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he looked much younger, in his mid-forties at most” I said.
She smiled slightly “our aging process is…slower than humans” she explained.
“Oh” was all I said.
We reached another opening, and I gasped as we entered, this place was the most magical I have ever seen, small, wispy, silver lights floated around me, my father’s lifeless body, and Vivia, she watched with a smile as they lifted my father’s body from her arms and lay him on a bed of ivy leaves and smooth vines, roses grew around him in the blink of an eye, pink and blood red, along with bluebonnets, Indian paint brushes, and other wildflowers. They covered his body in a casket-like way, and the lights dispersed, going back to their idle floating.
“Those are the spirits of our ancestors, your fathers spirit will be free to roam in this place with your mother once he is buried” she whispered, as not to disturb the magic of the moment.
I nodded as I examined this relaxing place, pine trees were spaced out everywhere, with vines wrapped around them, a rose bush grew beside one of the pine trees, it’s vines laced up the tree in intricate natural patterns, blood red roses bloomed all over the tree, contrasting on the dark wood of the tree.
I watched as one of the small silver lights wisped over to the grave of flowers, lingering there. The light seemed to grow brighter, and get bigger “watch” Vivia whispered.
Suddenly, the light was not a light any longer, but a woman, a beautiful woman with long blonde hair. I gasped as she touched the flowers, and they retracted at her touch, revealing fathers face. “My husband, may you be with us now” she whispered, her voice carrying through the forest-like place.
She smiled as she touched his cheek, and then she looked up, her eyes, a striking gold, meeting mine. She smiled affectionately “Princess Johanna, I must leave you now, to let you have your time with her majesty” Vivia whispered.
I nodded, not looking away from this striking woman who was my mother, after Vivia left; she walked around my father’s grave, her eyes never leaving mine. She stood in front of me, her smile growing as she assessed me “my daughter, you have the absolute best of your father, brown hair, green eyes, and brave as a lion” she said, pulling me into an affectionate hug.
I wrapped my arms around my mother, burying my head in her chest “mother, brave as I may be, I do not see how I can handle much more” I whispered.
She gently pulled back, smoothing my hair from my face “I know it’s overwhelming at first, don’t worry sweetheart, your father and I will be with you every step of the way, I don’t have much time to tell you this, but you can visit us once a year, of course you can visit us more than that, but we will not be able to speak to you after that one time is over, we will be forced to stay in our spirit forms, and I know that Logan will help you, don’t give me that look, you know you feel something for him” she said with a knowing smile as I gave her a confused look.
She started to fade at a very gradual rate “it’s my time to go, sweetheart, I love you, and I believe in you” she whispered.
“I love you too mother, please tell father that when he is released” I whispered back.
She smiled and nodded, and then she was a human form no more. A soft wind caressed my cheek and I smiled, knowing it was her.
“Majesty, the ceremony is ready” the man from before informed me.
I turned to him and smiled “let us free my father, then” I whispered. I walked over to him, patting his forearm “tell me, what is your name?” I asked.
“Daniel, your majesty” he whispered.
“A very strong name you have, Daniel” I said with a smile.
He smiled back and bowed his head “thank you majesty, and may I say that we are all so glad you have returned” he said.
“As I am glad to be here” I replied.
We were silent after that as he led me through the town square. “It’s quite a beautiful sight, a spirit ceremony, no words can describe quite how beautiful it is, when the spirit leaves the body permanently, it is like nothing you will ever see before” he explained, staring ahead. The town square, for the first time, was empty, no one was there, and it was like a ghost town.
We walked into the cave opening that he had disappeared into after I had informed him of where to bury my father, and I could hear an almost magical singing, like a choir at a church; they sung in such harmony that it almost sounded inhuman. The torches that hung on the walls started to glow not red, but silvery blue and they brightened the cavern. As we neared the cave opening, the singing got louder, and I could hear instruments being played.
We entered, and everyone bowed, giving me their greetings, I understood why the town square was empty, everyone was here, to honor the king.
