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in offering her dress. She said it was okay as long as I return it to her safely. I told Sapna about the weirdness of Mr.Mehra. She said that he was just being careful about who his daughter is befriending. I nodded may be she is right.

Next day, I finished my chores and got ready to go to Mehra’s house. Dad dropped me at the outside gate of their house; I came to know that my dad sells milk and vegetables to this house that’s why he felt awkward and nervous when their daughter spoke to him.

Neha was waiting for me in the lounge… She hurried me saying that we need to be there in the college by noon. Mrs.Mehra took us to her mini parlor in the house and started by applying some face pack on my face. Neha said that her mom did fashion designing course in her early 20’s. She let us rest while she started inserting some rollers in my hair, she never allowed us to look into the mirror. After finishing with our face, she worked with my hair, she let my long brown hair fall into curls and she straightened Neha’s curls. She left my hair using a hair pin, few strands brushed my cheeks. Neha left her hair loose. Next thing was a blur she applied so many things on our face that I lost track of Neha’s commentary of what she was doing. Overall I heard and understood what they were all for. Being born as a orphan and living in a village in India, I never knew any of these things.
When we finished wearing she came into our room with a set and started to put it on me, I tried to protest but she ignored me, A silver sleek chain with a heart shaped pendent studded with white stones and matching ear rings to go with it. The ear rings were heavy. Neha wore Ruby stones. Final touch she showed me sandals to wear instead of my usual footwear that I wear to college.

“Now…Look at yourself.” I walked up to the long mirror and was appalled to see a gorgeous girl staring at me in the mirror. “Oooo… I’m sure you’ll be the star of today’s event.” She said. I blushed. “You look brilliant too…” I said. She raised her eyebrows. “Okay, let’s see who is good?” she smiled.

“Aryan is waiting for you downstairs, go on.” Mrs.Mehra said. Neha kissed her goodbye and I thanked for everything. “Don’t say that again, you are like my daughter dear.” She said and kissed me tenderly on the cheeks.

I walked down and was stunned when I saw Aryan standing looking good like in his black shirt that has purple cuff links. He really was cute in it, his fair skin glistened brilliantly, he was like a model.

He stared at me awestruck whatever I felt reflected in his eyes too… “You look…” He stammered.
“Awesome…see I told you. He hasn’t even seen me; he couldn’t turn his eyes from you…” Neha said. “You look good, sissy…” he said. “Just good…?” she asked.

“Hey, time for a picture…Smile…” Mr.Mehra came with a cam in his hands. I stood exactly at the center of them. “Now, single pictures…” he called and took a single picture for every one of us. Aryan rode us in his car; I sat in the back seat… “I know that you are pissed off because of me…” Neha smirked.

“I stole someone’s seat…” she smirked looking at me. Aryan slapped her teasingly. As soon as he parked the car, he came to open my door, Neha stood laughing like mad and he was glaring at her and gesturing her to stop.

The entire college transformed, there were banners, balloons, decorative materials… They chose the main auditorium to host the event. “How do you like the arrangement?” he asked. “Good, I have never been to like these events. It’s great…” I exclaimed excited. “There used to be a girl called maya that came to our orphanage frequently, she used to tell us tales about the events at her college, and I always wanted to be there.” I said excited. They smiled at my fancy for these things.

As we three walked in, people stared at us. I felt uncomfortable by all the attention I was gathering. I began to tremble a little, Aryan caught my hand and squeezed, “We’re here with you…” he said. I stared into his affectionate eyes which built up my confidence.
Neha cleared her throat… “Aryan…” someone called. “We need you here, dude.” He called. “Aryan… she is my friend too. I can take care of her.” She teased him. Aryan left me unwillingly turning every second back to see me. “Love is in the air…” Neha began to sing. “What?” I smacked her playfully. “As if you don’t know… Wait until he tells you bhabi( A Hindi word to call one’s brother’s wife)…”she teased.

I went after her trying to beat her up. We went into class after we finished fighting and calming down. As I walked into the class…” Wow…!” I heard them say in unison. I blushed. Karan walked wide eyed towards me… “You look stunning…”he said. I thanked him and returned the same comment. Everyone looked beautiful we praised one another about our dresses.
As we settled down and talked about the party decors then there was an announcement over the speaker box for all the juniors to gather at the auditorium. It was Aryan’s voice. Neha poked when she heard him.

At that time, I began to feel nervous again. One of our classmates took Neha away to talk about something; they were practicing their skit for the last time. I felt nervous… Karan sat beside me, he saw me trembling and gently squeezed my hands. “You’ll do great…Don’t worry. None of us are tension free… Well, except for Neha…” he said when we heard her loud laughter.

