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Book online «Angel of Death by Lydia Hub (e novels for free .txt) 📖». Author Lydia Hub

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her pocket.
“I’ll see you later.” Chloe says moving towards the door.
“Yeah, see you later.”
“I’m sorry.” Anissa says after Chloe shut’s the door.
“Why?” I drop my arms.
“I know you like Fisher.”
“So what if I like Fisher?”
“Oh I guess you’re okay with him taking Chloe to the ball then.” She says holding a piece of red fabric up to my arm.
“Yep, I am.” Lier, lier pants on fire.
“I should go.” I say stepping off the box.
“Come back tomorrow, you need to pick out a fabric.” Anissa calls after me as I close the door.

When I get back to my room I pull all the draws out of my dresser and rip the sheets off my bed. When I start to calm down I think about what Fisher said to me last night and I take a painting off the wall and stake a hole through it with the bedpost. When I turn to face the spot where the painting use to hang I see a small wooden door. The door is about the size of a CD case with a small key hole in the bottom, right corner.
“Wow.” I murmur, grabbing a paper clip off my desk. I bend the thin metal into a strait line before pushing it into the lock. I smile as the lock clicks and the door swings open. A small box sits in the center of the cabinet. The box is gold with tiny, intricate, emerald flowers inlaid on the cover. When I finally lift the cover I find a gold necklace sitting in the green velvet. The pendant is made of simple shapes, the center is a square emerald. A gold square and two gold circles surround the emerald. And thin, gold rods branch off the corners of the emerald. I stroke the cold metal before fastening it around my neck.
Just as I fasten the chain someone knocks on the door. I close the tiny door and put the now ruined painting back on the wall before opening the door. Fisher stands in the hall with his hands behind his back, he smiles when I open the door.
“Hey Em.”
“Hello.” I say crossing my arms over my chest.
“I brought these for you.” He pulls a bouquet blue tulips out from behind his back. Tulips are my favorite flower but I’ve never seen any this color before.
“No thanks.” I say easing the door shut an inch.
“Oh come on.” He pleads.
“Where did you get them?”
“There’s a spot in the woods, the mist dyes white ones this color.” He holds them out to me.
“How do you know tulips are my favorite flowers?”
“You just told me.” I just glare at him. “All girls like flowers, it’s a coincidence that tulips are your favorite.”
“That’s stereotypical.” I say snatching the flowers out of his hand. I drop them on my desk and push him into the hall.
“Maybe it is but that doesn’t mean you don’t love them.” He smiles again leaning against his door. I close my own and speed walk in the direction of the dinning hall.
“Hey!” He says coming after me. “Hey! Are you okay?” He grabs my hand ands spins me around to face him.
“Oh yeah, I’m just peachy.” I say forcing a smile.
“You’re about as peachy as a rock, even in a good mood.”
“Thanks.” I say sarcastically.
“You know what I mean.”
“Yeah I know what you mean. You mean that I am a psychopathic, feeble, uncivil, horrible person that doesn’t to be treated nicely. Maybe I should even be destroyed! Emotionally and physically! Oh and hey while we’re at it destroy me fashionably! I mean seriously what is this?” I yell tugging at the sleeve of my robe. Fisher stares at me like I’m crazy for a few minutes.
“Follow me.” He says finally then he turns and walks down the hall in a brisk pace. He brings me to the gym.
“Wow, you know about weird blue flowers and you bring me to the gym?” He shakes his head. “No it’s cool. I love the smell of sweat before diner.” I say sarcastically.
“Working out is a good way to release anger.”
“Thanks Dr. Phil.” I say, my voice still dripping with sarcasm.
“Okay, thanks for the advice but I’m hungry. I’m going to go get some mush.”
“It is only advice, no one said you had to take it.”
“I know what advice is.”

At diner Chloe sits with Fisher and I. Chloe laughs at every thing that Fisher says, even the stuff that isn’t meant to be funny. After a while her laughter starts to get on my nerves the only satisfaction is Fisher seams to be bothered by it too. All through dinner I wait for one of them to bring up the ball but nether do. Diner passes quickly and when I get back to my room afterwards I immediately go back to tearing it apart. This time I pull the mirror off the wall above the sink in the bathroom and smash it in the bathtub. Then instantly regret it and steal the one from Brittany’s room. By the time of lights out my hands are scrapped up and I’m exhausted.

