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Book online «Level 13 by Virginia Lang (ebook e reader TXT) 📖». Author Virginia Lang

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through the doorway. The base level 4 was a dimly lit large room, filled with what looked like a bunch of peoples forgotten belongings.

“So, what is this information you said you had that was so important?” Kitty asked, her fingers waving in front of her face as a bunch of dust circled in front of her, where Jack had blown it off from an old mirror.

“Sorry.” He muttered.

“” Aileen moved toward Em.

“Okay so what exactly did we get pulled here for?” Jack asked, obviously he hadn’t known anything from the look on his face.

“In.” Em motioned towards the now open door.

Reluctantly Jack and Katrina moved through the doorway. The base level 4 was a dimly lit large room, filled with what looked like a bunch of peoples forgotten belongings.

“So, what is this information you said you had that was so important?” Kitty asked, her fingers waving in front of her face as a bunch of dust circled in front of her, where Jack had blown it off from an old mirror.

“Sorry.” He muttered.

“18 or so odd months ago someone disappeared on level 9 of our school in the WWB.” Aileen started.

“The WWB?” Jack raised a dark brow, his curiosity stirring as he leaned against an old wardrobe.

“West wing building.” Kitty clarified. “Okay, we know someone disappeared, so what are you saying?”

“It was a girl, Mara Quinn.” Aileen continued, pressing one foot against the wall nearest them with her arms crossed against her chest. “A Level 16.”

Kitty turned from the old rag doll lying atop one of the chairs next to her. “Level 16… but there was never a level 16 in our school before, except maybe someone on the board of protection…” she mused.

“Exactly, so why is it, that a student, who can be just as powerful as someone in the upper levels of the board, go missing, unless…”

“They were a threat.” Jack quipped in, his mind comprehending the information.

“Or maybe.” Em stood up from a crate she was sitting on. “They knew something… something the board didn’t want them to leak out.”

“Like what?” asked Kitty, pulling her hair back into a ponytail.

“That’s just it, we don’t know.”

“Well how do we find out?” Jack asked, his eagerness to gain more information now raging in his body.

“We would have to get ahold of files, or maybe someone…a teacher?”

“And how would we get information out of a teacher exactly?” Jack asked simultaneously. “I highly doubt they would be up for questioning like this, besides, it would put us all under suspicion, and if that girl did disappear because she knew something, it doesn’t mean it won’t happen to us.”

“He has a point.” Aileen looked at Emerald, who was in a strain of thought.

“Well then how do we do this?” Em asked aloud.

“We investigate.” Kitty stepped forward. “Ourselves.”

I could see the fear in each of their eyes, and I felt it, I felt the fear that was lingering inside their souls; we could die, we could all die from what we were about to unleash. The secrets we were grasping to uncover, the secrets, which could change our lives…forever.

Chapter 14:Kitty
No turning back

“You don’t think anyone knows do you?” Aileen asked Kitty as they sat down at the library in the base level of the East Wing building. Her eyes showed the sudden panic that Kitty knew they were all feeling due to the pressure it was of being a spy. They were beginning to feel like spies, like they were rebels against the Board or something, but right night they couldn’t let that get to them, and Kitty of all others knew it.

“No one knows but us and the others, relax.” Kitty placed a hand on Aileen’s shoulder to reassure her they were safe from the world’s bloodthirsty eyes.

The fear shined in both of their eyes and in an odd way it comforted Aileen. She nodded her head of wavy brown hair and sighed, leaning her forehead against the palm of her hand.

“So…what did you find out?” Aileen changed the subject slightly, honestly hoping Katrina had found something useful within the last fifteen minutes.

“Nothing exactly, but the building blueprints show nothing of a level 13, which I don’t understand.” Kitty’s finger roamed over the mapping of the buildings where there should be a level thirteen if there even was one. “If there was one…it would be here.”

“Did you check the date?”

Aileen pushed back her hair as she looked over the blueprints. There was a small printing of numbers on the bottom right hand corner of the grid, and Aileen pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

“I think…” she heard a small click from the hall and immediately Kitty shot her gaze in the direction of the door.

“Aileen, hurry up.”

“Hold on…” her eyes wavered from the date to the rest of the room. “Hmm…that doesn’t make sense…”

“What?” Kitty took a brief glance at the blueprints in curiosity. Her fingers laced through the weaves of her hair as she tried to drown out the faint noise from the hallway.

“These areas on level 9…” Aileen pointed out one of the small squares, indicating a secondary door in on of the utilitarian closets on level 9, leading to a room, that would most likely be reached through the stairwell, if there was a doorway for it.

“This door here, it leads to another area, an area that seems to be lost to everyone else but those who have seen the blueprint or built the academy…but this is a simple blueprint, I can’t be 100% sure this leads to anything unless I view a third dimensional grid of these last few levels, to be sure of anything at all.” Aileen rolled up the blue print as she began to put it away.

