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Book online «The Wyverns: Nate by Nicola Collings (fiction novels to read txt) 📖». Author Nicola Collings

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voice sounded like it had another side to it, too, as if he was being forced to be hard in Nate.

                “We’re not working on the Commander’s behalf.”

                “Really? And why should I believe you?”

                “You have us in cuffs. I have no means of defence, no weapon. All I have is the questions I come to you with.”

                “We both know you don’t need a weapon to get out of those cuffs. One swift pull and you’d be free. And questions, you say? Why should I answer them?”

                “The only reason I have not broken free is because I believe this way, I have the best chance of you listening to me. My team is wishing to know the same answers as I. In fact, we all want to know about the research done upon us. I believe the Wyvern Industries is more corrupt than it claims it’s adversaries to be.” Nate looked into his eyes.

                He saw confusion on the commander’s face.

                After a pause, he said, “I am Simon, leader of Tarragon Industries. I know who you are.”

                “Will you help us?”

                A walkie talkie on Simon’s belt fizzed and Simon turned his back to Nate. He spoke into it, “Is that so? Well then, I think there’s more to this than meets the eye. Bring them in to holding cell 6.”

                Simon turned to look at Nate. “I’m quite sceptical of you and your ‘kind’, but if it is about the research, then I think you should know just how corrupt Wyvern Industries is. It may change your mind about who you work for.”

                A moment later, all 6 of the Wyverns were stood behind Nate.

                “So, what do you want to know?” asked Simon, several guards standing behind him, aiming guns at them.

                “Just what did they do to us? Why do we have inhibitor bands and why is Corey like us?” asked Nate.

                Simon paused. “From what we know, the five of you were commissioned to take part in a research project that would help humanity to progress- cures for cancer and other diseases, longer life, strength, agility, speed. Of course, Wyvern Industries had a secret department that lent it’s skills to the research of souls. It sounds ridiculous, but they found out that they exist. They’re tangible, they were able to run experiments on corpses to see that manipulation of souls was possible, that they could re-write a person if they so wished. This was top secret, however. We found out because we were trying to do the same thing. Anyway, the research conducted on you 5 was manipulation of a living soul. They in fact split it into two. It was part of the process; they could bring out abilities in you that could be controlled and monitored. This, however, brought out a different side that was uncontrollable, unpredictable. The danger here was sealed away with the inhibitor bands. What we managed to do to Corey, was do this, except we manipulated his soul so that we took away the dark parts. This resulted in memory loss and a new personality trait. What we left behind, however, was potential. This potentiality was what enables him to have all the powers you 5 have.”

                Nate looked down, unable to believe what he as hearing. “Souls. Souls? Are you serious?”

                He could sense the disbelieved expressions of the other Wyverns flanking him.

                Was this guy crazy?

                “Yes, souls. They exist.” Simon explained. “Have you ever noticed that some people, very

rare people, can do things? Unexplained things. Impossible things! Things that go against human

ability, that disprove the things we know. Well, we found that these people have different souls. We

believe souls are the cause of their powers. To what extent and from what cause, we do not know.”

                Nate couldn’t believe what he was hearing, but he suspected more crazy ramblings like this

could be nestled somewhere within Wyvern Industries.

                “So, are you gonna let us go?”

                Simon looked at them dubiously. “To tell the truth, I don’t know. How do I know you’re not

going to turn around and attack us? You’ve been working with the rival company who’s been trying

to foil our research for years. What proof is there that you’re not here to do it again?”

                Nate paused. “Because after we’re done here, we’re gonna go to Wyvern Industries and find

out just what their plans are. They were going to incinerate Kayla. What’s to stop them from doing

this to other people? What’s to stop them from terminating us?”

                Simon looked at them, unsure. Then, with motioning at the soldiers behind him, they moved

forwards lowering their guns.

                “Thank you!” gasped Nate, standing while his hands were untied.

                “Just get out. If I find out you’ve double crossed us, I will personally see to your destruction.”

And with that, Simon disappeared behind the door.

                Nate motioned to the Wyverns, glancing behind him- just in time to see Corey squeeze

Kayla’s hand. He whirled back around trying to forget what he’d seen and burying the burning

sensation, focusing on leaving The Wynde.

                It was around midday by the time the 6 of them left the building, and Nate could see the tips

of the sky scrapers of the City Centre rising above the black, slate roof tops. Nate thanked Tarragon Industries as they handed over the Wyvern’s guns, still uncertain, but Nate could feel their relief when they started down the road, towards Wyvern Industries.


                Part 4: Back and then Forth.


                Kayla stood in front of the other 4 Wyverns. Corey was nestled safely in an alley way, out of sight, ready to assist if needed.

                “You know the plan?” she asked. The 4 of them grunted.

                “Once we have the files, meet you back at the yard.” She explained. She and Nate were to go to the Commander’s office and cause a distraction- however crude it maybe, he might have information and the so-called files that contained details of the procedures- and the other 3 were to go to the research labs, evacuate and destroy.

                “Got it? Go!”

