. He’d only had nightmares about the purple-eyed woman a few times a year before, but since becoming to Veneseron she was appearing far more frequently.

Once he'd donned his Novice attire, Evan opened his door to find a clockwork scorpion crawling towards him. The scorpion raised a pincer clasping a note. Evan took it uncertainly.

The scribbled writing read: Evan Umbra, kindly report to my quarters first thing this morning. Master Gettelung.

He heard the creak of Brooke’s door and she stepped out to find the scorpion passing her the note in his other pincer.

“Wonder what Gettelung wants?”

“You don’t think we’re in trouble, do you?” Evan asked.


“I dunno’,” said Brooke as they set off. “I did go into the forest last night, but there’s no rule telling Venators not to.”

“You did what? Why?”

“Oh I- er was looking for Arantay, he didn’t show up for training last night.”

“How come?”

“Erm, I don’t think it’s my place to say, it’s kind of private.”

“Oh okay,” Evan dropped it, feeling it would be rude to pry.

“The forest is amazing, isn’t it?” He switched topic.

“It’s wonderful. But not all the creatures there are friendly.”

“What, worse than Sintian?” He laughed.

“The elf who threatened me yesterday, Falawn, makes Stray look like a fairy.”

“Threatened you?”

Evan felt hot all of a sudden and realised it was anger rising to the surface.

“It’s okay,” Brooke said quickly. “Arantay scared him off.”

“I thought elves are supposed to be kind, mostly.”

“Well this one wasn’t. He hates all Venators.”

“That bad?”


“Is that why you were upset last night?” Evan asked tentatively.

“A mixture of everything I guess.”

“Wow, this place just keeps coming up with surprises,” said Evan, bemused.

They reached Gettelung’s quarters on the top floor of Castle-Coterie. Evan knocked on the door politely.

“Come in,” the Master boomed as the door swung open of its own accord.


Gettelung was behind his desk, tucking into a hearty breakfast as Padrake sat by his side, nibbling at his own meal.

Evan was surprised to find the walls were pink, laden with pictures of alien landscapes, similar to those dotted around the Fortress. Evan had guessed the unfamiliar, and often downright bizarre, panoramas depicted other worlds. Perhaps these paintings were the favourite realms Gettelung had visited.

A large globe sat in the corner. A smattering of red dots lit up the globe, signalling magic users. The globe couldn't be Earth, there weren’t enough oceans and one country was the size of Africa and Russia combined.

The preposterously plump and rakishly thin Masters contrasted one another comically. Evan and Brooke took the two seats Padrake gestured to. As he sat beside him, Evan noticed Padrake shift uncomfortably.

“Well, you’ve both been with us for a little while now,” Gettelung said, “and in that time you have progressed well as Novices.”

“We believe the time has come for you to face your Apprentice trials,” Padrake pronounced.

“The next step in your Venator careers.” Gettelung slapped his thigh.

Evan was blown away. This soon! Am I ready yet? I can’t be.

“Now, no offense Evan,” Gettelung continued, “but Brooke is the stronger magically. You’re not far behind though and I hear your swordplay is excellent.

Brooke, you shall have your trial in a month’s time. Evan, yours will take place not long after.”

Evan nodded. He knew he had to complete his trials to move up the ranks. He still didn’t think he was ready though.


“You’ll both need to prepare extensively for this challenge, and will be told the details closer to the time. I’d advise you to train in all areas as each trial is different for everyone. Good luck to both of you, now go and start preparing,” Gettelung finished.

As they stood up and left the office, Padrake called after them, “Good luck.”


“JED, JED,” Evan and Brooke burst into the Australian’s room, Brooke whacking a pillow round his head when he refused to get up.

Jed mumbled incoherently as they pulled his covers off him.


“Don’t… don't eat the Mayonnaise past midnight,” Jed whispered sleepily.

“What!” Evan and Brooke burst into laughter.

“Oi, Mayonnaise boy,” Evan shook him out of his dreams.

Jed opened his eyes to glare at them.

“Guess what? Evan and I are going to be Apprentices, once we get past the trials.”

“Wow. That’s a great story. Tell it to me in the morning,” Jed rolled over and pulled the quilt back over his head.

“It is morning, you idiot,” Evan laughed.

“Bye mate,” was Jed’s muffled reply beneath the blanket.

Brooke launched a pillow at Jed’s head as they left the room, still laughing.

When he and Brooke entered the Banquet chamber, their good news temporarily slipped his mind as he spotted Elijah and Emillia.


