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pressure, doesn’t he? He’s been attacked by demons enough times.” Jed’s tone took on a grimmer aspect.

“How is he?” she asked anxiously.

“Evan’s doing okay. It’s lucky he’s been training so much, takes his mind off everything I reckon.”

Brooke nodded, she wished she could do something for Evan.

It wasn’t until mid-afternoon that she saw Arantay.

She was walking across one of the bridges connecting castles, when a huge shape caught her eye. It was Arantay’s dragon Daggenite, and atop it was the Elfpire himself. The dragon skimmed the tops of the forest trees as Arantay scoured the area.

Brooke decided, if Tay could no longer leave the forest then she would go to him.

She couldn’t help herself, she just loved being around him, near him, touching him.

Minutes later, she was walking towards the enchanted woods. Songs of the flittering fairies filled her ears as she entered, passing by gambolling brownies and frolicking imps.

Brooke kept thinking back to her trial, where Arantay had… no! She had to keep telling herself it wasn’t real. Yet, it had appeared so vivid.

He appeared so suddenly that she stopped in her tracks.

Tay must've just finished his round of the forest, for he stood beneath the trees as Daggenite took off, back into the sky.

Arantay turned to look right at her, although she had to be too far away for him to have heard her.

She saw it this time, a definite flickering smile when he saw her.

He appeared as resplendent as ever, dappled sunlight and shadow playing equally across his features.


It was almost unbearable how attractive he was.

“Arantay, I made it, I’m an Apprentice,” she shouted. Brooke ran into his arms and hugged him tight on instinct.

To her amazement, he placed his own arms around her. The feel of his skin on hers, even between layers, was amazing.

She felt so safe.

Brooke stared into his fantastic eyes. She couldn’t restrain herself anymore. The tension between them was just too intense.

She leaned in and stole a kiss from him. Her heartbeat went into overdrive, her eyelids fluttered uncontrollably. She wanted this more than anything. His lips felt better than they looked, they were so soft.

His eyes were like scarlet stars as she kissed him again, not moving away this time, letting her emotions control her.

He kissed her back.

He kissed her so tenderly and yet so passionately she felt her soul shiver. She had been waiting for this moment since the first time she saw him, and it felt better than she could've ever imagined.

She had kissed other boys before but none compared to this, none contained such raw emotion and passion.

Her hand snaked in his hair, pulling him towards her, her other hand brushed against his stomach, feeling the hard ridges of his abs. His own touch made her skin burn, lighting a fire deep within.

This was exquisite, unbelievable. She never wanted it to stop.

Suddenly Arantay broke off, stepping away from her, horror-struck.

Brooke stared at him in dismay, wanting more.


“That…was a mistake,” he shook his head.

“What-” No one could kiss like that without meaning it.

“This, this isn’t right, Brooke.”


Arantay took another step back; he almost appeared ashamed of his actions.

“This wasn’t supposed to happen,” he berated himself.


Arantay inhaled heavily, anguish and regret alike painted on his face.

“This is all my fault. Perhaps I should have done things differently. I never meant for you to feel that way about me.”

What! Why was he saying all this?

“Why not?” she found herself shouting.

“Brooke you’re human,” he whispered. “I’m not. I’m not- right.”

“Oh shut up,” she snapped. “I told you I didn’t care who, or what you are!”

“I care,” he said softly, “you and I, it’s just not meant to happen, even if I was still an elf.”

“What do you mean if you were still an elf?”

“I’m two-hundred-years-old, Brooke, and will doubtless live a thousand more. I cannot have a normal relationship. I will already outlive my family. You will be dust long before I die in battle, the only way I can.”

His words hurt, biting into her ruthlessly and without mercy.

“We could continue with all this,” Arantay continued, his voice strained, “but that would only make it harder for me to leave you. And leave you I would. I can’t burden both of us with my condition. It’s best I end it now, before anything can begin.”

He turned back into the shade.


“But it’s already begun,” she cried out desperately.

Arantay only turned his head, half concealed in the darkness, “You must try to forget,” was all he said.

Brooke tried to go after him, but he was already gone.

Her eyes watered and stung, her body heaved with every sharp intake of breath she took. Her chest ached, her head hurt. She could still feel the touch of his lips on hers.

Brooke couldn’t believe this was happening. She felt a sudden prickling at her forearm. She glanced down and thought she saw a black mark near her hand, but whatever it was had already faded, if it had been anything at all.

Her eyes kept threatening to leak, so she rubbed them furiously, she refused to cry over a boy. If he wants to be like that, then it's his stupid loss, she tried to tell herself, make herself believe.

