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Book online «Woken Up by Sian Reynolds (interesting books to read for teens TXT) 📖». Author Sian Reynolds

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even more confused.

Will pulls out a piece of paper and hands it over to Rafel. "Ah! Good! I see that The High Council will give us chair in their meetings. Yes we shall fight with you if the times come." Rafel then takes out a blade, and slits his wrist and lets the blood drip onto the paper. It must be some type of contract. Why does he need to bleed all over it? 

"There you are, all done. Interesting. Are you aware that there is someone watching us? Hmm? And not just anyone, a female someone. Ahh she smells lovely." What? Shit! How does he know that I'm here? How can he smell me? This dude is crazy. "What?! No of course not! We can't hear anyone!" So I am being quiet. Surely Senor Crazy can't actually smell me? 

"Really? How interesting. I must say if you can't hear her, then maybe your not as strong as you think you are." How does hearing have anything to do with strengh? "Come out! We know your there! Just come out now! We be kinder to you if you just come out willingly!" Shouts Mark. Oh well, whats the worst that could happen?

I slowly stand up and move into the moon light where they can see me. "Alex! What the hell are you doing here?!" Wow! I did not expext Liam to be that mad. "I could say the same for." Maybe I should stop going on night walks, the bring nothing but trouble. "Hola senora. I am Rafel. I see that you have been spying on our little meeting, yes?" Oh, he is hot! "I wasn't spying. I just wanted to go for a walk and ended up here by accident." I try my best to stand up tall and seem like I'm telling the truth. Well I am.

"Really? So you have no idea about what is going?"  

Well do I look like I know what the hell is happening? No.

"I have no freaking idea." I turn to Liam, "Could you please tell me what the hell is going on!? I have seen you guys do crazy shit! I thought I was going mad!" I yell at him. Liam, Mark and Will look startled. "What exaclty have you seen?" asks Liam, "Oh nothing much. Just you guys yesterday outside. I over heard a conversation, about you thinking about Awakening me! And moving stuff without touching it!" I am freaking out!

"Well this is all very interesting but I must be going now. Thank you senor Liam for what you have done." With Rafel vanishs.

"Ok strange. Now tell me." I demand. "Ok fine. But first why can't we hear you?" Asks Will. Well clearly they can hear me. "Well clearly you can hear me other wise we wouldn't be talking." Gezz, people can be so stupid. "No, why can't we hear your thoughts? Your the only persons thoughts we can't hear." States Liam.

I was not expecting that.

"Well thats probably because people can't read minds." God, did they think that they could read minds? 

"Yes they can. The Woken can, they can also see supernatural beings. But your not Woken. So can you see Rafel and we not be able to get in your head?" 

"Wait slow down there. Supernatural beings? The Woken? You've got a lot of explaining to do. And honestly, I don't know why you can't get in my head." Its not like I want people in my. I really don't want people in my head.

What the hell is going on!?



Chapter Six

I just stood staring at Liam, Mark and Will. The three of them had an angry but blank look their faces. Will turned to them and started talking as if I wasn't even here. 

"Look I got a message back from The Court and they want to meet Alex. I told them about how we can't hear her and they to see for there selves. I say that we take her to The Court."

What!? Take me to meet with some people who want to poke around in my head!?

"Hmmm, yes we should do that. But you know the rules, someone has to stay here to keep an eye on everything." says Liam, yep he's definetly the leader. "How about you two stay here, 'cause knoww how diffucult this place is, and I take Alex myself?" They think about for a while. "I guess we don't have much choice do we? OK, Mark and I will stay here. I don't really like The Court anyway, they creep me out." says Will.

Liam turns to me. "Alex I'm-" I cut him off, "Yes I know, you're going to take me to meet these people called The Court. Just because you're not talking to me, doesn't mean that I can't hear what your saying." I am getting very impatient. "Uh yeah. Follow me."

Liam walks off not even checking to see if I am following him. We walk in silence for while. His body language clearly says that talking is not welcome. So I take the time to revise my earlier list of problems:

1) I don't think I'll be seeing the care home or any of my things again. Including my pictures of my family.

2) I have no idea where we're going or what sort of people I'm going to meet.

