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Book online «Young Guardian Trilogy by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (no david read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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them sat at a table in the Café, talking about Sabrina’s plight.
“I think it’s time.” Ariana said, once they’d ordered drinks. Luna nodded after her sister.
The twins and Aaron were ready to get down to business, but there were still some problems.
Why were Derrick and Mark so distracted? Aaron asked himself.
The Crusaders surrounded Ariana as she told them what was going on.
At first, they didn’t believe it when she told them Damian confessed his sister’s sins. They also didn’t believe with Ariana told them where the deadly duo was right now.
“How did she get here?” Luna asked, looking around to the group for suggestions. “Who did she have to kill to become Earthbound?”
Ariana shrugged. “I don’t know.” She turned to the guys, who were sitting across from her and Luna at a booth in the Café. “What do you think?”
“What do you care?” An angry Mark growled under his breath.
Mark was distracted, and played with the ring of moisture left by his soda glass. Derrick was looking down at his lap, still angry at what Sabrina told him of his true love. Both boys were silent.
Aaron, Luna, and Ariana exchanged looks. What was going on? Each thought.
“I care about Sabrina and her brood of Warriors taking over the Dream Realm, not to mention our home.” Ariana replied, trying to meet both Derrick’s and Mark’s eyes.
“So do I, and so should you,” Luna replied when they didn’t. “Whatever’s the matter with the two of you, forget it and move on. We have a mission.”
“The twins are right.” Aaron commented. “You can always talk to us about it later. For now, we have Sabrina’s butt to kick.”
Both boys were silent, still.
Mark was pondering what to do. Should he help her, or let Ariana deal with Sabrina on her own? He thought back, on how bad he felt after Sabrina made him take advantage of Ariana. He had loved her then, and wanted to believe she loved him back. That is, until he saw how she acted with Derrick once they rescued her. He then thought of Sabrina and her seductive ways.
As for Derrick, he stared into Ariana’s eyes, thinking of how he felt back when he almost lost her to Damian, the Dominionite Merchant. He did love her very much, but Sabrina claimed she’d loved another. Should he believe Ariana, who had loved him practically forever, or Sabrina, the Dominionite Maiden?
Both Derrick and Mark decided to put their problems aside to help. They looked at each other.
“Okay, we’ll do it.” Derrick replied.
“Got any ideas?” Mark asked.
Ariana was glad they were finally getting down to business. “Have you noticed anything suspicious lately?”
“Sabrina and Grand Psycho are here in the Outer Realm. How did they get here, and who did they have to kill to stay here?” Derrick asked. “She came to me in a dream, and I noticed a dark crystal around her neck. It could be a clue.”
“They’re planning to take over both worlds, first by getting rid of the competition.” Mark said.
“Meaning us.” Ariana sighed. “Good, Mark. We also know Damian is somehow begrudged at Sabrina, because he told me her plan.”
“Question is: Why?” Aaron asked. “Why would Damian confess to you?”
“I can answer that.” Ariana replied. “Remember when I was kidnapped?” They nodded, listening. “Well, he fancies me.”
Derrick didn’t like what she just said. Now, the duo was getting personal. “How are we going to defeat her – once and for all?”
They looked at each other and sighed.
“Good question.” Luna remarked.
“For now, let’s just keep an eye out for anything suspicious and tell the others as soon as possible.” Aaron suggested. “Okay?”
They looked at one another. The twins, Mark, and Derrick all had serious looks in their eyes. Aaron held his hand out. Ariana placed hers on top, with Luna and the other guys following suit.
“Dream Realm Crusaders!” They cried, separating.

Chapter Forty-One:
Companion Crusaders

In the Garden, Katherine and Wolf walked, looking for somewhere private to be alone in. They found the perfect place in the Canine Valley.
“Is it not wonderful being home for more than just one day?” Wolf snuggled closer to his beloved.
Katherine purred sadly. She was thinking of her lost twin; hopefully found by Grand Magus? “Aye, but I cannot help thinking of Kit, my love.” Katherine let his hand go, and began to walk ahead of him. She turned. “Where is she now? Is she with Young Guardian’s own twin? If so, why can she not return as we have?”
She stopped in her tracks and Wolf placed his muscular arms around her. He smiled, kissing her. “Relax. Young Guardian will get her back eventually. Either she or her twin.”
Katherine turned away, her mind replaying the fun times with her sister. “I miss her, and I must see Ariana again to find out, even if just to visit.” She thought of something and replied before he could say anything. “Do not think I am ignoring you, my Love. Certainly, I am not. I just worry for Young Guardian that is all.”
Wolf smiled. “I do not think you are ignoring me, Kat.” He kissed her nose, making her purr. “I think it wonderful what you are doing for her!” Wolf kissed her lips, holding her tight.
“Well, how sweet.” A male voice purred from behind a bush.
The couple parted and turned to see Wolf’s good friend, an older feline named Toby White-Snow. His image was of a tiger cat, and it hadn’t looked like he’d bathed in a week.
Toby continued, depressed. “I am truly happy for you my friend, but am secretly saddened for myself.”
“Have you been hiding here long, Toby?” Wolf asked him, concerned. To the trio, just being a thimble-full of good made the Dominionite Master Orthos angry. He could sense it from a mile away. If Orthos were to find them, he would likely kill them.
Toby nodded. “Aye. After Kit left my side, I have been to the River of Regret nearby, drowning myself in memories.”
Katherine released Wolf to comfort Toby. She kissed his shaggy cheek. “Do not feel she has left you, Toby my friend. She has not.”
Toby grasped her hands and his eyes were full of hope. “Where is she, then? Please, Katherine, tell me!”
Katherine looked to Wolf sadly.
“Kitten’s Claw has been Banished to the Outer Realm, as Katherine and I had been.” Wolf began, giving his good friend a dirty look. Wolf didn’t want Toby to take Katherine’s friendship too far.
Toby quickly took the hint, releasing her hands abruptly. “Who could have done such a thing? Sure, Kit may act like a brat sometimes, but that does not give anyone the right to Banish my darling Kitten’s Claw.”
“I agree with you to the fullest extent, Toby.” Katherine replied softly. She gave Wolf a loving look, telling him to go on.
“The Master himself Banished us.” Wolf replied simply.
Toby was open-mouthed. “I am terribly sorry, Katherine,” He quickly apologized. “I should not have been so insensitive.”
“It is alright Toby, my feline friend.” Wolf replied. “We believe Grand Magus has found Kitten’s Claw.”
“The Grand Magus?” Toby looked wide-eyed at Katherine. “You jest?”
“Nay,” Katherine smiled. She explained how they found out.
“We must get her back!” Toby growled, punching a tree. “Orthos must be dealt with!”
Katherine put a hand on his shoulder. “Calm yourself. We are already working on a plan. Would you like to join the Crusade?”
“Need you ask twice?” Toby looked at her. A small smile spread on his lips.
The three joined hands in a semi-circle and looked into each other’s eyes with determination.
This was going to be quite a Crusade.

