Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป A Sword Of Wrath, Book I by K. E. MacLeod (e manga reader txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซA Sword Of Wrath, Book I by K. E. MacLeod (e manga reader txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author K. E. MacLeod

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here are simple. First, don't die. Then again, if you do die, I suppose the other rules don't matter. We don't bring women here. If you fancy the brothels, I will have Leonas make a trip once a week to cart you off to the Ala District to take care of your needs. You are not allowed outside the walls of the Amphitheater without reason. You see, those people out there?" he indicated the doors with his flywhisk, "they may love you in the arena but they'll hate you in the streets."

He paced as he continued to speak, "We train everyday. Meals are set and we eat them together. Laundry is done once a week, unless you die, then your clothes are taken and sent back to your families." He stopped and looked at them as if trying to remember anything he had forgotten in his welcoming speech, "Oh and disputes and disagreements are handled out there," he indicated the doors again, "in the arena. We do not bring them in here." He looked around the quarters again, "Well, I believe that is all. Enjoy your off time for the moment for tomorrow begins training." Euric walked away but Juko called out to him before he could reach the doors, "Wait, sir!"

"Sir?" he turned, a slight grin on his face. "Well, haven't we been raised properly." Euric narrowed his eyes as he studied Juko further, "You know, you... look very familiar. Have we met before?"

"Yes, no - I mean, that is what I need to speak to you about." Juko hesitated a moment before continuing, "I... I'm not sure that I should be here. No, I shouldn't be here. I came as a favor to my father, to find my brother."

Euric laughed, "You shouldn't be here? What do you mean you shouldn't be here? There is no one here that shouldn't be here. If so," he looked into Juko's dark eyes with his own blue ones, "then they are a fool. You are here and you are here until you die."

"But, sir, I need to find my brother-"

The lanista was impatient, "And just who is this brother? Why should I even know him?"

"He is Suna, son of Mutebe, chieftain of the Grasshopper Clan in Noba."

The Vandal's face fell. He closed his eyes and shook his head, "I'm... I'm sorry to inform you, son, but your brother... is dead."

Juko began to shake with the revelation in the other man's words. "What?" he gasped when he could at last find a voice with which to do so.

Euric nodded, "He died not long ago... and for that I truly am sorry."

Juko fought back the rush of emotion that threatened to overwhelm him as his world fell apart. He lifted his head with a defiant lilt, "Then I must retrieve his body and return to my father."

"Son," Euric placed a sympathetic hand on his arm, "even if I knew where they were keeping his body, you cannot leave."

Juko's stared around the room in disbelief, at last becoming aware of the bars that were set into the windows that surrounded him, "What do you mean?"

The lanista looked into the young N'bari's eyes, "There are only two ways that you may cease being a gladiator: you either earn your freedom in the dust of the arena... or you die trying."


* * *


Kaeso was exhausted, as he had never ridden so far for so long in all of his life. He had not eaten or slept since leaving Odalia the previous day; not even after he had stumbled upon Agatha's cottage during the night. He continued to ride, despite the ache of his muscles as he clung to his horse. Meanwhile, the baby Alexia was still carefully tucked away behind his hamata, having slept most of the ride - he only hoped she would remain sleeping for a little while longer.

Suddenly, Odalia came into view and upon seeing its brilliant white walls Kaeso pushed his horse harder. He knew the mare was just as tired as he was but if she would just give him these last few meters, he would reward her with extra parsnips at the stables.

As he neared the capital's walls, Kaeso felt a mixture of both joy and terror for while he had safely made it home, he still had to pass through the gates without being questioned and then find his way through the White Palace to the Imperial Nursery.

Kaeso slowed his horse at the gate and was immediately greeted by one of the guards he was familiar with, "You've returned, I see."

"Yes; exhausted but yes."

"The Decanus wants to see you, immediately."

"Oh?" Kaeso panicked slightly, "I-I have to secure my horse first and then wash the road dirt off -"

The guard shrugged dismissively, "It's your funeral."

He opened the doors and let Kaeso through. The soldier and his secret slumbering bundle rode through the market, weaving in and out of the stalls in order to avoid stopping and speaking with as many people as he could. He passed the Temple of the Two Brothers and offered a quick prayer of protection as he did. To his relief, Alexia remained asleep as they then rode towards the White Palace's stables. Kaeso was halted before entering by another guard minding the stables, "Salve, Kaeso. You know the Decanus is looking for you?"

"Yes, I heard. Just putting my horse up. She rode all night, so I thought she deserved a res-"

"Alright, go on through, then."

Kaeso led his horse into the stable area and dismounted. The baby sighed loudly as he did and he froze in terror for a second. Then, after a moment, when it became clear that no one else had heard the sound, he took a deep breath and led his horse to the stable. He passed the reins to the boy on duty, telling him, "Brush her down, give her plenty to drink and extra feed."

