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Book online «The Slayarians - Book One by JM Barnes (pdf to ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author JM Barnes

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or he could send demons and mindless monsters to do the job. He felt the demon’s thoughts attempting to reach his own but this time rebuked its attempts with a wall of stubborn pride. He knew he could not trust soldiers or creatures to do what he’d been made for. He wanted all the pleasure of final victory for himself and still needed the prince alive.
“Par-Than, you have done well as always.” The mage smiled his thanks and bowed his head in deference. “Know you then that in six hours I will begin the capture of the prince and I will be needing your advice at my side.”
The mage appeared confused at first but bowed again and replied, “Of course, my king.”
Then the hovering image disappeared leaving Satar with his demon.
Satar left the royal hall for his chambers not caring that the demon was right behind him.
“I must sleep for now but when I awake I will by fire and smoke flush the rats from my sewers.”
He was given no reply as the demon took watch over his bedside.

^ ^ ^

Ralac was sure now why Satar was considered mad. Disguised as a harem guardsman he could hear the man arguing with himself as he walked the Persian women to their chambers. After he took his post outside their doors his shift soon ended and he was free to find Gemini and the others.
Only an hour passed before the trail of information led Ralac to the prince’s hideout in the sewers. Scores of onetime soldiers roamed in and out of the tunnels, all armed, but most unarmored. They told him of how the prince was nearly killed as a traitor to the throne before the men who found him realized it was the lost heir.
When he reached the prince he found him encamped within a main conduit where several small sewers joined. Maps of the tunnels and the palace lay strewn over a makeshift table while incense burned away the worst of the stench. Ralac related all he had seen and heard to Galen and emphasized that the man never seemed to eat or sleep. This was the first time that he had spoken to any of his friends since he scaled the wall the first day and they were happy to see he had not been captured. Gemini had reassured them all during the past week that Ralac would be just fine.
When Ralac stepped next to Darkon the warrior clasped his arm and asked, “Any sign of demons?”
The assassin answered, “Only those in his head.”
Ralac was shocked at the pure disappointment on Darkon's face but said nothing of it.
With Galen sat Graton, Gemini, Darkon and Bele’. The men sat in council discussing the best method to liberate the royal family and then reclaim the throne.
“We cannot storm the palace, nor can we get Satar to leave it. The only way is to go in ourselves and deal with him and his servants our way.” Graton said.
“Of course I agree but Satar must be expecting such a thing.” The prince replied.
A yelp of pain erupted from blustering Bele’ and he ripped a charm from his sleeve.
He spat curses on Par-Than thrice over before explaining, “The mage cannot peer into these sewers. When he wishes to speak with me this charm heats up, damn wizard!”
Gemini’s eyebrow rose a bit at the curse but said nothing. Bele’ had explained two days ago that Par-Than contacted him and expressed his desire to assist any actions against Satar. Of course, neither Galen nor the others loyal to his family believed a single word uttered by the mage, but he enjoyed the little games of misinformation and misdirection he could now play with the traitorous wizard.
Big Bele’ stood and promised his immediate return as he exited the conduit made war room.
Ralac, who had not met Bele’ before asked, “Can he be trusted? Shall I follow him?”
Galen smiled and said, “Of course he can but if you would feel better, do so, by all means.”
Galen understood magic and knew Bele’ could be entranced by Par-Than to spy for Satar so he was glad again for the stealthy assassin’s presence.
Creeping behind the heavy, older man, Ralac kept a twist or turn of the tunnels between them at all times. When Bele’ exited the sewers he headed straight for a basin where water was pumped from an underground source.
Kneeling at its edge he could be heard to not so quietly call to Par-Than. “Par-Than! Heed my call wizard.”
Four times he repeated those words before stopping. Creeping closer, sticking to the building’s shadows and awning posts, Ralac heard the mage’s voice enough to understand. It was nearing twilight and very few folk moved through the streets so he took a casual stance and acted as if he were removing dung from his boots.
A hissing male voice said, “What news have you Bele’? Have the fools decided on a plan yet?”
“No. They expect a trap would await them if they enter the palace so they now ponder on a way to draw the king out.” Bele’ answered.
“Truly a pity no true trap does await them but no matter. In four hours the king will be flushing the scum from the sewers so just see that you keep them in fear of moving.”
Bele’ nodded in understanding and asked, “Then what?”
“Then, my dear imposter, you may take your leave of this realm and your reward of magic with you and I bid you do so in haste for my mad king has been known to change his mind.”
