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children quite enjoyable. It is why I have spent the last year in Africa in the Peace Corps. I would also teach your orphans archery,” he said to her, “if you think there is room somewhere for setting up a proper range…” “Maybe it should be indoors?” Evangeline broke in over his eagerness. “The children can be quite ‘accident-prone’ around here.” She was feeling very odd as he stroked her hand gently. His eyes were so nice, she sighed as he seemed to be leaning closer. He was going to kiss her, she realized and the thought did not terrify her. She would like him to kiss her. He smiled, as if he could read her thoughts, and his kiss landed on her forehead. “It’s late,” Gregory said simply as he got up to leave. “We should get some rest. I have an appointment with my family solicitor in the morning.” “Gregory?” “Yes, Princess?” he asked softly as he turned back to see those glorious emerald eyes glowing at him. He swallowed and remembered to breathe. He had not felt this way around a girl since he had been this princess’ age. “You will kiss me sometime,” she asked him bluntly; “won’t you?” She looked so appealing in the moment with her eyes glowing warm and wanting. Gregory knew if he did not leave now, he would do something he would regret. “We’ll see,” he said simply. He bowed and fled from the Study. He made it back to his room in the Barracks before her finally let out the curse her wanting him had caused. “Damn and blast! That girl is going to be the ruination of all my best intentions!” He turned as there was a knock on the door. Emilio was standing there and he was looking more like a disapproving father than Prince Stefano had. “I know,” he sighed. “If I hurt her, I’ll suffer.” “That too,” Emilio nodded. He stepped into the room. “All of us are ready to do whatever we can to help you protect her, boy; even from yourself. Remember that while you’re trying to keep your hands off the pretty child.” “I would appreciate it if you would run interference, Emilio,” Gregory nodded. “Because I am half in love with our princess already.” The arrangements for the engagement party were made quickly. All of Paris was abuzz with the news of the engagement of the Angel Princess and the Marquis de Tourville. It was a modern day romance that had all the tender hearted people in Paris swooning with delight.Pictures of the happy couple started appearing everywhere and Marcel and his people were hard pressed to keep the stories honest and clean. Evangeline and Gregory appeared everywhere, in between their work with the Orphanage. The children always came first, after all. They were at lunch at the Eiffel Tower one afternoon two weeks after the announcement had been made when their happiness was interrupted. Evangeline and Gregory were sitting hand-in-hand gazing into each other’s eyes, and the affection they displayed was not feigned. They had become quite close since the lie had begun. “Isn’t this a sweet picture?” Aileen’s cold voice cut through the warmth. She stood there and glared at her daughter. “Are you going to introduce me to your friend, Eva?” “I would rather not,” Evangeline sighed, “but good manners force me to do otherwise. Mother,” she said as she watched Gregory get to his feet. “Gregory Dumont, the Marquis of Tourville. Gregory this is Aileen Sterling Roza Lombard, the woman who gave birth to me.” “Then I am in her debt, beloved,” Gregory smiled warmly as he bowed over Aileen’s hand. “I can never thank her enough for the gift she has bestowed on me in you.” He laid his hand on the back of a chair. “You will join us?” “No, I…” Aileen was at a loss. She had come here to demand and punish and she had been treated like she mattered. “I am supposed to meet my husband…” “Surely you can spare a few moments?” Gregory pushed her and she sank down in the chair helplessly. He motioned to the waiter. “A glass of Riesling for Madame.” Aileen was stunned. He knew her favorite wine? “I am ashamed to admit that I had you researched, Madame Aileen. I had to know everything about the mother of my beloved Evangeline!” His smile widened. “And here is my aunt and uncle. You must know them, Madame Aileen?” “Bernard,” Aileen stiffened as she saw the Count and Countess. She had not known the boy was this well connected. This was going to be harder than they had thought. “Monique. How ‘nice’ to see you both after all these years.” “Aileen,” they chimed together. “Have you come to talk your pretty child out of marrying my nephew?” Bernard asked her bluntly. Aileen looked at him in shock. “You can save your breath. This union is sanctioned by both of their families. We could not be happier. Of course, the wedding cannot take place for at least three years, but long engagements are not unknown. It will give the young ones time to truly get to know each other.” He was smiling but his eyes were cold as he looked at Aileen. “No rushing into matrimony after a mere week of acquaintance for these two.” “Pardon me,” Aileen snapped and got to her feet. “I have to meet my husband now. It was nice to meet you Monsieur de Tourville.” She leaned down to kiss her daughter on the forehead. “Think twice before you ally yourself to these people, baby.” “Are they going to turn me over to molesters, Mama?” Evangeline whispered softly, every word dripping ice. She felt her mother stiffen and wished she could take it back. “Good bye, Mama.” Aileen nodded and marched off feeling as if she had lost something