A soft chuckle erupted behind her, so similar sounding was the chuckle she thought Arantay had returned. Instead she found Falawn standing in the trees, a hideous smile disfiguring his face.

She stopped breathing altogether now.

“Poor Venator,” he hissed cruelly.

Brooke turned back, willing Arantay to reappear and save her. There was only darkness beyond.

She whirled back again, but Falawn too, had gone.


Evan had resolved to throw himself into training. If monsters were coming for him, he wouldn't go down without fighting.


As well as the possibility of demons around every corner, Evan had to worry about his upcoming trial.

He forced himself to train until exhaustion forced him to stop. This way he could almost forget his paranoia, just focusing on getting stronger, not only for the trial, but for the return of his hunters.

Evan kept Ruaden near him even when sleeping, but he wished he could wear Venator armour too and relished the times in training when he could. At least then he felt an ounce of safety.

He’d just beaten Xavier in a sword duel when he found Cera standing off to the side. His stomach turned to lead and he felt like he’d swallowed a bucketful of sand.

Evan knew he had to talk to her. They’d already made eye-contact and it would be foolish to pretend they hadn’t.

“Er-hi,” he tried to say casually.

“You’re pretty good,” She wore a smile that didn’t match the rest of her face.

“Oh, yeah, thanks.” Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all.

“Not as good as me though,” she said playfully, hefting her own sword. “If only I had this when the demons attacked, maybe I might’ve been some help.”

This was exactly what Evan hadn’t wanted to talk about.

“It'll be okay, Evan,” she said softly. “The Masters will make sure no one's lives are in danger. Even on missions they monitor us.”

Evan nodded, but he couldn't help thinking. Demons had never invaded Veneseron before, and the Masters couldn't be around all the time.

Before he could change the subject Cera did it for him.

“It’s your trial tomorrow, isn’t it?”


“Yeah, yeah it is,” his stomach squirmed, this time nothing to do with the beautiful girl before him.

“Well, good luck, Evan. Your skills with the sword and fire magic should help you pass easy.”

Evan nodded, letting his face betray no emotion.

“See you around, and good luck again.”


The morning of Evan’s trial dawned misty and grey, perhaps an omen, he thought grimly as he dressed and went down to breakfast.

He fought to keep his nerves at bay as he ate, thankful he’d risen early and the chamber was almost empty.

After breakfast he started his customary run around the stronghold, three laps now.

By the time he'd finished he wasn’t nearly as heavy of breath as an average person his age would be, and he was proud of it. Urkzal had instructed him not to do anything else physical today, or any other training. He was meant to save all his magic for tonight, he would need it.

After his run he took a long shower. He enjoyed the relaxing sensation of the hot water but was nervous not having his sword on him. He propped it outside the cubicle, just in case.

By the time he stepped out of the shower the suns shone bright, attempting to pierce through heavy ropes of fog swirling across the fields and pressing against the windows.


With no training to distract him, Evan decided he could no longer avoid everyone.

He would go to Ethanc’s and see who he could find.

Whilst he walked through the Fortress he thought back on his life before sorcery, demons and Veneseron. He remembered being haunted by Ollie and his gang.

Although now only a distant memory, it was like an old wound, something he could never forget. Being hunted by demons was similar, but far worse. Before, he had only had to look after himself. Once Gran died he’d been alone, the bullies could at most, only hurt him. This time he had people with him he cared about, people who could end up dead because of him. He couldn’t take the questions clawing at his mind anymore. Who’s letting the demons into the Fortress? Why would someone betray Veneseron?

Evan knew what he had to do, to stop the demons attacking again and putting someone else’s life in danger because of him. He had to escape. He had to leave Venseseron and everyone he cared about behind. He needed this constant threat hanging over his head to disappear.

One way or another.

He put on a brave face as he entered Ethanc’s and he thought his friends believed it.

Jed got him three pints of Mavla immediately, saying he had to build his strength up for tonight, whilst Elijah and Emillia informed him about all the gossip he’d missed. Zeke and Xavier were there too, offering words of encouragement and advice.

Brooke was nowhere in sight.

Evan knew this was yet another thing he had to learn at Veneseron, everyone had their own problems. Perhaps they weren’t currently being hunted by demons, but they


didn’t treat him like some freak either. He supposed he should’ve expected it; they were all chosen and trained to fight on missions after all.

Feeling decidedly better, he laughed and joked with the rest of them, until afternoon deepened, and evening began.

Inevitably nerves seized hold of him as he said his goodbyes and departed, heading back to Castle-Coterie to face his trial.

Gettelung was waiting for him in the trial chamber. As Evan entered, Gettelung gave him the instructions

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