Elijah was wearing a ludicrous orange and green top hat, whilst Emillia had donned an equally ridiculous pink cowboy hat. To top it off, they both had matching polka-dot bowties.

“What the hell are you two wearing?” Brooke giggled.

“We’ve got a performance in drama club later.” Elijah replied. “The hats are enchanted to help us remember our lines.”

“And the bowties?” Evan asked.

“Wards off stage fright,” Emillia blushed.

Evan and Brooke roared with laughter, whilst simultaneously trying to tell them their news as they took their seats.

“That’s incredible, it took me almost two years before I faced the trials,” said Elijah.

They were spread out over two tables, Elijah on one with Emillia, Izekiel and Xavier, whilst accompanying Evan and Brooke on theirs were Cera and her friend Layla.

“I’m so happy for you,” Cera smiled at Evan coquettishly. She’s so pretty when she smiles, he found himself thinking; not for the first time.

As usual, the Banquet chamber echoed with a sea of chatting Venators.

At a nearby table Blake and Tristan were boasting to a small crowd about a Scribduel game, where they’d won a lot of money from a group of drunken gargoyles.

A cluster of Apprentices were gathered around another table, excitedly watching two Fuglugs racing, whilst two Venators Evan didn’t know passed behind him, the girl saying, “The incubus Roma Tai is holding another party in the city, we should go for our next date.”


Across Evan’s table, Elijah and Emillia chatted, “… yes, my spear work needs improvement, but I think Arnvar’s being too hard on me.” Elijah rambled on as Emi nodded sympathetically. Brooke and Layla were discussing various Venator males, including Tyrell, Domnican and Lok, whilst Cera leaned towards him, her foot brushing his leg under the table, probably accidentally.

“Will you still talk to me once you’re an Apprentice,” she joked, “or will you be too good to be seen with people like me?”

Evan found himself staring at her large green eyes just a little too long before realising he was supposed to answer.

“Oh yeah obviously, it would tarnish my reputation hanging out with lowly Novices.”

Cera laughed musically, her foot definitely touching his leg this time.

Anxiety began to seep in. Why do I have to be such a nervous wreck all the time?

“Well we should probably make the best of the time we do have together then.”

“Yeah- sure,” Evan felt his stomach tighten and worked to keep his breathing normal.

She asked, “Do you fancy hanging out after training today?”

His heartbeat quickened, and he found himself feeling nauseous. Before he could reply Jed plonked down next to him, finally arisen from his bed.

“G’day guys,” he said cheerily.

“How’s the mayonnaise?” Brooke smirked.

Jed looked at her like she'd sprouted two extra heads, “Mayonnaise? What on Earth are you on about?”

Everyone burst into laughter around the two tables, Evan and Brooke had told them all about it.


“You’re all mad,” Jed shook his head, before stealing some of Evan’s breakfast.

“Dude, it’s such an effort to walk all the way down here for breaky and the escalators take too long,” Jed grumbled. “Isn't there a faster way to get round this place?”

“There are teleporter rings on each floor of every castle, that'll transport you to the floor above or below,” Elijah replied.

“Why didn't you tell us sooner? You twonk.” Jed burst out. “I had to walk down eight flights of stairs to get here.”

“So how about it?” Cera said as Jed and Elijah carried on arguing.

She leaned in close, “Just me and you, tonight?”

Evan looked around, but no one else had heard to wind him up. “Uh- okay.”

“Coming to Illusion, Cera?” Xavier asked her then.

“See you later,” Cera smiled brilliantly at him as she left the Banquet chamber.

Emillia, ever the gossip monger, had evidently heard the conversation. She said to Evan, “Oooh Evan, you'll be double dating with Izekiel and Xavier soon.”

“Why, who’re they going out with?” asked Jed.

“Uh- each other,” Emillia said, like it was obvious.

“What! They’re gay?”

Emi and Elijah frowned at one another. “I thought everyone knew that?”

“They do,” Elijah put in.

“But they don’t look gay. Well, maybe Xavier is a little camp but…” Jed trailed off.

“Well what do you expect them to be doing, skipping down the castle corridors hurling glitter in the air?” Emi giggled.

“Doesn’t bother me,” Evan shrugged.


“Doesn’t bother me either, I’m just surprised. Especially at Zeke,” said Jed.

“Yeah, Evan’s camper than Izekiel,” Brooke quipped.

Evan smiled as he shook his head.

“I can't believe you never knew,” said Emillia. “Next you'll be telling me you didn't know Lyla Storm and Dion Datan are lesbians, or Yusef Mustafa and Shakara Silcorn are Bi.”

Evan and Jed exchanged incredulous

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