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Book online «FURIES by Shannon Burton (miss read books TXT) 📖». Author Shannon Burton

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immediately stopped on one that had wings on it.I pulled it from the shelf and found it was covered in dust and it was obviously well used.


"Hey Ter." I called her over from her snooping.


"What is it?"


"A book but I have a feeling that it's not just any book." I said in wonder.


"Well open it."


"I don't know if that's a good idea." I said cautiously.


"Zhara it's just a book.Why are you worried about opening it?"


"Because I have a feeling that once we do there won't be any going back.We won't be able to unsee what's written on these pages." I said in an eerie voice that sounded nothing like my own.


"Zhara why did your voice just go all wacky?"


"I have no idea but we should really sit down and think before we open this book." I said shakily.


We both walked back over to the desk and I laid the book down carefully.Something about this book made me shutter and I felt like I was treading on thin ice.


"Zhara If we don't open this book we may not ever find out what were up against."


"Your right..Your right.Lets open it." I sighed heavily.


We were getting ready to toss ourselves head first into an unknown world and all I could do was sigh.I wish I would have seen it sooner.Talking to those guys has upset my world and now here I am.Getting ready to open up a book that seemed to have the power to change my world forever.For better or for worse,I don't know.


I opened up the book and became dragged into a history that was not my own.


The first page read:



To those that open this be warned.You will learn from my words that there are other things out there.Beautiful beings that hide amongst us.


If you continue on please understand that there will be no going back.


You can not run and hide once you know the truth about them because they will not allow it.


Once you turn the page you can do nothing more but read on and accept that your fate has been entirely sealed.


The warning was so powerful that I closed the book shut and tried to breathe.I looked to Tera and saw that she was wide eyed and gasping for breathe also.


"I guess the question remaining is, do we turn the page?" I could see doubt written all over Teras' face but her answer surprised me.


"Turn the page." She said.


Chapter 5

With Tera reading over my shoulder we became lost in the story written on the pages.Each word stealing a piece of my humanity and replacing it with something entirely unreal.




Long ago Furies flew across the Earths' skies and  reveled in the world they loved so much.That was until the other beings came.They showed up out of thin air and took over land and resources ; leaving the Furies to take to the mountains to rebuild there world on a smaller scale. The Furies did not harbor ill will towards the humans but decided it would be best to avoid them.As the years went by the humans became hostile towards each other and committed unimaginable crimes towards each other and the world.The Furies had always had a sense of justice and a knowledge of right and wrong so they punished those beings that began to corrupt the world.For many centuries after that the Furies lived in harmony with the humans.That is until three of their own broke the Furies most sacred law.


Three sisters, Rayon, Tildana, and  Ramona flew to the waterfall that resided at the base of the mountain they called home.As they landed they caught sight of three male humans.The sisters became fascinated because they had never seen the humans up close.The sisters decided to land and exchange words with the humans and nothing more.When they landed the male men were in awe of the flawless women.Through a humans eyes it was like looking at perfection.The sisters had sharp features,exotic colored eyes,and beautiful black wings.The wings were like nothing the humans had ever seen before.


One of the men stepped forward and pleaded to touch the wings and at first the sisters were taken aback,but then they saw how gentle the human was when he touched it that they began to trust them.Soon the sisters were flying down everyday to meet with the men and after months they fell in love.The sisters became impregnated a short time after and couldn't comprehend what was happening.Nothing like this had ever taken place in Furie history so the sisters left their mountain.They found a quiet place to give birth and decided what to do with the half breed babies.


They couldn't kill them because that would be injustice to the babies .So the sisters decided to take them to  what had become known as Mt.Hood .The sisters bundled the babies up and flew to the meadows that surrounded the mountain.Once there they created makeshift beds and  fed the crying babies.


Rayon knew that the rest of the Furies would find out the truth soon so she went to the Elders and pleaded for their mercy.The Elders said that they wanted to see these half breeds and determined that it would be unjust to kill them.The Elders would not welcome them to the mountain but told the sisters their children could live if they were taught the ways of a true Furie.However, not all Furies agreed with this ruling and left the mountain to become rogues.


