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him. He is a monster.


The pain still wouldn’t go away, it was unbearable. I let out the loud screams I had been holding back. I was in the middle of the woods so far away from home. I knew no one could hear me. I screamed until the darkness finally consumed me. Deep down I hoped that I would never come out of the darkness. I wanted it to take me away and never let me return. I never wanted to wake up.


(Robert P.O.V)


she ran. She actually ran away from me. My mate didn’t want me. I dropped to my knees as the tears fell from my eyes. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. She was supposed to be happy, we were supposed to be happy. But she ran away. I had never let myself cry, no matter what I had never cried. But the pain in my heart was killing me, knowing my mate didn’t want me. I knew she would be shocked but I never thought she wouldn’t want me.


After a few minutes I stood, the pain made me want to fall to the floor again but I knew the halls would be full of students any minute and I didn’t want them to see their future alpha sitting on the ground crying like a baby. I slowing walked through the doors of the school and went to my car. Once I was safely locked away in my car I let the sobs take over.


My entire body shook with pain. I barely knew her but she had my heart the moment I laid eyes on her and she broke it. I was breaking. I need my mate. Werewolves are nothing without their mates. My pack would need thereQueen.


I know I have to find a way for her to fall in love with me. I’m not going to stop until she is in my arms. She is my mate and she will be mine forever. I will have my Queen no matter what it takes.


Seeing A Lycian

(Alisha P.O.V)


I awoke to the sound of howls in the distance. It was dark, I had to know idea where I was. I tried looking around for any signs to tell me where I was, but the moment I tried to move my body ached with so much pain I cried out. I pushed through the pain and stood to my feet only to fall back on the ground due to the unbearable pain that shot through my foot. I couldn’t see very far because it was so dark, my mind raced as I tried to remember how I got here. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.


He said we were mates and I ran like the coward I used to be. I hated myself for being so stupid, I let that scared little girl push back through and look where that got me.... in the middle of the woods.... late at night...tried standing again but it was no use, my ankle hurt too much. I don’t know how I’m going to get home but I really don’t even know which way to go to get out of here. Great. I guess I suck here. In the woods.... in the middle of the night..... cold.... alone.... and in pain... This is what I get for letting that scared little girl come back. I was mentally scolding myself until I heard a branch breaking. My heart raced as I quickly turned toward the sound.


Through the blackness, I saw glowing yellow eyes staring at me. I tried to get up and run but I couldn’t because of my ankle.


I almost started to cry but then I remembered that being scared is what got me here in the first place. The tears were gone before they even left my eyes. The eyes started getting bigger as they neared me, but my stern face never wavered. I knew that it was a big animal and I didn’t stand a chance but at this point, I didn’t care. If I was meant to die then I would but I was not going to cry. I was going down as strong as I could.


Finally I the animal stepped into the light of the moon and my heart almost came out of my chest at what was standing before me. It was a Lycian.... not only a Lycian. It was all black and the size of him.... it was incredible. I’ve known werewolves and Lycian all my life from the books Griselda has given me to read but I’ve never actually seen one in Lycian form but there is a difference in the photo of Lycian I have seen in the book and the one who was standing before me.


He kept walking towards me but taking slow steps almost as if he didn’t want to scare me. His eyes are pitch black and his canines are poking out of his lips. Long talons are extending out of its hands. The way he is regarding me makes the hair at the back of my neck stand up.


The creature standing before me looks dangerous and capable of killing me in a blink of an eye. But the strange thing is I didn’t feel scared of it, in fact, I feel attracted to it like something is pulling me toward it.


Every step he takes towards me, I back away from him until my head hit the tree and I black out, but before I black out I feel a pair of strong arms picking me up from the ground and I don’t know why I feel safe in those arms like nothing or nobody can hurt me as long as I’m in those arms.


(Robert P.O.V)


After she left and after I make a determination to get her back and make her mine, my Lycian claw on my mind to let him out to out some steam. So I go to the forest which is just next to our school and let him take over me.


After sometime when he cools down a little after scolding me and accusing me he let me take back control of my body and then it hit me the smell of my mate.


*What is she doing here in a forest especially at this time it was almost dark* I thought and follow her intoxicating smell of strawberries and chocolate and saw her sitting on the ground and she heads some dried blood on her forehead. I hope she was okay and not badly injured.


I walk towards her slowly and cautiously not wanting to scare her. At first, she sits there and watches me in a daze until she gets out of her daze when I increased my speed a little and started to back away from me and hit her head with a tree. I run towards her and pick her in my arms gently not wanting to hurt her any more than she already was and started running towards my castle.


As I reach there I mind link Dr. Emma to be ready to check my mate. I put her gently on the hospital bed and run to my room in lightning speed to get dressed and come back to my mate. I wait in the waiting room while pacing around the room worried about my mate for Dr. Emma to come and tells me about her condition.


As soon as she comes out of her room I run towards her.


"How is she?" I ask getting impatient.


"She hit her head pretty hard and sprain her ankle, she will not get up until one day and can't be able to walk for a month but there is nothing serious to worried about, you can go and see her if you want but don't disturb her she needs her rest," she said and walk out of there and I walk to my mate's room t see her. After sitting next to her for some time I get up from there and go to my room to have some sleep.



Waking up in a hospital

(Alisha P.O.V)


I awoke to an annoying beeping sound. I just wanted it to stop so I could go back to sleep. I opened my eyes to see what was making the sound but was immediately blinded by the brightest lights in the world. I sighed and tried to roll over but was stopped because of the pain all over my body. I opened my eyes again to see that I was in a strange room like a hospital.


My ankle was wrapped up in a cast. Just as I started to panic and woman walked through the door. She saw me and the smile on her face grew. “You are awake! That is great! You’ve been out for almost two days.”


I knew my face held a confused look. So many questions ran through my head and without even noticing it they started coming out of my mouth. “Who are you? Where am I? How did I get here? What do you mean I’ve been out for almost two days? What the heck is going on?!”


She stared at me shocked by my outburst. “My name is Emma and I am the pack doctor. The Kings son brought you in the other night, you passed out due to the pain coming from your ankle which was broken in two places.”


The only part that sucks in my mind, however, was that the king’s son brought me in... Robert... He was the Lycian from the woods. Before I could say anything else a girl about my age, maybe a little older, walked through the door. She had long brown hair and blue eyes We made eye contact and she started bouncing up and down, clapping her hands. “Oh my gosh! You’re finally awake! This is so exciting!”


Did I know this girl?.... “Uhhhh I’m sorry but do I know you?”
She raced over to me. “No you don’t but my name is Olivia! I’ve been waiting so long to meet you! My brother will probably be here any second now that you are awake.”

I had a feeling I knew who she was talking about but I had to hear it be sure. “Your brother?”


she let out a little laugh “Yea I’m Robert’s Older sister!”


Just as his name left her mouth the heart monitor next to my bed started beeping fast. The doctor rushed over and shut the machine off. They both looked at me but I just stared at my hands not making eye contact. “Is there any chance

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