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Book online «Young Guardian Trilogy by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (no david read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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screamed, disappearing into darkness in an almost-dead faint. . .

Ariana Moon

Ariana Moon, age twelve, tossed and turned in her small orphanage bed. She was uncomfortable, hot, sticky, and troubled. There was no air conditioning at the Shore Point Home for Children, and the Head Mistress, Mrs. Helen Gertrude, could care less. That wasn't what was bothering young Ariana.
Ariana Moon had constant nightmares night after night, with the dream repeating itself in her mind each time. She awoke in a strange, unknown world. Lord Guardian came to her every time she awoke there, and began to explain ever more about this fascinating world. Ariana felt no pain from beatings and no hurting inside emotionally. She felt calm, relaxed, as if she belonged in this world more than the one he called the Outer Realm. Most of all, she felt safe.
Then the horror began. Ariana saw terror in the Dream Realm, and didn't know what to do. She never did. She sensed danger out of her control, and not knowing what to do about it, she felt helpless.
Ariana always witnessed a fight from the sidelines. She was in it, defending the good side. Others were behind her, but she could never see their faces. A Unicorn-Pegasus creature, which she recognized right away, was fighting against a deadly dragon, losing his life and soul to the evil creature.
Ariana knew of the Unicorn-Pegasus well. He was Lord Guardian O'Dell of the Mystic Realms, and someday, she would take his place.
What's going on? She often wondered to herself after she woke.
This time, she got the answer from a very strange source.
Ariana sat up from her bed, thinking about the nightmare. She quietly headed to the nearby window, staring out at the night sky through the bars.
It is the Dream Realm, and I am from it. A little voice answered back quietly.
She looked around to make sure no one was awake. Sure enough, each of her orphanage siblings was fast asleep.
Who said that? She asked in her head. Somehow, she knew the little voice was harmless. Perhaps in trouble?
My name is Katherine Hawk.
Ariana recalled the many times Lord Guardian had taken her to his world. She had met a Companion by that name. Katherine claimed that every morning a Dreamer would awaken; they would forget their dream, which included people and Companions met there. The more Ariana visited, the more she remembered the Companions.
I’m Ariana Moon. She introduced herself, sitting on the bed and staring into space. Don't you remember me?
Katherine's voice purred in Ariana's mind, and she remembered. Aye. Young Ariana Moon, I remember how much power you have in my Realm.
Ariana smiled. How are you, and how did you find me from so far?
Uncle Orthos Banished me here, once I found out about his laboratory. I thought of you as he called the spell, hoping I would be sent to you. That is why I am here.
Ariana didn't say anything at first.
Katherine explained what had just happened to her.
How awful for you, Katherine! Ariana replied.
Call me Kat. Ariana's friend said seriously. Tell no one about me.
Okay. Ariana then thought of her best friend Aaron Theodore.
I know how much you care about him. Go ahead, but be careful those you trust with your heart.
In the darkness, Ariana nodded, thinking of Aaron's love for her, and what had taken place just hours ago.
I will. Please, Kat. Tell me more about your world.
By this time, Ariana had lain down on her bed, her eyes shut.
Katherine told her all about the Dream Realm, stories about both the Province and the Dominion. The Province is the most wonderful of places, Ariana! How I wish you could see it! Whatever you wish to happen, will happen! Anything you want will be yours. You just have to dream.
That made Ariana smile. What about the Dominion?
The Dominion is the most evil place you could ever imagine. Katherine growled lowly. Unfortunately, that is where my sister and I are from.
How did you get there, if you're good? Ariana asked.
It is a long story. I will explain everything I know to you later on. For now, rest, and I will try to take you to my Realm in time.
I'd like that. Thank you, and good night, Kat.
Pleasant journeys.
This time, as Ariana laid her head to sleep, she clutched the Locket around her neck and smiled. She dreamed about the Provinces, and meeting her friend Kat there.

Wolf Stargazer

The Warrior Wolf Stargazer found himself in the Garden, sitting on the rock where he met Katherine Hawk. He closed his eyes and thought about her until he heard something behind him.
"Well, well, if it is not the Warrior who calls himself Wolf?" He heard a familiar female voice cackle.
Wolf opened his eyes and turned to see none other than Sabrina, the Dominion's Maiden. "Go away, Sabrina!" He snarled, nearly snapping her head off.
“Insolent pooch!” Sabrina scolded with a frown. After a moment, her black lips were smiling innocently. "Are you not sick with worry over Kat?"
How cruel of her! Wolf thought to himself, standing. "What business is it of yours?"
She cooed with an I-know-something-you-don't smile.
"What do you know?" Wolf growled.
"I know she is no longer in the Dream Realm." Sabrina said coyly. "I also happen to know that she, along with her stupid twin, has been Banished to the Outer Realm."
Who could have done such a mean thing? Wolf thought to himself. He already knew the answer. "Your father did this, did he not?" He asked, his claws so clenched with anger, he could feel blood.
Sabrina smiled. "I have to run, Wolf." She gave him a wink and was on her way.
Wolf wanted revenge on Orthos and he wanted it bad.
Wolf found him at Dark Tower. "Master Orthos!" He growled. "I demand you speak with me. NOW!"
"How dare you show such disrespect, Dominionite?” Orthos cried. “Who do you think you are?"
"I am Wolf Stargazer and I demand you tell me what you did with Katherine Hawk." He told him, keeping his gaze.
"Oh, so you were the one to steal her heart.” Orthos deduced with a grin.
“I need not steal what is freely given, unlike you!” Wolf barked.
His retort was ignored. “For that, I must punish you."
Wolf was brave as he bore his fangs and growled. "Do your worst."
"Very well, pup. If you insist." He replied with a nonchalant wave of his hand. "You may search for her on your own." Orthos lifted his arm and called the same spell he'd called for Katherine and Kitten's Claw. "Out of my sight, insolent creature!"
Wolf Stargazer stared him down, not giving up, but it was too late.
He was already falling into darkness.

