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war. That was, until Arok informed me of a strange power when he was visiting your realm. What Arok described to me was so strange, I wondered, could it be? Could one of you have survived?”

The mist, thought Evan, the first time he saw it was in the beating Ollie gave him a few days before Pete’s disappearance, it must’ve been like a beacon for any nearby demons.

“I could not enter Earth myself, nor could I enter Veneseron once you were there, thanks to your damned Venators. I sent a minion to Earth, unlike me his lowly power wouldn’t be detected by Vanderain and his Realmer fools. But his stupidity led him to the wrong boy, and his hunger led him to eat instead of capture.”

Pete, thought Evan faintly. Kurrlan’s minion had killed his Orphanage neighbour; it had nearly been him.

“Fortunately my demon did not feast upon you too. Now I knew where to look.

I could still sense you were alive and well. You were so nearly mine, but then Sellatur betrayed me. Some might say fate is on your side, little monster, but I don’t believe in fate, only the power you will give me.”

Kurrlan’s laconic laughter cut short as he considered Evan in further detail. “I never thought to see one such as you ever again.” His voice altered, becoming soft, and full of awe.


“Akirandon shall serve me now. Her Rakarn will bow and scrape at my command.

She'll never resurrect her god and rule with him. Indeed, it'll be better for all the realms if I am their ruler.”

A dark green tongue flitted out of Kurrlan’s mouth to lick his wretched lips. “Do you even know who your mother is, child? All she went through to create you?”

Mother? What mother? Evan could hardly put thought together in his mind.

“You don't, do you?” Kurrlan cackled again. “Don’t worry, you belong to me now.

My demon child, I always fancied a son.”

Evan found his stare transfixed on the golden monkey in the demon crowd. The monkey’s eyes suddenly locked on to Evan’s and he gasped as the demon winked at him.


Evan didn’t know how he knew it; he just knew that he did.

Impossibly, irrevocably, hope flickered inside of him. There might be a chance he could get out of this alive.

The monkey was transforming and as it broke through the demon ranks it showed its true form.

The golden coat contorted to a head of long blond hair. The body grew and became human, only the vibrant silver eyes remained the same.

A young man of medium height and dressed in red tunic and trousers stood before them. Apart from the eyes Vanderain appeared entirely unremarkable. He was rakishly slim, his blond hair falling to his shoulders, framing a roguishly handsome face. However, that face was currently set in a death mask of power and barely restrained fury.


Kurrlan’s head snapped in Vanderain’s direction as he appeared, his gash of a mouth opened in a silent scream as Vanderain’s brilliant stare came to rest upon him.

Without a word Vanderain flicked his wrist. Instantly, the mountainous bulk that was Arok exploded. Evan fell to the floor, Arok's grip relinquished as his body parts flew everywhere.

Seeing this, Kurrlan recovered his voice. “KILL HIM,” he screeched hysterically.

As one, the demon ranks flew towards the Eternal.

Vanderain’s eyes remained on Kurrlan as his other hand twitched and Evan witnessed the most amazing spectacle he’d ever seen.

Every single demon was destroyed simultaneously. They did not die, they simply ceased to exist. With one casual gesture Vanderain had disintegrated their very beings, erasing them from all the worlds.

At Veneseron Evan had had no luck sensing the magic in his fellow Venators, but the magic emanating from Vanderain was beyond belief. It appeared to make the air around them tremble.

“NOOOO,” Kurrlan crooned.

The Master Eternal moved to stand between Evan and the enraged Dread Lord, his face passive as he regarded the monster.

He cocked his head to the side as he addressed Kurrlan. “Your army is less than dust, you shall soon share their fate. You may prolong your undoing if you tell me why you captured and proceeded to torture one of my Venators.”

Kurrlan answered by wielding his whip. Eyes of blue flame blazed as hot as his weapon as he slashed at the Eternal.

Vanderain didn’t flinch, but caught the whip effortlessly, showing no reaction to the fire burning him.


With a sharp tug he pulled Kurrlan forward, flinging the Dread Lord from his throne to the floor.

Kurrlan gibbered as Vanderain pulled him across the flagstones like a rag doll, just how Kurrlan had earlier manipulated Evan.

Through the struggle Kurrlan’s cloak slipped off. Evan screamed again. Kurrlan’s body was indescribable, even worse than his mockery of a face.

Kurrlan screamed too, lashing out at the whip and hacking it in two.

Vanderain cast the now useless weapon aside as Kurrlan struggled to his feet, summoning demon magic.

Evan’s breath caught as he again saw the black tendrils which caused him so much agony.

“Cease, or I shall destroy you now,” Vanderain spoke in his powerful, melodic tone.

Kurrlan’s answer was indistinguishable as he leapt at the Eternal, the black magic twisting into hideous formations before him.

Vanderain's face showed discomfort for the first time as the black sorcery writhed around him. He conjured a brilliant sword of bright light and began hacking the tendrils apart.

Kurrlan roared in fury, summoning more and more demon magic.

