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would keep her away from danger.” Dan said.

So, Dan has a part in this too. He lied to me. I always thought he is my friend.

“The business we do is just a way of living but we are born to be something else..” he waited for me to respond but I didn’t I was too furious to do anything.

“When your mom died in a mysterious circumstance, I never understood how it happened that’s when Dan’s father told me about the vampires. The way he explained everything fell into place with the circumstance of yours mother death. He asked me to join the hunters pack because I wanted so bad to avenge her and when I did, I just wanted none to be ever hurt like that so I became one of them.” He sighed.

I was crying aloud, I didn’t know that Mom suffered a bad fate. My dad sat squeezing my hands gently. I cried hugging him.

“I thought it’s not good for you to know the dangerous world that we live in, that way you would be safe. How I was wrong?” he said.

Something struck to me.

“Those papers…” I mumbled.

“ Yes, they are the list of the vampires that we killed and their pictures.”

“You didn’t kill all of them in the pictures.” I mumbled.

He frowned at me.

“I mean some are still alive.” I mumbled.

My father quickly grabbed the pictures.

“Is your friend from the lake in these pictures?” he asked.

I nodded.

“Show me.” My dad ordered.

I pointed towards his picture trembling.

“I knew.” He shouted and ran to make some urgent calls.

I went into my room and stared at the ceiling. In a few seconds the world turns upside down. Tears silently escaped running through my cheeks. My Shadow is a vampire, I concluded.

“Summer, can I talk to you?” Dan asked tapping the door gently.

“Go away, “ I shouted.

“I’m sorry.” He said.

“You hid things from me when I thought you are my best friend.” I shouted.

“Didn’t you do the same? You were seeing a guy all the time and tony is the one to tell me not you.” He slapped.

He is right. I have been cheating him too but I did this so that he wouldn’t get hurt because of me and he did the same thing to me.

“I’m sorry.” I said hugging him.

“I feel like stupid everybody hid things from me even the one I loved so much.” I said crying.

He cradled me in his arms while I cried to sleep.

Dad woke me up in the early morning. I tagged along him to the lounge. Dan was already there with a newspaper in his hands and three cups of coffee on the table.

“Before I go away, I wanted to talk to you.” He said.

I nodded.

“Now that you know who your friend really is, please stay away from him. Vampire’s have the power to lure you into their trap by faking the feelings as love. You just have to be strong enough to keep away from him. “he stated.

I nodded mutely.

“Dad, what they show in films is that true?” I asked.

“Yes, they drink blood of humans and kill them brutally for blood.”

“I don’t think there any Cullen like vampires here in real world.” He smirked.

I nodded, that’s exactly what I have been thinking about.

The way I felt about him is only his mere trick on me? Something told me it’s not.

Days passed by but the feelings for Shadow never changed though in front of them I acted as if I did. Dan is my constant companion these days he tried to cheer me in every way he could think of.

I went into my room thinking of shadow for the umpteenth time. Everything and every place reminds me of him. I stretched on the bed when I felt something on the pillow. I sat up and saw a chain with heart shaped locket lying on the pillow with a note.

It’s always been yours and I’m only returning it to you.

What does he mean by that? I took the locket into my hands and examined it. I wore the chain to my neck. I left the note safely tucked under my bed.

“Nina, please don’t leave me.” Shadow cried hugging to my limp body.

“Shades, Go, please… protect Cathy and Matt.” I said kissing on his forehead and shoved him away.

“I can’t leave you.”

“You have to. There is a responsibility for you and I’ll come back for you.” I promised though she didn’t believe that.

I removed the chain around her neck and gave it to him and asked him to keep safe, I watched the locket from her eyes and it’s the same locket that Shadow gave to me today.

Shadow cried hugging her and gave a passionate kiss on her lips for the last time.

I woke up startled that is really weird. I sat up making head or tail of the dream. May be it’s my future and I’m going to die? At the thought my stomach clenched. I’m forgetting something here I remember him calling me Nina and I heard that name somewhere else. Where? I thought about it picking my food.