The boy nodded and Kaeso continued his cautious trek through the back entrance into the barracks of the Lycanian forces. He took another deep breath and nervously twiddled his fingers down by his sides as he walked into the highly restricted, heavily armed area. Kaeso tried to remember the layout of the Palace past the barracks. If he remembered correctly, the Imperial Nursery wasn't too far away from where he currently stood.

He walked through the large marble-arched hallway and heard the din of the barracks around him as the patrol shifts prepared to change over for the afternoon watch. He heard another sleepy gurgle from the baby and again prayed to the gods for their protection. Kaeso's heart pounded so hard within his chest that he was sure everyone could hear it echoing throughout the halls.

Please, please, please, please... he pleaded silently to the gods, telling himself that it was only a few more steps and he would be away from the barracks. After that, it was just one more hallway to the left, a short right and then-

"Milite Kaeso!" The Decanus stepped into view in front of him.

Kaeso's stomach dropped to his knees and his eyes widened.

"You were ordered to report to me immediately," the Decanus was a tall imposing man, with low, thick eyebrows and the coldest set of blue eyes that the young soldier had ever seen on another human being. "Why have you not done so?"

"I-I-" Kaeso stuttered helplessly.

The Decanus shook his head, "I'll let it go this time because I have more pressing matters to attend. Were you successful?"

"Y-yes," Kaeso swallowed deeply and felt around in his belt pouch for the ring. He found it quickly and handed it over to the Decanus with a shaking hand. "Here-here is my proof, sir."

The Decanus took it and examined it closely, "Ah, yes - that is definitely the official seal of Tyre." He looked back up at Kaeso, "Excellent work, Milite. I'll be sure the Centurion hears of this and lets the Emperor know. You could very well be looking at a promotion."

Kaeso felt the baby's hand squeeze against his chest through his tunic, "Th-uh, thank you, sir."

"Let us retire to my room and I'll pour you a drink-"

"Actually, sir, I'm really-"

The Decanus smiled knowingly, "I know, I know." He laughed and put an arm around Kaeso's shoulders, "Go ask Ginny for a special, tell her I sent you. You deserve to enjoy yourself for a couple of hours. This," he indicated the ring, "is worth it."

Kaeso forced a laugh but in truth he was fairly certain that he going to throw up if he had to stand there much longer. He bowed to the Decanus and walked quickly down the hallway. As he did, he could hear the baby waking up and beginning to whimper. Seeing no one else around, he put a protective arm across his chest and ran as fast as he could through the hallway. He then made the final turn that would lead him to the nursery.

As he rounded the corner, Kaeso came to an abrupt stop at what appeared before him. It was a slew of young women sitting around the hallway in various states of relaxation. Some were reclining on plush settees as others practiced their dancing, while still others sewed tapestry and at least one sat in a corner strumming a harp. Kaeso silently cursed himself as he had forgotten that the nursery was located on the Hidden Women's wing of the palace.

The Hidden Women, or Men, depending on the preferences of who was ruling at the time, belonged exclusively to the Emperor. They were usually taken as infants from handsome couples throughout the empire and raised in the Imperial Nursery. It didn't matter the status of the parents, as long as infant fit the official criteria for beauty, which also changed upon the whims of the Emperor. New infants were brought in every seven years in order to replenish the fading beauty of the oldest group. None of the Hidden Women ever asked what happened when they reached a certain age. In fact, no one knew what that age was as it, too, changed from ruler to ruler.

The life of the Hidden Women, while appearing opulent and privileged, could also be perilous as any other man outside of the Emperor was forbidden to look upon them and if such an act were discovered, the Hidden women would be killed immediately. The very rare times that the Hidden Women were found outside of their section of the palace, their faces were covered in white lace veils.

Kaeso put a hand up to his head, shielding his eyes just as one of the ladies caught sight of him, shouting angrily, "By the gods, you're not supposed to be here!"

The other women stopped what they were doing and looked up. He heard a few gasp as they covered their faces and fled the hallway.

"No, no, I know, forgive me, ladies," he kept his hand up. "I'm here by special request. Just going to deliver a message to the Nursery and I'll be away. I've seen no one! I swear!"

"I do not like this! We are supposed to have-"

"I apologize!" He ran immediately to the heavy wooden door that was located along the wall beside him and banged loudly on its surface. A panel slid open and he saw a pair of black eyes examining him, "You can't be here."


"Who asks?"

"Agatha sent me."

He heard the sound of a heavy lock shifting and the door opened. He walked in to the all-white marble sitting area. Green plants rested every few feet and comfortable plush lounges, much like the ones outside of the room, lined the walls.

Sotiria, who looked very similar in stature and appearance to Agatha, eyed Kaeso suspiciously, "Well? Where is she?"

He nervously removed his weapons and then took off the hamata. As he did, the metal jangle of the chain mail woke the baby and she instantly began to wail at the top of her tiny lungs.

Sotiria's face softened, "Oh, oh, oh, poor dear, come here." She took the

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