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Book online «Weapon in disguise by Maddie Koschel (red queen free ebook .txt) 📖». Author Maddie Koschel

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As she stepped inside jake looked towards her an smiled he coaxed her to her left through a doorway to what looked like the lounge room it was beautiful, dark wooden floor boards the walls where painted in a darkish yellow a weird combination but it actually suited it, it made the room look very bright she looked towards the couches an saw that it was a brown 12 seater couch that was like a rectangle then to the back of the room there was another couch but only a 2 seater it was in perfect line with the main couch she looked at the tv it was as wide as it could get she looked at every detailed even the vases with flowers that seemed to be everywhere. Jake looked at me waiting for an answer I smiled an said quietly "I love everything about this house an this place" he smiled at the place proudly " listen I'm just gunna tell my beta to tell everyone that there is a pack meeting later for your full introduction so you wait here an look around ill be back in 5" he nuzzled me an took of out of the room before I could say anything. I looked around until I laid down facing the door way as a minute passed a guy that had dark curly hair an brown eyes that where glued to the phone in his tanned hands walked into the room not noticing me but I jumped in surprise which caused a mini side table to fall over the vase with flowers came crashing to the ground I backed away as silently as I could but the guy jumped with surprise an looked up locking eyes with me I stared at him wondering what he would do until he growled a deep low growl in his chest which seemed to Damond attention I growled back challenging him to even dare come closer as he stalked a stepped closer, I snarled an bared my teeth that were way longer then his he seemed taken back by surprise but recovered quickly he didn't back down 'was this guy dum or plain stupid' she thought. She stepped closer an did not look away she would not be challenged by someone who was lower ranking then her, pack or no pack she would not let him win he stepped closer until bam his whole body shook an there stood before her was a large dark brown wolf with black mixed in he snarled his teeth at her her she snarled back snapping her teeth she got in a crouched position knowing he would attack first her. Her tail swished like the cats species that were in her DNA her claws lengthened to the rightful size of a male loin, then her eyes glowed to an even icier blue then her normal color, male wolf just looked at her weirdly to him she probably looked like a wolf but had the characteristics of a wild cat but to her this was natural an gave her adrenaline every time she became the animal she was made to be, he was about to attack her but jake ran into the room looking pissed of as hell he grabbed the male wolf an chucked him across the room he whimpered as his body came in contact with the wall he went to get up but just fell back down I focused on jake he was looking at me worriedly my heart beat quicker I looked at him and felt love, happiness, affection an admiration I calmed down but just before I was going back to my normal werewolf form another 3 people walked out 2 males who smelled of dominance an a female she smelt very familiar I looked closer an noticed it was Emma 'oh that bitch' I thought I was now back to my true form eyes glowing, claws out, an the tail swishing 3 of them looked at me in shock 'did they not no it was rude to stare' I said thinking to myself I growled at them wondering if they were challenging me the 2 guys bowed their heads they must no I was jakes mate but Emma still looked in rage I was about to attack until jake put his hand on my neck patting me, I calmed instantly. My claws went back to here normal size an my tail relaxed but my eyes still glowed jake looked at Emma an snarled "back down unless u want to challenge your new alpha female an my mate" she tried to talk but she was in shock she looked away an ran out the room I sighed an sat at jakes side. He looked down at me lovingly he asked "are you alright beautiful" he called me beautiful oh my god he thinks I'm beautiful! Jake smiled his dazzling smile I instantly died inside he's so hot! " yeah I'm fine just a werewolf male trying to kick my ass not to mention Emma the bitch who tried to take you as hers then had the guts to actually think about challenging me that bitch" "whoa calm down babe I would never let her touch me ever an the werewolf who a wall was Tyson 4 highest in rank an my cousin if he'd know who you where, he'd have hugged you to death" jake side while laughing I watched as Tyson got up an changed back into his human form he looked at me an bowed his head I nodded an then looked towards the 2 guys that were just as hot as Tyson but jake would always be hotter to me with or without him being my mate. The first guy who jake introduced was called Luke he was 3rd highest in the ranking orders an one above Tyson he had blond straight hair that went to his shoulder he to was another guy who had been blessed with natural good looks an a perfect body to match but the thing that strikes him anything but normal was that he 2 had blue eyes they were much darker then mine but still they looked unnatural, then jake introduced the next guy as chase his name was so familiar then it hit me he was the guy that had been with jake the other day her tail begin wagging as she looked towards chase who had hair that looked black in darkness but was actually a light faded black kinda making it grey his body was more lean then buff but u could tell he had abs, with her tail slightly swishing as she looked at chase as he spoke "she must know who I am hello Lexi I see you are the new alpha female as I'm jakes beta secong in rank an am now your beta to" he bowed his head in submissiveness my tail wagged even more until jake looked at my an spoke "it's time for you to change into your human form"


Sad Memories, an don't forget friends from the dead what else could be more tragic

Damn I thought I could get away with it. I nodded an waited for him to move as we walked past the 3 guys I nodded my head in respect but not in submissiveness as I walked up the stairs there were so many wide hallways that I would probably get lost so I stuck to jake like a baby he stopped at a door an opened it "well this is mine but it is also yours now you can do whatever I'll leave you to change an get cleaned up the bathroom is to the left see u soon, take as long as you want" I rubbed his leg with my face an continued walking in, as he slowly closed the door I looked around an smiled 'typical boys room' I heard a deep masculine voice laugh in my head. Jake had obviously heard that thought. I looked to the left to see a closed door which was obviously the bathroom then about 10 meters next to that was a open door way as I looked closer into it I saw heaps of different cloths my eyes opened in excitement I backed away before I got ahead of my self. I changed back into my human self, I sighed it kinda felt good to be back as a human I walked into the bathroom I dared one glance at the mirror an saw myself, the girl with piercing blue eyes an dark wavy hair my hair had grown from the last time I saw myself it was now touching my bum as I looked at my body it was covered in dirt I looked in disgust. I turned around an started the bath that was literally the size of a single bed I slowly got in feeling the hot water lap around my skin I sank into it, memories of everything I had done as a human came flashing back its not as if I forgot just that I didn't need to know, I remembered everything from my family, to my first shift to even my first boyfriend I sighed loving the feeling of being me again. I used to love the afternoons after I finished school an went home to find my mum baking cookies an my little sister Ruby running around with her twin brother Nicholas they were so adorable, then my dad would come through the door acting all tough an mean until he would get really close to me then he would start tickling me while laughing evilly then as he finished he would spin me around, then kiss my forehead an steal one of mums freshly baked cookies, he would then run away while mum chased him. I always treasured those days but as I grew older I moved away an while I was discovering the world I stopped being in contact with them but what I don't understand is why they never tried to get in contact with me so I figured they didn't want to see me. the last time i saw any of the was at ruby an nicks 14th birthday an I was 20 then I'm now 55 but mind you I looked like a 18 year old. I sighed, maybe I should get back in contact with them I shook my head an grabbed the soap an scrubbed my body after 10 minutes of vigorously scrubbing my body i moved onto shaving my legs an armpits after i finished i looked at the water it had turned black an I was now white well a tanned white I took the plug out an ran it again I was now sitting in clear water I found the shampoo an conditioner I poured to handfuls of shampoo into my hair an scrubbed so hard that my scalp was beginning to feel sensitive I washed it out my hair actually felt clean I moved onto the conditioner instead of scrubbing I

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