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Book online «Young Guardian Trilogy by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (no david read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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computer in the Study, bored out of his mind. It had been only a few days since he'd seen Ariana Sister, and he was depressed. He wanted to visit her at home, but was too shy, not wanting to interfere with her reacquainting with her family.
He played with the Protector's Pendant, closing his eyes.
He missed Crusading, no matter how dangerous the Dream Realm and Dominion could be. He enjoyed helping Young Dreamers with their recurring nightmares.
Ariana Sister's face came through his mind. She was the one that made it all worthwhile for him. He'd do anything for her, at anytime. It was his job to protect her, and he took it seriously.
In his mind, Ariana Sister's smile sparkled, her silver-blue eyes no longer sad from her secret abusive past.
I wish I could see her again! Derrick thought to himself. I miss her already!
"Snap out of it, little brother." He heard Jake Reading's voice over his shoulder.
Derrick shook his head out of the daze to look at him. "Sorry, Jake."
"That's okay." Jake grinned. "No harm done."
Derrick smiled at his changed brother. Jake Reading used to be such a rebel, not wanting anything to do with his family or friends. That was six years ago, and Derrick was glad for the change. Jake was no longer a rebel, but a decent brother. He joked around actually smiling more, and Derrick liked it.
"What's up?" Derrick asked, turning the monitor of his computer off.
"Phone call for you." Jake announced, teasing him. "Says her name is Shannon and you'd know who it was when I told you."
Shannon Ryan was the only Shannon he knew. It had to be her.
"Thanks Jake." He jumped out of his chair and grabbed the phone from the other room. He took a deep breath before answering. "Hello?"
"Glad I caught you." Shannon Ryan's voice was a comfort. She'd been the link to his Dream Girl.
"Good to hear from you again, Shannon." Derrick replied. He made sure he was alone before continuing. "We went through hell last month. I’m still healing from the scars."
"Sorry to hear that. Listen," Shannon continued, "I've been going over your file and decided you've done a lot for the System over the years. Between solving cases, snatching bad guys, and fighting off Dominionites in the Dream Realm, I've decided to promote you."
His heart skipped. "Thank you."
"You're welcome, but there's a catch."
His voice lightened. "Isn't there always?"
Shannon laughed on the other line. "Here's the catch: you have to come back and train for your Senior-Detective Rank."
To be even farther from Ariana would be a pain, but his detective career was important to him. It always had been, yet so has she.
"That's cool." His voice was depressed.
"I know what you're thinking." Shannon replied softly. "Ariana will be here soon.”
"Really?" Derrick asked, his heart beating that much faster for his love.
"She’ll be learning the advanced forms of her Ancient Mystic Magic and will be getting extensive training with her Guardianship." Shannon explained.
Derrick sighed. "Does that mean I have to stay away from her?"
“Not at all." Shannon answered, and he smiled.
"Will I be stationed with her?" Derrick asked, hopeful.
"Sorry. The twins will be in Fourth-Floor." She told him. "You'll be with none other than Chips Deneson himself."
Derrick groaned.
Shannon laughed. "Grin and bear it, Reading. Landry will be there sometime next week, so be prepared. It won't be until late at night, so keep watch. Got it?"
"Yeah, I got it." He replied.
"See you later, alligator." She joked before hanging up.
Touching the Pendant once again, he decided one thing. Life was perfect.

Chapter Thirty-Two:
Ancient Mystic Sister Reunion

A week later, it was time to get down to business. It was time for Ariana Woods to practice her more elaborate powers, such as traveling back and forward in time, changing her image, and clairvoyance.
With Susan’s help, the five Woods’ sisters held hands and traveled through a mirror to the Ancient Mystic Palace in the Dream Realm. Both Ariana and Luna had done this before, with the mirror at the Parker’s. The Woods’ mirror was part of the magical Ancient Mystic Mirror, having powers within it most would scoff at.

Shannon Ryan, Katherine Hawk, and the Sisters, Enchantra and Challandra were waiting for them in the Province Wood.
Ariana spotted Shannon and ran up to her cousin, hugging her. “Shannon! What are you doing here?” She stepped back so Luna could hug her as well.
“I was about to ask the same of Katherine.” Shannon told her. “I’m here because of you.”
“Again?” Luna asked, rolling her eyes.
Shannon gave her a look and she was silenced.
“Why are you here, then?” Claudia asked.
“In order for Ariana to practice her advanced powers, she has to come back to the System to live with Luna and not leave until she passed the main Tests.”
“Aye, I know of those tests.” Katherine replied, purring. “There are five main tests. The tests of Endurance, Strength, Intelligence, Speed, and Agility. The final test of Courage will be very tough to practice for and pass. Will you be able to handle it, Young Guardian?”
Ariana gulped. Who knew these powers would bring this much responsibility? “I guess, but you’ll have to help me, Katherine.”
“I must say something,” Challandra replied. The group listened. “Young Guardian has to go at it alone, with little help from her peers. Katherine, you’ve been a valuable Companion to her, and we appreciate that, but who will be there when you are not?”
Katherine looked down, her purr was sad.
“Can’t she just help me stay Earthbound?” Ariana asked, not wanting to lose Katherine’s friendship.
Challandra looked to her sister’s smile.
“That would be appropriate, yes.” Enchantra replied, knowing the alliance the two girls had.
“I don’t mean to interrupt, Nana Enchantra, but will my daughters be joining them in California?” Susan asked.
Shannon shrugged. “I think it would be best.”
“Then it will be.” Enchantra replied.
“I think we need the practice.” Anna added with a grin.
“Besides,” Shannon continued. “Ariana might need a little help actually staying there until we’re through.” She smiled.
Ariana blushed, thinking about her three years as a detective for the System. Shannon knew her all too well.
“When do we leave?” Mary Ellen asked with a smile.
“First thing in the morning.” Challandra replied. “You will go by your Ancient Mystic Power of Travel.”
Neither Luna nor Ariana knew what that meant; but by their mother’s smile, they’d learn in the morning.