                And with that the 5 of them disappeared towards the building. Gale, Seth and Rafe disappeared inside, while Kayla paused and turned to Nate.

                “Want a leg up?” she asked, holding her hands out like a foot hole.

                “Ladies first.” Nate mirrored her actions, while she stepped into his hands. He shot his hands upwards, propelling Kayla into the air. He watched as she flew into the night sky, grasping onto the glass windowsills and cracks in the modern brick, scaling the entire 40 floor building in seconds. Nate followed, crouched and then leaping into the air, silently- a shadow moving through the night.

                He met Kayla on the roof of the building, surrounded by vents and a low wall that ran around the perimeter.

                “South side, I think.” Kayla muttered.

                “Yes.” Nate watched as Kayla went to the edge, gripped the low wall and hopped over the side. He looked over the edge; Kayla’s shadowed form moved downwards to the window. Nate looked behind him; the only light came from the huge sign on the opposite side of the building, the glow from the green letters that spelled WYVERN INDUSTRIES slithered across the concrete roof top.

                “Argh!” Kayla’s gasp sent panic through Nate’s veins.


                “Nate! I can’t get through the glass, wait...” her voice trailed off and there was the sound of breaking glass.

                “Clear!” came her voice. Nate grasped the top of the low wall and found cracks and crevices, using his strength to lower himself to the window, which was but a few jagged shards of glass. Someone was bound to have heard the glass shattering and Nate could hear the tinkle of glass hitting the ground below.

                Once inside the office, Nate looked around. Through the dark, he caught sight of Kayla. She held on of her inhibitor bands in her hand...

                “Kayla?” Nate said, uncertainly.

                “I...I’m fine, it’s strange, it’s like I can control it now.”

                Nate heard footsteps. He’d deal with this later. “Look in the desk.” He ordered as he went o a filing cabinet and proceeded to dent the locks with his fists, watching as the draws slid open.

                “There’s something here.” Muttered Kayla, just as the door swung open, revealing the light from the corridor and the huge figure of the Commander.

“ returned.” He spat in his sinister, hostile voice. He held something large and black in his hands. “What do you hope to gain by this, I wonder?”      

“I’m sorry. We couldn’t be kept in the dark any longer. We had to know.” Replied Kayla. “You’ve turned us into monsters!” Nate noticed she held a brown file in her hands, the remains of a metal draw at her feet.

Nate reached for his combat rifle, which was strapped to his back.

“I don’t think so.” The Commander cocked his gun and pointed it at Nate. “Put it down.” Nate did as the Commander said. They both knew it would make no difference. “Now, I will not have my research spoiled by the likes of you. You’re just soldiers. Where are you going to go? What are you going to do if you leave? No one will take you in, they’re all scared of you!”

“No, we won’t let you carry on with this!” Kayla brandished the file.

“You won’t ruin anyone else into monsters! You won’t play you’re little games with anyone’s soul, ever again.” Spat Nate looking at his watch.

In the distance, the three of them suddenly paused and tensed as shouting was heard from below. Nate looked behind him.



The three of them waited in the silence, knowing that this was not the work of the Wyverns. Then there were gunshots. Then there was silence.

“Where were we? Ah yes, I was about to close the Wyvern’s down. For good.” The Commander smiled, then shot at Nate, who leapt out of the way, bullets grazing his body. He felt the pain, but felt his skin immediately start to heal.

He saw Kayla leap at the Commander, dropping the file. He had to find a way to destroy that file! Hiding behind the desk, he heard the clink of metal and saw an inhibitor band fall, bouncing across the floor.


Nate rifled through the draws, looking for a lighter, or something!

“You think you can kill me?” he heard the Commander shout. “You’re just a failed experiment! A mindless monster!”

Nate stood, anger burning in his stomach. He saw Kayla bent over the Commander, a gun to her head.

“You think bullets can kill me?” Kayla growled.

“No, but they’ll render you unconscious, which allows me to use this, reducing you to ashes! You’ll never move again, bitch!” the Commander held a lighter in his hand.

So fire could kill a Wyvern. Convenient how they kept the secret to themselves in case they ever needed a kill switch.

“Stop! Commander, you turned us into monsters, it’s time we took responsibility for what you did to us.”                 Nate reached for his wrists and felt the cold metal in his hand. He squeezed, feeling the metal crumple and splinter. Letting the metal fall to the floor, he did the same to the other inhibitor band, and started to feel his body change...

He felt his bones snap and twist, his vision become enhanced; he could see the heat and the fear, radiating from the Commander. Leaping over the desk, he joined Kayla, ready to assist her in the kill.

“You see, Commander.” Kayla snarled, her fangs glinting beneath her black lips. “You play with fire, it’s gonna burn you.” And with that, the two of them bared their claws and sank their fangs into his body, the sounds of explosions and screams sounding in the distance.


“Do it.” Said Kayla, flatly. Nate lit the lighter and let the flame lick the file, watching the black seep into the pages.

                Nate let it fall and watched as the carpet caught fire. The two stood there, their wrists and ankles bare. He wanted to ask Kayla about

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