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Book online «Jack Frost by Shannon Sabotage (romantic novels to read .txt) 📖». Author Shannon Sabotage

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made a gun out of his fingers and somersaulted over to the couch. His mother laughed at him and told him to get his butt on the couch.

Chapter 6~

Chapter 6~
With light feet avoiding stones and stumps, Hesita dashed up her driveway to the front door. Quickly unlocking the door and running up the stairs her bag caught on the banister of the stairs.
“Dammitt, come on.” She tugged on the strap cussing heavily under her breath.
“Hestia!” She looked up to the sound of her father’s voice. She surrendered her bag to the stairs and walked towards the kitchen where his voice had come from. She peered around the corner to find her dad at the dining table. Trying not to make too much noise she tip-toed toward her father. He gripped a beer bottle in his left hand. She watched as the condensation melted down the sides of the glass.
“How was your first day at school?”
“It was better than expected; I made a few new friends.”
She smiled nervously as she rubbed the back of her neck. He nodded as he read an article in the newspaper.
“Do you go to school with that Jack kid?” Hestia froze.
“Yeah, what about him?”
“I heard he’s a bad kid and that you should stay away from him.”
Jack? I’m sure he’s mistaking him for someone else. Maybe Jeremiah. Hestia thought as her father looked at her.
“Yes, sir.”
“I don’t want you getting a bad reputation right off the bat, or at all for that matter.”
Hestia nodded and walked out of the kitchen.
“Wait, Hestia, can you get me another beer before you go?”
She sighed walking back into the kitchen opening the fridge and grabbing a brown glass bottle from inside. She handed it to him cautiously and stood there for a moment making sure that’s all he needed. Hestia went through the living room and to the stairs taking her bag and heading off to her bedroom. She opened the door throwing her bag on the floor and closing the door behind her. She leaned her back against it sliding down to the carpet. She crossed her arms across her chest and buried her face in them. Muttering under her breath there was a knock at the door. She looked up wiping her eyes from any uprising tears and stood opening the door timidly. Her older brother stared at her until he let himself in.
“Hey, I need to ask you a favor.”
She furrowed her eyebrows as he took a seat at her desk.
“What is it this time, Auburn?”
He smiled grimly and turned to her.
“You know that teacher of mine who always gives me bad grades no matter what?”
She nodded remembering last month she gave him a zero on a project he spent two months on. Hestia and her father moved to Winnipeg because Auburn had been attending college there. If his teacher gives him another zero, he’ll have to repeat the year.
“Well, it’s gone too far, I need you to-“
“Wait, on one condition…convince dad not to hit me for a month.”
“I’ll try but you need to do this for me anyway.” She sighed and agreed to whatever he needed her to do. She heard him out and they shook hands before Auburn hugged her tightly.
“I’m sorry, Hestia.” She flinched and nodded saying it was fine.
He walked out leaving her alone with her thoughts. She flopped onto her bed and soon fell into a blissful sleep.
Shaken awake she looked into the hazel eyes of her brother.
“Come on, we’re doing it tonight.”
“Aw, no, Auburn.” She rubbed her eyes before continuing. “Why can’t we do it tomorrow night?”
“Dad may be home tomorrow night; he just left for the bar. Come on get yourself together and grab whatever you need.”
She nodded getting up as he left the room. Pulling her orange tresses back with her nimble fingers she walked to her dresser. Pulling out a black t-shirt and black tight fit jeans, she got dressed quickly. Grabbing two pairs of fire-proof goggles she dashed out of the room downstairs and into the kitchen where she suspected Auburn was getting a snack. He sat at the counter with a sandwich in one hand and a beer in the other.
“I’m ready, come on.”
He turned around and looked at her hands holding the goggles.
“You’re clever, always thinking ahead of me.”
“Yeah, yeah, hurry up. I’ll be in the car.”
She grabbed the keys off the dining table and a walked into the garage. She unlocked the Sedan and got in the passenger seat and put the key in the ignition. She heated up the car and sat there until she heard the opening of the garage door. She looked around the car and Auburn pressed his face into her window. She let out a scream and grabbed her chest in shock.
“You dumbass! You almost gave me a heart attack!”
She yelled at him through the glass. He rounded the car and opened the driver’s side door.
“Holy wombats, why is it so hot in here?”
Hestia shrugged thinking the temperature was perfect.
“Turn the A/C on; I’m going to melt if you don’t.”
Auburn pulled out of the garage as Hestia sluggishly turned the air conditioner on. He pulled into the parking lot at his college.
“What exactly are we gonna do?” He sighed at her question.
“All I ask is that you do your best work.” He smirked and unlocked the doors getting out and slamming the door closed.
“Is anyone here?”
“Nope, teachers went home around five today.”
“What about janitors and people like that?”
“Shouldn’t be here, and if they are…we’ll deal with them.”
“I think you’re going a little overboard, Auburn.”
“Well, she did to.”
Hestia sighed as they both walked up to the back of the school. She handed him a bobby pin from her hair and he took it gratefully. He picked the lock and it opened with ease.
“I don’t know whether I want to know how you know how to do that.”
She said as she walked inside. Auburn closed the door behind them and started walking up the stairs to the second floor.
“Follow me.” He said as he walked down the hall stopping at a door.
“This her room?” He nodded and picked the lock again with ease and strolled inside.
“All I want you to do is burn the work she hasn’t graded yet.” He grabbed a pile of papers off the desk and threw them on the floor in front of Hestia.
“And what is the point for that?” Hestia said as she tossed a pair of goggles at him. He caught them pulling them over his eyes and continuing,
“She’ll be to blame for ‘losing’ the work and probably get fired.”
“Want me to burn them to ashes or to nothing?”
“Nothing of course.” He gave a smirk as she put the goggles on.
“Fine, fine. Stand back.”
She parted her legs getting leverage and held her hands out. Tiny sparks leaked from her fingertips that soon shot out flames of destruction.