The sisters agreed to the terms and watched the three children grow up in the meadows.The children had the strength of the Furies and the emotions of the humans running through their blood.Soon the cousins grew tired of being alone in the meadows and ventured out into the world of the humans.They blended in well with this world.They were able to repress their wings behind their shoulder blades and they hadn't inherited the degree of beauty their Furie ancestors had.


The three cousins soon fell in love and married the humans of their choosing.They brought their humans back to their mountain and asked for their mothers' blessings.The sisters gave their blessing and welcomed the humans.As a gesture of good will, the sisters gave the humans wings and taught them the ways of a Furie.


As time passed, the number of the half breeds grew and so did the number of rogues.It had been heard that the rogues had found a way to become stronger so the Furies sent one of the half breeds to investigate this claim.It turned out the rogues were stealing away the life essence of humans.It was a ritual that was banned a millenia ago because of how unjust it was.The Furies became worried that the rogues threatened the Furie way of life so the Furies went into hiding.The half breeds knew that a war was imminent and they decided to stand and fight.Unlike the Furies they had the courage of a human and used it to defeat the rogues.In the end, only five half breeds made it through the war.


To show their gratitude, the Furies gave the five remaining half breeds nobility and a name.They called the half breeds Acaidens.It was a Furie word that had never been used before but it seemed as if it was meant for the half breeds all along.Protector.A name that the Acaidens fufilled with a quiet dignity through many centuries.


The rogues seemed to have settled down but everyone knew that it was only a matter of time before they had another uprising.The issue was that no one knew when this would happen so the Acaidens always kept a steady watch over the humans and Furies.For quite some time everything was calm.Up until the three princes of Acadia were born.


The story ended there and I began to struggle for air.I knew that this book would change everything I knew about life but I hadn't expected it to be to this degree.I looked over to see Tera running her hand through her hair and pacing.I looked out the window to see that it was already dark.We must have been in here through the remainder of the day.


"This is unbelievable." She said.


Before I could say anything the door swung open and in walked Damien, Talon, and Mikael.


The three princes of Acadia.


Talon stepped forward and gave a sweeping bow. "I am Prince Talon of Acadia.Welcome and don't cause trouble ladies." He winked.


"Hold the fuckin phones! This book is real!" Tera exclaimed.


"Yes Tera it's all real.We decided that we would give you a choice on coming into our world.If you hadn't read the book we would have sent you back to Hereford, but since you did read it..well you saw the warning." Talon beamed.


Mikael stepped forward and introduced himself to Tera and Damien introduced himself with his proper title.


"I didn't want this.I don't want to be apart of whatever the hell this is?" I said with panic laced through my words. Tera put a calming hand on my shoulder but I shook it off and stepped towards the brothers.


"You can't really think we are going to stay here!" I yelled at Mikael.


Damien stepped towards me and stared down at my slight frame.It was like I was living the dream.My whole world collapsing around me.


"I'm sorry Zhara but you don't have a choice."


I could hear the sincerity in his apology but I knew it was my fault for reading that book.My shoulders slumped in defeat and I felt the tears fall.I had wanted to do so many things with my life and in a second I was wrapped up in a supernatural war.


"Zhara if you really think about it, what do we really have back home? Your mom ignores you and I don't really have anyone." Tera said.


I sifted through the people in my head and realized I didn't have anyone that I would fight hard enough to go back to.I lifted my head and stared into Damiens' eyes.I knew if I willingly lived this life it wouldn't be easy.I read the book and I could feel what the Acaidens had to endure.


I knew that a million expressions were playing across my face but there was so much that I needed to process and understand.


"You have time calm down for a second and just breathe." Damien said while tipping my chin up and wiping away the tears.I calmed at his touch and I realized that we were still standing in a room full of people so I took a step back.


Talon was beaming and Mikael's brow was furrowed.


"Soo what do we do now?" Tera wondered out loud.


"Well first we will show you to your new rooms and get you settled in." Mikael said.


"Talon and Damien please come with me.I need to speak with you."


With that said they all turned to leave and we were stuck with the nagging lady I happened to meet earlier in the day.


"Well now lets get you ladies to your rooms.This way please."


We followed her out into the candle lit hall and up two flights of stairs.She led us to the right and down another hall and stopped in front of two doors standing side by side.


"Alright the one on the left is Teras' and the one on the right is Zharas'.I will come up in a few minutes with food so make yourselves at home.If you have any questions feel free to ring the bell inside your room or you

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