precious. She turned back at the elevator to watch the two couples smiling and laughing happily. That should be her place with her child. She should be the one celebrating an engagement. She had done this to herself, Aileen sniffed. She should never have allowed Edward to force her to leave her marriage. She turned as the doors opened and he was standing there. “I’ve lost her because of you, Edward,” Aileen snapped at him. “I shall never forgive you for that.” “You lost her because you are a weak and selfish bitch,” Edward hissed back at her as he dragged her to the elevator, “who never once considered anyone but herself!” He shoved her up against the wall and she cried out in pain. “It’s time I rid myself of you, bitch! Once you are gone, I will take your pretty daughter for myself.” “You won’t touch her!” Aileen screamed. Her nails raked his face and he cried out in anger and pain. He stopped the elevator at the observation platform and led her towards the stairs. “Let me go!” Aileen demanded as he pressed her against the railing. “I am going to tell them everything and you are going to fry!” “You will go first, my dear,” Edward laughed. He looked to make certain no one was watching and then he shoved her over the railing. He walked off smiling happily as her scream followed her to the ground. Once again Evangeline stood at the grave of her mother. Only this time, there was actually a woman in the coffin that was being buried today. She clung to her father’s hand as they both mourned her loss. Her brother was pale and silent as he struggled to understand how his mother could have come to such an end. He had to have answers and the woman was gone now. He would never know the truth from her. The family filed into the castle and sat around the laden tables nodding numbly to the commiserations of the town folk and close family friends, the only people who had been invited to the funeral. “His sister, Elinor, will not betray him,” Stefano said to Andrew off in the corner as they discussed going after Edward, who had been smart enough not to make an appearance at the funeral. “I know someone who will,” Evangeline spoke up. They all looked at her. “He has another sister. He had her sold into prostitution when she wouldn’t go along with his plans to hurt me.” She was on her feet. “I know who would be able to tell us where she is.” She went to the Study and dialed a number. “Reprobate? You said you owed me a favor because my father didn’t prosecute you. I need to talk to Elaine Landry.” She looked over at her family and frowned. “Alone?” She covered the receiver. “He is fearing a trap. He wants me to come alone.” They all shook their heads and she made a decision. “All right. Tell me where you are and I will come to you.” “You can’t meet that bastard alone, daughter,” Stefano protested. “There is no time for argument,” Evangeline told them. “If we don’t move quickly, we will lose his trail. Elaine knows where he’s likely to go.” She saw their stern faces and knew they meant to argue further. “He is asking for a meet at his next performance. It is as public as one can get, surely? As long as no one he recognizes comes with me, he can not suspect I bring reinforcements, can he?” They discussed it and argued it for the rest of the day. But when night fell they had to agree she had a point. So they selected the least obvious and stealthiest of the men and let her go. She had Gregory and Sebastian accompany her to the performance. The meeting was alone. Pietro had said nothing about her not enjoying the show in the company of her friends and family. She went to the viewing with her brother and friend before the performances and told them she had to step away. They nodded and she went to Pietro’s wagon where he was sitting on the stage wall waiting. “Princess,” he smiled and bowed gallantly. “I am pleased to see you again.” He frowned at her. “You did not come alone…” “We are alone now, Pietro,” Evangeline broke in. “My father would not let me come without some assurance he would get me back.” Pietro roared and bowed again. “Your father is a cautious man these days. He is correct to keep such as one as you closely guarded.” His smiled died and Evangeline knew she was in trouble again. A bag came down over her and she was carted into one of the wagons. It came off only enough to allow the women to strip her clothing off of her. She was tied with her back to the center post in the wagon. Edward and Pietro walked in, smiling. “Your princess, my friend,” Pietro smiled as he met Evangeline’s angry eyes. He shrugged. “He arrived before you called, Princess. His offer was far more lucrative than yours was.” He stroked Evangeline’s hair and she turned away from him. “It is only right, angela mia. When you left us, the carnival fell on hard times. His money makes up to us for the damage your selfishness wrought. “It’s not going to work,” Evangeline protested. “My family knows I came to see you, Pietro.” “So we must arrange a tragic accident for you.” Pietro laughed. “Dear Elaine was only too glad to volunteer to portray you in the fire that is going to destroy poor Princess Evangeline.” He opened the pouch on his belt and held out a blue pill she knew was a sedative. “When you wake, you will begin a new life with Landry.” He watched her fall asleep and then he went to another wagon where Gregory and Sebastian were being given the run around. Pietro bowed to them and handed them the
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