Chapter 7~

Chapter 7~
Hestia shaped the fire into a dome to prevent it from spreading throughout the room or setting off the fire alarms. Soon, the papers had been burned to nothing and she extinguished the flames with a flick of the wrist. Auburn pulled the goggles down around his neck and smiled inspecting her work.
“Nice job, sis!”
He walked over to her and held his hand up for a high five. She lightly slapped her palm against his and walked out of the room. Auburn left the room locking it behind him and running after Hestia through the hallway. Her fiery locks had come undone and now flowed behind her as she paced out of the building. She grabbed the handle of the Sedan and tugged.
“It’s locked, you dipshit.”
She folded her arms across her chest silently and stood there waiting. Auburn unlocked the car and jumped inside. Hestia got inside slowly keeping her mouth shut and ignoring Auburn. Halfway along the ride back home Auburn broke the silence,
“Are you okay?”
She nodded her head lightly and leaned back into the seat and closed her eyes.
“Hestia…I’m going to try my hardest to persuade Dad not to lay a finger on you. I promise I’ll try, you deserve so much better.” She nodded scrunching her nose as she did so. He laughed lightly and pulled into their driveway finding another car was in the garage.
“Who the hell…”
Hestia sat up opening her eyes and looking into the garage. She unlocked her door and walked up the driveway into the garage and looked into the passenger seat of the black Camaro. She squinted trying to get past the tinted window when all of a sudden the glass rolled down.
“Hey beautiful.”
That voice, that voice she hated.
“How did you find out where I lived Jeremiah?”
“I have my ways, now get in babe I wanna show you around town.”
“Now tell me why I should go anywhere with you?”
“Cuz I’ll show you a great time.”
“Pssh, whatever.”
She walked up the steps to the back door and walked inside ignoring Jeremiah all together. Auburn soon followed her inside.
“So, why’s that kid in our driveway?”
“Some son of a bitch that won’t leave me alone.”
“Watch the language missy.”
He smirked following Hestia into the kitchen and directing himself to the fridge. He popped the top off a bottle of beer and turned to Hestia as she spoke,
“He’s just been getting on my nerves. Keeps calling me beautiful, and I sort of like someone else.” Auburn almost spit out his beer.
“Wait, what was that last sentence?” He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and turned to her.

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