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silenced by the stare. “Excuse me, Kit, but I have helped Young Guardian understand the meaning of the Dream Realm. I have also stayed a true friend throughout this. Do not include me in your selfish thoughts.”
Kit cowered away. She didn’t feel very good now. She seemed to do everything wrong since she returned home. “Sorry, Kat. I guess I forgot.”
“Listen to us.” Toby pointed out. “We are fighting each other when we are supposed to be fighting Sabrina. Think of what Lord Max would say.”
“Toby has a point.” Wolf said softly. He turned to his tiger feline friend. “You really care about beating her, don’t you?”
“Aye,” Toby nodded. “I want her to pay for her mistakes.” He kissed Kit on the nose, making her purr. “I almost lost my darling Kitten’s Claw.”
“True,” Wolf pulled Katherine close to him. “I, too, almost lost Katherine.”
“Well, what now, Kat?” Kit asked her sister. “It is your plan.”
“Aye,” Katherine sighed. “Let us go to the Sisters.”  
Chapter Forty-Seven:
Outer Realm Crusaders

The Companions were in front of the Ancient Mystic Sisters Palace doors in no time. Wolf rang the chimes and a friendly Challandra opened the door.
“Welcome back Companions!” Challandra hugged them happily. “Come inside.”
Katherine and Kitten’s Claw took the arms of their beaus, letting the boys escort them inside.
“What can we do for you?” Challandra asked them as they sat.
Kit nudged her sister. Katherine stood and faced her timidly. “We wish a small, uh, favor from you, if we may.”
Enchantra entered the room then. “What kind of favor, Katherine Hawk?”
“We: Wolf, Toby, Kit, and I, wish to Crusade to the Outer Realm.” Katherine began, looking at Wolf anxiously.
“To help the Earthbound Crusaders fight Sabrina.” Wolf spoke up.
The Sisters looked at each other. “Why?” Challandra crossed her arms.
“We believe we shall be a valuable asset to the Crusade, M’Lady.” Kit spoke up, trying her best to convince them. She knelt to them and lowered her eyes to prove her loyalty.
The Companions waited and watched as the Ancient Mystic Sisters silently conversed.
“What do you think, Sister?” Enchantra replied with a smile. “Do you think these Companions are worthy of such a thing?”
“Aye. I do believe they are courageous enough to handle such an enormous power.” Challandra grinned at the Companions.
The four of them were ecstatic.
The Sisters nodded to each other, and motioned for the Companions to follow them to the Ancient Mystic Mirror room.
“Companions, we entrust you with the power of being Earthbound.” Challandra told them. “Use it wisely, or you will never be able to use it again.” She turned to her sister, taking Enchantra’s hand.
Enchantra and Challandra both waved a hand in front of the Mirror. “Sister Mistress Sibylline, we call upon you. As an Originator, we ask you to help us grant these Companions the power to be Earthbound.”
A booming female voice was heard from inside the mirror. Sibylline, with her long black hair and magic garb, glowed with a Magic Staff in her hands. “Companions, I shall help grant your wish. Raise your right hands and repeat after me.”
Kitten’s Claw, Katherine, Wolf, and Tobias knew to listen when Sibylline spoke.
Sibylline continued from inside the Mirror. When she glanced at the Hawk twins, her gaze was reminiscent. “As an Earthbound Companion,” Sibylline replied.
“As an Earthbound Companion.” They chanted after her.
“I will keep this world a secret from those who do not know of it, and hope that those who do are confidants.” Ancient Sibylline’s staff glowed, and the Companions repeated her words to the letter, captivated by the Staff’s glow.
When they were finished, Sibylline commanded lightly to the Sisters. “Give them the jewels.”
Enchantra held out her hand and four different necklaces appeared, with four separate jewels. “Katherine, I give you the Ruby Amulet, with the power of premonition.” Katherine purred as Enchantra placed it around her bowed head.
“Merci, Mistress Enchantra. I will cherish this forever.”
Enchantra turned to Kitten’s Claw, who also bowed. “Kitten’s Claw, you have shown us and Dream Realm you can be good once again. For that, I give you the White Crystal Amulet, with the power of telekinesis.”
“Thank you, Madam Enchantra.” Kit replied softly as Enchantra placed it around her neck.
Kit stepped back and it was Wolf’s turn.
“Wolf Stargazer, with your boundless courage during the Crusade, I give you the Amethyst Diamond Amulet, with the power of speed and agility.”
“I am truly in your debt, Enchantra.” Wolf closed his eyes as he bowed his head to receive the amulet.
Toby looked up and nervously stepped up to Enchantra.
“Tobias White-Snow, how could we forget?” Enchantra assured him with a smile. “With your friendship to Wolf, you have given all Companions reason to call a truce between rivaling families.” She placed the last necklace around his neck, and he was speechless. “Because of your heroism, I give you the Emerald Amulet, with the power of the Unicorn.”
“Merci, Enchantra.” He managed to whisper, knowing the significance and power of Unicorn Magic. “Speaking for us all, we will take great care of this power, guarding it with our lives.”
“Aye,” The others agreed.
“Just remember,” Challandra replied. “Whenever you wish to return home, all you have to do is close your eyes and think of us.”
“Aye,” They chorused once again.
“Quickly, Companions.” Challandra replied, urgent. “We are losing time.”
Toby stared at the locket he wore. “How do we use the Amulets?”
“Take each other’s hands, close your eyes, and chant.” Challandra answered.
Katherine smiled. “Just as Young Guardian chants to visit?”
Enchantra nodded. “Do you remember her words?”
Katherine thought for a moment. “Join hands.”
Kit folded her arms. “Who made you leader?”
Kat stared angrily at her twin sister. “I know more about the Outer Realm than you.”
“Kit,” Enchantra warned.
Kit sighed, giving in. “Very well.” She took both her sister’s and Toby’s hands.
Toby took one of hers and Wolf’s, who in turn took Katherine’s.
“Go ahead, my love.” Wolf whispered.
The Companions closed their eyes, and Katherine began to chant.