When I wake in the morning I find my self curled up on the floor. But I don’t have much time to figure out what happened last night because soon someone is banging on my door. When I open my door Dani is standing in front of me, a huge smile plastered on her face.
“What are you doing here?”
“What are you talking about? You invited me over.” She pushes me out of the way and flops down on my bed. And when I turn around I see that I’m in my dorm room. All my stuff is in the exact place it was before graduation.
“What day is it?” I ask baffled.
“Wednesday, why?” She slides of my bed and onto the floor, from there she proceeds to crawl under my bed. I keep a stash of peanut butter and Oreos under there.
“Just wondering.” In that second I made the decision to not care about what was going on and just be happy to be with Dani again. “So what do you want to do?”
“I don’t know.” She unscrews the lid of the peanut butter.
“I’ve got it!” I grab my laptop of my desk and slid a DVD into the disk draw. “Titanic!” I cry jumping onto my bed.

I wake up with tears streaming down my face, and I realize it was all a dream. I sit up and try to stop the tears from streaming down my face. As they start to slow Fisher burst through my door.
“Are you okay? I heard you crying?” He pauses to look around. “Why is your room a mess?”
“How did you hear me crying?”
“My job is to guide dead people through the wood to a castle full of dead people. I can hear crying a mile away.” He laughs, reaching down to help me up. “But seriously, what happened to your room?”
“Just doing some rearranging.”
“Um... okay.”
“Wanna get some breakfast?”
“No thanks, I think I’m going to skip breakfast this morning.”
“Oh, okay.” He says disappointed.

After he leaves I go down to training where Octavius tells me that it’s my day off. So from there I go to Anissa’s to pick out fabric. When I get there I see that Anissa’s room is still a mess of fabrics. All the colors still swirl together in weird messy patterns.
“I’m here to pick my fabric.” I say wading through the colors.
“Um... okay, don’t hate me.” she says appearing from behind a huge pile of clothes.
“What did you do?”
“I kinda, um, already made your dress.” She gives me apologetic look. “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” I pause smiling “just let me see it.” I add excitedly.
“Okay!” She squeals with excitement as she runs into the back room.

When she returns she is carrying a dark blue, strapless, ball gown. The bottom is almost completely covered with embroidered silver jewels, with another strip that wraps around the dress starting from the bottom and going up to the bust. The fabric reflects light in this cool shimmery way. It’s the most beautiful and detailed dress I’ve ever seen. It’s ever prettier than the dresses that celebrities wear on the red carpet.
“You made this?” I say reaching out to touch the soft, silky fabric.
“Yeah, who else?” She says laughing.
“This is amazing! How did you even make this already, you measured me last night.”
“I have my ways.” She says giving a sly smile, “Put it on.” She insists, holding it out to me.
“Okay.” I say talking it without hesitation.

It fits me perfectly, hugging in just the right places while being loss in other areas. It highlights my slim frame without making me look like a shapeless stick. When I walk out of the dressing room the fabric makes a gentle swishing sound as I move. I can’t help but do a small twirl, the skirt of the dress fans out over the sea of stray fabric scraps.
“Perfect.” Anissa says as I do another twirl.
“Stunning.” It’s Chloe, she too is in a dress. Her’s is black and grey. The skirt is ruffled black silk that goes all the way to the floor. The rest is grey with different shades of black making a interesting pattern of plants across her chest and torso. Finally two thin, sparkly straps hold the dress up. Personally I feel my dress is more detailed and beautiful but I don’t say that out loud and feel ashamed for even thinking it.
“You too.” I say smiling.
“Do you think Fisher’s gonna like it?” She says smoothing her hands over the skirt of her dress.
“Yeah, he’ll love it.” I assure her, forcing a smile. She just giggles, a huge smile on her face. “I’m going to change.” I say hurrying back behind the folding wall that makes up the dressing room. When I come out Chloe is sitting on the floor in a t-shirt and some jean shorts.
“Do you want me to hold onto the dress or do you want to take it back to your room?” Anissa asks taking it from me to put it in a dress bag.
“I’ll take it.” I say reaching out for it. She hands it over. “Fisher told me I should come to you for some workout clothes.” I say laying the dress over a chair.
“Oh sure, sure. Follow me.” She says leading me through a door at the back in the room. When I step through the door I’m shocked to see a room fully stocked with workout clothes, it could be a Nike®™ store.
“Wow.” I say taking it all in.
“Take whatever you want. I’ll be in the front room.” She turns and leaves.

I search through the clothes and sneakers for an hour before I’m satisfied with my pile. Four pairs of shorts, two black and two dark blue, Four t-shirts, all white, and a pair of black sneakers. After finding all I need I gather up my pile and head into the other room. Chloe still sits on the floor only now she’s burrowing under the fabric. Like people do when they go to the beach. I dump my stuff on the chair with my dress and watch as she completely covers herself in fabric.
“What on Earth are you doing?” I say after a few minutes of watching.
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