Katherine Hawk made her way to Young Guardian’s Dream Realm that night. She took Toby and Wolf with her. She found her friend practicing magic against her own twin sister.
“Young Guardian!” Katherine called, suddenly remembering her promise to Lord Guardian O’Dell and the Sisters.
The two stopped and waved to the duo.
Katherine frowned. “You know you are not supposed to be here!”
Ariana gave her feline friend an innocent smile. “I’m fine, Kat. Don’t worry. As long as Luna is here with me, I’ll be okay.”
“That is not what I am afraid of.” Katherine glared at her, angry. “Remember your promise to the Sisters?”
Ariana looked down, ignoring Katherine’s scowl. She noticed Mark’s Companion friend Wolf Stargazer beside her, with a familiar tiger-boy beside him. “Welcome back to my Dream Realm, Wolf. Who may I ask is this?”
“I am called Toby White-Snow.” Toby introduced, kneeling. “Quite a pleasure to meet you in the flesh, my Young Guardian.”
Ariana giggled, and Luna smiled. “He’s silly.”
“You don’t need to bow to me yet, Mr. White-Snow.” Ariana replied, ignoring her sister. “I’m not officially bound here.”
Toby stood. “I apologize, my Young Guardian, but may I speak freely?”
“Sure,” Ariana and Luna chorused. Katherine’s scowl disappeared when she giggled. Wolf smiled at the twins.
“I have come with them, seeking your assistance.” Toby explained, his voice solemn and sad. “Katherine has told me you have found my darling Kitten’s Claw.”
Ariana looked to Luna, silently telling her twin to go on.
Luna nodded and turned to Toby, who was staring at them. “I have, and we’re working on returning her home where she belongs.”
Toby’s face brightened, and his melancholy frown disappeared.
“Thank you, Sister Luna,” Toby replied, kissing her hand in appreciative respect.
Luna smiled. “You’re welcome, I guess.”
Ariana turned to her Companion friend. “Luna and I have talked with the other Earthbound Crusaders. We still haven’t figured out how to deal with Sabrina.”
“That’s because she hasn’t done anything, yet.” Luna reminded her.
“Rather you wait and see what she has in store before you do that, Young Guardian.” Katherine spoke up. “That way, you can deal with them as you go along.”
“What about you?” Luna asked them, Wolf in particular. “What have you found out?”
Wolf grinned at her. “How did you know?”
Luna smiled, shrugging. “Intuition? Go ahead.”
Wolf cleared his throat. Dare he tell Young Guardian and her twin what Young Mark has told him? He took a breath and explained Mark’s run-in with Sabrina. “He sent me to tell you, because of this.”
Ariana shook her head and whispered. “I never knew he felt that way.”
“He didn’t until Sabrina started on him.” Luna replied sarcastically. “Thanks, Wolf. Anything else?”
Wolf shook his head, as did Katherine and Toby.
“We have to get back.” Ariana said suddenly, looking at Luna. “We’ll be in touch, and don’t forget to let me know if you hear anything about Sabrina or Grand Psycho.”
“Aye, Young Guardian.” The Companions chorused.
The twins disappeared and they made it back to the Garden.
The three were quiet until Toby spoke up suddenly.
“I wish to join the fight indefinitely.” His voice was serious and angered.
Katherine gasped. “Why did you not say anything in front of Young Guardian?”
Toby shrugged. “I did not wish to seem rude. You know how Master Orthos is whenever one of us talks back.”
Wolf laughed. “You will not seem rude to Young Guardian Ariana. She is still an Earthbound, you know.”
Toby stared at him. “She is still the Dream Realm’s Young Guardian, correct?”
“Aye, but she is also my friend. It was long ago I first met her as Ariana.” Katherine stepped in. “She is very kind and understanding. It was through her I was able to come back home for good.”
“It was through Mark I was able to do the same.” Wolf replied. “Now, if Grand Magus can help Kit return, the four of us will group together.”
Toby nodded,
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