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Book online «A Magical Betrayal by arabian (top ten books to read TXT) 📖». Author arabian

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I say Deric I mean possessed by Skotino, Deric. He sniffed the air and smiled. Then he turned and walked over to the willow tree that was now my home. Without pause he climbed up to the branch where I have slept in almost every night since the day I ran away from all of those I loved.
His face was disappointed when he looked down at the empty bed/nest. Then to my surprise he started to speak loudly, “Ally, if you don’t show yourself I’ll have to torture that poor girl, Hailee. And I might finish off that prince. What’s his name again?”
He was about to answer his own question when I said, “Robin.” Skotino looked startled when I dropped my glamour. I stood up straight and looked him right in the eye. “Take me, but you have to swear to let them go without any damage at all done to them.” My voice was dry and scratchy from disuse so it didn’t sound as strong and confident as I would have liked.
Skotino just smiled with Deric’s mouth and said, “I’m afraid I can’t do that.” Before he finished speaking fifty men stepped out from the trees. I curse under my breath. These are the men being controlled by Skotino’s mind. I remembered how I had broken his hold before. I don’t think I could break his gold on the m without killing myself. The last time I broke his hold there were only three of them and I was unconscious for at least three days.
I didn’t want him to know what I was capable of so I just tried to run away. He jumped gracefully to the ground right in front of me. Before, I could stop myself I growled like some exotic, feral creature. The only thing I can compare my growl to is the rumbling aggression of a tiger. My hand flew to my mouth in horror. I could tell Skotino thought I didn’t know I was capable of such blasphemy but the real reason is that I didn’t want him to know how powerful I really am.
“Don’t worry sweetheart,” Skotino purred, “I won’t hurt you.”
“You’re a mother fucking liar,” I snapped in response.
“No, it’s true,” he said fiercely, “ You are the one legend tells of that is destined to marry Deric. When you marry him, his powers will be unleashed and with you at hi side you’ll be impossible to stop.” Skotino’s breathing was shallow and his eyes were wild.
“I choose my own destiny,” I said quietly. Skotino’s expression darkened.
“I want the powers that come with this body and I will have them; whether you are willing or not.”
I realized then that Skotino truly wasn’t very powerful. All he is, is a parasite. All of the powers I believed he possessed are actually Deric’s and the only reason he believes I am the one who is foretold in the legend is because he knows I can use magic. That’s just peachy, I thought sarcastically.
I sighed. I knew what I had to do to save those I cared about and I know what I have to do to save those countless people who will suffer if Deric’s powers are released under Skotino’s influence. I closed my eyes and felt for the seams of Skotino’s hold on all of the men here. I took a steadying breath then popped the seams. I felt my energy drain and the merciful black oblivion of death hovering at the edge of my consciousness. Ignoring the fatigue that had entered all of my limbs I opened my eyes to find a black fog hovering over everything. I felt the malice, anger, and pain that emanated from the great cloud. I watched as the fog separated into fifty-one small black shadows that I could tell were screaming but I didn’t hear a sound.
Then the shadows melted into the ground and I watched as fifty-one confused men looked at their surroundings brows furrowed in confusion. There was a roaring in my ears and with resigned acceptance I sank into the merciful darkness that was struggling to envelop me.

“Aleca….Aleca,” a faint voice called pulling me back from the blessed darkness.
Leave me alone, I thought with annoyance.
“Why would you want me to leave you alone?” asked the voice again sounding slightly amused. His question shocked me. Had I really spoken aloud?
“So that I can die in peace,” I replied sadly. So that’s where my lips were. Slowly I started to become aware of my body and where it is. I opened my eyes to find Deric and several of his followers staring down at me. When I recognized them I hissed through my teeth before I could realize what I was doing my back was against a tree and my eyes were darting around the clearing looking into the faces of fifty men.
I shifted into a hunting crouch and growled loudly. The men nearest me hastily retreated. My eyes sought Deric’s face and I finally found his face about seventy yards away from me. Every one of Deric’s men eyed me warily; all except for Deric. I noticed then that Deric seemed to be trying to hold back his laughter. I glowered at him in response.
Then when I blinked a memory replayed on the back of my eyelids. I instantly straightened into a posture of such poise that only a princess can muster and blushed furiously. I hunched my shoulders and looked at the outrageously green grass beneath my feet.
