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him. I stood back and shifted from my mortal self to dragonwolf.
I watched as my own dratyr Airemus Dranna shifted to his own dragon form at the sight. "Adellandra, my kana!" He hugged me tight, kissing my cheek. "Thank you for breaking that awful curse."
"Curse?" I asked. "Who cursed you to be a Wolfkin for so long, dratyr?"
"I did." Dratyr said. He turned to Brakkon. "Looks like the jig is up, my old friend. Do you think you have the strength to shift back?"
Lord Brakkon nodded.
"Shift?" Katherine was incredulous. I'd forgotten she was still there. "To what, Father?"
Brakkon placed a paw to his daughter's cheek. "I am a great dragon, kana. I was the Emperor of the Dragon Nations before my own Kano Draconis and Lady Adellandra here took the Throne when they were first mated."
Katherine shook her head. "There is so much I do not know about you."
Brakkon kissed her cheek. "I will be more than happy to explain everything later, kana, daughter."
"For now, can I see you in your true-form, Lord Brakkon?" I asked.
"It would be my honor, Lady Adellandra." Brakkon supplied. He shifted his form to his black dragon-self, which reminded me of the past visions I'd had of him.
My memory reeled with visions of the time so long ago, of the Chaos and destruction. I shook my head, smiling.
"Thank you, Lord Brakkon." I told him. "I am inviting you both back to Mal'estar to see what our great city has become in your absence."
Dratyr hugged me again. "You remind me so much of your mutyr." He supplied, and his face went dark. "I still have yet to find her."
"I think I may know where she is, Lord." Katherine spoke up.
“I am no Lord, Lady Katherine, I am a mere vassal and bodyguard to your dratyr." Airemus announced, grinning. "Call me Sir Airemus."
"Aye, Sir Airemus." Katherine supplied. "If I am not mistaken, based on what Lady Guardian has told me of her memories, the Mountain Forest Wolf Packs have moved since long ago. I believe I know where they relocated to."
"Wolf did say something of that," I told my friend. "Where did they go? Were they able to rebuild the Packs?"
"Do you not remember yourself?" Katherine grinned. "I do believe Joel gave you a hint when he mentioned the Moondancers."
My mind came up with one place. My tail twitched with excitement. "There?"
Katherine nodded.
I turned to Dratyr and Lord Brakkon. "If you like, you can join us."
Airemus Dranna laughed. "I would not miss it for the world. How about you, Brakkon?"
Brakkon was shocked, but nodded, purr-growling under his breath. "To see my beautiful Locarra once again." He looked up at me. "I will let Mystica know to watch over Starfire and we will depart."
Mystica was Queen of the Epsilon and an Ancient Mystic Sister while Starfire was Brakkon's true-son by her. During the War of the Realms, Braken Joel Hawk, Mystica's and O'Dell's son and Brakkon's adopted-son named his half-brother Starfire, due to the stars and fire in his eyes and magic.
When we were ready, we were on our way, minus Katherine. She'd wanted to stay with her mother, overwhelmed by the excitement.
All three of us flew, with myself in the lead, heading to the Mystic Province in the Realm of Dreams.
It was the Province's Forgotten Forest where I followed the scents of Celeste and Chase Moondancer. At first sight, it was a peaceful part of the Forest. Draconians, Dweller-kin and those like us knew differently. There were creatures of every kind imaginable hiding in its trees, bushes and even under the ground. Scents of every kind were there, too, almost overwhelming to my wolf's snout. I focused my nose to find the Moondancers, hidden away in a cave.
We descended and I told them to shift their forms. Dratyr nodded and shifted to a wolf, and so did Brakkon. I was amazed at how they listened to me without question.
I called the wolf's howl and the Moondancers both came out. They were Mountain Wolf Companion-Dwellers, so I knew they were part of my own matéré's Packs.
Celeste saw me and bowed. "My Lady Guardian, what do I owe this honor?"
I smiled. "Behind me, you see the wolf-Companion forms of Lord Brakkon Dratianos and my pérat Sir Airemus Dranna."
"Dranna..." Celeste looked to Chase. They knew something.
"I am here for a reason, Moondancers, and I do believe you know why." I crossed my dragonwolf arms and folded my wings behind my back, hooking the claws at my neck like a cape.
"I know exactly what you are here for then, to bring the two of them." Chase spoke up quietly, nodding to Brakkon and Airemus.
We walked until we arrived at the bottom of Wolf's Peak, which used to be named Wolf's Head. A wolf's head shape in the rock is what gave the Peak its name, telling all to be aware of the Packs within the area.
