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Book online «Killers by Megan Duffey (self help books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Megan Duffey

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two seats. Mason let Michael sit in the front seat, surprisingly. “Hmm, about two hours from here.” He said taking out the GPS and punching in the address.

“Great, two hours in the car with jack ass.” She murmured putting the key in the ignition and following the computer voice of the GPS to her first turn.

“Ah, you know you like me.” Michael said grinning a flirty smile.

“You wish.” Aria rolled her blue eyes. This was going to be a long trip when she was with a vampire she hated very much. She wished he’d stop flirting with her so much, it made her temper heighten by the minute.

By the time they arrived at their destination, it was twelve thirty. Aria was grateful to get out of the car and walk around. One more minute with Michael and she was sure she’d lose her temper and kill him. Aria stood looking at the two story house in front of her. It was a nice house, white exterior, the grass a dark healthy green…but she knew that car in the drive way from somewhere. She just couldn’t remember where. They walked to the door, and Aria toyed with the ring on her finger, waiting for someone to answer. Finally the door opened, revealing a man about her age, Aria thought. The man eyed Aria for a moment before cracking a smile…a familiar smile. “Aria?”

“Will?” She said in astonishment cracking a smile of her own. She had dated Will before when she was about sixteen. He looked just as she remembered. Goofy smile, dark hair, and green eyes. Memories flooded Aria’s brain. She’d went on her first date with him when she was fifteen, they’d went to a football game together, then they’d went on a couple of more dates, eventually reaching the title as a couple. Before that night…the night her parents died. That moment had changed everything. She’d left her old life behind.

Will hugged her tight spinning her around. The warmth of his arms sending shivers through her body. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Michael raise an eyebrow and Mason was smiling. “Gosh, its been such a long time! Where the hell have you been hiding?”


“She’s a cook. She loves to cook.” Mason finished for her. Obviously that was a lie. Although her mother use to let her cook dinner sometimes--Italian food mostly. Their mother had been always been in the kitchen almost all the time, the memories lightened Aria’s mood just a little. You’ve never had spaghetti until you try real Italian sauce.

“Oh, well that’s great! I’m a doctor.” That wasn’t a surprise. He’d always been the smart one and had made all A’s through school. He probably had went to a big college to get his degree. Jealousy flashed through Aria.

He invited the unusual group into his house. The fireplace was the first thing that caught Aria’s eye. The stones and the paint of the wall matched perfectly. The dark hardwood floor made the room look even better. Mason on the other hand, noticed the Plasma Screen TV hanging on the wall. He stared at it longingly before turning back around and smiling at Aria. She rolled her eyes.

“Gosh I can’t get over how different you look.” Will said breaking their silent eye contact. Aria could feel the vampire’s gaze on her from across the room. Mason was suppressing a grin. When they’d dated in high school Mason was about twelve. He’d liked Will too. Aria wasn’t the only one who was happy to see her friend.

“Not to be rude or anything but why exactly are you here?” Will asked gesturing for them to take seats in his well decorated living room.

“Actually we came about…” Aria trailed off when she noticed the picture sitting on his desk. It was Aria, much younger and vulnerable than she was now. Beside her, was Mason smiling a nerdy grin and Will smiling his cute little boy smile. That picture had been taken the year before her parents had died.

“Do you know about the disappearance of a girl named Olivia Lynette in this area?” Mason said finishing Aria’s sentence. He gave her a confused look that she saw out of the corner of her eye. She tore her eyes away from the picture and waited for Will to answer.

“I’ve heard about it…but I can’t remember…”

“Where do you work, exactly?” Michael asked quickening the speed of their long process.

“The only hospital in town, Jefferson Hospital.” He replied with a smile, his expression was a look of confusion. Your long lost girlfriend out of the blue turns up on your doorstep and asks about the disappearance of a girl in the area. Sure, never mind the fact that he had two assassins in his house…and Michael, who could probably do some damage too. Yeah, real ice breaker.

“Okay thanks. We really must be going…” Mason said jumping up and giving him a smile. He eyed Aria again who had looked almost pale. Impossible for his perfectly tanned and beautiful sister.

“Oh yes, I understand. Almost time for me to go to work anyways.” He said before leading them back to the front door of his place. Before Aria could walk out he grabbed her shoulder. His touch made Aria want to melt into his arms.

“Oh Aria, I was just wondering if we can talk over dinner tonight? Maybe around six o’clock?” The question stunned her momentarily before she smiled her irresistible smile.

