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Police, together with the girl his beloved. Now after imprisoning them the Wali said, “This pair shall remain with me for a day or two days and until I catch them in their robbery;”[FN#459] but quoth one of the party, “Indeed thou knowest not and thou hast not learnt that this damsel is the daughter of the Kazi of the Army who throughout the past year wrought for the slaying of thee by the Sultan.” And hardly had the Wali heard these words than his heart was filled with joy and he exclaimed, “By Allah, needs must I have his wench disgraced and proclaimed by bell[FN#460] about the thoroughfares of Cairo and him dishonoured in the presence of the Sultan and degraded from his degree.” Now when it was morning-tide a rumour flew about town that the Judge’s daughter had been seized by the Wali and the watch together with the young Shalabi in a certain place and presently the report reached her father who cried, “There is no Majesty and there is no Might save in Allah, the Glorious, the Great! O Saving God, save me! Oh, vile disgrace and foul dishonour before Sultan and subjects who shall say the Kazi’s daughter hath been seduced and abused. However may the Veiler enveil me!” On his part the Wali went up to the Palace and sought the Sovran to acquaint him therewith; but, finding that he had business, he sat him down to await its ending when he purposed informing him concerning the daughter of his enemy the Chief Kazi. On such wise it befel him; but as regards the wife of the youth who was lover to the girl, as soon as the rumour reached her that the Shalabi had been arrested by the Wali and the watch, she arose to her feet without stay and delay and doffing whatso of woman’s dress was upon her—And Shahrazad was surprised by the dawn of day, and fell silent and ceased saying her permitted say.

Then quoth her sister Dunyazad, “How sweet and tasteful is thy tale, O sister mine, and how enjoyable and delectable!” Quoth she, “And where is this compared with that I would relate to you on the coming night an the Sovran suffer me to survive?” Now when it was the next night and that was


The Seven Hundred and Seventy-fourth Night, Dunyazad said to her, “Allah upon thee, O my sister, an thou be other than sleepy, finish for us thy tale that we may cut short the watching of this our latter night!” She replied, “With love and good will!” It hath reached me, O auspicious King, the director, the right-guiding, lord of the rede which is benefiting and of deeds fair-seeming and worthy celebrating, that as soon as the Shalabi’s wife was informed touching her husband how the Wali had seized him in company with the Kazi’s daughter, she arose forthright and doffing whatso of woman’s dress was upon her and donning man’s disguise provided herself with somewhat of provaunt[FN#461] and went forth intending for the gaol in the Wali’s house. She asked for the road as she went and a man of the people directed her to the office until she reached the place carrying her victuals; then she enquired for the gaoler. So they made him meet her and quoth she, “Open to me the prison wherein they have gaoled the Shalabi and the maiden,” and she promised him by signs a gold piece; hereupon he admitted her and she passed into the room where lay her spouse and the girl and set meat before him. But he knew her not and cried, “Indeed I will nor eat nor drink, and do thou fare from me and leave me in this my plight.” Quoth she, “Nay, thou must eat and gladness shall befal thee.” Accordingly he came forward and ate a small matter and she after sitting with him for an hour or so, arose and doffed her man’s dress. Then she stripped the Kazi’s daughter of all the clothes she was wearing and garbed her in the masculine garb wherewith she had entered to the twain. The young lady did as she was bidden and showed likest to the Shalabi’s wife who lastly served her with what remained of the meat and said to her, “Up with thee and hie thee home.” So the Kazi’s daughter fared forth under the disguise of a dainty youth such an one as he who anon had entered the gaol; and as soon as she had wended her way the wife took seat beside her husband. When he saw her habited in the habit of the Kazi’s daughter he recognised her and knew her for his spouse; so he asked of her, “What hath brought thee hither?” and she answered, “I have come with this contrivance for the purpose of saving thee and of saving the honour of the girl thou lovest.” But as soon as the Kazi’s daughter had departed in her disguise the gaoler was deaf to entreaty and closed the prison doors upon the pair and the Shalabi and his spouse sat down together and his heart was satisfied and his secret was safe-directed,[FN#462] and fell from him all the sorrow which had settled upon his heart. Such was the case with these two; but as regards the Chief of Police, when he went up to the Sultan and saw that he was busied he took patience until the work was ended, after which he came forward and kissed ground before him and salam’d to him and blessed him. The King returned his salute and then said, “What is to do?” and said he, “O King of the Age. I found during the past night the Lady Sitt al-Husn, daughter to the Kazi al-‘Askar, companying with her lover a certain Mohammed Shalabi son of the Emir Such-and-such; so I seized the couple and confined them by me and now I myself come to report the case in thy presence.” When the Sultan heard these words, he was wroth with exceeding wrath and his eyes flashed red and his outer jugulars[FN#463] swelled and he foamed at the mouth and roaring cried, “How can it be that the daughter of the Kazi al-Islam companieth with a lover and alloweth herself to be debauched? By Allah, needs must I slay her and slay her father and slay the youth her lover.” Thus befel it with the Sultan and the Wali; but as regards the matter of the girl Sitt al-Husn, when she went forth the prison in the dress of a Shalabi, a dainty youth, she ceased not wending till she reached her paternal home. Here she repaired to a place which was private and having doffed her man’s dress garbed her in maidenly garments, then retiring secretly to her own room lay her down and her heart was heartened and trouble and turmoil and travail of mind fell from her. Now at that time her mother was lamenting like a funeral mourner and buffeting her face and her breast and kept crying out, “Oh the shame of us! Oh the dishonour of us! When they shall have informed the Sultan of this, he shall surely slay her sire.” And the Kazi waxed distraught and full of thought and he also said in his mind, “How shall I remain Kazi al-Islam when the folk of Cairo say, ‘Verily the daughter of our Lord High Chancellor hath been debauched?’”

