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Oath signifies a huge step in the Sisterhood. A thirteen-year-old Mystic would be told the story of the Dream Realm and their destiny in life. Whether it is a Sister (girl) or a Wizard (boy), the meaning and ceremonies were the same.

We met up with the Sisters at the Palace. Enchantra greeted me with a huge smile and hug, welcoming us with open arms.
“Ariana, Young Guardian, what a pleasure to see you again?” Enchantra grinned at me, laughing as she escorted me in.
I saw the Mystic Jewels once again out of O’Dell’s Chambers. I smiled, remembering the first time I’d seen them out of his Chambers. It was when the Crusaders were married to each other: Derrick to me, Shane to Luna, Mark (Panther) to (Ariana) Marie, Katherine to Wolfton and Kitten’s Claw to Tobias White-Snow. It was to bless us in our Earthbound lives, and give the kits more power here.
Those Earthbound Mystics watching from the sidelines were all our family: Gramma Dixie, Great-Aunt Dorianne, Great-Aunt Sarabeth, Mother, Aunt Sharon, Uncle Stephen, Shannon, Anna, Kevin, Mary Ellen, Claudia, Christopher, and Antony. Derrick, Shane, Bradley, Mark-Antony and Andrew, Caleb, Meredith, Melody, Logan, and even little Martin Joel would witness us taking our Oaths. My Companion friends were there, too. Katherine, Kit, Toby, and Wolf especially. There were even a few people I didn’t recognize, but knew they were Mystics by the looks in their eyes.
“Young Guardian, Enchanted Child. Step up to the Jewels.” Enchantra told us. “Sister Aluna, follow their lead.”
She, Challandra, Sibylline and Jezebel joined in a circle around us, with O’Dell and Maximaniac watching from the side.
“It has come time for the three of you to take the Mystic Oath.” Challandra replied.
“The Enchanted Child’s thirteenth birthday is here, and is a time to celebrate.” Sibylline supplied, smiling at her daughters.
“Before which, the story of the Dream Realm has to be explained to you.” Challandra said. She looked to her twin. “Well, Chantie? Would you like to tell it, or should I?”
“I believe I should. Your recollection has not been that clear lately.” Enchantra teased her sister. Challandra gave her a Look.
“Long ago, were the Wars for Power. Companions of all shapes, sizes, and species died in vain.” Enchantra began. “Those who went to war would fight for what they thought was right. Some would never live to tell the tale.
“On Orthos’ side were Jezebel, Sabrina, and Damian. Sabrina’s fighting army of Dominionites followed everywhere she led them.”
I heard Wolfton, my Companion friend Wolf, growl sadly. I could sense he missed his lost family, who died in the Wars after he was kidnapped to the Army. Katherine comforted him, whispering in his ear when I looked at them. I knew he used to be a slave of Sabrina’s Dominionite Army, and hated fighting for the wrong reasons. Toby had been, too, but he was over the loss of his family.
“The Mystics were there. My Earthbound daughters, Sarabeth, Dixilynne, and Dorianne, fought using their Magic along side O’Dell, their father.” Enchantra began. “In the end of the Wars, both Jezebel and Sibylline died, stopping it once and for all.”
“But both of them live.” I said, gesturing to the younger twin Mistress sisters. “How is that possible if they died in the Wars?”
“A prayer to the Guardian of Destiny, Mihanos.” Sibylline said softly. Braken held her, purring in her ear. “Myself to the Realm of the Epsilon, soon to be joined by Sarabeth and my husband Braken.”
“And myself to the Unknown, to await the end of the Crusades.” Jezebel said. “Mihanos knew the sacrifices made by us all. Max sacrificed himself for me, Banishing himself to Young Mark.”
Panther, who stood beside Marie and his daughter as he witnessed the scene, looked up. We met eyes and smiled at each other.
“I sacrificed myself to the Wars, despite my failing health and magic in those times.” Sibylline replied. “I wanted it to end, so I got in the middle of battle, having myself killed.”
“I didn’t want to lose my darling Sibylline, so I prayed to Mihanos to grant me one wish.” Braken stepped in. “I wanted her back. Alive. Of course, you see he granted that wish, only she did not live again in the Dream Realm for nearly two generations. We were both exiled to the Epsilon, using the device now known as the Mystic Mirror.”
“So that is where you went, Mother?” Katherine dared to interrupt.
“Katherine, you know better.” Sibylline warned her. “Or should I say, my Lady Katherine?”
“Aye, Mother.” Katherine supplied. “My deepest apologies.”
“All’s well.” Sibylline said, and then returned to the scene. “Enchantra, the story?”
“Ah yes, the Story of the Dream Realm.” Enchantra supplied, remembering. “Sibylline would be Queen to a whole new dimension of kinsmen. Braken it’s King, and Sarabeth their Princess, where they live to this day.”
“The Wars, Mistress?” I tried to get them back to the subject. She seemed to be avoiding something for some reason. “What happened after the Wars?”
“The Crusades...” Enchantra’s voice was soft and her glance was reminiscent.
“Mistress?” Kelly spoke up from beside me.
“Mother?” Gramma Dixie supplied. “Should I tell them, or do you think you can go on?”
“Tell them, Dixilynne.” Challandra hugged her sister, in order for Enchantra not to cry.
Kelly and I waited patiently.
“The first Crusade was directly after the Wars.” Dixie said. “It may have been short, but it still haunted all of us. The First Crusade is where Shannon, Shane, Nick, Bridget, Loraine, Cindy, Jamie, and Alan fought. It’s also where Nick’s father died.”
“I know the story from there,” I told them. “I was there when you had to recreate the Crusades and Wars from being back in time, remember?”
Dixie nodded. “Thank goodness you weren’t hurt, my Young Guardian granddaughter.”
In a way, I was. I thought and sighed. “Onto happier events.”
“When do we take the Mystic Oath?” Kelly laughed, lightening the mood.
I smiled, and then looked at Enchantra.
Enchantra was facing us, so she told us. “We, the last Earthbound Mystics of the Dream Realm, are going to call out the Mystic Oath. With every line we pause, I want you repeat it to the letter, thinking of your Magic inside. My sisters and I will chant it one by one, but you will say it together, understand?”
We nodded.
“First off, the Do’s and Don’ts of the Magic.” Challandra supplied. “Do learn all Magics and practice frequently.”
“Don’t hurt others in the process.” Jezebel said.
“Do learn and use Candle Magic.” Enchantra said.
“Don’t ever mess with love.” Challandra said.
“Do watch your words carefully,” Sibylline said.
“Don’t use mind-control.”
“Do keep your Magic secret in the Outer Realm.”
“Don’t use for revenge.”
“Do keep your own Spell-book, this will stay with you your entire life and be a reference to your spells.”
“Don’t indulge in the Dark Magic.” Jezebel warned.
That, I already knew, but stayed silent, listening in.
“Do be aware of yourself, for every action of Magic will count.”
“Last, but not least: Don’t mess with time.” Enchantra supplied. “Understood?”
“Yes, Mistress Enchantra.” Kelly and I chorused.
“Now, the Mystic Oath.” Enchantra said, joining hands with her sisters. “‘I,’ state your name, being the daughter(s) of Earthbound Elder Mystics – For you Young Guardian and Sister Aluna, it would be Elder Sister Susan, and Kelly, for you it would be Elder Young Guardian Ariana.”
We repeated, each taking turns on the first part of the Oath.
“Do solemnly swear to abide by the by the Mystic Rules when being taught to control the Magic.”
“I will serve as a Mystic Daughter until the day I become an Elder.”
“This need not apply to you, Young Guardian. You are already an Elder.” Enchantra said.
“Chantie...” Challandra warned.
Enchantra cleared her throat. “The story of the Dream Realm has been told to me, and I am in full understanding of my separate, but important destiny.”
“‘The Mystic Sisters, Enchantra, Challandra, Sibylline, and Jezebel, along with the Wizards, Lord Guardian O’Dell, Lord Byron, and Lord Maximaniac, will stay a part of my life and being.’” Jezebel repeated.
I didn’t argue, not knowing who Lord Byron was.
Sibylline gave me a look. “‘I will ask their permission before going against their wishes.’”
This was followed by a chant:

