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Book online «Midnight Angel by lauren watts (good books for high schoolers .TXT) 📖». Author lauren watts

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them take me away and all he did was stand there breathless why didnt he help me why let them take me away they was pulling me down a tunnel when patch apperd and grabbed my hand and pulled me into the light and i was crying agaiest his chest and i sed'you was right he didnt want me alive he admitted he wanted me dead and didnt even stop them taking me away'then a heat was on my back it was patch lips moving slowly and then i relised we was on a cloud and i gasped thinking we was going to fall but we didnt the silk of the cloud agaiest my skin as i layed down and patch laid down and wrapped his arms around me and my scar started to get brighter he sed'this shows im close lauren i know you love daniel and he dosnt want you dead,he didnt stop them cause he had no power they had frozen him by now he will be tracing you but he cant find you here' and his eyes fell to my hands and linked them with his fingers then i looked at his face and sed'well you want me why tell me the truth you could of lied and sed he wants me dead but you didnt'then my lips twitched into a smile and he was speaking to my mind''i cant lie to you now that im your guardian you will get hurt bad stuff will happen i can also speak to your mind now and im gonna be by your side the most i can but for now daniel wants me far away from you but he knows im your guardian and that he cant stop me being here for you''i looked at his face then i was being lowed down and he left me on the cliff to think he left me with a sweet innoceent kiss making me run my fingertips over my lips remebering what had just happednd then daniel appered he wrapped his arms around me and once again i was in the place i dreamed about he was my home he was my heaven then i knew at that moment bad stuff was going to happen as the shadows grow in the sky hovering over me.
the war was starting, the war for my blood and the war for my life and most of all the war for my love.
chapter 8

when daniel saw the fear in my eyes he knew ive been told of the war but not what it was about and it troubled me i kept asking him but he used to just turn his head and look at the shadows our shadows asif they wasnt real like they was evil that they was going to take me away after daniel left on angel duties i feel asleep, it was grey and white i knew i was dreaming i was swimming in a lake i was floating along the top of the silky surface i was free then two hands touched my back and then he came up and he rested his head on my stomuch it shocked me it was his icey blonde hair then made ice look more beautiful,lucas,what was this did this mean i fell in love with him two then my lips was parting with his and his hands held my body i never felt like this before he was making me happy i was msiling and laughing and he made me feel loved the way he strokeed my cheeks like he was making sure i was real i was wishing this was real, then i woke up gasping and there on the pillow a black rose, i touched the petals slowly scared incase they would disapper was this a dream it cant be everything realer then the dreams i have then he stepped out the shadows lucas was holding a red rose and smiling at me i wanted him to hold me in his arms like he did in my dream i wanted his silky rose bud lips agaiest mine i was craving for his love, since seeing him in love with me i felt in love with him then he sat on the side of the bed and turned slowly and looked at me, he had the sweet smell of roses he made me close my eyes and breath him in i could see a picture of a field of roses he was laid in the middle picking roses till he found the perfect one then his black wings apperd behind him they made me gasp and open my eyes by now he was inches away from my face but he wasnt kissing me insted he ran he fingertips of over my lips making me tremble in his hands then i pulled my head back and stood up and opened the window i was blushing i needed to cool down i heard him laugh then he stood up and held my hand and pulled me into his body then he held my hand and whisperd so softly it was only possible for a angel to talk this way'lauren,im different and you know that and i know you love daniel and patch wants you back i just want to be in your life and you know that im here for you and il always be here for you'i turned around and buried my face into his softy icey blonde hair, he had recently changed his hair colour i say it down to the angel blood but you never know then he held me close making me get breathless then i stood up and sed'stay tonight,i need you by my side im having the dreams again'then i slowly walked into the on-suite and brushed my hair and tied it up into a pony tail then walked back out to lucas laid in my bed smiling waiting for me i was layed in his arms that night i dreamt of flying but it was me flying no one else then i shaking woke me up i opened my eyes, lucas was gone i was scared once again who was shaking me then i sat up and looked patch was sat on my end of the bed he was smling'hey angel' he was talking to my mind again it still freaked me out but he soon realised that i didnt like it so he moved his lips and looked away and sed'i cant stay away i need you i miss the smile of your honey silk hair and the look of your icy eyes that make me feel at home' i was smiling and blushing then he swooped me off my feet and climbed out the window and he started flying and kept looking down at my face making sure i was okay we was getting higher in the sky his skin getting hotter and we was smiling and looking at the stars i wished i could be as beautiful as a sky filled of stars, he lifted my chin up so i could see his eyes he sed'you are remeber that'wait! he could read my mind that meant he read it the other day he knew i wanted to kiss him this changed alot of things he was making me fall for him even more i loved how he made me feel lighter then air and his voice made my knees go weak but then i felt his breathing slow down he was taking me back i thought we wasnt high in the sky i was wrong i let go i slipped and i was falling it was like my dream, i screamed for him but his grip slipped he didnt catch me i closed my eyes i knew this was the end ive had the dream i fall into the darkness and that was the end of it all this was the end but just then arms were around me patch had caught me he lowed me on the ground and sed'angel are you fine please say your okay you closed your eyes you stopped breathing i thought you died i was scared angel dont do that again'i looked at him and sed in my mind knowing he could read it'i wont ever again patch...'but then he kissed me and my scar glowed what did this mean then he pulled away and i asked about the war he sed i will be taken somewhere for my safety no one can be near me well other then patch because he sed he was even gonna hide me from daniel what did this mean was he a threat was he gonna hurt me then patch layed me down in my bed and kissed my forehead and wished me sweet dreams and he left this smell so sweet it lingured in my nose till i feel into a deep sleep.
i was in a field with a long white dress,it was summer time the flowers all types of colours around me the sun high in the sky then his voice behind me patch he was dressed in shorts and a ripped top and he looked me up and down and sed'hey, who getting married' i giggled i sed'well if that what you want patch and i pulled him close and locked lips with him he smiled and wrapped his warm arms around me making me feel safe and home then he mubbled'well if that what you want my angel',i was different in this world i had hair down to my waist all wavy but it was still red it must of been more modern times cause im naturally red and my eyes where still icy blue then my smile it was so perfect the shapes and i had lightly rosey cheeks that girls would die to have then i sed'is that you asking me to marry patch'thinking it was a joke but he held me tighter and we was flying again and he then sat me down on a cloud and gave me box and his eyes got wider,so i openeed the box and there was the stone the red stone he always gave me on a ring shaped into a heart but under the ring was a long black neaklace it was a locket in the shape of angel wings and inside was me and him kissing it made tears fall from my eyes and i looked up at him and he sed softly'angel,my lauren, marry me and live forever in my heart' i throw my arms around his neck and shouted yes this was the moment i was going to marry patch did this mean i married him before or did i die before i could did the shadows take me away again i wanted to know more but the sun was shinging through my window and woke me up for the morning to come and there it was around my neck the neckalace but inside this time was just me with long red hair and my green head band and my skin glowed asif i was a angel like them but i wasnt was i?, then i got up and my scar was silver it made me smile remebering the night before and as i streched i looked at the photo on the neckalace did this mean he still loved me like he used to did he want to marrry me like he wanted to do before or was it all a dream but the neckalace then i remeberd he was watching he sed he was always going watch and there he was smiling looking up at me holding the neckalace smiling like he knew i had the dream that i remeberd it all and stoood in my garden looking up at me and i heard his voice'lauren i still love you like i did then but you got took away from

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