"Pardon the intrusion, Lord Brakkon, but how is it a dragon lord can shift his shape to that of a wolf?" Chase asked him. "You both are dragons, aye? So why hide in wolf form?"
"For the same reasons Lady Adellandra hides within many of her own forms." Lord Brakkon nodded to me. I turned and nodded back, smiling. "As to not confuse or frighten others that do not need to be frightened."
Chase looked to me. "Adellandra? That is your true-name?" I nodded. "I thought it was Ariana Moon? Is that not what Lord Guardian called you?"
I grinned to my mountain-wolf friend. "There is a lot that you need to be caught up on, Chase Moondancer." I told him. "But quickly, aye, that is my true-name. It used to be Ariana Moon and Lord O'Dell did call me that, but only until recently, when I found my true-mate in Lord Draconis Dratianos, Emperor of the Dragon Nations and Lord Brakkon's son."
All Chase could do was nod slowly. I laughed. "You'll understand soon enough my friend. For now, to those we seek."
Chase nodded. "Aye."
It didn't take long to reach a hidden cavern that was actually inside the mouth of Wolf's Peak.
That is where we found the Alpha of the Packs, my matéré, Katerina Mout'ella Dranna. With her was a cobra maiden so beautiful in heart and soul I remembered her well. It was Lady Locarra, Draconis' mutyr and Lord Brakkon's mate.
But what of Queen Mystica?
I walked up to my matéré and held in the urge to hug her. "My Lady Alpha." I called her by her title, which got her attention.
She saw me in my dragonwolf form along with the wolves behind us. She gasped. "Adella-" She raced to hug me tightly. "The Great Wolf Goddess has brought you back to me, my sweet donan!"
"Matéré!" I cried, hugging her. "You've been here the whole time?"
Matéré nodded happily, then turned to the wolves behind me. "And I see you've brought with you a couple of strangers from the Dragon Nations."
I grinned. "They are not strangers if you know of them, Matéré." I hugged her tighter. "Why didn't I know you were here before?"
"I was waiting for you to find yourself again, donan." Matéré announced. She only saw Dratyr in his wolf form and noticed him right away. "Airemus, why hide within the form of a wolf? You are one of the most handsome and powerful of dragons. You, too, Brakkon."
Dratyr laughed and shifted his form back to the majestic and mighty dragon she'd come to know and love all those years ago. So did Lord Brakkon, which shocked Locarra. She stood by Matéré, speechless.
"What brings the three of you here?"
"I have come to bring you back to Mal'estar, Matéré." I told her. "All of you. Dratyr, Lord Brakkon, Lady Locarra and you. If you wished to join us, which I am certain my Lord and love Draconis would be delighted to see his parentada alive and well."
"Mal'estar." Lady Locarra whispered. A sense of realization spread across her face as she stared at Lord Brakkon in his dragon form. "I remember...."
"You were in the Summerlands, Locarra." Lord Brakkon took her in his arms and hugged her, kissing her lips. "I am not complaining that you are here, but how?"
"I am not sure." Locarra reached to feel his dragon's scales, remembering. "I thought for certain you were gone from me forever when I heard of Mal'estar's destruction."
Lord Brakkon placed a claw upon her lips before kissing them. "No more my sweet. We will speak of this later. For now, our Lady Empress has returned. There is celebration at last in our Nations."
"There is more cause for celebration once you both reunite with Draconis." I told them. "He and Drakkar miss you greatly."
Lord Brakkon and I met eyes and he smiled. "How is it you know so much?"
I shrugged. "I am all things. I am a Goddess; I am Lady Guardian of the Realms, Lady Empress of the Dragon Nations, a Crusader, a Leader, a sister, a daughter and more. I go by many names, but one rings out in my ears as a soft cry from a distant past, reminding me of my true-blooded birth by Sir Airemus and his mate Katerina Mout'ella Dranna." I stood tall and shifted my own form to a great black Spirit dragon. "I am Adellandra Dranna Dratianos."
The wolves around me were in awe. Lady Locarra smiled as Lord Brakkon hugged her. Matéré kissed my Dratyr's cheek and he blushed. Chase and Celeste Moondancer were in awe.
I shifted my form back to my dragonwolf and smiled upon them. "Now, Lords and Ladies, if you will, follow me back to Mal'estar and the future of All the Realms of All the Worlds."
It had been a great life, and there was a lot more to live in it. My story does not end here. Oh no, not even close.
In fact, the future of Mal'estar, the Dragon Nations, the Realm of Dreams and all the Realms of All the Worlds had just begun. And I, Adellandra Dranna Dratianos, Head-Chronicler of the Realms, along with my mate Draconis Vilinos Dratianos, are going to catch it all.

Publication Date: 08-12-2009

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