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After calming herself down she said “let’s pretend that never happened.” At this Stephan smiled and she smiled back then at the same time they both came closer to the other and suddenly the kiss Anaïs had been long awaiting was happening and all other thoughts disappeared. They kissed and kissed and kissed until he pulled away stating that “I had better get back to watch” and left. Then there was one. Anaïs laughed aloud at that thought. As she walked back to her chambers Anaïs smiled but this smile was not as vibrant as the one that had spread across her face as she rode towards her beloved Stephan, this time there was a different picture in her mind, one of Stephan smiling with absolute love on his face but this time at the Princess not her. This picture worried her but she wouldn’t let it ruin her day, not when it wasn’t real instead just part of her imagination.
The next three days passed and she saw Stephan many times and not a single time did he act like he did on that puzzling morning, he was completely normal and she often talked to him, once they even spent all afternoon together in his chambers. That afternoon they talked but only for a fraction of the time, they were too busy kissing for much time to talk. Stephan was so romantic when he was off duty and AnaĂŻs well she was always romantic, she never tired of flirting with the many handsome men around the castle, of course that was all behind her now, she had a boyfriend and a wonderful one at that.
On her last day at the castle Anaïs didn’t see Stephan at all which saddened her but she supposed he must have been on duty with the King or the Queen, when a guard was on royal duty it was non-stop and if they were caught being slack, well let’s just say you’d rather die quickly than go through the captain of the guards cruel punishments. Anaïs was completely packed by 2 in the afternoon so she decided to have a short nap.
When Anaïs awoke there was a note on her desk stating that she should be at Stephan’s chambers by 6:00 dressed appropriately for dinner. This made Anaïs almost jump for joy she called on her maid Camille to get out her best clothing suitable for dinner with her darling Stephan. Out of her ginormous wardrobe Camille found a choice of two garments, one a long flowing emerald dress, a diamond necklace and earing set and striking green high heels. The second garment was short, tight and dark purple it was displayed by Camille with a blue scarf and blue headpiece it was a difficult but she chose the first thinking it was more Stephan’s style.
After almost 2 hours of foundation, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick, eye shadow, blush, hair curling and so much more Anaïs was finally ready to head towards Stephan’s chambers. It was only half past 5 when Anaïs reached his chambers but she was sure he wouldn’t mind, it wasn’t like she was hours early. Better early than late she thought, smiling at the prospect of the upcoming night spent with Stephan. She quietly opened the door hoping to surprise him. Instead it was Anaïs who was surprised; upon opening the door Anaïs saw a smiling princess as well as the same healer as she had seen a week ago. The healer was rubbing an ointment on the princess’ stomach, Anaïs was curious and upset. Why was Tiea once again in Stephan’s rooms? It didn’t make sense. Wanting some answers Anaïs decided to silently listen to what the healer said.
“Your majesty, your baby will be safe as long as you continue to rub this ointment on and take the pills that I prescribed last week.” Said the young healer. This stunned Anaïs, so the Princess was pregnant. She knew something funny was going on with the Princess, she had not been acting as her usual self of late, and this explained it all. Questions answered Anaïs left the room then knocked on the door as though she had only just arrived. Immediately Stephan replied, “Is that you Anaïs? You’re early” and she could hear both the princess and the healer leave through back door. Once they had left Stephan let her in, “ready to go out for an amazing dinner?” He questioned then added “wow! You look spectacular Anaïs” Anaïs smiled and replied “no-where near as stunning as you Stephan” she replied. “Let’s head” he said reaching for her hand.
The night had been spectacular and Anaïs had enjoyed every moment. She was too busy enjoying Stephan’s company to think about the Princess and by the time they got back to the castle she had completely forgotten about her employer’s pregnancy. However once asleep the thoughts of the Princess with children arose in the format of dreams, the dreams then formed into nightmares in which the Princess had hundreds of babies wining and crying and they all looked like… Stephan! This troubled her so much that she woke sweaty and heart beating faster than it had ever beaten before. Anaïs was unable to sleep and in the end she was so puzzled and out of mind that she decided to visit Stephan and ask for the answers she needed to put her mind at piece.
Anaïs opened the door of Stephan’s private chambers not even attempting to muffle the loud, squeak that came as the beautiful wooden door swung open. She was tired and confused so she called out to Stephan. He didn’t answer so she walked into his cozy living room. He was no-where to be seen so she assumed he was asleep, that was to be expected she realised as it was only 2 in the morning and most of the castle was asleep! She walked over to his bed then gasped, freezing in utter despair and torture. Her mouth was wide open but no words came out. Stephan rolled over waking to the sight of the stunned assassin and swore… Anaïs had caught him in bed with Princess Tiea!
Stephan sat up and tears started rolling down the cheeks of AnaĂŻs. She sunk to the floor holding her stomach as thought she might be sick. Stephan bit down hard on his lip, he had really stuffed up now, big time. “I… I… I can explain” he stuttered. AnaĂŻs just looked at him in disgust; she was outraged at the sight before her.  Then all of a sudden the wild within her took over and she could no longer contain her rage. AnaĂŻs launched herself at the stuttering guard clawing at him as though she was a tiger devouring her prey. He screamed in absolute horror at the crazed assassin and the Princess awoke, in one look she could see what had happened. Now she too swore… AnaĂŻs had discovered their relationship; the Princess knew that this couldn’t end well. Imprint

Publication Date: 03-20-2016

All Rights Reserved

Thanks to Rhiannon for helping plan the book and to Erin for reading the draft copies.

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