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Book online «Robin Hood by J. Walker McSpadden (big screen ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author J. Walker McSpadden

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Robin signed to Marian, who filled a bumper of wine for himself and his guest.

“Pledge me, Sir Knight!” cried the merry outlaw; “and pledge me heartily, for these sorry times. I see that your armor is bent and that your clothes are torn. Yet methinks I saw you at court, once upon a day, and in more prosperous guise. Tell me now, were you a yeoman and made a knight by force? Or, have you been a bad steward to yourself, and wasted your property in lawsuits and the like? Be not bashful with us. We shall not betray your secrets.”

“I am a Saxon knight in my own right; and I have always lived a sober and quiet life,” the sorrowful guest replied. “‘Tis true you have seen me at court, mayhap, for I was an excited witness of your shooting before King Harry—God rest his bones! My name is Sir Richard of the Lea, and I dwell in a castle, not a league from one of the gates of Nottingham, which has belonged to my father, and his father, and his father’s father before him. Within two or three years ago my neighbors might have told you that a matter of four hundred pounds one way or the other was as naught to me. But now I have only these ten pennies of silver, and my wife and son.”

“In what manner have you lost your riches?” asked Robin.

“Through folly and kindness,” said the knight, sighing. “I went with King Richard upon a crusade, from which I am but lately returned, in time to find my son—a goodly youth—grown up. He was but twenty, yet he had achieved a squire’s training and could play prettily in jousts and tournaments and other knightly games. But about this time he had the ill luck to push his sport too far, and did accidentally kill a knight in the open lists. To save the boy, I had to sell my lands and mortgage my ancestral castle; and this not being enough, in the end I have had to borrow money, at a ruinous interest, from my lord of Hereford.”

“A most worthy Bishop,” said Robin ironically. “What is the sum of your debt?”

“Four hundred pounds,” said Sir Richard, “and the Bishop swears he will foreclose the mortgage if they are not paid promptly.”

“Have you any friends who would become surety for you?”

“Not one. If good King Richard were here, the tale might be otherwise.”

“Fill your goblet again, Sir Knight,” said Robin; and he turned to whisper a word in Marian’s ear. She nodded and drew Little John and Will Scarlet aside and talked earnestly with them, in a low tone.

“Here is health and prosperity to you, gallant Robin,” said Sir Richard, tilting his goblet. “I hope I may pay your cheer more worthily, the next time I ride by.”

Will Scarlet and Little John had meanwhile fallen in with Marian’s idea, for they consulted the other outlaws, who nodded their heads. Thereupon Little John and Will Scarlet went into the cave near by and presently returned bearing a bag of gold. This they counted out before the astonished knight; and there were four times one hundred gold pieces in it.

“Take this loan from us, Sir Knight, and pay your debt to the Bishop,” then said Robin. “Nay, no thanks; you are but exchanging creditors. Mayhap we shall not be so hard upon you as the Christian Bishop; yet, again we may be harder. Who can tell?”

There were actual tears in Sir Richard’s eyes, as he essayed to thank the foresters. But at this juncture, Much, the miller’s son, came from the cave dragging a bale of cloth. “The knight should have a suit worthy of his rank, master—think you not so?”

“Measure him twenty ells of it,” ordered Robin.

“Give him a good horse, also,” whispered Marian. “‘Tis a gift which will come back four-fold, for this is a worthy man. I know him well.”

So the horse was given, also, and Robin bade Arthur-a-Bland ride with the knight as far as his castle, as esquire.

The knight was sorrowful no longer; yet he could hardly voice his thanks through his broken utterance. And having spent the night in rest, after listening to Allan-a-Dale’s singing, he mounted his new steed the following morning an altogether different man.

“God save you, comrades, and keep you all!” said he, with deep feeling in his tones; “and give me a grateful heart!”

“We shall wait for you twelve months from to-day, here in this place,” said Robin, shaking him by the hand; “and then you will repay us the loan, if you have been prospered.”

“I shall return it to you within the year, upon my honor as Sir Richard of the Lea. And for all time, pray count on me as a steadfast friend.”

So saying the knight and his esquire rode down the forest glade till they were lost to view.

CHAPTER XVII HOW THE BISHOP WAS DINED “O what is the matter?” then said the Bishop, “Or for whom do you make this a-do? Or why do you kill the King’s venison, When your company is so few?” “We are shepherds,” quoth bold Robin Hood, “And we keep sheep all the year, And we are disposed to be merrie this day, And to kill of the King’s fat deer.”

Not many days after Sir Richard of the Lea came to Sherwood Forest, word reached Robin Hood’s ears that my lord Bishop of Hereford would be riding that way betimes on that morning. ‘Twas Arthur-a-Bland, the knight’s quondam esquire, who brought the tidings, and Robin’s face brightened as he heard it.

“Now, by our Lady!” quoth he, “I have long desired to entertain my lord in the greenwood, and this is too fair a chance to let slip. Come, my men, kill me a venison; kill me a good fat deer. The Bishop of Hereford is to dine with me today, and he shall pay well for his cheer.”

“Shall we dress it here, as usual?” asked Much, the miller’s son.

“Nay, we play a droll game on the churchman. We will dress it by the highway side, and watch for the Bishop narrowly, lest he should ride some other way.”

So Robin gave his orders, and the main body of his men dispersed to different parts of the forest, under Will Stutely and Little John, to watch other roads; while Robin Hood himself took six of his men, including Will Scarlet, and Much, and posted himself in full view of the main road. This little company appeared funny enough, I assure you, for they had disguised themselves as shepherds. Robin had an old wool cap, with a tail to it, hanging over his ear, and a shock of hair stood straight up through a hole in the top. Besides there was so much dirt on his face that you would never have known him. An old tattered cloak over his hunter’s garb completed his make-up. The others were no less ragged and

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