“By the way…there are no teachers outside the door.” She turned to look at Kitty, whose eyes were nervously fixated on the knob of the door.


“Its just Jack… pacing the hallway.”

“I don’t understand.” Came her weak reply, followed by Aileen tossing a date-book and something oddly resembling a 1930’s yearbook, onto the table.

“Jack’s been doing the safety dance.” Aileen sighed. “Meaning he’s been following you, keeping a distance but making sure nothing, and no one, is following you.”

“Oh.” Kitty could only form the simple word before she was handed the date-book.

“Let’s start researching, yeah?”

“We have been.”

“I have been…”

“Okay, fine, lets research.”

Chapter 15:
Level 13

“We’ve been at this for hours.” Came the sleep deprived voice of Katrina Frentt. Her face lingering over the many assortments of books and papers piled in front of her. Her friend was rummaging through the shelves, her foot stepping up on the later to the cabinet that reached to the ceiling, she was pulling the files out and placing back in determination.

“And yet we still have found out nothing.” Aileen let out a sigh; she would not be defeated in such a demeaning manner.

“Maybe we should just call it a night.” Kitty tried to coax her friend into pausing their research so she could possibly get some rest before her head exploded. Unfortunately that only earned her silence.

The sound of a knock at the door sent a wide-eyed panic through both of the females in the forbidden room. Aileen’s eyes met Kitty’s in uneasiness. There was long silence before another knock reached the room, followed by a soft male voice.

“Are you guys okay in there?”

There was relief in both girls as Kitty got up and moved for the door. She met Jack’s worried, yet tired eyes as she opened the door.

“We’re fine, Jack.” She smiled softly, letting him step into the room before shutting the door and locking it.

“You’ve been in here for hours, have you found anything out?” He asked hopefully.

Aileen shook her head. “Not really, just a few things, which do not help at all.”

Jack sunk into the seat Kitty had been occupying moments ago and sighed. “Well that’s wonderful.”

The telepath continued her rummaging until she reached the top drawer of the cabinet and tried to yank it open. “Great, it’s stuck.” She groaned as her hands pushed on it in attempt to get it loose.


“Did you hear that?”

Before either of them could answer the bookshelf began to shift, a few books pushed off onto the floor and slowly a long wooden plank of the shelf extended and laid out flat. The three of them stared at it, a small mahogany chest splayed on the edge of it.

“W-what it that?” Jack asked fearfully. “Is that a box?

“No, it’s a triangle.” Aileen replied sarcastically. “Yes, Jack, it’s a box…”

“A chest to be exact.” Kitty added in, walking over to try and get a better look as Aileen stepped down from her perch on the ladder and joined Kitty in front of the chest. “Should we open it?”

Aileen took no hesitation. Her hands grasped the box and lifted the lid.

“It’s a piece of paper.” Kitty stated almost in disappointment.

The telepath shook her head. “It’s not just a piece of paper.” She said as she pulled the paper from the chest and unfolded it. “It’s blueprints.”

“Blueprints?” Jack furrowed his brow. “Blueprints of what?”

“Holy crap!” Kitty gasped as she turned her head around to look at the paper in Aileen’s grasp. “Their the blueprints of the original layout of the school.”

“What?” Jack got up and walked over curiously.

“Look here.” Aileen pointed at the blueprints. “See this?”

“The square?” Jack asked in confusion. Two pairs of aporetic eyes met his question.


The girls shook their head, deciding to ignore his asinine question.

“This is on level nine, if you view the point shown in the blueprints we found earlier.” She set the paper on the table as Kitty unraveled the other blueprints, allowing the three to examine the two together.

“See here?” Aileen pointed to the more recent blueprints of the school, in the same place she had just pointed out on the other blueprints. “This is the janitors closer…right?”

The two nodded, eagerly awaiting Aileen to continue her knowledgeable information.

“Well in the old blueprints, in the same place, there is a door shown…like another staircase that leads up through the last few floors of the building, only…it ends here.” She pointed out the floor of level 12.

“It disappears, but here, the e in the corner of this rectangle…it’s an elevation marker.”

“Which means what?” Kitty stared intently between the two papers.

“It means where the stairs end, something elevates you the rest of the way.” She explained. “It’s an elevator.”

“An elevator?”


Jack nodded. “Which explains why there is no staircase or opening in the stairwell to another floor past level 12.”

“Exactly, and look.” She trailed her finger up the pass way of the elevator that landed them right into another level not shown on the newer blueprints. Kitty’s heart almost stopped as Aileen’s finger stopped at the small writing where the elevator passage stopped.

“…Level 13.”
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