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Book online «Rebellious by Dravinea Merolette (e novels to read online TXT) 📖». Author Dravinea Merolette

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behind her.
The king was not only going to kill them if they came into his land again he was going to get them other ways. The king of Firion was enraged at the pirates and sent his navy to find and ‘slit the throat of the first shooter!’ which, unbeknown to him, was Mara.
There were merchant ships that usually traveled around the main channel of Firion usually coming from the lush Granar forests in Marioh. They were sitting ducks for these pirates. (This was before they knew of the kings wrath). They attacked the ships and took the merchandise of tropical fruit, jewels, and best of all, slaves.
Mara was used to having slaves on the ship. They would do her bidding in a moment because she was not cruel. She did not beat her slaves if they did something wrong, but she kept the horrid devise near her at all times for either a warning or a weapon. Mara did not force them to have other slaves and she did not forbid marriage of her own servants. Unlike her father in these ways who was ruthless to his servants the people working for Deviate were often beaten and sometimes worse. Mara’s supposed father was horrible to his slaves.
It was around daybreak on a spring day when Mara, who was in the cows nest, saw the huge ships coming over the horizon. Deviate was immediately stunned and told his crew to go as fast as this boat could carry them in the opposite direction. Mara almost fell of the high tower the ship was flying over the water. But, the ship was not going close to as fast as they needed to avoid the ship that was after them. Deviate looked through the spy glass and saw that the ship was of Firion’s navy. Deviate was speechless. He knew that they had attacked the pride of the navy that was now decaying on the sea floor, but they had robbed many of those ships and the king did not go after them.
When the ship sailed next to them Deviate thought they were after Mara being the Daughter of the unknown prince. Deviate locked her in the brig to keep her safe for as long as he could. Just like Mara’s real father had done thirteen years ago and the father and his wife were buried along the Firion coastline. The Royal soldiers started to flood onto the deck with perfect swords, armory, clothes, and skill. The crews of the Empress tried to withstand the siege, but were cornered in ten minutes. Mara just escaped the hold when the crew were just starting to try and escape the “dreaded circle of doom” it was called that because when people are cornered in a circle like they were there was no escape.
Mara appeared out from below deck and saw what was going on. Even her supposed father, Deviate, was prisoner. Deviate cast dreadful looks at every man who were struggling to bind him. Deviate saw her emerge form the lower levels of the ship and told her ‘to save herself’. Mara gave him a scornful look and was surprised that he expected her of all people to run away. She did the opposite. Mara gave a huge cry to get the attention of the soldiers. Mara ran as fast as her nimble legs could carry her onto the enemy ship and drew the men after her. She climbed a thick rope onto the crows nest and raised the knife in her teeth, she threw it at the mast as hard as she could. The effect caused the mast to fall and pierce the ship drowning the whole army. Luckily Mara had a rope and swung back onto the pirate ship safe and sound with the soldier’s shrieks behind her.
Deviate was the first to cut his bounds when the enemies were after Mara. He was almost blown off his feet when he saw that this adoptive daughter had sunk the entire ship with the soldiers on it with just one dagger. He welcomed her back. And there was a big celebration in her honor. Deviate may have seemed overjoyed with her, but all was not as it seemed.
Deviate was the captain of the ship. He had a reputation to live up to. He was going to save his ship some his ship somehow. Mara came in and ruined his plan. Otherwise he loved her like a father.
In the future many of his crew thought he was weak and undisciplined. Deviate could see the horrid power of mutiny in all the eyes of his crew. Deviate was the ruler of the sea and yet was in the shadow of his dastardly crew. He spent more time in his cabin thinking to himself and when Mara would hear him softly cursing under his breath.
Mara always dressed in a silk shirt that was almost too big for her with a red girdle around her waist. In that sash she had two daggers( there used to be three until she lost the other one when she knocked over the royal ships mast), one of the daggers was a wonderful steel blade with a bronze handle, she took this one off of the captain of the first war ship they destroyed. The other was perfectly balanced and was the best tiny blade anyone could ask for. Also tucked away in that garment was her gold handled sword that she won from one of the crew in a dueling bet. She prized the weapons. Mara wore ragged, black pants usually.
