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Book online «Deadly Secrets by Emma Smith (free children's ebooks pdf txt) 📖». Author Emma Smith

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could feel it working it's way into my veins. My eyes widened in shock. I poured the elixir into a small glass bottle. Although I know it does not harm me, I'm still unsure If it harms other witches. I'll test that tomorrow, and I know exactly who. Cassidy Maris who has been using me as a lab rat for her own spells since the day she got her powers.
I got up and cleaned up my desk and changed for bed. I pulled back my sheets and and nestled down under neath my blankets.
The next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I got out of bed and quickly showered and blow dried my hair and pulled it back into a neat bun. I didn't bother with makeup, well to be honest I never do. I put on a white button up shirt with a light gray toiled design. I then pulled a royal blue sweater over my head. I slipped on skinny jeans and laced up my light brown knee-high leather boots. I was quit fond of these because the heel was one inch high and thick. I decided to wear white fuzzy earmuffs with a light grey matching scarf. I walked down stairs and saw Nona making bacon and pancakes.
"Good morning." I said cheerfully.
"Oh, Mornin'" She said.
" How did you sleep?" she asked me.
"Alright, but I tested the hazel elixir, and so far it works." I told her. she dropped the spatula and turned the stove off. She turned around to face me.
"What do you mean 'so far' ?" she asked me.
"what I mean is It doesn't harm me but as for other witches... I'll have to test it." I explained. She sighed and turned the stove back on to continue cooking.
"You should test it on that horrible Cassidy girl. She really is the wicked witch of north. She gives all other witches a bad name,but in reality she's the only wicked one, she's satin's whore. I mean her last little 'spell' went so haywire that you almost killed your self, and for what? So she could get test answers. I really loath her, and her older brother, Devin is exactly the same only bigger. Please were that juniper oil.. that should help shield you from their evilness" I chuckled silently at Nona's little rant. It was all true though, Cassidy wanted test answers for the midterms, so she "bugged" me and could see and hear everything I thought, saw, or heard. I ended up going insane because I could also see and hear everything she thought, saw, or heard. So to escape it I tried to kill my self. Lucky Nona burnt sage which banished the "bug". as for the juniper oil, by rubbing juniper oil on your skin you can prevent your self from being harmed by another's curse. So naturally I often wore juniper.
"I know, Nanna. I started putting juniper oil in all my perfume and body wash." She sighed and she put the pancakes and bacon on a plate.
"Here eat, your to skinny. I worry you'll freeze to death." She said as she slid my plate across the table.
"You worry to much.You think I'm going to die from everything." I laughed under my breath as I took a bite.
"And I worry about that old lycan down at the convenient store you like." I cocked my eyebrows up as I spoke.
"Who ,Hache? No he's a sweetheart." She assured me. And just for the record his full name is Hache Hi.
"Yeah until he shifts then he's a snarling twelve foot tall best with horns, fangs, red eyes, and knives for claws. Yup he sound great to bring home." I said with sarcasm. Nona looked at me and gave me "the look" the hole tilted head and raised eyebrows.
"Oh, but I'm sure he's so much better then the werewolf who tore up the couch cushions."
"Sorry, but once again, I'm the daughter of a werewolf. So natural I'm going to try to be with a one."
"No your just a crazy old woman who can't seance danger."
"says the soviet witch." She mumbled as she ate her food.
"Hey, not funny. I'm just saying I'm not a fan of him, and has nothing to do with the fact that every time he comes over I spend most of the next day scrubbing out the wolf/wet goat smell from our coach." I said with a fake smile. I finished my last bit and got up from table.
"Your done already?" she asked as she looked down at my empty plate.
"I"m a fast eater."
"apparently." she laughed.
"alright I'll see you tonight." I called at her front the door way.
"wait!" she said. she an over to me, yanked my head down, patted my hair several time, jerked my head back up, and then tightened my scarf.
"Just making sure your hair's not wet. I don't want you to die from hypothermia." she patted my back and handed me my backpack and shoved me out the door. I stood there on the front porch and saw Nate in front of my house waiting for me. I really didn't want to see him right now.
"Hey." He said as I walked past him.
"No." I said bluntly.
"what?" he asked me.
"I'm not getting involved with you know leave me alone." I said picking up my pace. However no matter how fast I walked he could keep up easily.
"Well that will be hard considering I know your secret and you know mine."
"That doesn't matter to me, besides if your were to expose me I would just kill you. You're dead anyway it wouldn't make any difference." I said with a cold tone in my voice.
"That wasn't nice, Savanna." He said.
"I Don't care now leave me alone." I said as turned around to face him.
"Like it or not I'm going to be around you a lot more now." I grounded.
"And I don't like it. I'm not going to be stalked by a mosquito." I said. After that we walked in silence. I looked over at Nate and studied his light brown shaggy hair that was hung slightly in is eyes. I Looked at his unique eyes that were an aqua green and then faded into a dark blue, his irises had a defined almost black dark blue ring around the outer side. I then notice his defined jaw line and pert nose. He was also tall, most likely over 6'3. He suddenly looked down and caught me staring. I instantly looked away and could feel my cheeks turn bright red.
I saw that we were almost in front of the school. I stopped and started digging for the witch hazel elixir. I felt the glass bottle brush my finger tips and pulled it out. I unscrewed the cap and pour very little into my hand. I rubbed it around on my hands and then placed it back in my bag.
"What's that?" he asked me.
"A witch hazel elixir, that only I am immune to. I'm... testing it." I looked up at him sheepishly.
"Wait so there's another witch in Nome?" He asked me.
"It's more witches

, and you can't forget about the lycan at the convenient store." I said as I walked away.
"A lycan?" he practically squeaked. I turned around and looked at him.
"Yes, a lycan. Now are you coming?" I wasn't willing to wait for him. Just then Carly saw us and came running towards us with camera in hand.
"Smile!" she said as she held up her camera. Nate put his hand over my shoulder and we both smiled. Carly snapped the photo and held her hand over the screen to see the photo.
"AW! so cute!" she said. Out of curiosity I walked up behind her to see it. Was I really that short? I'm 5'5 and I looked 5'2 compared to Nate. I linked arms with Carly and walked away. I could fell Nate following us. I glared at him from over my shoulder as my way of saying "don't follow me". His eyes widened and he stopped in his tracks. We entered the school and walked down the hallway. As we passed Cassidy's locker I brushed my hand over the lock, to leave traces of Hazel. We walked down to our lockers which were conveniently right next to each other's. I looked back at Cassidy's locker to make sure I could see it from mine. Luckily I could. Cassidy was a thin and tall girl, about 5'8. She had long curly ginger hair that cascaded down her back, she had large light amber eyes, that were framed with perfect long, black eyelashes. She leaned against a locker that belonged to a boy named Chase. Chase rested his forearm over her head against his locker. He leaned down to kiss her but she brushed him off and walked away... to her locker. I watched and waited for her to reach for the lock on her locker. The moment her manicured hand rested firmly on the lock she let out a loud shriek. She collapsed on the floor and stared and her burning flesh. A large crowd gathered around her. I stared at her wide-eyed, unsure how to react. Horrified that someone was on the floor as the flesh of her hand boiled, or proud that the elixir worked. I stood there with a numb felling. Devin rushed to her side and picked her up bridal style an lead her to the nurses office. as they passed me and Carly, Devin glared at me. When our eyes met I flinched, and realized he new vary well that it was me.

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