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Book online «A Message for Queen Lovely Lilly by James Gerard (ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author James Gerard

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love will return.  I just know it.”

Leena looked at Foster and just could not believe he had fallen under the power of the creature.  Never did she think that a fairy could be so mad as to wish for the very worse for another fairy, yet she wished the worse for Foster.

“And just think Father brought into this world as the one and only finder fairy.  He brought you into this world because of the innocence of Lilly.  Well finder fairy, may our father have mercy on you because you just put to sleep the most innocent and loving soul that has ever been.”

A Fairy of Hope

Solange soared high into the sky only to come diving back down.  She turned and twisted through rays of sunlight, flipped and flopped onto fluffy white clouds, giggled and gazed at the sight of mellow meadows and mighty forests below.

Just the thought of telling all her friends that the seasons of darkness were about to be over sent Solange faster and faster toward the village.

Sky and summer, fall and fire, water and wind, and all other fairies followed just as fast: For they too had much joy and love in their hearts.

Solange reached the village.  Soaring towards the door of Queen Lovely Lilly's house, she was surprised to see no fairies or humans outside enjoying the warm and sunny summer day.  What could be wrong now, she thought.

Gliding past the humans just outside the queen's chamber, she gasped at the sight of sad faces and sounds of sobbing coming from the fairies.  Not one of them looked up as the host of newborn fairies came in with love and joy.

She approached Queen Lovely Lilly.  There, standing on the queen's chin, she saw Leena with her hands covering half of her lost looking face.  Foster, whose quivering lips made it look like he was afraid was silent and stood at the queen's lower lip.  Then she noticed another fairy, but did not recognize her.  She was silent and stood right behind Foster.

"What has happened?"

"Oh Solange," answered Loxie from above, "Queen Lovely Lilly is dead."

"Dead.  How can this be?"

"The creature was in Queen Lovely Lilly.  To get rid of the creature forever and ever, Foster poisoned her, and now she is dead."

"No," cried Solange.  "The creature was not in her.  The darkness, the creature did not come back into the world because of her, but because of us."

Tears gushed out of her eyes.  Her face turned pale as an ache hurt her heart."

But I have a message for her," said Solange in between sobs and sniffs.

She dropped down to the ear of Queen Lovely Lilly.

"Oh my dear friend and queen, you cannot be dead.  You see, you must do one thing for the creature to go away.  A kind, young man told me so.  So you cannot be dead.  You have to go to a field in the mellow meadows.  The kind, young human will be there.  He told me to tell you that you must come alone and face what you have done to cause the darkness.”

Solange looked for quivering lips, fluttering eyelashes, any sign that Queen Lovely Lilly was still alive and heard her words.  There was no such sign, yet Solange still had hope that she would wake up.

"Also, a very, very, kind fairy I met along the way told me the same thing, but that you will be so afraid that you will not want to go.  Listen my queen, she told me to tell you that while you think you will be alone, you will not.  Do you understand Lovely Lilly?  Oh my friend, don't you see that you cannot be dead."

Queen Lovely Lilly kept still and silent.

Without any sign of a storm, a whirling wind unexpectedly came into the chamber.  With the wind came beams of bright light lighting up Queen Lovely Lilly.

All the fairies sad faces suddenly had expressions of hope.  A fairy, the most kind and loving fairy anyone had ever met, came in flying circles within the chamber.

Solange was surprised to see the fairy.  She was the one that told her of the message to give to the queen.  She did not expect her to make an appearance in the chamber.

"Who is that?" a fairy asked.

"Is that the creator?" another fairy wondered.

The fairy, not just with a kind heart of pure love, but the look of pure beauty, landed next to Foster, Leena, and Aine.

She stepped up to Leena.

"Shame on you.  To think your friend Foster could be so cruel."

She then stepped up to Foster.

"Shame on you.  You have hurt your friends for withholding the truth from them."

"But I just...."

"Excuses, excuses, excuses.  Don't you think this might be a good time to reveal what you have done?"

"Oh what have I done?" moaned Queen Lovely Lilly.

Foster smiled the leaned forward.

"My best and dearest, precious friend, you know I could never harm you."

"What is going on?" asked Leena.

Foster threw her a smile and a wink then turned and faced Aine.

"Aine, you must have suffered so much for so many, many seasons.  Oh how very, very sad."

"I did."

"Could you tell me one thing?  If you fled from the creature's nets on that horrible, horrible day, then how could you know about the creature entering Queen Findabhair long after it ran away?"

"I...I don't understand."