“Sorry,” I mumbled just loud enough for everyone to hear. Then since I was on the fine line between embarrassed and mortified I decided I might as well go all the way. I looked out through my screen of brown hair and said with as much dignity as I could muster, “I sort of forgot what happened.” I then returned to staring down at my feet wishing the ground would open up and swallow me whole. That’s when Deric couldn’t take it anymore he bust up laughing and when he started laughing it was infectious all of his comrades joined in. The only person who didn’t laugh was me and I just slumped my shoulders more and tried to be as small as possible while I watched Deric through the safety of my hair.
When he had finished laughing Deric’s face softened and that’s when I realized Deric was handsome. Not handsome like how Robin looked like a fallen angel with his breathtakingly perfect beauty. Deric looked like all of the guilty pleasures in the world all combined into the most darkly handsome package that could ever be made.
I forgot I was wearing a dress that exposed my whole leg up to midthigh. I just about keeled over dead again then and there in embarrassment. No not embarrassment, mortification. With one thought I turned the shift into a floor length gown with long sleeves.
Every man in the clearing blushed scarlet. I bowed my head once again unable to meet the gazes I felt on me. I heard Derric walk over but didn’t look up when he stopped in front of me.
Shit!!!!!! I thought. I was still stuck on the fact that fifty-one men had seen my bare legs. Oh the humiliation!!!!!!!!!! WHY???!!! Did I choose a dress that showed NOT just my ankle but my whole damn leg.
“Ally,” Deric’s voice was like cool water on a hot summer day. He snapped me out of my mortification induced hysterics. I looked up and was stunned that he was so close.
“Hmmm,” was all I could manage because he was so close I could see the gold flecks in his black eyes. I couldn’t breathe because his mere presence seemed to make me dizzy and light-headed. I shook myself and took a step back.
I looked back at Deric and saw disappointment and frustration written on his face. I realized then that Deric was a player. If he wanted a girl he got her no question’s asked. A stud. With that thought I burst into a fit of Earth-shaking, thigh-slapping, roll-around-on-the-floor, laughter.
I laughed for what seemed like hours then when I realized I was supposed to be dead I sobered immediately and frowned slightly.
“How am I not dead?” I asked in a voice so quiet I was surprised he heard, but when I looked up Deric looked startled.
“My liege,” called a kind looking man decked out in leather everything,” I believe it would be wise to tell her the truth about what saved her.” Deric looked at the man and nodded once almost imperceptibly.
“Aleca, I kissed you and in doing so gave you some of my life energy.”
I almost choked then glared at him with such ferocity that he stumbled back in alarm.
“You didn’t want me to save you.” His answer to my expression was a statement not a question.
“Wrong again.” I snorted causing him to look even more surprised, “How could you! You’re weak and tired and sick all because of me!” I cried appalled taking in the tired expression on his face and the grayish tint of his skin. Deric looked crest-fallen, his daring little rescue was not being greeted in the way he thought it would.
“You block-headed idiot! How dare you hurt yourself to help me. I’m not worth suffering pain for.” I shoved his chest and felt guilty when he stumbled.
“I’m a selfish, conceded bitch who abandoned the people I cared about when they needed me most.” I was fighting back tears by the end of this.
I almost went over the edge when I heard Deric chuckle. “Aleca, you saved everyone in this country. Your running away saved Robin, Hailee, and those girls from the caves. Aleca, you’re a hero.”
“A hero, my ass,” I mumbled angrily. I put my hands on my hips and continued my glowering. Then a thought occurred to me so I put away my pissed off persona and smiled sweetly at Derric. I slathered some sweet sugary honey on my voice and said, “Derric could I talk to you alone for a moment please.” When I said the word please I dropped my voice to what I hoped was a husky purr.
Derric shook his head a little it but followed me into the trees just the same. Once we were far enough that I was positive Derric’s men couldn’t see or hear us I turned on my heel and launched myself at Derric. He reacted faster than I expected but I was still able to get a good grip around his neck. Because of my momentum we both stumbled until he hit a tree and stopped. I let the energy that burns inside of me like a sun pour over Derric as I held tight. When he realized what I was doing he growled and tried to shove me off but I held on tight.
I realized that no normal human is strong enough to make me work so hard to hold on but while I was distracted with that thought my grip loosened and suddenly I was airborne flying backwards through the trees. On instinct I grabbed a branch from above my head and swung myself up so that I was crouching on top of it and hissed at Derric.
I shoved my rational mind to the back of my head and became the hunter that I had been for the last few months. As I did this my skin turned sapphire blue then blend into my surroundings rendering me almost invisible. I watched Derric through slitted eyes as he looked for me. When I was sure he hadn’t seen me I slowly crept
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