I stood at the head of the grave and looked at everyone, the choir had gone silent, Valor had come to stand beside me, and I pulled him into my side, and Aileen sat down faithfully beside me. And as if the words were being whispered into my ear, I knew exactly what to say “my brothers and sisters, we are gathered here, not to mourn a death, but to celebrate a new life, for in this time, my father, and your King shall live on as a spirit, in this realm, he shall be at peace!” I called in a triumphant voice.
Cheers echoed through the room, and I knew, that this was how it was meant to be. My father would live on, and I would bring peace to the realm of humans and beasts, this was how it was supposed to be.
Chapter five:

“Let the ceremony begin!” I said loudly.
The singing started up again, along with the chanting of a woman, dreadlocks with beads laced through them, a necklace of silver and bones adorned her neck, her skin, a golden brown, and she had a magical feel to her as she chanted in a different language.
A light shown from the grave as they filled it with the soil of the earth, it was the same silvery light that the spirits were, only much, much brighter. I stared as it got brighter in the hole, so deep that I couldn’t see the bottom, it seemed to float to the top, the woman’s chants got louder, I glanced down at Aileen, she seemed unfazed as she watched calmly beside me.
The light floated from the grave, coming in front of me, at the head of the grave, wind picked up around me, swirling around my face, I closed my eyes and smiled “hello father” I whispered.
The woman’s chants did not stop, they picked up, getting too fast to understand as she spoke fluently in a language I didn’t understand.
I opened my eyes to meet the eyes of my father; he was smiling, little creases fanning out around his eyes “Goodbye my daughter” he whispered, already fading.
“Until we meet again” I replied.
He faded back into light and, in a snap, was gone. The chanting stopped, and I looked down, the hole was filled, and my father was at peace.
I looked up, across from me, at the foot of the grave, was Logan, who was staring at me with that strange expression again.
I looked quickly away and down at Valor, he was looking around me at one of the puppies in wonder. I followed his gaze to see that he was looking at the one that had been in my lap that morning. I leaned down and grabbed the puppy, picking him up; I looked at Valor “I have been trying to think of things to name him, it needs to be something strong, like your name, any ideas” I asked softly, looking at him.
He widened his eyes “you mean I can help you name him?” he asked.
I nodded, smiling. He clapped his hands and sat down beside me “every time I look at him I think of Faolan, it means wolf” he said, looking down with pink cheeks, as if embarrassed.
I looked down at the puppy with smile. “That is a perfect name” I approved.
He looked up in surprise “really?” he asked.
I nodded “he is very brave, and from what I have seen and heard, wolves are very brave and strong” I said, glancing at Logan. He was sitting down at the foot of the grave, staring at me with a small smile.
I looked back at Valor, who was stroking Faolan’s head with a finger “would you like to keep him?” I asked in a conspiratorial whisper.
He looked up yet again in surprise “really?” he whispered back.
I nodded “but you have to promise me to take really good care of him” I said.
He nodded a few fast bobs of his head “I promise I’ll feed him, water him and keep him safe forever” he said, a seal of promise in his voice.
I smiled and handed him to him “here you go then, make sure he has got a warm bed to sleep in” I said.
He nodded, getting up and bowing his head “thank you” he said.
I nodded and he ran over to his adoptive mother, who he explained the puppy to. She looked at me and bowed gratefully; I nodded and smiled, stroking Aileen’s head absently.
“Johanna, you must be tired and hungry, you haven’t eaten or slept, or even changed clothes in four days” Logan said from beside me, startling me.
I looked up at him and nodded, realizing that I was starving.
“I’ll lead you to your room to freshen up, and you will have fresh clothes, once you are done, I will be there to escort you to the dinner hall” Logan informed, helping me up.
I nodded silently and followed him as he led me down the hall.
“I have had your room prepared, it is complete with a canine bed” he grinned at me, it took my words from me and I only nodded, a shy side that I wasn’t used to coming out.
His grin faded and he looked confused at my lack of words, he took it the wrong way “did I do something wrong?” he asked, his eyebrows pulling together.
“No, no, I’m sorry, I just have a lot on my mind” I said quickly.
It wasn’t really a lie, I did have a lot of things on my mind, but that was not why I couldn’t speak. I was trying not to admire his large form,

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