Mara was tan-skinned because of the long days in the hot sun. She had her jet black hair, which was down to her waist, in a red silk ribbon to keep it up. She was quite beautiful to the pirates, but positively horrifying to the ships and small coastal cities that they robbed from. Mara was not a person who slaughtered for fun. She actually cried for all the people she murdered after she sank a ship. She only killed people who got in her way or people who attack her father’s ship. She even did not kill women and children. She often told her father, who encouraged her to be more like him in his ruthless lust for drawing blood, that she would have none of it and she told him that she thought the women would be good at being slaves on the ship. The children were just her way of taking care of herself in the future. When the child grew up they could not kill her because she had spared there lives when that were young.
After about two weeks they went into port at a small coastal village called Castel. Deviate walked off the ship in chains and wearing the old cloak that he stole from Neroli he was being led by one of his crew members. When they walked about town apparently looking for a jail they heard people talking of a soon to be war for the crown of Firion. And that Neroli was attacked long ago and is now dead and no longer eligible for the throne. They also heard that he had a daughter that was unknown to everyone and that Neroli had a son who was a toddler when he died and lived with his relatives. They also learned that the son married his younger cousin named Sheena, and now the son wants the throne for himself and there will be a war soon. Deviate was horrified under his hood and when he was led back to the ship. He greeted his adoptive daughter and retreated to his luxurious cabin to think about what happened and what will happen.
Deviate saw that his trophies of many types were lined on the top shelf on the left side of the cabin. The other shelves were filled with books about adventures and one special book was his journal. His old, beaten up, black-leather journal that he wrote when he was young and foolish, he wrote it when he was late teens and early twenties. Now the man was in his thirties. He had a love when he was young. Her name was Carissa. She was the most beautiful woman on the planet, so he thought. She had long blonde hair that was unlike his own, jet-black, ragged hair. Her skin was pale and was like the flesh of a newborn child. In his diary he had written everything about her and their baby girl. And when he reached the age of twenty-four the book stops. The book does not go farther than the words, ‘I love my fair Carissa.’ The reason is that on a clear night in a small town on the coast there was a special visit of the king, the king who came to their humble home merely because he saw through woman cooking through the window. In the night, when Carissa was feeding her daughter, Amata, with Amador (the former name of Deviate) in the next room, royal guards durst through the door. Carssia’s husband was leaping and dodging to try to keep the men away from his wife and her wailing child. The king came in and told Amador that he would leave his family alone if he could beat the king in a duel. The man was wounded in the first flash of the king’s sword. The king took his prizes without a glance at the wounded figure on the floor. His wife is now one of the many consorts of the king.
Deviate was crying by the end of the many memories in his mind. He remembered that was why he became a pirate, to fight his way to his wife and to vent his anger on anyone who tried to stop him. Now he had adopted the prince’s daughter, who should get the throne instead of her brother. There would be a war now? The few real wars there were, were very bloody. Any captured people would immediately be sent to the battle field again. The crew must be extra careful.
Deviate wiped his eyes and strode out of his cabin. He had been in there longer than he thought. Because it was now dusk. Mara was not on deck so she must be getting her dinner. Deviate took the wheel away from his first mate, Aneas. But, when Deviate shouldered him away his first mate punched in the ribs so hard it knocked him off his feet and he hit something quite hard in the back of his head then everything went black just as the sun was saying its goodbyes as it went behind the black horizon. The only thought that Deviate had time to think before he went unconscious was, “what’s wrong with him?”
Deviate awoke in a cell of the brig next to the cage of his adoptive daughter. Mara was cursing and slamming herself against the cell door. Her tan skin was red with anger. She was calling for her favorite servant named Abertha. The men were drinking to the new captain who was Aneas. When Deviate became aware of his surroundings he took out his pistol and pointed it at the lock which blew off the moment he shot it. Mara was freed next. That was when the flood of the crew, who were like family to them both, flew down the stairs. Father and daughter parried for a good ten minutes until Aneas came. Deviate and his second in command slashed and tried to stab each other for what seemed like forever. Then Aneas struck under Deviate’s arm where he had been hurt long ago when he was protecting his wife and child. Deviate tried to fight with him as his free hand clutched his wounded side. Mara was doing well when it came to fending off the crew,
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