Shannon Ryan woke from visiting the Sisters and her cousins. She noticed it was still dark out, and the clock read almost seven in the morning. It was time to get up anyway and start her day.
She dressed quickly after taking a shower and headed to her office. When she opened the double-doors to the adjoining Computer Room, she noticed a solitary soul already typing away on one of the computers.
He was in a daze, typing as fast as his fingers would go. She touched his shoulder, shaking him out of his daze.
"What are you doing up this early, Shadow?" Shannon asked Shane "The Shadow" Morehouse.
He was one of her best Senior Detectives and old Crusader friend.
Shane turned and met her now silver-blue eyes. "I couldn't sleep. Too many thoughts rumbling in my head about Luna."
Shannon took a seat next to him and read his face, summing up why it was so sad. "You miss her, don't you?"
"Don't you?" Shane asked her.
"Of course. The twins are my cousins, the only real family I have left." Shannon told him. “There is good news.”
He saw why her usually brown eyes were now silver-blue. "Something is gonna happen, isn't it?"
"You bet." Shannon smiled.
"Luna's coming back to stay?" Shane hoped.
"Not in the way you expect." Shannon then explained her visit to the Sisters.
"I hope they know what they're doing." Shane announced with a sigh.
"Sure they do." Shannon grinned. "They’re all System Agents. Besides, the both have some tough lessons to learn."
"Is that why they're all coming tomorrow morning?"
"You bet." Shannon repeated. She thought of the original Crusades, when she and Shane had fought with the first Crusader team against the Dominionite Master. "Shane, I want you to promise me something."
"Sometime soon, the Crusaders are going to need our help." She explained. "Yours, mine, and Nick's help. Until then, I want you to keep our mission secret from them. Okay?"
Shane "Shadow" Morehouse smiled, clutching his Dream Locket. "I have so far, haven't I?"
She laughed, standing. "Yeah, I guess you have."
Shane's face turned solemn.
"What's up, Shadow?" Shannon whispered.
"I hope they know what they're doing." He repeated softly. "I don't want Lu to get hurt, you know?"
Shannon nodded. Yes, she knew all right.
It was only a matter of time before the twins would arrive with her cousins. 
Part 2:
A Time to Practice:

Chapter Thirty-Three:
A System Reunion

The next morning, Ariana, Luna, Anna, Mary Ellen, and Claudia were ready to start their mission.
“California, here we come!” Ariana cried, looking at Luna.
“It’s going to be great seeing the whole gang again.” Luna replied before starting. “Especially Shane.”
“Oh, Shadow?” Ariana teased. “Isn’t he a boyfriend of yours?”
Luna blushed. “Not just a boyfriend, Shane’s my only boyfriend.”
“I was only teasing.” Ariana told her. “At any rate, he’ll be happy to see you again.”
Luna nodded.
It had been a long time since she’d seen everyone at the System. The System was the place where she learned of herself, of Luna, met Derrick, and went on cases. She learned what it meant to be an Ancient Mystic Sister, along with a young sleuth, and liked it.
“Okay, girls, listen closely.” Susan replied, grabbing her attention. She then told Anna how to lead the girls in a traveling chant.
Each sister held hands, closed their eyes, and chanted.

“We are of the Sisterhood,
“Our minds, souls, and hearts are good.
“Take us five to the Sister Shannon,
“Where she’ll be waiting open-handed.”

Both Ariana and Luna flinched, holding on to each other’s hands tightly. They kept their eyes closed, bracing for the shock. Ariana felt the familiar tingle of energy trickle through her body, and saw the opalescent glow of her Force of Ancient Mystic Magic in her mind. She waited patiently for the few moments it took to travel using Magic.
In no time, the five sisters were in California.
Sure enough, Shannon was nervously waiting at the doors.
“Welcome back, ladies.” Shannon replied, hugging them. She hugged Luna and Ariana extra hard. “Good to see you again, girls.”
She escorted them in, where they met up with old friends, Bridget “Big Guy” Guy, Loraine “Love Joy” Joyce, and Cindy “Cool Cat” Carmichael. Before either could strike up a conversation, Shannon took command.
“Anna, go with Love Joy to Doc Swanson’s office. Mary Ellen, go with Big Guy to the Science department, and Claudia, follow Cool Cat to the Computer Room.” Shannon replied. “Twins, come with me.”
Luna held up her backpack. “Where should we put these?”
“I was just getting to that.” Shannon replied. “You’ll be going to your old quarters of Fourth Floor.”
Luna gasped softly, sneaking a knowing look at Shannon. She was glad her sister didn’t notice.
Ariana thought Shannon was talking to her, so she cried. “Sure thing, Shan!” She smiled at Luna. “Let’s go.”
Luna decided to keep quiet, holding in a secret she wished she’d never had. “Sure. Lead the way.”
Ariana stepped up to the console and used her old pass-code to get in
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