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Book online «Unraveling Sarah Cresley by Marisa Maichel (best classic novels .TXT) 📖». Author Marisa Maichel

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of the bags.

Sarah sat inbetween my father and I. She eyed the guards warily.

"How are you, Sarah?" Father asked.

"I'm fine, how are you?" she replied.

"I am well." I was grateful that he didn't ask if she was excited about this trip.

We drove out to the airport and took Father's second private jet. (He has five of them.) We took our bags and led Sarah through the airport. Father showed something to the people behind a desk and said that we were with him.

The guards took our suitcases and we were led to the jet. Sarah was impressed with all of this. I sat in a spot toward the front. She joined me. Father sat behind us. A few more minutes passed. We later heard that some lunatic tried to get on our jet, simply because it was a private jet. But Spencer and Janna took care of him, and we started heading toward the runway after about twenty minutes.

Sarah had pulled out a book and was reading the whole time. I could tell that she wanted to be left alone, so I didn't bother her.


"How long has your family been doing this?" Sarah asked after about an hour.

"Years and years," I answered truthfully. "Before I was even born."

"And how long is this flight going to take?"

"A little over eight hours."

"Where's the bathroom?" I pointed out the bathroom to her.

"She's nervous," Father said as she headed toward the bathroom.

"We gave her very little information. It's understandable."

"Yes, but she also knows that this is an extremely formal event, and she's afraid that she'll make a fool of herself or embarass us."

"How do you know?"

"Son, I have lived on this earth for over two thousand years. And most of my surviving cousins are female. I can read emotions on women."

Sarah came back a minute later, smelling like daisies.

"Sarah," I said. "When you get married, what do you want your bouquet to be?"

"Roses, lilies, baby's breath," she said.

"What about gardenias and daisies?"

"I like those, too."

"Excellent! So I'll have a florist make the bouquet-"


"Nothing." I heard Father chuckle.

Until death do we part.


I gently woke Sarah as we landed.

"Baby, wake up," I said softly. "We're here." She opened her eyes and rubbed them, and I was amazed at how green they were after she woke up. She had slept for about six hours, and slept well. I did not sense any nighmares. She seemed okay. She grabbed her backpack and her purse, and shoved the book inside the bookbag.

I let her go in front of me as we exited the jet. She managed her way through, and Father sent Spencer and Janna to grab our luggage. Sarah and I went through the crowd, meeting up with our driver. He would drive us to the castle. Father met us at the limo after a few minutes, carrying his suitcase. Spencer and Janna had mine and Sarah's.

The driver fit all our bags into the trunk, and then we settled into the limo.

"It will take five hours to get there," I told Sarah. "So if you need to go, better do it now." She quickly went back into the airport. A few minutes later, she came back and took her seat beside me. She leaned against me and went right back to sleep. I kissed the top of her head.


When we arrived, I picked up Sarah and carried her inside to her room while her bags were carried by the guards. She was still asleep. I covered her up with the quilts. I kicked off my boots and took my clothes off. She would feel better in the morning if she woke up in my arms, given that she was in an unfamiliar place.

Breakfast was a subdued affair. The cook had gladly made a meal fit for a human, and now Sarah was eating fried eggs on whole wheat toast, bacon, sausage, and drinking vitamin D milk. Claudia gladly put orange juice and a cup of coffee in front of her as well.

"Thank you, Claudia," Sarah said.

"You're welcome," said the matronly old cook. I think she was glad to have someone to feed. Her services were rarely needed, and she was glad to be feeding a human who would become more than a meal or a fling. Father told her about the special circumstances surrounding my beloved mate.

When Sarah awoke, she was confused, as I knew she would be. After a few minutes of talking and snuggling, Sarah said that she was hungry, so I brought her to the human dining room. She was amazed by the sheer size of the rooms and all of the servants and guards. She had quickly showered and dressed, then met up with me and greeted my family. She had briefly met my third cousin Raquieca, who showed little interest. Not that that was any surprise.

Raquieca had just gotten married to a vampire who had been a noble in the 1400s, and now they were trying for a baby. I had always disliked Raquieca, ever since I overheard her call my mother a slut when I was nine years old. Most of my family was in denial about my father's mistake concerning my mother.

Giving her a potion, a love potion, without her knowledge, thus confusing her and forcing her into a marriage that she would later regret, tearing her bond with Alexander, producing me, and later forcing her to fight for custody of me, of which she either lost or gave up fighting. I wasn't clear on the outcome of the custody battle.

Sure, all of that was totally not his fault. Wait, yes, it was.

Anyway, Sarah happily finished her meal by spearing the last of the bread, rubbing it all around her plate to soak up the grease, and then popping it into her mouth. She had finished her milk and was halfway through her orange juice. She finished off the juice with a flourish, and then added a zillion spoonfuls of sugar and cream to her coffee. And soon, it was more sugared cream than coffee.

