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Book online «My Alpha's mate by Shivani Sharma (win 10 ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Shivani Sharma

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Chapter 10

(Elena P.O.V)

I grip his hands before he can pull any more attention to himself and start to drag him towards my dorm room. Once we are inside I quickly close the door behind him.

“What the fuck was that all about.” I hiss at him. 

He just looks at me sheepishly, I could so fucking kill him right now.

“Why the fuck is you even here, you’re supposed to be in America.”

“I missed you.’” He just simply states.

“OMG, when a girl sneaks out of your house in the morning without leaving a note she doesn’t want to be contacted, WE WERE JUST A ONE NIGHT STAND.” I’m growing very irritated about this right now.

Before I can react I’m pinned against the wall. “MINE, and MINE only.”

He growls into my ear, I’m seriously freaking out right now. I start to thrash around, trying to get out of his hold but he just tightens his hold on me. I shove at his chest with all my power and he finally releases.

“Okay you need to back off, I’m not somebody’s possession.

“If you really love someone,

You have to let him/her go,

if he/she really meant for you,

he/she will come back to you

no matter how far they are

Love is not about possession.

Love is about appreciation”

With that said I grip a piece of paper and write my number down, “if you know what that means, call me. Until that time leave me alone.” And on that note I walk out of my room, leaving him in my room alone to think about those words.

(Oliver P.O.V)

Why the fuck is you even here, you’re supposed to be in America.” she asks

“I missed you.’” I said to her.

“OMG, when a girl sneaks out of your house in the morning without leaving a note she doesn’t want to be contacted, WE WERE JUST A ONE NIGHT STAND.” she shouted at me and I lost it and Roy takes over my body.

Before I can react he pinned her against the wall. “MINE, and MINE only.” He said with a growl in her ears.

She freaks out and starts to thrash around, trying to get out of his hold but he just tightens his hold on her. I tried to talk some scenes into him but he blocks me out. Sometimes this wolf really pissed me off. she shoves at my chest with all her power and he finally releases her in shock and I take that moment to take over my body again.

“Okay you need to back off, I’m not somebody’s possession.

“If you really love someone,

You have to let him/her go,

if he/she really meant for you,

he/she will come back to you

no matter how far they are

Love is not about possession.

Love is about appreciation”

With that said she grip a piece of paper write something down on it and give it to me or should I say shove it in my hand.

“If you know what that means, call me. Until that time leave me alone.” And on that note she walks out of my room, leaving me alone on her room. I open that piece of paper and see it has her number return down on paper.

"What are you doing staring at that piece of thrash, go to our mate now," Roy said to me with a growl.

"Shut up you stupid dog, if we keep nagging her she will run away from her and we both will lose her," I said to him.

"But what if she finds someone else, someone better than us for her?" he whines.

"She will not I will make sure of it," I said trying to comfort him or should I say to myself.

"Fine then but if she finds someone else, then it will be all your fault," he said and blocked me out before I can say something. I sigh in frustration and walk out of her room to find her.

I look everywhere to find her but I don't find her anywhere then I remember the phone number she gives me. I remove my phone from pocket and call her but it goes in voice call.

"Hi, this is Elena, I am busy attending my lecturer, please call me later but if it's important then you can send me the message I will receive it and try to contact with you as soon as possible," her voice messaged said to me and I send her a voice message.

"Hi Elena call me as soon as you get free from your class please, I want to talk with you," I said and press the send button, I put my phone on my pocket and walk toward my car then drive away towards my hotel, hoping her to call me back.

Chapter 11


4 months later

(ElenaP.O.V. )

Let me just give a little recap on what happened in the two months that passed since I walked out of my dorm room. After half an hour Oliver called that time I was on my college attending so he sends me a voice message. After my lecture, I called him back, he said that he will stop nagging me if I promise to call him every day and promise to stay away from the other boys. Trust me I can practically see the steam coming out from her ears and nose when he said the last part of the sentence.

I’m brought out of my reverie by my phone ringing, I look at the screen and I see it’s an unfamiliar phone number, it’s from America. Oliver is always nagging me that I shouldn’t pick up an unknown number but well to hell with that you only live once right? and I am a civil engineer student who is finding a job I have to pick it up to get it right?