He sat with me all the while and then after a few minutes, we all went together to the auditorium. Aryan walked onto the stage carrying a sheet of paper, the crowd roared with joy shouting Hoorah! He made a motion to calm down. He invited the guests on to the stage and then after that each of the guests gave some suggestions to the fresher’s and seniors. It took almost one hour to finish their speeches. When the guests got off the stage and sat in the staff area. Poo came on to the stage… Everyone where like what the hell! Get down. Her minions cheered her again.

First went Rahul, though we don’t like him; we cheered for him. Next two more dances and role play by other branch fresher’s. Aryan came over to our place and gestured me to come… “All the best…” Everyone cheered me up. I felt nervous but soon as Aryan took my hand I felt at ease. There is so much noise that the music was barely audible to the people on the stage, I mean everyone was shouting, clapping and enjoying in their own way.

“Aryan went to set our song…” Poo came in giving evil looks; I knew she is up to something. As we got on to the stage my friends cheered and waved at me. The song began to play and the first few steps I danced when Aryan walks in and offers his hand to me. People clapped and shouted encouraging us. From the corner of my eye I saw Poo glaring, she hurried to the music system. I ignored her and started to feel the music and enjoy the moment with him. As we neared our ending the music suddenly stopped and my legs began to shake but Aryan never stopped he began to drag me through the rest of the steps and slowly whispered in my ears to look at him, I did and eased myself a bit and continued the steps without music. When the twist and turns came and finally when he caught me bridal style, the uproar of claps was tremendous. I was glad that I could finish the dance without any mistakes.

When I got down…Everyone surrounded me and praised. “It’s that stupid Poo, she stopped the song… I’m going to teach her a lesson. Ready, girls?” Neha shouted over the noise.
Neha’s skit was tremendous hit, people enjoyed it. When each of them secretly stared at Poo she was furious, she left the hall without even looking back. Rest of the day followed with many other programs.

As soon as our class programs finished we all sat in the garden, talking about our exploits in the party. We talked and laughed happily, some people took pictures in their mobiles. We passed them around to see. “Hey, Megha. I asked my friend to take video of our dance. Want to look at it?” Aryan called. I went to sit with him, his friends joined him. I watched the video, I thought I did okay but with Aryan I was like great. I noticed Aryan’s friends poking him and he cleared his throat. “Um…Megha. These are my friends; Sanjay, Rajiv, Arjun…” I couldn’t remember the rest. I said hello to everyone.

“Megha…come here.”Sonali called. I said bye to them and joined my friends. I saw DB sitting with one of our senior boys, she was blabbering and he wasn’t paying attention to her. When he tried to go she stopped him. We laughed seeing her.

“Where did you beg those things, Miss. Orphan?” Poo said loud enough, everyone to hear. “Poo… just shut your mouth, okay?” Neha snapped. “I’m sorry, did I say orphan…Oops…” Poo said. “What’s wrong in that babe’s when she is really an orphan.” One of her minion said. Tears started to roll in my eyes, what did I do to her? Why is she always after me? “I mean you begged for food and shelter and then Mehta’s took you in. You begged for clothes… then Neha helped you… Wow! Everyone offers you everything…” “Aryan was just being kind to you… because he knows that you’re a poor orphan. He’s always like that helping the poor so please… doesn’t take it otherwise…”she smirked.

Meanwhile Neha ran to bring Aryan. “Poo… just shut up and get out from here.” Aryan shouted at her. Poo tried to say something but one look from Aryan said her to stay away. Everyone around me was staring at me. I know everything got spoiled now… I ran away unable to stand there another second. I sat on the rock bench on the other end of the garden. I felt alone and disheartened.

“Megha…please just ignore her. She is so mean…” Neha tried to console. I hugged her crying. I felt another hand on my shoulders; I looked up to see Aryan. Poo’s words rand in my mind may be she is right they are just showing sympathy. “Megha… Please just don’t you think about her words for another second? Everything between us it’s just not sympathy… It’s…” He stammered to find right words to console. “I love you…” He said and I stared at him wide eyed.

“I never met a girl like you, you are bold, courageous, funny, kind, and sensible and above all you don’t have to wear makeup or good dress to look beautiful. You’re just beautiful the way you are…” He said. I hugged him too.

“Ooo… I should probably thanks to Poo.” Neha said.I frowned. “Yeah! Without her my brother wouldn’t say those all things to you and he wouldn’t
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