The imposter nodded again and stood up. Spitting once into the basin he adjusted his belt and turned the direction he’d arrived from. He did not notice the man cleaning his boots as he passed by and reentered the sewers, nor did he hear that man following him. Once darkness enwrapped both men Ralac drew his slim dagger and quickened his pace. Unsure what the nature of the imposter was he decided to wait to strike until they reached Galen’s conduit.
As Bele’ stepped into the torch lit main conduit he immediately began to explain how Par-Than told him that in four hours there would be a good chance to enter the palace, so they should probably rest up while they still could. This was all the confirmation Ralac needed and without hesitation he leapt upon the big man’s back and slit his fat throat from ear to ear. The Bele’ without screamed, the Bele’ within wept with relief.
“Imposter!” Ralac yelled as the man still struggled beneath him.
Galen had known Bele’ since birth and was aghast at Ralac’s gory deed and Darkon moved forward as his arm became sharp and strong. The struggling form of Bele’ seemed not to weaken or be deterred by what should have been a killing attack and that alone was proof enough for Darkon. The imposter bellowed out in pain and fury in a voice that was clearly inhuman. As Ralac clung to the convulsing back and plunged his dagger into the head and neck of the imposter Darkon ran forward and just as his swing was coming around, he slid to his knees. The sword arm cleaved entirely through both legs of the imposter and made him fall in a heap. Darkon rolled backward and Ralac launched himself to the side as Gemini closed to the now shuddering form. Galen could only watch, stunned, as a loud ripping sound erupted from the body and the true form of the creature suddenly sprung its way out of the quivering mass that was once a good and loyal man. Thanks to the necromantic abilities of Par-Than the demon had been assured a continued existence if its human vessel was slain, but only if the vessel was indeed slain. Drawing upon the last vestiges of life energy within the now lifeless husk the demon was freed of its servitude and provided with its own complete, demonic form. Coated in slime the reptilian form evoked a familiar feeling from inside Darkon's chest.
As the creature stood tall in its true form Graton attacked by launching his magical spear from where he crouched in readiness. The spear hit squarely between the demon’s shoulder blades and shuddered there as the thing roared, the crystal spearhead jutting from its sternum. Gemini followed the attack with a spell. No words were voiced, only a clawing movement with one hand while the other tossed some kind of seeds forth. Dozens of green needles appeared from his clawing hand and flew unerringly into the demon’s face. They struck him in waves and the gushing gore the needles created swiftly muffled its roars.
The creature stilled for a moment and looked as if it were prepared to launch itself with to attack but one final swing from Darkon's blade separated its head from its shoulders. A geyser of energy poured from the hole that was left and the thing’s image could be seen there as the now lifeless body fell to the ground and began to collapse and shrivel inward upon itself. Demon or no the beast was only one against the collective might of all of Galen’s comrades. Soon all that remained was the bronze charm that was pinned to Bele’s sleeve. The discolored slime that once was a demon was swept away with the refuse of the sewer. Ralac used his gore covered dagger and maneuvered the pin away from the dissolved matter and into the shallower water of the sewers.
“This may be useful.” He said as he handed it now mostly free of gore to his elven friend.
Galen stood over the unrecognizable remains of his dear friend, still too shocked to react and said, “You will be avenged, old friend.”
Ralac moved to his side then and told him all he had heard in the exchange between the imposter and Par-Than. This angered Galen even more for he had known since his youth that Par-Than was an evil traitor but could never prove it. Now, too late, he had that proof and he vowed the wizard would pay as dearly as Satar.
Galen knew Satar’s plans now though and he knew to clear all his followers from the sewers before the attack occurred. Meanwhile he would utilize the four hours he had left to infiltrate the palace and kill Satar. Four hours should be all he needed for he knew every secret of the palace and where every sewer would take him underneath it.
Galen looked to his gore stained friends and announced, “Every bit of skill and knowledge you all possess has taken us much closer to saving Genossia than I ever could have alone. For that you have my gratitude. Now I must take this battle to the usurper and his servants. We know of Par-Than and scores of fairly skilled soldiers but I am sure now he must have demonic aid as well. I can take us to the inner halls of the palace through the underground passages but once we are there we may very well have to battle our way to Satar. Let us prepare ourselves to strike hard and fast so that no more innocent lives are wasted. What say you?”
His words brought cheers of approval. Galen hoped his father would be proud. A chorus of hails and calls for vengeance echoed throughout the sewers and even into the
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