Aaron Theodore

Twelve-year-old Aaron Theodore tossed and turned in his make-shift cot-of-a-bed. He could hear the other boys in the room sleeping, either snoring or breathing loudly. He was wide awake with the days past events. He and Ariana Moon escaped yet another beating from Mrs. Gertrude and were hiding in the attic, their special spot. Amethyst Theresa, his twin sister, had run in the opposite direction, trying to save herself.
It was hours later, and he was wide awake, thinking. He’d had a strange dream that woke him up in wonder and sadness. Their unicorn friend, Lord Guardian of the Realms visited him, taking him to the Mystic Palace.

“Come, Aaron Theodore.” Lord Guardian O'Dell beckoned once Aaron called the Dream Chant. “The time is now. You must know your future.”
After telling Aaron to hop on his back, Lord Guardian grew wings and flew to the Mystic Palace. Aaron had never visited there without Ariana Moon before, and wondered why Lord Guardian would want to see him.
Enchantra greeted them at the Mystic Palace door as soon as Lord Guardian’s hooves hit the ground. It only took a moment for him to shift to his Immortal form and embrace her.
It made Aaron smile.
“Why, Young Aaron.” She addressed him, eyes sparkling. She held a hand out for him to kiss, which he did. “Where is our Ariana Moon?”
“Ariana Moon is sleeping peacefully.” Lord Guardian answered before he could get a word out. He gave Enchantra a look, to which she nodded. “It’s time, Enchantra. Show him the Mirror to see his fate.”
Aaron gulped. “Fate? What’s going on, Lord Guardian?” He looked to Enchantra. “Mistress?”
Enchantra smiled and wrapped an arm around Aaron’s shoulders, letting him relax. “Have you seen the Mystic’s Mirror before?”
Aaron shook his head. “I’ve never seen it. Has Ariana Moon?”
Lord Guardian nodded. “Aye, and now it is your turn.”
They entered a room once Enchantra sang a series of seven notes to de-spell it. In the corner was the most curious mirror he’d ever seen. He couldn’t help staring at it in awe.
“It’s beautiful!” Aaron announced, going to it. His hands explored the fine texturing around the mirror. “Where did you get it?”
“It was a gift from my youngest sister, Sibylline.” Enchantra said. “Be careful not to touch the glass, for it will take you to the actual place of the image.”
“Wow.” He was awed, staring.
“We brought you here to see a certain image.” Lord Guardian waved an arm in front of it, chanting softly in a language Aaron had never heard before.
In moments, as the trio watched, an image began to appear.
There was a girl, with long, reddish-brown pig-tails. She was playing with some children her age. She seemed to sense them watching and looked up to smile. Aaron knew there was something familiar about her. What was it?
“Who’s that girl?” He asked, staring at the image’s silver-blue eyes.
That’s what was familiar, he realized. It was the eyes. She had the same colored eyes as his beloved Ariana Moon.
“That is your daughter.” Lord Guardian replied softly. “She is the Enchanted Child of the Dream Realm, or at least, she will be when she is born.”
Before he could ask when, Enchantra grinned. “Soon Aaron Theodore.”
“That would mean,” Aaron’s voice drifted off, recalling what happened in the attic.
“Ariana Moon is pregnant with her at this moment.” Enchantra supplied.
“That also means she is training to become my successor.” Lord Guardian told him. “For now, return home, or drift off into another part of the Dream Realm for the rest of the night.”
Aaron was confused. He didn’t know what to think, or what to say. “What about Ariana Moon?”
“When the time comes, she will run away to fulfill her destiny.” Enchantra knew it was hard for him to hear those words, so she told him gently.
“Will she be okay?”
“She will survive, as she always had.” Lord Guardian replied, trying to ease his thoughts. “You must keep this knowledge from her.”
Aaron took one last look at the image before Lord Guardian’s dark cape was pulled over his eyes, sending him back home to the Outer Realm.

He woke up then, wondering about the dream. He couldn’t believe the news. In their act of trying to feel safe, they had created a baby. He was barely thirteen, and was going to be a father.
He thought of what Enchantra had told him. In one way, it was noble. His precious, special, Ariana Moon was going to run away to save the baby’s life. No way could a baby survive a day in the Shore Point Home for Children.
He thought of Ariana Moon herself, a tear coming to his eye. Everyday until the time came he
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