“By the Power I have inside,
“The Mystic Magic will grow.
“Along with my lifeline,
“I’ll learn all I need to know.
“This is my Mystic Oath.”

“Now, when you arrive home, since you have taken the Oath, you will find this in the front of your own Spell-Book.” Challandra said.
“It will be there to remind you of your purpose and mission.”
Sounded easy enough, right?
I looked at my daughter and twin, who had just taken the Oath with me.
We smiled at each other, and I took their hands.

We awoke from that, proud of ourselves and full of power.
A week later, I remembered something in my desk drawer. I found Kelly in the backyard with the twins, Melody, and Angel. Bradley was with her, playfully wrestling Andrew. Mark was trying to join in, but Bradley would keep pushing him off. Kelly watched Melody and Angel play in the sand. I stood at the back door, watching the children play. Kelly caught me watching and came over to me.
“Hi, Momma.” She replied with a smile.
I hugged her. “I have something to give you, sweetie.” I took her to my bedroom, where I pulled out an envelope. She took it curiously. “Don’t open it, yet.”
She looked at me, holding the tattered envelope in her hands.
“Shortly before we reunited,” I started, sitting on the bed. She sat down next to me and I hugged her. “I wrote you a letter. It tells the story of your father, Derrick, your late uncle Mark, aunt Aimee, aunt Luna and I. It starts out before you were born and ends shortly before we reunited.”
Kelly smiled at me. “Can I open it now, Momma? I wanna read it for myself.”
I tapped her shoulder, laughing lightly and kissing her on the cheek. “Go. Read to your heart’s content.”
Kelly hugged me one last time and rushed back to the yard. I stood in my spot and took a deep breath, sighing happily. One thought crossed my mind.
Being the Young Guardian of the Dream Realm was tough. Surprises lay around every corner, and adventure is always just a dream away! All in all, it was worth every minute.
Excerpt from:

Mystic Circle Saga #1:
The Mystic’s Challenge

Twin Dilemmas

Aluna Woods-Morehouse couldn’t be happier than she was at that moment. Sure, she was doing a mediocre chore of washing the dishes by hand, but the thoughts in her head made her smile.
She thought of who she was. Not only was she a famous Ancient Mystic of the Dream Realm with powers beyond comprehension, she was now the title of Grand Magus. She was a mother of three beautiful children, Caleb, Meredith, and Logan. She was the wife of a wonderful husband, detective and father, Shane Morehouse, and she was the Young Guardian’s own twin sister.
At that moment, all was perfect in her life.
She hummed a tune to herself while she dried the dishes and put them away in the cupboards. Her children were each at school; six-year-old Caleb in the first grade while four-year-old Meredith was smart enough to be in Kindergarten. The baby Logan was fast asleep in his crib. Shane was at work, as a Detective for the Hill View Police Force. His best friend and brother-in-law Derrick Reading was his partner, and the two boys had known each other for years.
The house was quiet, which
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