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Book online «Darkness by Jack Montgomery (best fiction novels to read .TXT) 📖». Author Jack Montgomery

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bits of information. Stopping at a building, Jack stopped and looked up at the buildings sign: The Red Serpent. Sounded promising enough. Stepping forward and opening the door, Jack was greeted with almost complete darkness smell of sweaty, stale ale and smoke. Jack smiled: perfect place to get some information and some new friends. As he stepped in, Jack noticed that almost everybody was staring at him threateningly. Walking to the bar, Jack sat down at on one of the many, used stools. As the bartender came over, Jack crept into the man’s mind, changing the mans thoughts about him to be more friendly. At least, he would have, but at that moment he felt a dark presence enter the room. Suddenly, Jack felt a sword point against his back. “Do you know why I’m not running you through right now?” Jack smiled. It had been a month since he had heard that voice. Staying still, Jack calmly said, “No actually I don’t. Please fill me in.” Suddenly, Jack was spun around to face his assailant. His assailant was none other than Lauren. Somehow she looked different. Suddenly, Jack noticed Lauren’s eyes: her eyes were pitch black. “I want you to suffer greatly for what you did to my father. Thats why I think I’ll cut you in half before I kill you.” With this, Lauren moved her sword to Jacks forehead. “Well, can’t have that now can we?” Suddenly, Jack picked up his legs and kicked Lauren away, backflipping over the counter. Standing back up, he looked over to where Lauren was now standing. Jack suddenly felt something warm flowing over his face. Lifting his hand to his face, Jack took his hand away and saw that it was covered in dark blood. Looking back up at Lauren, he noticed that she was smiling. Lauren quickly lifted her hand, and a bolt of dark magic shot out and hit Jacks head, flinging him through the back wall. As he was flung through the wall and into the alleyway beyond, Jack was dimly aware of how the cut on his face was now stinging like it was on fire. Without touching his face, Jack could feel the scar forming, over his right eye, across his cheek, and down the side of his neck. Brushing the rocks and debris off his legs and chest, Jack stood back up and stepped back into the bar, which was now significantly brighter now. The bar was devoid of people, save two. Lauren and a cloaked stranger that Jack had barely noticed on his way in, were standing about eight feet apart, staring each other down. Jack realized that they were dueling each other with their minds. Striding towards the two duelers, Jack drew his sword and strode over to Lauren, ramming the hilt of his sword into her temple. As Lauren quickly crumbled to the ground unconscious, Jack turned around to deal with the cloaked man. As soon as he turned around though, Jack felt a presence quickly overtake his mind and render him unconscious. The last thing Jack saw before his world went black, was the crest of the kingdom on a silver breastplate.

The knight stood over the now unconscious elf and man. These “people”, though they hardly were worth that title, would be sent off to the High City immediately. The night had voiced his concern over using the roads to transport such precious cargo over the roads, what with the increase in rebel activities and reports of increased robberies everywhere, but his concerns were quickly shot down by the High Council. Letting his mind wander for a bit, the knight stared at the elf. She really was a magnificent creature, with the long, glossy black hair, a face that seemed that of an angels, and teardrop eyes. The King most likely wanted the Elf just so that he could make her his own whore, though he had twenty-three others that he spent his lonely nights with. The Knight caught himself: had he really just thought all those things about the King? He was lucky that there were no Readers anywhere near, or he would have had his head on a silver platter before the King before daybreak. Stooping down, the Knight quickly relieved the Elf and the wizard of their weapons and packs. Dragging the unconscious elf and man outside, he quickly manacled them both, and tied them down on the two of the horses waiting outside. Mounting his horse, the Knight looked back at the bar, wondering what stories the villagers were telling about what had happened that day. Turning back around he quickly snapped the rains on his horse and galloped away towards the city gates. If the Knight had paid more attention to his surroundings, he would have noticed a teen girl staring at him out of a small window set in one of the houses bordering the street.

Chapter 6
The bouncing jolted Lauren awake. Quickly looking around, Lauren tried to take stock of where she was: she was surrounded on all sides by solders, she had manacles around her wrists, she was in some sort of cage with iron bars on all sides, and she was being followed by more cages of the same sort, with guards on all sides as well. Beyond the solders was a slight hill, leading up to a thick wood of tall pine trees. Suddenly a solder riding a plain brown horse, rode up right next to Lauren's cage. The solder sat there staring at Lauren while his horse kept pace with the foot solders next to him. The solders face was clean shaven, brown eyes, a hawklike nose, and two light scars coming out from his mouth, looking like he was smiling at all times. Lauren then heard a voice from behind her saying, "I don't think you want to make friends with him Lauren." Lauren spun around. Sitting there on the cage floor, with so many locks and manacles on him he looked like an extension of them, was Jack. Lauren was just about to go for his throat when she noticed something different about Jack: there was a long scar on his face running down onto his neck. The scar wouldn't have caught Lauren's attention, except for the fact that it was glossy black with red veins running through it. "Like what you did with my face? I must admit, that sword of yours is very sharp." Imprint

Publication Date: 02-02-2011

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