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Book online «Once Bitten, No Longer Shy by Julie Steimle (to read list TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Julie Steimle

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Troy shot him a dark look.

“Well, how do you know?” Troy said.

“Your attitude,” Jane replied. “I can hear the tone in your voice, you know. My ears aren’t broken, and I have eyes. They work. And from what I can see, you will take offense to everything else I say—so I won’t waste my breath.”

Troy’s mouth popped open.

Deidre coughed, smothering a smirk as she blushed. She then looked toward Matthew possibly seeking to run away if the conversation got any more tense.

Yet Art said, “We don’t want to push our religion on you. But we do want you know that we don’t believe all this just because of some tradition. We don’t believe in blind faith. We believe in introspection and study. We also know in whom we have put our trust.”

Jane nodded smartly, in full agreement.

But in whom did they trust? Troy did not want to ask. What did it mean to be a Mormon anyway? Why was their reputation so negative among Christians? Instead, Troy decided to excuse himself from them, thinking it better to hang out with the vampire. That man’s head seemed more grounded in recognizable reality.

“What are they?” Steve asked when Troy joined him, noticing his retreat. “Baptists?”

“Mormons,” Troy muttered.

Steve raised his eyebrows. “Oh. I see.”

Gazing towards him, Troy asked, “You know something about them?”

Steve Windmiller shook his head slowly. “Only that it is best to give them a wide berth.”

“They’re that dangerous?” Troy asked.

Eying him, Steve said, “Define dangerous. For me? Or for them?”

Troy was confused.

Leaning near, the vampire said, “You get all kinds of religious believers in the world. Some folk you don’t worry about because their doctrine is really flaccid and actually doesn’t do anything for them except to create the image of piety. Such people are show boaters and ‘spiritual’. Then there are folk in whom their religion transforms them, in whom prayer is daily part of their lives. Those who pray often, those who try to talk to God and hear Him—those folk are dangerous, and a smart vampire gives them a wide berth.”

Steve then paid his respects to Mr. Lenox and left.

As soon as the women bite victims went out from the meeting, members of the Seven escorting them to their rides so they could make it safely home, they closed up and went their separate ways. Mr. Lenox dubbed the meeting a success and shook Troy’s hand.

“This is going to work,” he said. “If we can have someone always here to vet any newcomers, everything should go well.”

Troy looked to those from the Seven, then his friends from Gulinger hoping they would have that support.

Looking for the Cure















Chapter Fourteen



Troy researched infused oils that week, preparing his first attempt at infused comfrey oil, hoping it would help. But he also noticed the possibility for coconut oil to be infused with the leaf, hoping it would be a healthier alternative. He brought both oils as well as the fresh leaves to the first day time bite-victims’ meeting.

At the meeting, Troy also brought the manuscript and much of his research notes. They met in an open part of Central Park, walking distance from Troy’s apartment, not far from Columbus Circle. Art came with him, bringing liquid refreshments—water and juice. Art didn’t say much, remaining silent during their meetings, but Troy could feel him listening intently to everything they were saying. Part of Troy felt like they were being spied on.

“Ok, so today I’d like to impart my six basic rules for vampire survival.” Troy cleared his throat and handed each a small printed card which they could keep in their wallet, just in case they forgot the rule and why it was a rule.

“Number One: Never be alone at night except when you are inside your own home with locked windows and doors.” Troy chucked and said, “I made up this rule simply due to one factor, despite all the magic or strength vampires may have, they cannot enter a building uninvited, and they can only enter a building at night as they can only move about a night. And trust me, a vampire will consider an unlocked window or door as an invitation to come indoors.”

 â€œReally?” Alexandra said, going white. “But what about opening the window for night air?”

Troy nodded to her. “There is a way to ward of vampires from open widows.” He peeked to Art. “But some people would consider the hanging ward witchcraft.”

Art’s brown wrinkled a little, not quite concerned yet.

“I do know a few people who make such things, if you are interested. But it is just safer to lock your window and use air conditioning,” he said.

Then he looked to the card.

“Rule Number Two: Eat garlic with every meal.” He shook his head. “This is more like a biting deterrent. Vampires hate the smell of garlic, as it is an anti-parasitic. So, if you include something garlicky in every meal, your blood will smell awful to any vampires who might be tempted to hurt you.” He then drew in a breath, hesitating before saying, “This will, however, not hinder a vampire who angry with you from killing you out of spite. My blood was fully garlicky when they attacked me and made me what I am now. So, whatever you do, don’t antagonize another vampire.”

They all nodded.

