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Book online «This Strange Addiction by Julie Steimle (story books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Julie Steimle

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Chapter Eighteen



Clean break. She was supposed to be making a clean break, but Audry had to deal with the NYPD one more time. It had to do with Hogan, and the three witches. Bobo went with her to the police station where they gave their statements one more time, she first had thought he did it to play bodyguard again, but Bobo truly came with her to inform Matthew of the extenuating circumstances concerning the balm, as Hogan had not been wrong about it though he still had attempted to rape Audry.

“How about a lesser charge?” Matthew said to Audry in his office after he had heard about the morning incident with Rick from Bobo. “I think we can convince your ex to take a deal.”

Audry frowned, but admitted that if Hogan had not smelled the balm, he might never have crossed that line. But she didn’t like that, as it felt like blaming the victim—which was her… even if that part was her fault.

Bobo nudged her. “Ya saw how Rick reacted. Let’s be fair. It was like getting’ someone drunk so their inhibitions are loosed.”

Matthew gazed at her hard, frowning, clearly listening to her thoughts as she muttered to herself. “I understand what he did, but Audry… if you don’t take the deal, I am going to have to ask for the balm as evidence on his behalf.”

Audry looked up at him, shocked. Matthew would do it too. He had that kind of mind. Honesty was his guiding virtue, which normally she liked about him. But she was still rattled over what had happened, and she was angry.

“To be fair,” he explained.

She paled, realizing she really did not want to give up that small balm jar. She wanted to study it. “Ok. What kind of charge?”

“Sexual harassment,” he said, nodding.

That meant Hogan might not go to jail. In a way, Audry wanted him to be imprisoned for life. She was so angry at what Hogan had done—what he nearly did. The moment replayed painfully in her mind whenever she closed her eyes. She didn’t want to give him any leeway. She really didn’t want to forgive him. 

“You have to understand,” Matthew said, “You had meddled in a realm where you had not tread before. And because of that, you are not entirely innocent in this case.”

She stared more. “What do you mean?”

Clearing his throat, Matthew sat next to her so he was level with her rather than standing over her. “You saw how Silvia made that shadow spell. How it worked? You saw that magic was real, right?”

Averting her eyes, Audry shuddered. Yes, she had seen that one spell really worked. That one spell was real, though she had no explanation for it.

“Some magic is real, Audry,” Matthew said. “We are positive that balm is a kind of magic. There is no way a regular perfume would have that effect on so many men.”

“It’s a balm,” Audry protested.

“All the same. You smell it,” Matthew retorted. He then gestured to Bobo. “Can you please help her to see the truth?”

Bobo leaned next to Matthew, whispering, “How much?”

Rolling his eyes, nodding, Matthew said, “Try… uh, your experience with things like her balm.”

Nodding, Bobo then looked to Audry. “Pinch me.”

She stared at him. “What?”

“Pinch my arm,” Bobo said.

Shrugging, Audry pinched Bobo on his right arm. Almost automatically she felt a sharp pinching pain in her right arm. Same spot.

“Ow!” Audry grabbed where it hurt, wondering what happened.

“Wanna try again?” Bobo asked.

“No!” Audry pulled back. “I don’t know how you did that, but—”

Bobo laughed. “You don’ get it, do you? I was that kid in that story I told on mountain. The one who can’t be killed.”

She stared at him. That impossible. Nonsense. He was just telling a scary story.

“You saw Hogan punchin’ me and hittin’ me,” Bobo said. “Where are my bruises?”

She glanced at his dark skin, wondering if they would even show up.

“You think jus’ because I’m black bruises don’ show up?” Bobo said, laughing at her. “Go ahead and slap my face.”

Audry shook her head, pulling back.

“I won’t get upset, and I won’t hit back,” he urged.

Making a face, Audry reached up and slapped not his face, but his chest. Automatically she felt a force strike her in her own chest, like a hand shoving her. She was surprised as she had not seen him move.

“Wanna try one more?” Bobo asked.

She shook her head. “No. You’re nuts.”

He huffed. Bobo dug into his pocket and pulled out his car keys. He removed a safety pin from it, apparently kept it for emergencies like… who knows, splitting pants or the like. Lifting it up, he opened it and handed it to her. “Prick my finger.”

“No.” Audry rose to go. “I am not going to play this freaky game anymore.”

“I have to prove this to you,” Bobo said. “I was cursed by a voodoo witch, and I am tellin’ you some magic is real. And your balm, it smells like voodoo. I’d hear of things like it all the time, and I know a bit of it too.”

Closing her eyes, Audry groaned. Here was another cultist. She was never going to get away from them.

“Voodoo uses lots of diff’rent herbal magic, usin’ oils and gris-gris bags. Some of it is just touristy, but things like that balm is real,” Bobo said. “And voodoo messes with the minds of people. I saw what that balm did your ex. Ya may hate him for what he tried to do to you, but it ain’t all his fault.”

Scowling at him, Audry pulled back, “So, because I put on the balm, Hogan has to go free?”

