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Book online «Dimensional TimeWarps by Noelle Anselmo (top rated ebook readers TXT) 📖». Author Noelle Anselmo

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the back of my hands.

"I suppose it wouldn't be so bad moving back here, but I like the independence of living on my own. And this place won't be so empty now that Daiki, Hikaru, and that asshole are staying here. But I really don't want to lose my apartment."

I said and groaned as I closed my eyes.

'It's settled then, I'll just have to beg Mr. Akuto to give me a couple more days to get the rent money I need. If I can't get it, then I'll move back here til I can get the money.'

I decided then got out of the tub and let the water out. I pulled on the light blue bathrobe before walking out of the bathroom and headed towards my room. I passed by Katsume and glared at him.

"Quit glaring at me human. It's not my fault you lost."

He said with a smirk as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

"No, but it is your fault that I won't be able to-agh! Just forget it!"

I screamed before walking past him and going into my room.



It was slightly amusing to see this little human get so upset over losing a match. I'd gone upstairs to wait for her when she came out of the bathroom. I hadn't expected her to be in such a flimsy robe though. I could clearly see the outline of her body and I had to admit she had a very nice one, but I noticed she was glaring at me and smirked at her.

"Quit glaring at me human. It's not my fault you lost."

I said as I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the wall.

"No, but it is your fault that I won't be able to-agh! Just forget it!"

She screamed at me before going into her room and shutting the door. I blinked, momentarily surprised at her anger and frustration.

'What won't she be able to do?'

I wondered, then frowned when I realized I was starting to care about this human.

'It doesn't matter to me if she is incompetent of doing something, but she shouldn't blame me.'

I thought before heading downstairs and going into my own room.



I walked into the kitchen after having changed into a light blue tank top and a pair of blue cut off jeans. I was hungry and I'm sure the three demons living with me were too, though I personally couldn't care if that phoenix fucking starved.

"Hey Cecelia…."

Hikaru said as I pulled out things for tacos.

"Yeah? What is it?"

I asked as I turned on the eye of the stove and started to cook the hamburger meat.

"I'm sorry if I pissed you off somehow."

He said and I turned to see him bowing to me in apology.

"Oh, now Hikaru, you didn't do anything."

I said and he straightened up and looked at me in shock.

"I didn't? Then why were you so-"

"It's just that I lost a lot more than just money in that match with Katsume."

I said and he blinked in surprise.

"What else did you lose?"

Daiki asked as he came into the room.


I said, debating whether or not to tell them. It wasn't really any of their business and besides, I didn't want their pity.

"Just forget about it, okay?"

I said and they both looked at me before letting it go.

"Hey, do either of you two know how to cook?"

I asked and Daiki looked up.

"I do, why?"

He asked and I motioned him to come over.

"Just make sure you keep stirring this until all the meat turns brown okay?"

I asked as I handed him the wooden spatula.

"Alright, but where are you going?"

He asked as I made my way to the hallway where the phone was.

"I need to make a phone call."

I said before leaving and going to call Mr. Akuto.



I blinked in surprise at Cecelia before turning back to what she'd asked me to do. I stirred the meat as she'd instructed as Hikaru leaned against the counter.

"Why'd you think you'd upset her?"

I asked and he looked up at me.

"It's just that when I was trying to talk to her earlier she slammed the door in my face."

He said and I smiled.

"Trust me, it's not you she's upset with."

I said and he just hmm'd in response.

"What! You've got to be kidding me!"

We both jumped when we heard Cecelia yell from the hallway.

"Aw come on! Please Mr. Akuto!"

Cecelia's voice sounded from the hallway, she sounded like she was begging.

"Well then fine! I'll have the money in two days. Thanks a lot you stuck up little bastard!"

I heard Cecelia yell before there was a loud chink of her slamming the phone down. I stared at the doorway until Cecelia walked in.

"Daiki, you burn my hamburger meat and I'll kill you."

She said and I instantly turned back to what I was doing.