“Sounds like a date.” Michael and Mason walked in front of her and she could tell they were talking about her. Usually Aria was always mean…but as soon as Will opened his door she’d been an angel. One of the weird things about crushes…

Chapter Five

Michael had been watching Aria very quietly as she made her way to her closet, for about the hundredth time. It surprised him that she cared so much about what William thought. But then again, Aria was a very surprising person.

After deciding on a dress she stopped and stared in the mirror. Michael couldn’t help but to realize how good the dress looked on her. The dark blue material hugged her in all the right places. Her hair was twined into a bun and she’d let a few strands hang loose. She looked beautiful. Again the thought of drinking from her entered his mind.

“You know, I really don’t like you staring at me.” She said twirling around and crossing her arms. When she was mad it made Michael want her even more, and from the time he’d met her she’d been either sarcastic, mad, or glaring at him. So he’d wanted her the whole time.

“Mmm, but your so nice to look at.” He joked, slowly walking into the room. As her aggravation grew, Michael smiled. This was his game. Making people aggravated for his entertainment.

She rolled her eyes and turned back to the mirror. Undoing the catch of her necklace, she picked up another one. This one was the same color of her dress, Michael suspected it was made of sapphire. Her tattoo around her wrist made her look unusual. Only other supernatural creatures could see it; humans couldn’t. The design was on all Warriors, marking them as property. They didn’t get their tattoo until their first killing. Michael wondered when her first killing had been. The way she handled those knives of hers proved that she had started at an early age. He had no idea about Mason. They boy was very intelligent but he looked as if he tried to stay away from fights. He’d just stood in the doorway as Aria had talked and threatened him.

“How long have you been standing there?” Aria asked turning around again and putting her hands on her hips. She snapped him out of his daze.

“Long enough.” He replied.

She bit her bottom lip and looked down. Michael could tell that she was nervous. When your more than a century old you tend to pick up on emotions a lot more than a mortal. Her emotions however, he had learned, were jumbled. She could be aggravated one moment and ready to kill you the next. This girl was so interesting to him, but he imagined she was like that with everyone. Something about her draws you to her, he thought.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were nervous.” Michael said leaning against the wall. He loved to get a rise out of people. Especially Aria. He hoped she’d stick around awhile, Michael enjoyed the company. And the boy, Mason, was nice too. Perhaps, they could become friends.

She looked up. Her cheeks turned pink. “I’m not nervous, why would I be nervous?”

“I think you loved him at sometime in your life.”

She stood there silently and turned around, sighing. “Your wrong.”

“Then why get all dressed up for him? And that smile you had on your face when you saw him--priceless. You like him and you know it.” Michael said slowly coming towards her. The closer he got the more nervous she got.

“You just don’t want to admit you care for someone.” Michael said. That did it. Something in the Warrior snapped.

She whirled around and pushed him against the wall so hard and so quick he didn’t even have time to react. She gripped his shoulders tightly and looked at him with her dark brown eyes. They pierced him like a dagger. Like she saw through him, to his soul. No one had looked at him with such intensity in his long life.

“You know nothing about me. Do you hear me? Nothing.”

“You did love him didn’t you?” Michael asked still pinned to the wall by the angry Warrior. He could easily dispatch her from himself but something told him that wasn’t such a good idea.

Her response was shoving him against the wall even harder. He groaned. If he was human he was sure the momentum of which she had shoved him would have broken his bones.

“Don’t ask me those kind of questions, Michael. Ever.” Those brown eyes of hers burned with intensity as she said them. His gaze traveled to her lips and he wanted to kiss her. Thankfully, she didn’t notice.

And she walked away.

Soon after that, she left for her date with William. Her little outburst had a interested Michael even more. The girl was practically made of stone. He’d never seen her laugh or even smile. Well except around Will. Although he didn’t particularly like the boy he would back off. Michael could let one girl get away from him. She obviously didn’t like him very much. Which amused him. Most girls would be flattered that Michael would even look at them. But Aria…

Two hours later Mason and Michael were in the parking lot of Jefferson Hospital looking for evidence of the sick bastard who was making new vampires. So far, they’d had no luck.

“Dude, the attack was near here, not actually here.” Mason was saying as Michael irritatingly circled the hospital again. He sighed.

“Maybe your right…”

“Look, let’s walk down the road a little. There’s bound to be something.”

With that, they walked down the road a few minutes. Carefully scanning every inch of space. Nothing. No blood. No signs of struggle. Just concrete and rock. Michael would’ve been able to smell if there was blood but he still checked. The possibility of there being no evidence once so ever was just…impossible.
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