3) Liam, Mark and Will all have crazy supernatural powers.

4) All the fairy tales I was told about in the past seem to be real. 

Then something comes to mind. "Liam, what is Rafel?" I ask finally breaking the silence. He sighs and answers, "Rafel is a vampire. He's over five hindred years old and head of the local clan." He says that so matter of factly. "So all those stories are real?" I ask, "Yeah." 









"Demons and Angels?" 

"Yes, although you don't see angels. It's very hard to find a person who has met an angel and lived to tell. Angels are grumpy buggers, always killing the person that summons them." Ok, so much for loving and caring angels. 

"So what exactly are you?" Curiosity getting the better of me. "We are the Woken." Like that makes sense. "Care to explain, 'cause I don't remember any stories about the Woken or the Awakened or whaterver it is." 

"Look everything will be explained when we get to The Court." 

"Where exactly is The Court?" I ask, "I can't tell you unless we Awaken you. We can't have Sleepers running around shouting out stories about us." replies Liam. "What are Sleepers?"

Again more questions.

"Sleepers are those who haven't been Woken. Normal people." Oh right. "Am I a Sleeper?"

I don't think I want to know the answer.

"No. I don't know what you are. You have to be Woken or be a half-blood to see the supernatural world."I open my mouth to ask yet another question but he beats me to it."Half-bloods are Warlocks and Faeries. They're part human part supernatural being. They either have demon or angel blood in them. Vampires and Werewolves are like a disease. You're either born one, or if you get bitten by a werewolf you have a fifty/fifty chance off becoming one at the next full moon. Vampires are the children of Lilith. You've heard of her right?" 

"Yeah I think. Isn't she like, meant to be mother of vampires or something?" Reading all those books has paid off. "Yeah, they're children of Lilith, mother of all vampies. But if a vampire drinks your blood then gives you his or hers blood and buries you, the next night you wake up as a vampire." 

Ok, note to self, don't get drained by a vampire. 

We continue walking for another half hour, until we're in the middle of no where. Liam stops and turns to me.

"Sorry about this Alex, but I'm gonna have to knock you out, so you don't figure out where I've taken you." Well I didn't think he'd say that. "Um ok. How are you going to that?" For an answer Liam hands me a small deep blue pill and tells me to bite and swallow.

I do what he says, and the last thing that I remember is everything going blury then black.

Chapter Seven

I wake up feeling light headed and sick. After I feel better I take in my surroundings. I'm in a room made out of stone with a fire place at one end of the room with a arm chair placed near it. At the other end of the room is a wooden door. I'm lying on a soft mattress which is on a biggish bed. 

I stand up and my feet flinch as they touch cold stone. Huh, I guess someone took my shoes off. How nice. I put my shoes back on and make my way out of the room. I'm standing in a hallway with other doors looking like mine, I figure that they must be other rooms. 

I hear voices coming from one end of the hall so I head that way. As I get closer the voices become easy to hear, I recognise Liam's voice. "Look, I brought her here like you said. I don't see what the problem is." They must be arguing or something. "Why did The Court agree to this?" asks a female voice, "Because this supposedly Sleeper is able to keep her thoughts to herself and she isn't a half-bloood or plagued,and even those have to be powerful for us not to be able to hear them." That came from an older sounding voice. "Maybe shes a deman hiding in a dead Sleepers body?" says the female. 

Well I know for a fact that I am not a demon. I mean look at me! I don't look like one.

I clear my throat loudly. 

"Excuse me, but I can tell that I am not a demon. I didn't even know that they exsited 'til Liam told they did. Oh and I would appreciate it if you didn't make asummtions 'til you've actually had the balls to come and talk to me yourself instead of stnading here bitching about me." 

I walk over to stand next to Liam while all three of them stand open mouthed blinking at me. 

What can I say? I guess I just have that effect on people. 

"I apologise for Jessica's behavier. She doesn't think it's right that Sleepers should be allowed in here." Says the older man. He has red hair that curls around his head in such a way that it looks like his hair is on fire. "Oh I'm Henry by the way." He says with a smile. "I guess you've already met Liam and Jessica, don't

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