Evan could see Vanderain struggling under the onslaught, but he couldn't help him.

All his sorcery was gone and Evan didn't know how to use his demon power.

He saw one half of Kurrlan's fire whip feet away, the half with a bone handle.

Evan seized his moment, dragging himself to his feet and fighting through the agony.


Clutching the handle Evan swung the whip of flames with all his might, striking Kurrlan's skull.

Kurrlan stumbled, turning towards him in shock as Evan struck him again. This time the whip lashed across his face. Kurrlan screeched fury.

He ran at Evan, his rotting hand clasping him by the throat. Evan began choking, his breath squeezed out of him.

In the distraction Vanderain had cut the black tendrils aside and now surged forwards, plunging his sword into Kurrlan's stomach.

Evan fell back, gasping for air as Kurrlan's body shone with a bright light.

Vanderain wrenched his sword back out and Kurrlan convulsed, the light spreading all over his body like fire.

“Ezanathul will destroy you all,” he rasped before falling to the ground, no more than smoking ash.

Evan trembled from the shock of all that had happened to him. His body was wracked with wounds, from the battle at Veneseron which now felt so long ago, and the immense torture from Kurrlan.

“I am so sorry,” Vanderain crouched by his side, his expression filled with remorse. “This is my fault. I should never have left the Fortress for so long.”

Evan wanted to speak but nothing came out, he was so utterly exhausted, blackness encroached upon the edges of his vision.

Vanderain placed a hand on Evan’s chest. Evan immediately felt the cold tingling sensation that always came with healing as his body started to mend itself.

The Master Eternal, however, couldn’t rid Evan’s mental pain, all he'd seen, heard and felt.

“It’s all over now.”


At last Evan’s wish was granted and he fell into the realms of unconsciousness, shrouded by darkness.


Chapter 25- Mother Of Evil

Brooke paced the length of her room relentlessly. Tarensen had told her to stay there until he returned. Her mind was awash with anxiety. Whatever Tarensen was doing couldn't be good.

She'd been there for hours. Just…waiting. It was driving her crazy.

The enchanted knife she'd conjured played on her mind too, but what tormented her most was not knowing if everyone was alive and safe.

She had no idea if Evan, Jed, or Arantay had been injured in the battle, or worse.

The door opened suddenly and Tarensen strode in.

“Come with me.”

“Where are we going?”

“To see Vanderain.”

“Where did you go? It's been ages, I've been so scared.”

“I travelled to your former home,” he replied curtly.

“You what!” Brooke gasped.

Tarensen sighed. “No normal Venator can do what you did. There had to be a reason why you possessed such magic. As I expected, your parents, or who you thought were your parents, had had their memories altered. A man had visited them sixteen years ago, carrying you. I don’t know why he picked them, perhaps he saw that your mother looked similar to Herak. Regardless, this stranger used powerful sorcery to convince your false-parents that you were their newest child. From their


bizarre description of this strange man I have no doubt he was a demon lord in disguise, maybe even a Demon Disciple.”

Brooke wondered if she was hearing things right.

“How- how can this be possible? What do you mean my parents aren't my real parents? What's this damn Herak guy got to do with it?”

“Vanderain will explain everything.”


Evan awoke on a hard bed. He was back at Veneseron, he knew by the sense of familiarity and safety he felt. As he looked around Evan recognised Tarensen's quarters. It was Vanderain, however, who stood over him.

“Easy,” Vanderain said softly, “demon magic is a lot harder to cure. I've healed your wounds, but you will feel very weak for a few hours yet.”

Evan sat up, indeed feeling feeble and unfocused.

Vanderain sat on a wooden chair before him, roguish smile once again plastered on his youthful visage.

“Lo' there, I haven't officially introduced myself. I'm Vanderain, but you can call me Neddy.”


Vanderain chuckled. “Probably ill timing for a joke.”

Everything came flooding back to Evan in a torrent, for a moment all the horror threatened to overwhelm him. Slowly, the horror was replaced with relief as Evan realised it was over, he wasn't going to be slaughtered by Kurrlan and his demons.


Evan stared up at the mythical master in wonderment. Vanderain was so different to what he had expected. Aside from his silver eyes he appeared normal. He looked very young, in his late twenties at most. A timeless quality to his features indicated how long he'd been alive however.

Evan hadn’t been expecting this at all.

From all the rumours maybe he'd expected some intimidating muscular warrior, even bigger than Urkzal.

Then again from what he'd heard about how old Vanderain was supposed to be, maybe he'd anticipated an elderly man with a stooped back and a long white beard.

Vanderain was short and slender, his skin a suntanned bronze. He had high cheekbones, thin eyebrows and lashes the same light gold of his hair. He appeared so harmless and ordinary that Evan had trouble remembering how powerful and infuriated he'd been in Kurrlan's realm.

But there was no mistaking the raw and devastating power emanating from him, just below the surface. Evan had seen what the Eternal was capable of.

“Is everyone okay? Did the demons kill anyone?” Evan blurted out.

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