"That happened after I came into the world thousands of seasons after that horrible, horrible day. That happened when you were lost, away from the village.  How could you know that?"

"You told me."


Aine slowly flew backwards, away from Foster.

“Wait.  Where are you going?”

“I don’t understand.  Why are you being mean to me?  Oh Foster,” she cried with tears coming from her eyes, “I hurt for so many seasons.  Please stop hurting me.”

Leena looked to Foster then smiled.  All of a sudden, she realized what was happening.  The trickster has been tricked.

“Tell me Aine; how did you know about the creature entering Queen Findabhair?”

“I…you told….”

“No,” said Leena.  “No one told you that.”

“They are right Aine,” agreed Loxie.  “Not one of us told you that.”

Just then, a black and shadowy figure came flying out of Aine.

"Oh no," cried the fairy that came in with the whirling wind and bright beams of light.  “You are not getting away that easy."

The black, shadowy figure stopped.

The fairy held out her hand.

"Come here."

The shadowy figure obeyed.

"Why must you behave so very, very badly all the time?  Really, these past three seasons whispering untrue things about Foster, Leena, Loxie, Solange, and Lovely Little.  You think you are so clever.  Well shame on you.”

The fairy smiled as bright as the sun.  With the power of the windiest wind fairy, she blew on the shadowy figure standing in the palm of her hand.  It shattered into little itsy bitsy pieces and vanished.

 "Where am I?" asked the fairy known as Aine.

"You are just fine."

“Who am I?”

The kind fairy flew over to her.

“Do not worry about that right now precious, newborn fairy.  Who you are and what your job will be as a fairy will be decided by Queen Lovely Lilly.”

“She does not remember?” asked Foster as he flew toward the innocent fairy.

“She would have, but Creator has shown mercy.  Her memory of what has happened to her is no more.”

"Oh no," cried Solange, "are all the other newborn fairies working for the creature?"

"No.  Father kept them safe all this time.  The creature has done no harm to them."

The kind fairy then stepped on the bridge of Queen Lovely Lilly's nose.  She stood there and looked down at closed eyes.

"Shame on you Queen Lovely Lilly.  Now stop this nonsense.  You know what you have done and you must face the consequences."

Lilly opened her eyes.   She yawned then stretched her arms and legs out wide.

The kind fairy and Leena went flying into the air.

A sound of joy erupted in the chamber.  Humans came rushing in.

Foster flew up to his most dear and precious friend and hovered over her.

“I have missed you so much Lovely Lilly.  My heart just wasn’t the same without you.”

Queen Lovely Lilly smiled and reached out her hands, but before she could say a thing, the kind fairy came along Foster and looked down at the queen.

“There will be time to say what you want to say later Lilly.  Now, you know what you have to do.  I know you are afraid, but it must be done.”

Lilly Saved by the Light

Even though it was a warm summer day, Queen Lovely Lilly shook and trembled.  Her heart beat fast.  Wily weeds covered the path leading to the mellow meadows.  Their hurtful way were in sharp, sticky thorns. Beyond the wily weeds, she could not help thinking that something very, very bad was going to happen if she took one more step.  After all, the blame for the darkness, the barrier, fell on her.  Why?  Lilly did not know.

Lilly thought of the things she might have done that allowed the creature to come back into the world.  Was it because of my very best friend Foster?  Should we not have played so much?  Should I have not chosen to let every human and fairy play instead of work?

“Maybe,” Lilly said aloud, “but I did that out of my love for Foster and every other fairy and human.  No, it cannot be because of that.”

I wonder, she thought, should I have not allowed all my fairy friends to come live in the village of my human friends?

“Maybe,” Lilly answered aloud, “but they all learned each other’s language; surely a sign from Creator that it was okay.”

Could it have been the barns? Lilly considered.

“I can’t see why, really.” she responded.  “One should save up for rainy days.  Surely, our father could understand that.”

Just up ahead was a field with the big rock in the middle of a mellow meadow.  All around were patches of purple petunias among the long blades of green grass.  The very, very pretty sight did nothing to make her feel safe.

Still afraid, Lilly walked into the field of the mellow meadows.  A blurry image came into view.  Her old eyes spotted a figure sitting on the big rock.  Coming even closer, she could make out a very, very mad expression on the face of a young human.

“Oh my, what did I do?”

"Lilly," a voice called.

She stared at the young human waving arms back and forth high above the head.

"A very kind fairy told me to come here.  I am here to find out what I have done to create such darkness and to face the consequences, but

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