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Book online «My Angel, My Devil (unfinished) by Tamara L. Garcia (books to read fiction .txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Tamara L. Garcia

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ground as they realized I was awake. It wasn’t visible on their faces, just apparent on their body language. Red gave me one of Damien’s killer thousand watt smiles, though it looked dim to me because I knew the real Damien could do so much better. But nonetheless, my pulse quickened when I remembered the peck.
The voice from earlier giggled. You’re so innocent, Chika-chan. I winced mentally at the mention of Damien’s pet name for me.
“Ah, you’re finally awake Chika-chan,” Fate sounded enthusiastic. I felt revolted.
“I heard the conversation from before, shit bag.” I glared at him with all of my might, and I swear Oda Nobunaga had nothing on me.
He looked taken aback. So did Red. I slowly moved my poisonous glare to meet Red. Heat rolled off of me. My face was expressionless besides my extremely pissed off, I’m-going-to kill-someone-if-I-don’t-get-answers glare. “Were in the hell are my fucking brothers?” my voice was below freezing and cut far deeper than any blade could ever wish to. Both Fate and Red winced at my demand.
Uwaaa! The voice in my head exclaimed. Chika-chan, you’re so scary! The voice giggled, and it sounded like broken glass gliding across a chalkboard–not audibly, but the feeling it gave could only be described in that manner.
I didn’t flinch inwards or outwardly. My glare was steady, holding Red’s gaze as he was too cautious to turn away from me. A handful of emotions flickered crossed his face, and he straightened, readying himself to get some answers. “How much did you hear?” he lifted one brow.
My voice was low and dangerous. “Everything, Red,” I said. Somehow the words came out like honey and pierced like daggers, and it sounded seductive and personal. I felt a far off wonderment at myself for sounding like that.
He visibly paled, but his facial features were solid, like a statue. He didn’t even blink. “Where the hell are my brothers,” I growled. I sent poison through my glare. I could never do this to someone who hasn’t crossed the line. Right now, they’re bordering me going insane.
“You must listen to us first,” he said. On the surface his voice sounded calm and collected, but I knew better. He was scared. I felt another wave of heat roll off of me, but decided to listen anyway. If I’m going to get Damien and Seth back, I might as well listen to their stupid excuse for a laugh.
“Fine,” was all I said. Red gestured to the left and nodded towards what looked like a living room. This ought to be good. I stalked into the living room, sitting down on the only loveseat there. Both Red and Fate sat down gingerly on the grey couch across from me, mimicking the loveseat I was now residing on. “Now, explain.” And then Fate and Red looked at each other as if to say, ‘where to begin’?
“Well, I suppose we should catch her off guard so there’s no ‘you people are crazy’ talk later,” said Red. His face–my brother’s face–looked as if he was suggesting it to Fate. His blue eyes blazed with meaning behind them.
Fate looked thoughtful for a while, and then the corners of his lips turned up slightly. They looked so much like Damien’s. He looked so much like Damien. How in the pit of all that’s evil is that possible? “Yeah,” he said. All I could hear when he said that was Damien’s voice. How did they do that? Fate looked at me with his steel eyes seeming to melt–visibly. “You know, we’re not your brothers.”
I cocked up one brow. “Really, now? I had absolutely no idea. You guys had me a hundred percent fooled, there. Cause, you know we’re sitting here for tea and biscuits,” I said. I felt like my face had a big ‘duh’ on it. Fate’s eyes were still melting-but it was only the colored part; the rest remained indifferent as to what was going on with the center of his vision. I must be seeing things.
Oh no, Chika-chan. Your sight is one hundred percent efficient!
Then I’m going insane. Back at the office when Harriett told me my parents were dead, I must have blacked out and this is a dream–
You can feel pain. Remember when the house exploded? It was a really big boom! ‘Member, ‘member?
The voice was excited at my denial. It had a smile in its voice, and it was laughing now.
You’re not normal at all, are you, Chika-chan? Alright! I heard a clapping sound. It’s decided! I’ll hang out with you for a while! Hey Chika-chan, what do you think about that?
“Oh goody,” I muttered too low for anyone to hear. I snapped my attention back to Fate and Red, who were standing. Okay. I’m confused.
Red lifted his left hand as if showing off a ring to me. There was nothing there. A second later a wind picked up, and began to lazily swirl. It soon began to pick itself up and in no time the wind was ravaging around Red’s ring finger. My eyes went wide. At first I thought a window was open, but now that thought was tossed away because of its obvious draw back; there’s no windows in the living room. What in the name of Angels is happening?
The air got faster and faster as it started compressing itself towards Red’s ring finger. The wind got as small as my thumb, and then something as extraordinary as that happened: the wind burst into excited flames, encircling Red’s hand. Then, in a flash it all ran into a circling figure on Red’s ring finger. Red blew on it, and a white-hot ring appeared, shining with excellence. Red wasn’t even fazed.