"What was that just now? And who's Mr. Akuto?"

Hikaru asked and I listened, curious as well.

"Just some old guy who's renting out my house to me."

She said as she came over and took the spatula from me. She moved the pan from the stove and strained the meat before putting it back in the pan and cooking it again.

"House? Why do you need an apartment when you live here?"

I asked confused.

"I only stay here when my parents call me to look after the shrine when they plan on going somewhere or if they need some extra help. I haven't lived here for years."

She said and I looked at her as she cut up some tomato and put taco shells in the oven.

"So, what was that about getting the money in two days?"

Hikaru asked and I noticed her aura flared for a second before she reigned it in.

"My rent is due tomorrow morning, but I called Mr. Akuto to ask for an extension and the bastard only gave me two days. Two days to come up with two hundred and thirty dollars, that's practically impossible. I'm going to have to fight at least thirty people tomorrow just to get even half of that."

She said as she pulled the taco shells out of the oven and put everything on the counter before turning and going into her fridge and pulling out things I'd never seen before. I've seen humans cook before, but I'd never seen things like what Cecelia just pulled out of the fridge.

"You mean that's why you were fighting those guys?"

Hikaru asked and she nodded as she set the table.

"Yeah, but thanks to a certain red headed asshole I won't have the money unless I can make it in the next two days."

She said as she started to fix her plate.

"Enough about me, help yourselves."

She said and I looked at Hikaru before we both made tacos for ourselves.



I was slightly surprised that demons from another realm knew how to make tacos, but I ignored it. I had more important things to worry about. Like if I was going to be able to get the money or not. I sighed as I bit into one of my tacos.

"Why don't you just ask Katsume for the money? He has no reason for it."

Daiki said and I looked up at him.

"Because, he won the money fair and square. And besides…."

I said as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

"I'd much rather gain the money on my own, you know?"

I asked with a smile and noticed Daiki and Hikaru were looking at me weird, but I shrugged it off and went back to eating my food. Katsume came in and sat next to Daiki and looked at the food warily. I shook my head before getting him a plate, then taking my seat again. I finished my food, put my plate in the dishwasher and headed up to my room. If I wanted to be able to fight for my rent money, then I'd need plenty of sleep to do it.




I said as I watched Cecelia walk out of the room.

"I know Hika."

Daiki said before turning to Katsume.

"Why'd you do it?"

He asked and Katsume looked up at him in question.

"Why'd you fight her?"

He asked and I waited to see what Katsume had to say. I wanted to see if what Daiki had said earlier was true or not.

"She pissed me off. It's as simple as that."

He said and I mentally groaned. Sometimes Katsume could be a real asshole.

"You do realize what you cost her right?"

Daiki asked and I was shocked to hear a hint of anger in his voice. He was usually so laid back and calm.

"It doesn't matter to me if the little human can't pay for her house. She can simply stay here."

He said and I shook my head at him before leaving and heading to my own room. I felt bad for Cecelia. Her entire life has gotten tossed upside down because Daiki, Katsume, and I were thrown into her lap, but she was taking it all in stride. And she was even willing to help us out, though Katsume couldn't care less. I sighed as I laid down on my bed.

'I wonder if she'll be able to get the money in time?'

I thought before closing my eyes and falling asleep.



I stared at Katsume in disbelief. Cecelia opened her home to us, and was willing to put up with us until we found a way back to our dimension and Katsume was being a complete ass to her. Sure he was an ass before, but this was just ridiculous.

"Whatever Katsume, but think about this."

I said as I moved towards the doorway leading out of the kitchen.

"She didn't scream or call us monsters. She didn't try to get the army or any of the human military forces once she found out what we were. She opened her home to us and is trying to help us, and all you can do is make a complete ass of yourself. You may be the prince of one of the Demonic Provinces and not really care about others, but even you should know you should be grateful to the little human sleeping upstairs."

I said before walking out of the room and leaving Katsume to his thoughts.

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