Over the classes and over the lunch practically every minute I thought about where I heard it. At last as if a lightning struck I knew where I heard it. Shadow sister Cathy called me with that name and with that thought I thought of something else too.

I ran to my room as soon as I’m home. I opened the file and flipped through the contents. Here it is, Nina her name on the list. When will the surprises stop? It’s like my whole life is Boo! Surprise!

I was fidgeting with the chain thinking about what this all meant when the chain opened and revealed two pictures one heart contains Shadow and the other Nina I thought. So, Shadow has a mate in his previous who is so much like me and her name is Nina. For some reason she died and she must be some spirit showing me her life as dreams to me. What does she want from me?

“Summer,” I heard Dan calling which brought me back from my reverie.

“Your dad wants us. Get ready.” He called.

Now what? Another surprise? I dressed myself quickly and ran downstairs, we rode Dan’s car a while later we stopped in front of a farm house.

“What’s he doing here?” I thought aloud.

Dan shrugged his shoulders. I felt something weird about this place. I moved closer to him for protection. My nerves weakened as I went inside this place screamed of death.

“Summer, this way.” My dad called.

I tagged along him. We went into a room and we saw cages on both sides made of hard steel and I thought they are empty until I saw a movement in one of the cage. I glanced sideways to see what animal it is. I heard snarls emitting from the cage, I raised my eyes to see what it is, It is a human but something about him is wrong, He is animal like and has bloodshot eyes. I flinched on seeing him.

“Nina….” Someone shrieked from the behind cage.

I turned to see him but Dad hurried me into another room.

“Dad someone called me back there.” I mumbled.
“They called Nina.. not Summer.” Dan pointed.

But I am Nina; an involuntary thought occurred I ignored it.

“Why did you ask us to come here?”

“I wanted to show how dangerous these creatures are.” He replied.

We sat in front of a mirrored room and a girl of my age was tied in straps against a wooden board. She looked in pain and a boy was holding her hands unwilling to move away from her. Another person fully covered in some metallic suit, moved close to her and took her hands gingerly and injected a red color liquid. She flinched at first and the person holding the syringe moved back. The girls brow creased and she began to whimper in pain and a while later she was rolling on the wood emitting ear piercing cries all the while the boy stayed comforting her but she was tossing up and down around the board and the bands that held were beginning to tear off under the pressure. She broke free at last and tried to escape when the persons above her tried to shoot more injections at her. She threw the things around her all the enduring the pain. She broke through the doors running when the boy tried to stop she bit her in the neck drawing blood.

I gasped in horror but the boy gently caressed her on the cheeks and she instantly withdrew from him and ran away before she did that she looked at him. She was in pain; I think it’s not because of the injection but because of hurting him. The boy staggered on to his feet and I saw dad running towards her carrying a spear that I saw previously. I ran after him though Dan tried to stop me.

She was running through the corridors but the pain was too much for her so she fell right on the floor and writhed in pain. Dad ran towards her, He raised the spear targeting her head. I stared at the figure on the floor and to my utter astonishment. Instead of her I saw myself there as I was in my dream. I let out a shrill cry calling Shades and collapsed on to the floor.

I woke up and I was in a room that I didn’t recognize, why am I here? It all came back to me, I shivered. They were not just dreams but memories of my past. Nina is never a spirit but it’s me. I was trying to collect my memories from my past life through dreams. I felt tense, happy and many things altogether.
I heard someone crying beside me, I pulled away the cover and saw the boy who was bitten lying beside me.

“The girl, did she die...” I stammered.

The boy was shocked to see me talking to him.

“I convinced them to wait until morning hoping there would be changes taking place during the night.” He sighed.

“What if the changes don’t take place?”

“They will kill her brutally. It’s my entire fault I shouldn’t have convinced her into coming here. I never thought of this side though she insisted me to. “He babbled.

“Can we save her?” I asked.

He was shocked to hear that.

“We can take her away in the night that is the only thing we can do. I doubt I could do that.”

“I will help you.”

We devised a plan for the rest of the night. I pretend to be in deep sleep while Dad came in so that he
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