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Book online «Young Guardian Trilogy by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (the lemonade war series .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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took a deep breath. “Mother Parker told me something.”
Caroline turned around and grinned. “Tell me!” She laughed.
“She made me promise to keep an eye on you and the girls.” I said.
Caroline’s face went from smiles to a huge frown. She set the platter she was holding down before looking at me. “She’s going to die soon, isn’t she?”
Slowly, I nodded. “Sooner than you think. She had to hold on just enough to tell me the truth.”
“Is she...” She trailed.
I shook my head. “Not yet, but soon. I can feel it.”
Before she could say or do anything else, I wrapped my arms around her. “Caroline Parker, let’s go see what your girls are making such a fuss over.”
She smiled again, getting back into the parent-role.
I felt for her, though. She’d lost everything she’d known. First, her sister Bonnie Marie, then her father, and Mark, and finally, she was losing her mother. Her family was falling apart.
I stayed just long enough to comfort her, and tell her I’d be there for her if she needed me. I drove home in silence, my mind rumbling its random thoughts about Kelly Reading.
Story #1:
Friends of Magic

Derrick was concerned about me, as was Shane, Luna, Mother and the rest of the family. Aaron didn’t know what to do, and neither did Aimee. Bradley tried to cheer me up by dancing silly to the music in his CD player. I could only smile, then frown, thinking how the almost ten-year-old boy reminded me of Kelly.
“Please smile for me, Mrs. Reading.” He said. “I don’t like to see you sad.”
I did, which got the boy to smile in return.
“There – that wasn’t hard, was it?” Bradley Allen joked.
“I’m sorry Bradley.” I told him. “I’m just not in the mood for smiling right now.”
Now he frowned. “That’s okay, I understand.”
I was quiet for the remainder of the week, with Derrick giving me updates on the investigation. So far, no luck.
“We’ll find her, I promise.” Derrick repeated, over again. He hugged me, kissing my lips tenderly each time. He comforted me the best he could, but I wouldn’t budge.
I was depressed.
My sensors were on the fritz, and I didn’t want to find out why. I tried to use Empathy to find her, but I still saw her face disappearing from my mind.
Would I ever see my daughter again?

Depression hit hard. I wasn’t the same for the next two weeks. Every night, I searched for her aura trace in the Dream Realm. None of the Companions or Dreamers had seen her lately. Every day, I searched with at least two other Crusaders with me. Evelyn Reading and Alicia Edwards helped out every now and again by posting flyers with her picture on them. The entire city of Hill View, who had hated me before, now helped search for my daughter when they could. I was grateful for their help.
I guess tragedy brings a community closer together, even if the trouble comes from a Mystic like me. We formed search parties, with the Wests, Richardsons, Edwards’, DeRoses, Stevensons, Farthays and all the parents of the PTA. Bradley Allen helped by gathering their school friends together and searching after their homework was done. Derrick and Shane had the entire squad of the Hill View Police looking out for any clues leading to either Adrienne or Kelly themselves. With all the search efforts, we didn’t get any closer to finding her.
Nothing seemed to cheer me up, despite all the help. I went on with my school life, as usual, concentrating my mind on my work instead of my daughter. Stan Farthay, both Kirsten Farthay’s father and my Psychology teacher, noticed my depression one night after class.
Mr. Farthay took me aside, handing my final essay to me once the rest of the class had left.
I looked at the grade quickly.
I glanced up at him with a small grin. “Thank you, Mr. Farthay.”
He was sitting on his desk and I stood beside him.
“Don’t thank me. Thank yourself.” He replied with a smile. “You did a wonderful job on that essay, and I must say I am impressed.”
“I’m happy to finally have it over with.” I told him. “I had to send my children with my sisters just to do the research for it. I worked really hard on that paper.”
“I can tell.” He laughed. “I also see you’ve learned a lot from my class, too.”
“That goes without saying.” I joked with a grin.
He laughed again. “Listen, Ariana. That’s not all I brought you aside for.” His voice was serious now, as was his tone.
I could tell whatever he wanted to say was important.
“Mr. Diamond and I were wondering something.”
Mr. Diamond was my other night-school class teacher.
I was interested. “Yes, sir?”
“The new middle school is being constructed, called Horizon Woods. Mrs. Gregory, head of the English Department there, wants to know if you’d like to student-teach a class with her.”
“What do I know about teaching?” I asked him, incredulous.
“According to Daniel – Mr. Diamond – you’d be perfect for the job.” Mr. Farthay continued. “If you wanted to do it, I could have Mrs. Gregory call you later tonight to discuss the details.”
“I don’t know, Mr. Farthay.” I told him. “I don’t think I’d be good enough to teach, yet.”
“Nonsense. Daniel tells me you’re his top student.” Mr. Farthay replies. “Considering what you’ve told us about your own youth, I’d say it would be a great career move.”
“Great career move?” I asked. My head was spinning with the possibilities.
He pat me on the back. “Stop asking so many incredulous questions.” He joked. “Listen, you don’t have to answer now. In fact,” He stood, gathering his books and briefcase. “You can get back to me anytime.”
He handed me a card with his name on it. Stan Farthay. I took it and looked up at him.
“I’ll have to think about it, Mr. Farthay.” I told him.
He pets me on the back, grinning. “Call me Stan.”
I looked back up at him, keeping my small smile. “I’m surprised I had the concentration for research. What, with Kelly gone, and all.”
Stan hugged my shoulders. “We’re trying our best, and that’s all we can do. Not to worry, though, I’m sure we’ll find her soon. The entire city of Hill View is looking for her, and rooting for you.”
“You think so?” I asked.
“I know so.” Stan said. “It’s all Kirsten talks about anymore. Clues, suspects, evidence. I can tell our daughters are close friends. Be glad you have so many people on your side, Ariana.”
“I am. Thanks for the pep talk, Stan.” I said.
“Anytime.” He left then, closing the door behind him.
I took my seat, where my portfolio was. I noticed I was the only one in the room, so I knew it was safe to practice some Magic. I grasped my new Amulet and closed my eyes, thinking about Stan’s offer for a teaching position later on.
Years from now, another me was teaching. That was evident. I saw a classroom of students, paying attention to my every word, listening intently as I taught them English.
So, I was going to be an English teacher, huh?
I looked around at the students and saw a Mystic girl among them. I didn’t know her now, but I knew I would later. The name Katie Waters comes to mind, sparking my interest and curiosity.
I smiled, opening my eyes and gathering my books.
Perhaps, if the time is right, I’ll pursue teaching later. For now, I needed more classes, more study, and definitely more time. I wanted to raise my children by being there for them.
Besides, I thought to myself. Derrick made enough money as an Officer anyway, plus his share at the Plant his family owned.
I’ll just have to pass this time.
It would be exciting and rewarding once my own children were old enough to take care of each other and themselves. Sure, teaching has always intrigued me, since my own youth. Stan was right about that.
I looked to the clock and stood up to leave. I was on my way out the door once closing it behind me.