“Rule Number Three: Don’t stay out late, especially with a date.” Troy gazed at each bite victim with sympathy. “All dates must take place in the daytime from now on. And you might have to explain you have a condition that demands you go home before nightfall. Most people won’t believe the vampire story, so save it for those who you are getting close to. If they can handle it, you might have a keeper.”

“How many ladies have you informed about your bite?” Nicole asked, grinning at him.

If he could blush, he would have. But Troy merely smiled at her with a wink and said, “None that didn’t already know about vampires existing.”

All of them drew in breaths, shocked.

“I told you at the last meeting, I went to a special school when I was a kid. What I didn’t tell you was that it was a school for those kids cursed or affected by the supernatural.” Troy watched their various reactions. Art even appeared to be stunned. Troy wondered if the others had ever really told him about Gulinger. It seemed to Troy that they talked about it around him, but never really explained what it was.

“Were any of the others who were at that meeting from that school?” Marcus asked. He was sitting on the bench in some neat slacks and his suit and tie. He was looking hot and out of place in the park, but he did not seem to care.

Nodding, Troy said, “Yes. Officer Calamori, Officer Joshua Johnson, and our friend Tom Brown graduated from the same class I did.”


“Do they all have the same problem as you? Were they also hiding from vampires?” Connor asked.

Troy shook his head. “No. We’re all touched by the supernatural in different ways. I don’t think I am allowed to reveal all their secrets, but let it suffice that all those who had come to that meeting are connected to the supernatural in some way. Now let’s get on with the rules

“Rule Number Four: Avoid nightclubs at all costs.” Troy gazed at them severely. “I am sure if you are abiding by rule one, this would not be an issue, but for a reminder, night clubs are where vampires love to find suckers—pun intended.”

Several of them groaned.

“But seriously,” Troy said. “Certain places and behaviors draw vampires to you. I’d avoid night clubs, going off alone while camping overnight, and I think I will now add strangers inviting you to random parties where you could be the appetizer.” He gazed pointedly at Brandon, Connor, Joshua, and Dalton. “And I guess I might also add anyone you are dating who are not vetted by family and friends.”

“Which means no Tinder,” Nicole chuckled, nodding.

Leslie nodded also, glancing to Sue who nodded appreciatively.

“Ok, Rule Number Five: Keep spare bandages on hand.” He sighed. “Unfortunately, you are all going to bleed unexpectedly. I could tell when a vampire was near by my bleed. I usually held off telling my friend about it unless it lasted longer than three days. But now I don’t hold off talking about it. And I would recommend you creating a bleed journal. Mark the date and time when you start bleeding and quit bleeding, and with that information, inform Matthew—uh, Officer Calamori—about it. They can triangulate the location of a vampire and vet whether or not they are hostile.”

 what are you saying?” Cameron stared at him, his heart faintly beating as he staying the shade with Troy. “There are non-hostile vampires out there?”

Troy cringed, trying to form the words. “Uh
 more like vampires who for some reason negotiate and purchase blood rather than attack people. It’s a weird
 I don’t know how to explain it. But my friends found out that some vampires out there are already tracked by the SRA and have made some sort of deal to not kill for blood—kind of like that guy Steve, only they are still part of the Order of Blood.”

“What is the Order of Blood exactly? Is it like something from those Darren Shan novels?” Connor asked, intrigued.

Shaking his head, Troy shrugged. “I have no clue. I’ve never read those books. I’m not really into fiction.”

Nicole smiled.

Art rolled his eyes. Troy noticed. But then Art was currently wearing a tee shirt that said Jedi Knight Academy on it. He had a collection like that.

“But the Order of Blood is a vampire, uh, authority group. They function a bit like the Mob. I don’t know if they have a head or leader as much as they function together, and you can join the group and leave the group. But you must never upset the group.” Troy then chuckled, because he knew he had.

“How do you keep them away?” Brandon asked. Joshua nodded.

“Stick by the rules,” Troy said. “And by the way, we are on the last rule, Rule Six. Never forget your cell phone. It can save your life
 and I might add, those key fobs with the seven on it, don’t ever leave those at home. I think that one, more than my cell phone, may have saved my life. It is an alert device and a homing device, so anyone from the Holy Seven can find you and save you, if needed.”

“Who are the Holy Seven?” Brandon asked.

Sighing, Troy said, “I don’t know them that well, but my friends do. What I know is that they are the best defense against vampires.”

“Can I interject?” Art raised his hand. In his hand was a pen, which he had been using to take notes for the meeting’s minutes. “Uh, I met the leader of the Holy Seven when I was in high school while we were both at a summer basketball camp. And I can tell you what they do from the rumors that I’ve gleaned since then.”

Everyone stared, including Troy who had not heard this before. It was strange, but he wondered if Art was holding this back or if it had not occurred to

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