“We are Dream Realm Companions four,
“Take us to Young Guardian’s door.”

Within seconds, the four Companions had indeed traveled from the Dream Realm to Young Guardian’s doorstep in the Outer Realm.
The Sisters stared at each other.
“I sure hope you are correct in this assumption, sister.” Challandra warned, returning to tend her garden around the Palace.
“When have I ever been wrong?” Enchantra asked her with a grin, following. “Besides, the four of them have potential to be something more, once this is all over.”
“What makes you say that?” Challandra asked her, picking up her trowel.
Enchantra held her hand out and produced a magic white glowing ball. “A feeling is all.”
“What I have a feeling of is that Young Wolf Stargazer is hiding something about his Banishment from us.” Challandra scratched her nose.
Her sister took that as sign of trouble. Enchantra went back inside, thinking of Challandra’s statement.
An image within the glowing ball caught her eye and she threw it into the air, making it float.
She saw Young Wolf Stargazer talking with a gargoyle.
She recognized the creature immediately: it was the former Lord Maximaniac.
What was he up to? Enchantra wondered.
She would soon find out. 
Chapter Forty-Eight:
Desperate Measures

It was dark, so the Companions were relieved.
Katherine tried the door, and found it was unlocked. She turned the knob and led them inside quietly.
“Who’s there?” They heard a voice call.
A light overhead was turned on, and the Companions froze, seeing a woman resembling an older, darker-haired Young Guardian.
Susan Woods stared at the harmless, but strange-looking intruders. Three cats – two Balinese and a Tiger – and a Timber Wolf. They looked remarkably out of place in the Outer Realm, but she smiled at them. “Companions.” She replied, closing the door behind them. “Come in. Tell me about your trip.”
Katherine was the one to speak first. She knew Susan from the Dream Realm, as well for being Young Guardian’s mother. “Sister Susan, it is truly important we speak with Young Guardian.”
“Mother? What’s going on?” They heard another voice from the staircase. It was Ariana herself. She yawned and placed her glasses on her face.
Her mother never got the chance to say anything, and Susan knew it.
When Ariana spotted her childhood friend, she gasped, hugging her. “Kat! How did you guys get here?”
She noticed the necklaces and deduced. “Did the Sisters give these to you?”
Wolf shook his head after bowing and hugging her as well. “Nay, Mistress Sibylline did.”
“She entrusted us with them, so we can help you defeat Sabrina.” Toby replied. “In case you do not remember me, I am Toby White-Snow, Kitty’s love.”
“I remember, Toby.” Ariana replied softly. “Come, sit down.”
She led the Companions to the couch in the living room.
Susan, who had been watching the scene in silence, knew how important this was to her daughter. “I’m heading back to bed, dear. Tell me what happens before your father and I leave with your siblings in the morning.” Susan kissed her head and Ariana nodded.
“Good night, Mother.” She turned back to her friends.
“Where are they going?” Katherine asked curiously.
“Just out of our hair for a while.” Ariana smiled at her. “She says they should stay away from the house until the Crusade’s over. I think she knows what’s going on, and neither Luna nor I have been able to tell her.”
“That’s Sister Susan for you.” Toby grinned. “She always knows what is going to happen before it does.”
“I hate to interrupt Young Guardian, but we must hurry.” Wolf replied seriously. “Sabrina and Damian are plotting against the Crusaders.”
“Damian?” Ariana asked. “How?”
Kit told her what happened with Damian and Luna a few weeks ago. “He overheard Uncle Orthos talking to Grand Psycho and Sabrina, giving them pieces of the Dominionite Crystal.”
Katherine nodded. “Aye. He has always been jealous of her. Who knows what Damian has in mind, let alone Sabrina with the Crystal segments?”
“We must stop them before it is too late.” Kit continued abruptly, her voice a little too loud for Ariana’s ears.
“Kit, please calm down.”
“I mean no disrespect, Young Guardian, but no, I will not calm down.” Kit continued, softer this time. “After what uncle Orthos has done to us, I want revenge of the worst kind – his total annihilation.”
“I understand, Kitten’s Claw, really I do.” Ariana replied sadly. “Your evil uncle had done some pretty disgusting things to me, not to mention this Realm’s Dreamers. I wouldn’t doubt if he planned all the pain from the beginning.”
Katherine purred sadly. Wolf growled, and Toby and Kit hissed.
“He must be stopped.” Toby replied.
“Not at this moment, he doesn’t.” Ariana replied. “It’s too late. We’ll discuss this in the morning. In the meantime, you’ll have to change your images.”
The Companions wore identical looks of confusion.
“What do you mean?” Katherine asked.
“I’m sorry to say it, but the Outer Realm doesn’t have talking cats and dogs.” Ariana began with a grin that seemed to relax them all. “You have to somehow change your images to Earthbound Mortals, even if you have special powers.”
“How do we do it?” Wolf asked.
“Do you think you can do as Sister Luna had done in your rescue?” Kit asked, brightening up. “Just point and wish?”
Ariana shrugged, standing. “I don’t see why not.” She thought out loud.
The Companions stood as well, and watched as she closed her eyes, pointing with both palms as she chanted.

“Companions four, I give you this hour,
“A very special immortal power.
“Close your eyes, imagine this place,
“What you wish
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