As for me? I was ready to puke of astonishment. I didn’t think it was possible, either.
Red wiggled his fingers and pulled his hand into a fist. He muttered fiery words of another language (he didn’t sound angry–the words somehow took on a charisma of their own as they left his mouth) and a hyper light emanated from his ring. The light soon embraced his body, and it was as if there were pieces of the light working over his body. With a jolt the light jumped off of Red’s body and softly sprinkled down and disappeared.
Looking up from the floor, I faced Red and –Oh. My. Angels.
 oh gosh. No words to describe this guy without sounding superficial or corny. It’s unbelievable. His messy fiery red hair fell over his face –at the beginning, straight, but then at the ends, curly and pointing to one side, framing his blazing orange eyes. He had a light tan and his face was perfectly angular. His plump lips turned up in an unwilling smile, and his dimples were clearly visible. There was amusement in his eyes as he looked down at me through his long eye lashes and the hair that gently fell over his eyes.
He was tall –it looked like he was around six feet two. He had a perfectly muscular body –it wasn’t crazy muscular, but the ripples of muscles throughout his body were clearly visible. He was wearing a necklace with characters on it that reminded me of Salvage’s tattoos. The chain was silver molded into the same characters over and over again. The charm on it was a big circular locket with a carved character on it. It reminded me of the ones on Salvage’s arm too.
But wasn’t that a dream? Probably the rest of what happened was a dream –there’s no way that would actually happen to me.
I looked back at Red’s eyes after noting a few heavy looking silver and leather belts with similar inscriptions on them, hanging loosely on his waist where his midnight black jeans were threatening to slip off. I also had a peek of his briefs that were pulled slightly above the top belt. His muscular stomach had a large angry inscription that reminded me –like so much else on his body–of Salvages tattoos. There were similar ones on his arms and a long slim one on one side of his face that I had just noticed was there. He had silver and black earrings with some on there, too.
It looked like it started high above his right brow because it got thicker as it went up, and it went through his right eye, too. It ended at the bottom of his jaw, and as it traveled down his face, beautiful swirls and angles were placed strategically, making his face look exotic as if it already hadn’t on its own. His right eye was yellow, and what I assumed to be the pupil was oval–like and spiky.
I guess I know why his name is Red now.
I hardly noticed that I was looking at him with such awe until he clear his throat. I felt my face get warmer –only to realize I was blushing before. I can’t believe it. He’s more staggeringly beautiful than celebrities and my family. If I hadn’t just witnessed it, I’d say it was impossible. “Fate, it’s your turn now,” he said. His voice was alluring and satisfied. It gave off a smooth silky feel, and calmed me.
Fate smiled and Damien’s dimples came out of hiding. If I weren’t so mellow because of Red’s voice I would have punched his guts out. How did he end up tricking me? Moreover, how could I fall for his act? Red plopped himself down on the couch and it looked graceful. I must be going insane. A teenage boy? Graceful? Yeah. That’s got to be it. The voice only adds to the theory.
Aw, you’re so mean Chika-chan! Besides, you’re not insane. All of this is really happening! If you believe you’re insane, I won’t be your friend anymore!
I ignored it. It just seemed stupid to listen to it at this point.
Fate excitedly got up and held his hand outwards as far as possible, pointing straight with his hand in a position for a make –believe hand gun. He then pulled his other hand back as far as possible, and muttered some foreign words, just like Red had did only a minute ago. He closed his eyes and I realized he looked like he was readying a bow and arrow for the kill, and all around him wind picked up –but this time it was swirling aimlessly. He shouted the last few words as he let the imaginary arrow go, and too my surprise, the wind shimmered and followed the imaginary bow. It had quite a bit to go –around twelve feet, I’d say (this was probably the penthouse) –but it reached the wall in well beneath a second, it was so fast.
As soon as it hit the wall, it rippled as if it were water disturbed by a single drop of water. Immediately a dark purple light shot back at Fate, who still had his eyes closed and was now standing with his hands at his side in a relaxed stance. Like the imaginary arrow and the wind following it, the slim dark light hit Fate and his body was engulfed in the light that seemed to be alive. Like the light that swallowed Red, this light seemed as if it were working over Fate’s body. A few seconds later, it split in two and separated from Fate’s body into two small circles and exploded into tiny fireworks balls. The remaining light slowing drifted to the ground as the light before had.
Fate’s eyes opened and looked at me, and I couldn’t help but be as stunned as when I saw Red in his form
 or whatever. His blazing dark violet eyes were fixed on mine, the pupils the shape of a six –sided star, and I couldn’t help but notice how sexy and seductive they were, let
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