With these words he kept visiting his wife’s apartment and sitting with her for awhile, then faring forth and coming in from place to place[FN#464] and he wandered about like one bewildered of wits. When behold, a handmaid of the handmaidens entered the room wherein lay the Kazi’s daughter and finding her strown upon her bed looked upon her and recognised her. So she left her and running in her haste hied her to the mistress and cried, “O my lady, indeed Sitt al-Husn of whom you are talking is lying down in such a room of the Harem.” Thereupon the mother arose and went and came upon her daughter, so she rejoiced in her and returning to the Kazi in his apartment acquainted him therewith. He also repaired to his daughter’s bower and finding her therein quoth he, “Where hast thou been?” Quoth she, “O my father, my head began to ache after sunset-time, so I lay me down in this place.”

Hereupon without stay or delay the Kazi took horse, he and his Officials, and repaired to the Sultan—And Shahrazad was surprised by the dawn of day and fell silent and ceased to say her permitted say. Then quoth her sister Dunyazad, “How sweet is thy story, O sister mine, and how enjoyable and delectable!”

Quoth she, “And where is this compared with that I would relate to you on the coming night an the King suffer me to survive?” Now when it was the next night and that was


The Seven Hundred and Seventy-sixth Night, Dunyazad said to her, “Allah upon thee, O my sister, an thou be other than sleepy, finish for us thy tale that we may cut short the watching of this our latter night!” She replied, “With love and good will!” It hath reached me, O auspicious King, the director, the right-guiding, lord of the rede which is benefiting and of deeds fair-seeming and worthy celebrating, that the Kazi of the Army repaired to the Sultan, he and the whole of his officials, and he ceased not wending until he entered the presence, where he salam’d and said, “O King of the Age, is it lawful and allowed of Allah Almighty that thy Wali charge us with calumnious charge and false?” As the Chief of Police was standing hard by, the Sultan asked him, “How can the Wali have misspoken thee and thy daughter when she is still imprisoned by him and in his house?” whereto the Chief of Police added, “‘Tis true! his daughter is surely with us in durance vile, she along with her lover, for indeed I found the pair in such a place.” Said the Kazi, “O King of the Age, I will abide here beside thee and do thou let the Wali go down and bring before thee that which is with him in gaol, and the case shall be made manifest, because hearing with the ear is not like eyeing with the eye.” The Sultan replied, “This rede is right,” whereupon the Chief of Police returned to his house and ordered the gaoler to open the gaol and bring thereout the maiden Sitt al-Husn and her lover the youth Mohammed Shalabi. The man did his bidding and leading forth of prison the couple committed them to the Chief of Police who took them and fared with them to the Sovran, rejoicing the while with all joy. The citizens of Cairo heard of all this, so they flocked in crowds to solace them with the spectacle; and when the Wali reached the presence, the maiden and the young man being with him, he set them before the Sultan. Presently the King asked the youth saying, “Who mayest thou be, O young man, and who is thy father?” and answered he, “I am son of such an Emir;” when the King who believed that she was the daughter of the Chief Kazi continued, “And this maiden that is with thee, who may she be and whose daughter?” The youth replied, “This is my wife, O King of the Age,” and the King rejoined, “How can she be thy wife?” So the youth retorted, “Indeed she is; and Such-an-one and So-and-so and Such-another together with a host of thy favoured courtiers wot right well that she is my spouse and that she is the daughter of So-and-so.” Hereupon they accosted her and bespoke her and she bespake them, so they recognised her and were certified

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