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Book online «Afterthought by M J Marlow (red white royal blue .txt) 📖». Author M J Marlow

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“I would slit their throats for what they did to the child.” She looked at her twin, who was seated beside her. “Can we not take her now, Elaine? That family is hurting her.” “That is not the plan, Elinor,” Elaine smiled down at the younger. She stroked her sister’s hand and the woman smiled up at her lovingly. “My darling twin,” she purred; “we must stick to Mother’s plan. Through that child, we will finally bring the families of Roza and Sterling to their knees.” The first week passed in a blur for Evangeline. The fever held on with a vengeance for the first three days and they were afraid she was developing pneumonia. She was extremely weakened when the fever finally broke and her lungs began to clear. She had very little strength so she found herself catered to at every turn by Sylvie and her cousins. It was so different from how she was usually treated that she felt like she was in a dream. She was going to wake up and they would all be back to being kindly indifferent or outright cruel. They were all there when Alexander came to check on her ankle, except for Douglas and Dustin. He pronounced himself satisfied with how it was healing but kept it in the cast. “It will still hurt for a while yet,” he said as he carried her over to the couch and set her down. “The cast will remind you not to overdo it.” He looked at the children. “Your cousins will help you, I’m certain. Don’t be too selfless to ask.” “How long, Uncle?” Evangeline asked as she found herself surrounded by concerned cousins. “How long depends on you now, child.” He wished he had a camera; he thought as he saw the cousins around her. He leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. “You’ll be remaining in your room until you can get around on your own without pain.” He saw her dark look. “Unless you can sweet talk your male cousins into helping you downstairs.” “Anything you want, Evangeline,” David nodded eagerly. “We are at your beck and call, my lady,” James added. He glared at his sisters and Daria as the three girls giggled. “It would be nice to be out of doors,” Evangeline sighed in longing as she saw the sunny skies outside of her window. “Could I spend a few hours in the gardens today, Uncle?” Alexander looked at her and almost said no. She had been without a fever for four days but she was still very weak and tired easily. He couldn’t see keeping her a prisoner in her room, however. He nodded and her happiness at being allowed this treat lent her color and strength. Evangeline held her arms out to James and her cousin smiled and picked her up. “Just don’t push yourself needlessly,” Alexander warned her. “Two hours,” he told his son; “no longer.” He turned to the others. “There’s a chill in the air. Make certain she has a coat handy.” James nodded and carried Evangeline down the stairs; followed by the others carrying a coat, sketch pad and pencils, a harp, and embroidery materials. The little party came into the main entry hall as the door opened and Andrew strode in beside Sterling. They froze as they saw the worry on Sterling’s face and the frustration on Andrew’s face. It didn’t take long to realize they were discussing Sterling’s sons. James unashamedly remained where he was as the others moved on, listening to what their elders had to say. He saw Evangeline’s expression and knew she felt the same way. They might be thoughtless brutes at times; but Douglas and Dustin were still family. “I tell you, Alastair,” Andrew was saying as they came in; “Gideon did those boys of yours a kindness when he…” He paused as he saw James and Evangeline. His concern shifted to delight. “Here’s our little invalid! Up and out of her room.” He came over to kiss Evangeline on the cheek. “Feeling better, poppet?” “Yes, thank you, Uncle,” Evangeline smiled up at him briefly. “I’m going out to the garden for some sun.” She looked worried as she saw Sterling’s expression. “Has something happened to Douglas and Dustin?” “Nothing bad,” Sterling assured her. He looked at James. “You were taking her to the gardens, nephew?” James nodded and took Evangeline out. Sterling looked over at his younger brother and knew he was thinking the same thing he was. Evangeline had remembered that the boys had been chasing her when she fell into the well. She had made Douglas mad when she slapped him trying to get free of their prank. Sterling knew that she would still worry about her cousins; however, that was just the way the girl was. He turned towards his study and frowned as someone banged on the front door. The butler opened it and Sterling’s eyes narrowed with suspicion as Stefano Roza strode inside without a word. Stefano waved Hurst off as he waited for his coat. It was obvious he was not staying long. “Prince Roza,” Sterling frowned as he recognized his visitor. “Welcome to Sterling Manor.” “Lord Sterling,” Roza nodded. “Constable Sterling.” He met Andrew’s eyes with equal chill. “I came to hear how my daughter is doing.” “Took your time about it,” Andrew muttered. He met Roza’s chill expression easily. “I’d say you’re ten years late for this conversation, Prince Roza,” he said bluntly. He looked at Sterling. “I have duties to perform. I’ll see you at dinner.” “I see the Sterling men are still as implacable as ever,” Roza said as he watched Andrew leave. “Nothing changes with you people, does it?” Sterling looked at the cold-eyed man standing in the entry hall. He was the very