The moment I stepped in the door to my house, I ran to the Study. I found Derrick there, going over some paperwork for another case he was working on. I stood behind his chair, waiting for him to sense my presence.
“You’re home early,” he commented, standing to give me a kiss.
“Any luck?” I asked him.
Derrick shook his head. “None. So far, the only evidence we have against Addie is the note she sent us.”
“Do you still have it?”
“Again, no.” Derrick replied. “I had to give it to the Chief for the crime lab to investigate.” He took my hands in his. “Why do you want it?”
“Visions.” I told him simply.
He let go of my hands and walked away from me. “Absolutely not, Ariana Reading!”
“All I want to do is get a glimpse of when she wrote it.” I told him.
His chocolate-brown eyes stared at me, concerned. “I won’t let you get hurt. You know that.”
“Honey, it’s something I have to do.” I pleaded with him. “Don’t you trust me with my Magic?”
“Of course I trust you.” Derrick announced. “I just don’t want you to go into a trance I can’t get you out of, that’s all.” He hugged me, kissing my lips passionately. “I love you, Ariana Moon. I don’t want to lose you.”
“You’re not going to lose me, Derrick James.” I told him, hugging him. Thoughts of my daughter ran through both of our heads, making me hold him tighter. “Goddess,” I moaned into his chest. “I miss her so much. I want her home with us.”
Derrick rubbed my back as I cried tears held back all this time. “Shhh. It’s gonna be okay, I promise.”
He led me to the love seat where my fears were calmed by his embrace. My Earthly Protector was protecting me, soothing me, calming me, and loving me. I felt warm in his arms, not wanting to let go for anything in the world.
“Not all’s bad, you’ll see.” Derrick commented, kissing my ear once removing the stray hairs from it. “Before you know it, she’ll be home. We’ll be the perfect family again. Bradley will hang out with her all the time, the boys will play magical pranks on her, and you’ll be there to teach them all right from wrong.”
I sighed, sniffing and snuggling in his embrace. “As always, you’re right. I can feel it.”
“Of course I’m right.” Derrick announced with a teasing grin, standing up and closing the Study door. “Now, let me show you just how perfect it can be.”
My husband kissed me passionately, waking those feelings of happiness and warmth I’ve not known since Kelly disappeared. We undressed each other right there on the love seat. He explored every crevice of my body, making me moan with pleasure. My hands explored his perfect chest, wandering and wondering how a man of his stature could possibly be in love with me.
I was an orphan until I was seventeen. Once finding out who I was, and who I am today, I grew to love the family I’d never known. Derrick, on the other hand, always had a family, though he kept it to himself once we met in person. When we married, and I met my in-laws, I grew to love my life. My sons, my daughter, my new husband, my family, everything in my life was
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