Matthew shook his head. “No. What Hogan did is technically classified as first degree sexual abuse under the New York penal code. He forcibly tried to have sex with you using violence. He almost choked you. That would get him from five to twenty-five years. If the balm had not been a factor, I would have helped prosecute him to the full extent of the law. However, because the balm is a factor—”

Audry’s mouth opened in protest.

“—it could be stated that you manipulated him using a foreign object to induce him into having sex with you.”

“No, it couldn’t!” Audry protested.

“The balm could be considered a date-rape drug,” Matthew said. “It is considered drug-facilitated sexual assault, which is a class B felony.”

“You can’t be serious!” Audry went pale.

“You were told by Daisy what it did,” Matthew continued a little angrily. “And yet you still put it on.”

Her face flushed. “I was just testing it out!”

“But you knew!” he shouted.

“I didn’t actually believe it!” Audry cried back, realizing he was serious. Was she in trouble?

“Do you now see how serious this is?” Matthew said with a raised voice. “You were messing with things you don’t understand, and you inadvertently caused your own problem! Yes, Hogan Orwell is a total scumbag. But I also know he never would have tried to rape you had you not worn that balm. He’s too careful. Hogan is a hedonist, but he is not a total idiot.”

She recoiled because she knew Matthew was right.

“I say we give Hogan a plea bargain.” Matthew glared down on her. “The charge will be reduced to sexual harassment—forcible touching, which is a Class A misdemeanor—punishable up to a year in prison and a fine of about a thousand dollars.”

But would he agree to it? Audry wondered. How much had they told Hogan about the balm? She looked to Matthew. “Um…”

“We haven’t told him a thing,” Matthew said, nodding. “The guy is a mess right now. I heard enough of his thoughts to know he is desperate to prove his innocence as he is terrified of what he had just done. He may be a dishonest player who strings on woman, but Audry, he plays by the rules. No rape.”

She nodded. “Ok.”

“Good.” Matthew then stepped back. However, he eyed her as he said, “But you really should do as Rick asked you to. Get rid of the balm. I know you plan to use it some kind of science experiment for animals—but believe me, you don’t want to put that on your skin again.”

He then walked out.

Joshua Johnson then claimed Audry for the second problem. He took her into a room where she could identify suspects—three lineups. They had her identify the three witches who had been stalking her. It was easy enough. Marta, though plain in her appearance, was easy to pick from the women as the person who has come to her university asking questions about her, and consequently broke into her office. Danna was outrageously identifiable in her pink outfit, her eyes angrily fixed on the transparent mirror as if she could see through it. As for Tricia, she fought her guards the entire time, refusing to line up at all. But then Audry was the one who had shot her so the lineup was just a formality.

That afternoon, Hogan was released on bail and given orders to stay away from Audry Bruchenhaus—which was easy since he had no clue where she was staying. Jandra was happy to have Audry on her couch for another night.

The following day, in the entirely brief hearing over the agreement in which Hogan pled guilty to the reduced charge of sexual harassment, Audry remained outside the courtroom with Bobo. Inside, the judge spent most of the time making sure Hogan understood he was giving up his trial rights by entering a negotiated plea. The judge asked him a series of questions to make certain he was not being railroaded in this situation, Hogan having already signed a form waiving his rights.

The judge asked, “In the matter of the State vs. Orwell, how do you plead?”

Hogan was shaking when he said, “Guilty, your Honor.”

The judge looked to the DA. “Counsel, have you reached a settlement?”

The D.A. stood and replied, “Yes, your Honor. The people have agreed to time served and probation, as long as Mr. Orwell completes an approved sexual harassment prevention course.”

The judge then said to Hogan, “Mr. Orwell, do you know that by pleading guilty you lose the right to a jury trial?”

Hogan had remained standing. He said, well coached, “Yes, your Honor.”

Nodding the judge then said, “Do you give up that right?”

Replying, Hogan rubbed his damp hands, “Yes, your Honor.”

The judge continued with the questions. “Do you understand what giving up that right means?”

Hogan looked a little sick as he said, “Yes.”

“Do you know that you are waiving the right to cross-examine your accusers?”

Nodding, Hogan swallowed. “Yes.”

“Do you know that you are waiving your privilege against self-incrimination?”

Nodding, Hogan replied, “Yes, your Honor.”

The judge then peered down at Hogan, glancing once at Matthew who was in the courtroom and whom he was familiar with. “Did anyone force you into accepting this settlement?”

Shaking his head, honestly replying, Hogan said, “No.”

“Are you pleading guilty because you in fact sexually engaged the victim without her consent?”

Hogan closed his eyes briefly and said, “Yes.”

Sighing, looking at the court papers and then the defendant, Hogan, the judge said, “Mr. Orwell, you are hereby sentenced to six months in jail, and to three years’ probation, on condition that you complete a court-approved sexual harassment prevention course.”

Closing his eyes, Hogan nodded, realizing that he had avoided a much larger, much harsher sentence—as Audry had plenty of proof of attempted rape, lots of support among the police, and endless funding if Rick Deacon so chose to help her. He knew that he would have lost the court case, no matter what he

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