image of a noble elite. He wore the best suits cut to enhance his lean physique. Everything from his expensive manicure to the cut of his hair was perfect. Nothing was ever out of place. Looking at him, one knew that he would never be blindsided by anyone. Sterling hoped that the man had not come to insist that his daughter be turned over to him after this latest incident. He would not blame the man, but the thought of Evangeline anywhere near this shark frightened him. The innocent girl would not know how to function in the society Roza kept. “Come into the study,” Sterling snapped. He closed the door once Roza was inside. “Drink?” “You can spare the amenities, Sterling,” Roza said coldly. He had no time for manners. He was seething with rage at hearing what had happened to his child and he wanted to hurt someone over it. “How is my daughter?” “Very weak,” Sterling said as he sat down behind his desk. “The fever broke for good four days ago.” He noted that Roza looked very relieved. “The leg is still going to give her some pain for a while; Alexander is leaving it in the soft cast for at least another week. Her cousins are all out in the garden with her if you’d care to look.” He nodded out the French doors. “You can just see them from there.” He watched as Roza crossed to the doors and looked out. Sterling saw the chill exterior melt and there was a look of such intense longing and regret on the man’s face that it struck Sterling hard. Aileen had lied to him; Stefano had actually wanted his child. He watched Stefano as the man looked out at his pretty girl. She was seated on a bench smiling as her cousin, Daria, played something on the harp that David was singing along to. James was dropping daisies in Evangeline’s lap. Jennifer was sketching and Jessica was doing embroidery. It was a very poignant little scene and he felt as if someone had reached in and grabbed his heart. She was her mother all over again; though Evangeline’s hair was dark where her mother’s had been fair and she had; he was even more stunned by this – the Roza emerald eyes! There could be no doubt that she was his child. “She looks so much like her mother,” Stefano said softly, his voice filled with pain and regret as he watched Evangeline. He frowned as he remembered what Sterling had just told him. “Is she supposed to be out of bed? You said the fever only broke four days ago.” He noted how pale she was. Despite the smile on her lovely little face, he could see that she was tired. He wanted to rush out there and make her go back to bed. The surge of protectiveness stunned him. He had not even met his daughter, and he was already thinking he needed to take care of her. How had he sat back and let this little angel remain here so long? He should have come the moment Aileen had left her here and scooped his daughter up. “She has your stubborn streak,” Sterling was telling him. “She will push herself to the point of injury if she wants something badly enough.” He saw the man stiffen and knew his words were bringing back old memories. “You’re thinking of taking her, aren’t you?” “Not without a bit more thought on the subject and her agreement,” Stefano told him candidly. His eyes never left Evangeline. “She seems quite happy here.” “That surprises you?” “My spies tell me your children have not been exactly kind to her, Sterling,” Roza said stiffly. He did not take his eyes from the garden; but he knew Sterling had been struck by his censure even more than the fact that Roza had planted someone in the household to watch the child. “She is obviously like her grandmother in manner. Were she more like Aileen or me, you might have found your children suffering the same ‘clumsiness’.” “Evangeline is a very gentle and forgiving child,” Sterling nodded. As like and unlike his sister as a person could get, he mused. Evangeline was quieter and more reserved than her mother. She chose to forgive wholeheartedly and without thought of vengeance where Aileen would have forgiven only to punish when her victim had relaxed their guard. She gave her talents and time where Aileen had demanded and taken. It was the girl’s gentleness that made him fear for her if she went to her father. “So you just came to check on her,” Sterling relaxed his guard. “I would hope when you do come for her, you would at least give me some warning so I can prepare her…” “Like Aileen gave me?” Roza hissed. He remembered that day when Aileen had come to him and told him she was leaving. She was tired of being kept in a prison, she snapped at him when he asked why. She wanted a life free of people telling her what to do, what to wear, and how to behave. Stefano had seen his nine-year-old son’s face fall as his mother had gone without a backwards glance. Aileen paused at the door and looked at them both with a hatred he had never known she was capable of. He could keep his son, she had said coldly, but if he ever came near her or the child she was carrying, she would have him jailed. His money and position would not keep her from seeing him destroyed. “I apologize, lord Sterling. It was not your family that drove her to that decision.” “You could have petitioned the court for custody,” Sterling reminded him; “when Aileen disappeared. Why didn’t you?” “As I said,” Roza replied; “Evangeline appears to be quite happy here. You seem to have done an excellent job with her, lord Sterling; despite the little vipers in your nest.” He watched a moment longer until he could stand no more. “I would like to meet her now, if you would allow it.” Sterling nodded
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