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Book online «The Witching Hour by Katie Brethorst (room on the broom read aloud TXT) 📖». Author Katie Brethorst

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are. Can I become one." If only she knew. It was exhausting trying to keep myself a secret. I was constantly doing things I shouldn't, but I did it for other people not myself. It scared me that someone would want to go through this chaos. I shook my head at her.
"You have to be born a witch. You can't become one," I explained. Only one out of 5 billion people were a witch. "You can't tell anyone about me. If you do, I'll be killed. Please don't say anything." She nodded. Then she did something surprising. She hugged me. I about started to cry. I gave her my phone number and headed off to find Aiden. Then I stopped my self cold. What if someone saw me? I'd made sure that no one did. But the forest exhibit was right over there. What if someone had been watching me the whole time...

Chapter Fifteen

Don't be silly Tara. You know no one saw you. That suspicion in the back of my mind wouldn't shut it. I found Aiden looking at the monkeys. Figures. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I had got to get this idea out of my head. It was scaring me. The rest of the day was fun. On our way out of the zoo, I saw the little girl again. I winked at her and she smiled. So did I. We got back into the limo and sat across from each other. Aiden looked really tired. I guess I did too. We got back to my house, and went inside. I was swerving away from the balcony, when Aiden caught my arm. He was dragging me towards the edge. I was frozen with terror. The sickening feeling of dropping that far terrified me. Then he did something surprising. He sat me down gently, like I would still break, then he sat down next to me. I couldn't look down. The floor was made of glass. I guess that was what he wanted. Me only to look at him. That scared me even more than the drop. Sit alone with Aiden, or fall umpteen feet. I was about to launch myself off the side. Then Aiden leaned over and kissed me. Sparks flew. I guess that was what you could say. It was. I'm pretty sure that no source of fire was around here. I was completely giddy. He pulled back and smiled at me. He saw my face and smiled even wider. I grinned back at him. We sat like that a while and talked. We looked up at the stars and just looked. There was no point in using words. Then something got really serious while we were just laying there. Aiden's phone rang.
"Hello?" Aiden replied into the phone. His whole tone had changed. He went from not a care in the world to the whole weight of the world on his shoulders. He glanced a quick look at me. "Yes sir, I'm tracking her right now. Yes, I know that I let her get away last time, but it wasn't my fault. She went into a hotel and yelled for help before she collapsed. What was I supposed to do, kill her in front of someone. I know, I'll do better next time." I was studying is face when his eyes got wider. "I will try to finish the job by Friday. Bye." He looked at me worriedly. I then understood. Justin was trying to get Aiden to kill me by Friday. That was only four days away. Oh my God. I was going to die within four days. At least it was by the man I loved. I hope.