She drank that, and then went to the bathroom again. She came back after a long while, looking refreshed and smiling. I smiled back and wrapped my arms around her waist. She shivered.

"Are you cold?" I asked.

"Not when you're around." She winked. I let out a growl. I ran my hands over her buttocks. My belly tightened as she ran her hands over my arms and then up my shirt, feeling my bare abs. I would have gladly done her, but we couldn't in the dining room. So I led her back to her room.

I continued to growl as she begged for me to go faster and harder. I resisted, though, and finished in the bathroom. I roared as I felt sweet release.

When I went back into the room, she had just finished herself, and was zipping up her jeans and putting her pink belt back on. She still had her black tank top on. She put leather riding boots on.

"Have you ever ridden a horse?" I asked.

"Years ago. What about you?"

"I used to ride all the time. We used to ranch horses, but they slowly died out and we stopped buying them. I have a cousin who still rides; she's a jockey in...Kentucky, I think."

"Cool. My grandpa in France still has a farm and ranch. He's got horses, cattle, pigs, chickens, goats, ducks and geese. And of course, dozens of cats and dogs."

"You have relatives in France?"

"My father's from France, remember?"

"Oh, right." I mentally slapped myself for forgetting that important piece of information. "Sorry. Want something to eat?"

"I just ate, silly." She went back to the bathroom. Huh. She had been going to the bathroom a lot lately. Well, she was pregnant. And we'd just had sex, and before that, she'd had a big breakfast. Plus, she spent all day yesterday in cars and a jet.

I laid on the couch in the den and turned on the television. Holly Capulet's face appeared. It was her newest movie. Something about a football player, and a cheerleader, and a new girl. I thought, Holly's not bad-looking. Gorgeous, actually. Long black hair, blue eyes, tanned skin, and a skinny figure. But I already had a girl. Sarah Cresley.

Sarah sat by my feet.

"She just released a book," she said.

"Who, Holly Capulet?"

"Uh huh. It's about the night her twin sister Helena died. And she's dating Seth Morlugoe."

"I don't know who that is."

"He's her agent, silly. It's so weird, because he's also responsible for Helena dying."

"Why is she with him, then?"

"That is anyone's guess. I think only she knows why. I guess because his family's loaded?"

"That's not a good excuse. She's loaded, too."

Sarah laid in front me. I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. I nibbled her ear, and she giggled. She tipped her head to the side and pecked me on the lips. I kissed her again and again. I would have done her again, were it not for the fact that I smelled Louis coming. I stopped kissing her, and she looked confused.

"Louis is coming," I told her, then pecked her button nose.

Louis set Shadowfang on the floor. The cat stared at him a moment as he walked away, then started toward us.

"Reese, come here a second," Uncle Soren said. "Sarah, you can stay here, explore the gardens or the library, or I can have Janna lead you back to your room if you wish."

"I'd like to explore the library," she said.

"All right. Janna! Come lead Sarah to the library. You are under her command now. Whatever she wants to do, comply."

"Yes, Master Soren." Janna bowed and then led Sarah to the library, Shadowfang trailing behind them.

"Uncle Soren, what's going on?" I asked. He paused for a moment.

"Your mother is here."

The earth could have been shaking and I would not have known it. Time seemed to stop completely.


"Your mother. She is here." I shook my head in disbelief.


"She flew in from Greece the other day and stayed in a guest house. We didn't tell you earlier because we didn't want you to deal with the shock while you were caring for Sarah."

I needed a moment to compose myself, and told my uncle as such.

"As you wish. Come to the entrance when you are ready." He left the room.

After what seemed like hours (it was actually only about ten minutes, I was later told), I finally found enough courage to go down to the entrance. My heart would have been pounding if it could beat.

A tall, curvaceous, unearthly beautiful woman was standing in the front hall. I quickly hid from sight. She was unbelievably gorgeous. Olive skin, bright, crystal blue eyes, long raven curly tresses, and a lovely Greek accent came out from between her full red lips.

I saw her look in my direction.

"Someone is here," she said.

"It's probably Reese," said my uncle. Immediately, her face fell.

" son...finally."

I stepped out into her view. Her eyes started watering. She ran over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. She began peppering me with kisses. When she finally stopped, she got a good look at me.

"He's beautiful," she sniffed. "'s been so long. You were only a toddler the last time I saw you! You were so beautiful. Head full of dark hair, which I see you've grown quite a bit, pale amber eyes, which I see have now turned completely yellow. You are so gorgeous, my baby." She squeezed me like a vise.

"It's good to see you too, Mother," I replied. She chuckled. "I have so many questions."

"I do too. How are you? What school do you go to? What are your grades like?"

"I'm all right, I go to North Hampton High School in North Hampton , New Jersey, and my grades are good. I mostly get As."

"That is excellent! And what's your favorite color, movie, and musician?"

"My favorite color is black, my favorite movie changes constantly, but right now it's Halloween 4. My favorite band

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