“Hello, you are talking to Elena, Dawson,” I said in the phone.

“Hello, this is the secretary of the CEO of the Alpha building cooperation.” I hear a woman say, my heart just skipped a beat, that’s the company where I did my internship, she definitely got my attention now.

“We are calling because of your internship that you did about 4 months ago. We would like to set up a conversation with you and the CEO of our company to look if you’re suitable for the company and we can hire you after you finish your study.” She says, Omg she got to be fucking kidding me.

“Well, this definitely came as a surprise,” I answer the woman truthfully. I hear her snicker into the phone.

“When will you be able to come to America to have a job interview?” She asks me.

“Well in half a week, I have a week vacation scheduled. I think I will be able to fly over then.” I say

“Wonderful, I will look into a date and you will hear more of us.” She says

“Goodbye, and hopefully until soon.” The woman says.

As soon as I hear the woman hang up I do a little happy dance inside my room.

I hear my phone ring again but this time it’s not another unknown number, I see Superman flash on the screen, which means Oliver is calling.

“Hey, babe,” Oliver says as soon as is pick up.

“Hey, Oliver,” I say putting empathize on the name Oliver. I can hear him growl lowly into the phone, seriously what’s his problem with growling it’s like he’s a freaking dog. It can’t be good for his throat.

“So how is my babe doing?” Oliver asks putting empathize on the word babe.

“Well, kind of little annoyed because you call me babe. But for the rest, I’m actually kind of okay, enjoying the student lives got a crap loath of washing to do.”

“Why don’t you want me to call you babe.” He asks I can hear the disappointment in his voice.

“Well, first of all, we aren’t even dating, and second of all as soon as I will begin calling you babe you will seriously get creepily possessive and we both know how that went down the last time, I’m not a possession Oliver. ”

“I miss you, I want you around again I really liked having you around for that weekend.” At those words my chest grows tight, |-| don’t know why I have this feeling but I really miss having him around.

“So any plans for your birthday?” I ask him, next week is his birthday.

“Yeah just drinking some with the friends, but what I really want I can’t have.” He knows he has to leave me alone, I have to come to him. An idea pops up in my mind. It’s an amazing idea and I get really happy thinking about it.

“Oh, how to wish I was there with you on your birthday, but you know I have important lectures” I decided to tease him little and he groaned.

“I am really gonna miss you, love,” he said with a groan and I chuckle at him.

“Oh well it’s late and I really need to get to bed, I have to get up early in the morning because of some boring lesson. Goodnight Oliver.” I say and I let out a little yawn, I hear Oliver give a little chuckle.

“Goodnight babe” I’m too tired to even say something about that.

“I wish, I was laying next to you right now.” I hear him breathe whispering probably thinking I wouldn’t hear. But I did I heard him, l just end the call there and lay down in bed.

Overthinking my conversation with Oliver but also the conversation with the company.

I have been laying in my bed just staring at my sealing for the past couple of hours, | just can’t sleep I have been repeating the same words over and over again in my head, I wish I was laying next to you right now. Why would he say something like that, replaying that in my mind? I finally fall asleep into a dreamless state.

(Oliver P.O.V)

I stare at my screen, did she hear what I said and Just hung up! My wolf is seriously pissed, he wants her here, with us. So he knows for sure that

she isn’t sleeping with one of the guys in her college.

I looked it up she’s the only girl in civil engineering in her year, the guys must be drooling over her. But we can’t go to her she has to come to us, we promised.

I just want her near me I’m becoming 29 in a week and I want her near me when I do, my dad is getting anxious and my mother wants pups.

Even if she would be with us I don’t think she would actually want pups already she’s still too young only 21 and I don’t even know when she becomes 25.

One week later

(Elena P.O.V)

I feel the plane touch the ground and | get nervous right away, I got

about half a day before my interview, so I was going to sleep out my jetlag. I walked through security without too many problems since I was LA and looked as innocent as anybody could probably look and the company also informed the

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