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Book online «Angelas Story by Brittany Kestler (books to read in your 20s txt) 📖». Author Brittany Kestler

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with a start. At first I didn't knot what had woken me so suddenly. As I looked around the bedroom I was in I gave a little laugh. I had forgotten that I wasn't in my bedroom but a guest bedroom at the Cullen's house that was fast becoming my room. I lay back on the pillows and tried to remember what I'd been dreaming about. Well, besides Alec who was the star of my dreams since that day a month ago. As I was trying to remember the dream, another thought popped into my brain. It was Saturday! More importantly, today was the day Alec would be coming back! I felt as if I had been doused in gasoline then set aflame. My skin tingled, my heart raced, my breath came in short gasps. Good gosh! What had come over me? I couldn't figure out if I was excited to the point of hyperventilation, or terrified to the point of collapse.
"Your both," Came a voice from just outside the bedroom door. I nearly came out of my skin.
"Ahhhhhhh!OMG!!!" I screamed. I sank back into the pillows as my heart hammered in my ears. My door opened and revealed Jasper, Edward, and Alice standing in the hall right outside my door.
"Don't do that to me!" I demanded, when I had somewhat pushed my pounding heart back into my chest cavity.
"I'm very sorry I scared you," Edward said."But I heard you wake up and thought you might want to talk about..."
"About what on earth you are going to wear today since Alec will be here!" Alice cut in.
"Alice!" Said Edward." I hardly think she is worried about what to wear...Well I stand corrected she is now, thank you so much for giving Angela something else to worry about Alice."
"Umm, Alice, can you 'see' when Alec will be here, and if everything will turn out okay?"I asked timidly. Now that she had brought up what I was going to wear my whole wardrobe was flashing across my mind.
"He will be here in four hours and twenty-three minutes, and as far as I can see things will be a little tense at first but everything will turn out fine in the end." Alice assured me.
"Okay Jasper, time for us to leave."Edward said.
"Very well. Alice could I have a word please?"Jasper asked.
"Point taken Jaz. Don't worry, Angela will be beautiful but appropriate." Alice assured him.
Three hours and forty-five minutes later I was pacing the Cullen's living room. Alice had told me everything I needed to do. Which bath oils to use, along with which shampoo and conditioner. She had insisted on a pedicure and manicure also, so now both my toenails and fingernails were a matching high-gloss red. She had also done my hair and make-up, I was worried over that because I never do anything elaborate with my hair and hardly ever wear make-up, I was afraid that I wouldn't look like myself. But she did a wonderful job she had tamed my normally wildly wavy hair so that it softly glinted and had only a slight wave to it. It didn't feel like I was wearing any cosmetics at all, even though I know for a fact that Alice had spent a solid forty-five minutes on my face alone.She had shaded my eyelids with a light cream colored eye shadow, brushed the crease of my lids with a soft almond color and painted my lips with a pale pink lip gloss called Roseglow. The gloss gave my lips the look of wanting to be kissed, it looked great, but I wasn't sure if I wanted any kissing to happen....
It was seven fifty and all but two of the Cullen's stood as still as a statue. Alice and Emmett being the exceptions. Alice sat on the couch with a look of I-wish-he-would-hurry-up on her face. Emmett was just looking at everyone with amusement plastered all over his face.
"Eight minutes. Man could time drag any slower?"I said in an agitated voice.
Esme walked over to where I was standing and put her arm around me for support as did Bella.
"Angela, everything will be okay. If you feel like things are going getting too deep and you get scared, all you have to do is say one word and I will come personally and remove Alec. We will all be close." Bella stated in a matter-of-fact tone.
Seven fifty-eight in the dot and every head turned towards the front door...knock knock knock. Rosalie, being the closest pulled it open. I started with his shoes and worked my way up. He was dressed casually which made me feel a little over dressed. I continued my gaze until I made it to his eyes. Our gazes locked and I was lost. Falling into a sea of red-gold.

Alec wasted no time walking right up to me, stopping to stand only three inches from me. I still felt the falling sensation and tried to pull out of it. It helped to look away from his eyes. Esme had told me that when a vampire hunted humans, that their eyes would be the color of freshly spilled blood, as was Alec's the first time that I saw him. But when a vampire hunted animals, their eyes would be like the Cullen's a butterscotch. The red-gold of Alec's eyes assured me that he had already begun to hunt animals. I tore my eyes away from his and my gaze settled on his mouth. A tidal wave of desire to touch those perfectly sculpted lips crashed over me pulling me under. I wanted to thread my fingers through his hair to see if it was as soft as it looked. I wanted to trace his strong jaw-line, throw myself into his big masculine arms. I'm not a virgin, but I have never felt pure need, savage want, insane lust like this! I was shocked at myself. A smile tugged at the corner of that beautiful mouth.
"Hello again Angela." He spoke, and just like that my heart began to sing.
"Hi Alec, it's good to see you again."I said shyly.
"It's good to see you also, and I comfort myself with the fact that I will never have to be away from you again unless you wish me to be." He said.
Alec looked over my head and around at he others standing around the room. He said his hello's to everyone then turned to speak to me once more, " Angela, I want us to have a chance to be alone and talk, but I was wondering if first I might have a word with Edward alone if that's okay with both of you."
I looked over to Edward and he gave a slight nod so I turned back to Alec and said, "Yes, of course."
"Edward, how did you control yourself when you first gave up trying to stay away from Bella? How were you able to be close to her and not let the beast rise to the surface?" Alec asked bluntly?
"It wasn't without difficulty. Mostly I would keep her talking and I would get caught up in her facial expressions and in what she was saying and it overruled my thirst. The only advise I can give you is to desensitize yourself in steps." Edward replied.
"Will you and Jasper help me if it becomes too much? Will you stay close enough to hear my thoughts to make sure I stay in control? Please Edward, I don't ever want to hurt her." Alec pleaded.
"Of course Alec. Angela is very close to Bella and myself, and Alice is quite fond of her as well. We will do everything in our power to ensure her safety." Edward replied simply.
"Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me.... Well actually do." Alec said with a chuckle.
"Shall we return to the others?" Edward asked gesturing towards the door.
"Certainly. Lead the way." Alec replied.
Alec and Edward sauntered back into the living room where the Cullen's and I waited.
"So I take it you have sorted out the...uh...issues?"Alice asked.
"Yes, most of them." Alec answered.
Issues? What issues? A flash of insecurity swept over me. Was the issues something to do with me? Did Alec think there was something wrong with me? If he did then why would he talk to Edward about it instead of me?
"It's nothing to do with something being wrong with you." Edward said gently.
"What!?! Of course there is nothing wrong with you Angela." Bella exclaimed." Isn't that right Alec?"
Bella gave Alec a cold glare that said you had better not been saying anything was wrong with her.
" Angela, of course there is nothing wrong with you...the issues that I wanted to talk to Edward about were about me."Alec said reassuringly. "Now would you care to go some place where we can talk alone?"
"Yes, that would be great."I responded.


Text: Photo a copyright of Christian Serratos.
Publication Date: 09-09-2011

All Rights Reserved

To my sister Bethany who always like to hear me make up stories before we went to sleep

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