Chapter Sixteen

"You know I have to kill you." Aiden said. I tried to hold back tears. It didn't work. I let loose a sob that racked my whole body. I sat slumped over waiting for him to finish me off. He laid his hand on my back while I continued to cry. Then I stood up and walked over to the edge. I looked down. It was a really long drop. God I hated doing magic in public. Oh well. Get exposed or die. Exposed it is.
"I hate seeing myself around trying to cover, turn the sidewalk to rubber. Then I jumped. It was the most terrifying thing I have ever went to. When I landed on the sidewalk, it was like a trampoline. I bounced up and down for a few moments then looked up. Aiden was looking down on me. He was yelling my name. I looked up and waved. Then I walked down the street. I turned towards Robert's apartment. I walked right on in, even if it was midnight. I knocked on the door, and a butler answered it.
"Good evening Tara. Robert has been expecting you." he said. That was not a good sign. If someone was waiting for me, that could only be bad news.
"You know what, I forgot to feed my cat. I should get going. Francine really hates it when I forget her precious food so..." I couldn't finished my sentence before he grabbed me and hauled me struggling into the living room. The ceiling was probably a good hundred stories up really high. Oh Jesus. At the top there was some kind of pulley system. I had a really bad feeling about this. The butler took me to an elevator and took me to the top most floor. Robert was up there waiting for me. Then he took a step to the right, and my eyes instantly narrowed. Justin.
"You know, Tara, I thought I made myself perfectly clear. Sending an assassin after you must not have got the message through to you huh?" Justin rambled. God. My last minutes of life, and I had to listen to this loser talk and talk and talk. Jeez. I couldn't catch a broom. I'm nervous, shut up. They started hooking me into the pulley system. Oh my Jesus. I looked down. There was a deep pool, about twenty feet deep. There were a bunch of tropical fish in it. I rolled my eyes. Only Justin could think of something as dumb as this.
"When we lower you down, Tara, we will hook an anchor to your feet. It will be steel. The one thing your magic can't break through. We will drop you in just like my ancestors did to your ancestors. After just a few minutes, you will be sleeping with the fishes." Justin ranted then he laughed.
"Nice one Justin," I said. "How long did it take you to come up with that one?" I got a chuckle out of everyone but Justin. I smiled cruelly. I could afford to do that. Right? Nope.
"Jones, send her down." Justin yelled. So insecure. That was the least of my problems though. They attached a really heavy anchor to my feet. I was squirming. Justin put a bandanna in my mouth. I glared at him with such intensity, he took about three steps backward. Then he smiled and waved as I went down. The pulley system dropped me and I was free falling. The bandanna came from my mouth, but I wouldn't scream. I would not give him that satisfaction. The anchor hit the water, pulling me in too. I struggled for a minute or too. I couldn't breathe. The bubbles going up to the surface would probably be my last. I gently relaxed so I wouldn't be all stiff when I finally died. It was actually pretty peaceful down there. Just as my world started to go dark, I heard a splash. It sounded like it was forever away. I felt a weird current, and then I was gone.

Chapter Seventeen

I heard the angel weeping before I saw him. It was a pitiful sound. I wanted it to stop.
"Why are you crying?" I asked sleepily. My chest really hurt. Then the angel came into view and it wasn't an angel at all. It was Aiden crying his eyes out. We were by the floor of the pool and I was soaking wet. He turned to look at me, and the tears stopped. I tried to sit up, but ended up falling back. Okay, don't try to sit up after you nearly drown. It is not good for you. Aiden lifted me up to where I could wobbly stand. He took my arms and led me out the door.
When we finally reached my condo, it was nearly morning. I was laid onto my bed, and Aiden sat behind me. He told me that he had known I was a witch all along. Which kind of surprised me because he didn't let on. I sat on the bed and took a nap for a little while. Almost dying really takes a toll on you. When I woke up Aiden was almost half of the way through my copy of The Hollow. That was surprising, looking on that is a five hundred page book. How long had I been out?
"How long did I sleep?" I asked. Aiden looked up from my book with surprise. He looked distant, like he had just come from Sleepy Hollow New York, with Abbey and Caspian. I smiled despite myself. I would be the one to pick a reader just like me. He grinned back. He understood me that well. He was so heartbreakingly handsome.
"You've been asleep for about three hours. I just picked up a book and it is really good. You sure do know how to pick a book, Tara." The compliment sent my heart into a flutter. I was surprised he couldn't hear it. I smiled shyly. Why was I so nervous? I hadn't acted like this any other time. Maybe because you didn't realize you loved him my conscience told me.
"Aiden, I have to tell you something." I said extremely nervous.
"So do I," Aiden said. He smiled at me and I smiled back.
"I'm in love with you." we said simutaneously. I blinked utterly surprised. Aiden laughed and I giggled.
"I didn't think you felt the same way." I said between giggles.
"Neither did I about you." Aiden said still laughing. I got out of bed and hugged him. He smiled at me and I saw sparks fly again. I knew I had picked the right guy.

Chapter Eighteen

I still got to be a singer. I changed my name to Sabine though, in honor of my best friend. Aiden was my manager. We were happy for the rest of our days.

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